Download Name: Date 6th grade - ______ Mrs. Collazo Science I. Questions: 1

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Name: _______________________________________ Date ______________________________________
6th grade - ______ Mrs. Collazo Science
I. Questions:
1. What is an archaea?
a. Aggressive cells
b. Smallest cells
c. Prokaryotes that are fragile
d. Prokaryotes that live in extreme conditions
2. Which is not one of the three major domains?
a. Archaea b. Fungi c. Bacteria d. Eukarya
3. Which domain includes the "extremophiles," organisms often found living in extreme conditions?
a. Archaea b. Prokarya c. Bacteria d. Eukarya
4. This domain contains plants, animals, fungi and protists.
a. Archaea b. Mammalia c. Bacteria d. Eukarya
5. Some life forms in this kingdom can survive in extreme environments including hot springs, salt water
lakes, and intestines of animals.
a. Archaea b. Fungi c. Bacteria d. Eukarya
6. Which term describes Archaea?
a. Eukaryote
b. prokaryote
7. Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are the domains?
a. Bacteria and Protista
b. Bacteria and Archaea c. Archaea and Monera
d. Bacteria and Eukarya
e. Eukarya and Monera
8. What kingdom do mushrooms belong to?
a. Fungi
b. Plantae
c. Bacteria
9. What kingdom does pneumonia belong?
a. Archaea b. fungi
c. plantea
d. Archaea
d. bacteria
e. animalia
10. The 2 domains composed of only unicellular organisms are .
a. Fungi and Bacteria
b. Archaea and Fungi
c. Protists and Bacteria
d. Archaea and Bacteria
11. Which is not true of members of the domain archaea?
a. They are single celled organism
d. They can survive in extreme environments
b. They are prokaryotes
e. Some can make their own food but others cannot
c. They have the same chemical makeup as bacteria
12. Which domain does the kingdom Protista belong to?
a. Bacteria
b. Eukarya
c. Archaea
d. None of the Above
13. What kingdom does not eat or make its own food, it absorbs it?
a. Bacteria
b. Plantae
c. Archaea
d. Fungi
14. Organisms are placed into three
a. Species
b. Domains
called Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
c. Classrooms
d. Groups
15. Archaea and bacteria are simple, single-celled organisms.
a. True
b. False
16. Protists, archaea, and bacteria are similar in that they are all prokaryotes.
a. True
b. False
17. Unicellular organisms are members of which kingdoms?
a. Animalia, Archaea, Plantae b. Archaea, Bacteria, Prostista
c. Bacteria, Fungi, Plantae
18. Eukaryotic organisms are found in all of the Kingdoms, except Protista and Archaea.
a. True
b. False
19. Complete the chart
Has a nucleus?
Is considered living?
Can reproduce on its
Has membrane bound
Has DNA?
Needs a host cell to
20. Write the three types of bacteria and forms
Types Bacteria
21. Virus Shapes
1. Crystal