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Fitting Nutrition into a Busy Lifestyle
Sports Nutrition
Official Sports Nutrition Supplier
Sports Nutrition
Official Sports Nutrition Supplier
fitting nutrition into a busy lifestyle
Most athletes try to juggle their training with busy work and home lives and this can sometimes mean that
factors such as nutrition are neglected. Here are some top tips on how you can incorporate nutritional
strategies into your busy lifestyle to help keep you on track with your training and performance.
Get Organised
If you want to get the most out of your training, you’re going to have to get prepared. Planning ahead and
knowing what meals you’re going to eat is a very important factor in getting nutrition right. It will allow you
to tailor your nutrient intake to meet energy requirements and ensure you are getting healthy balanced
meals throughout the day. Making a lunch the night before work might seem like a lot of effort, but it will
play a key role in ensuring you don’t overconsume on processed and packaged foods. This also counts
for snacks. Make sure you are prepared and take some healthy snacks with you when you are out for
long periods of time. This means that whenever hunger strikes, you can indulge in your healthy snack
rather than popping into a convenience shop where you’re more likely to end up with a high fat, high
sugar snack. Track your daily intake by keeping a food diary, you will be more conscious of what you
are consuming as a result – try using a phone app (such as My Fitness Pal) as a quick and convenient
tracking tool. Finally, ensure you schedule a time to get to the shops to buy all the ingredients you will
need to last the week.
Sports Nutrition
Official Sports Nutrition Supplier
Stock Up
Even if you are prepared with your meals, there will likely be a time when you haven’t got a plan and need
to make a meal quickly whilst ensuring it is still nutritious. Therefore, try to stock up on some staple healthy
food options to ensure that when you need to, you can quickly make some food which doesn’t deviate
from your usual healthy meals. Some good things to have stored in the cupboard or fridge include:
• Brown rice
• Quinoa
• Wholemeal Pasta
• Frozen meat (ideally lean meat like turkey / chicken and of good quality!)
• Tins of tuna
• Chopped tomatoes
• A variety of herbs and spices
onstant supply of fruit and veg (include frozen veg - veg that is frozen as soon as it
is harvested preserves a lot of its nutrients. It can be kept in the freezer for a long
time and used whenever you need it).
Don’t Skip Meals
Many people use their busy schedules as an excuse for over indulging, but some people do the
opposite and actually forget to eat. This can be extremely detrimental to your training as you are likely to
be under-fuelled and underprepared. Make a point of stopping, even for 10 minutes, to eat a proper meal.
This is even more important on training days and especially if you are training after work. You will not
be able to train to your best if you haven’t eaten! This also counts for your recovery after long and intense
sessions. It is very important that you do not skip your recovery meal because you are “too busy”.
If you have somewhere to be after your training, make sure you prepare your recovery meal in advance.
A great and convenient way of ensuring you don’t miss your recovery is by using recovery shakes
such as the Etixx Recovery Shake. They can be made up quickly to use on the go and provide you with
carbohydrates for muscle glycogen replenishment, protein for muscle repair and vitamins and minerals
to further enhance recovery. Remember though, a recovery shake is not enough to promote full recovery
and you should continue to recover with a meal containing carbohydrates and protein +/- 2 hours after
the end of your session.
Make sensible choices
However prepared you are, there will always be a time where you are left needing to buy some food; be it a
social occasion or because you left your lunch at home! In this situation, just make sure you make sensible
choices based around what you would usually eat. Base your choices around your usual macronutrient
intake (i.e. some carbohydrates, some protein and some fruit/veg).
Sports Nutrition
Official Sports Nutrition Supplier
A good example of lunch might be a sandwich with wholegrain bread, lean meat filling, salad and no mayo
with a piece of fruit. If you find yourself having to eat out at a restaurant, look for words such as boiled,
steamed and grilled as these are likely to be healthier options. When choosing a side, avoid the chips
and go for a more staple option, like green vegetables. Be mindful of salads as they can sometimes be
made quite unhealthy when they’re covered in dressing and be careful of covering your food in condiments
as they too can quickly add up, especially in sugar content and cause you to go way over on energy
When you’re very busy and on the go it can be hard to ensure you are getting enough essential nutrients
from your diet and therefore you may want to consider supplementation. Some helpful daily supplements
to support your training are:
agnesium: magnesium can be found in the diet in food such as leafy green vegetables, nuts
and chickpeas. It plays an important role in muscle contraction and energy production and a large
deficiency of magnesium causes structural damage to muscle cells. Magnesium supplements, such
as the Etixx Magnesium Absorption +, can help to reduce fatigue, regulate muscle function and
contribute to electrolyte balance.
• Iron: Iron-rich foods include chicken, turkey, sardines and spinach and it plays a key role in oxygen
transportation, energy production and immune function. Deficiencies in iron are most common in
women, vegetarians and long distance runners and therefore iron supplements, such as Etixx Iron
Absorption+ can have significant benefits for athletes.
tixx Energy Release- This provides you with a unique blend of vitamins and minerals as well as guarana
and green coffee for a natural caffeine boost. This would be particularly useful during periods of high
intensity training where there are huge demands on an athlete and can play a key role in providing you
with the right nutrients to prevent feelings of fatigue or lack of energy.
These supplements provide you with the optimal dose of nutrients and are specifically designed for
maximal absorption. This is much harder to obtain from food sources and therefore supplementation
can be a great way of knowing that you’re getting all the nutrients you need.