Download ONE REALITY A wizened old man, carrying a Book of Hours, had

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A wizened old man, carrying a Book of Hours, had listened to this and was the next to speak.
“But what then is Real?”
Almustafa opened the book at a certain page, pointed, then said;
“You seek Reality, and yet it has already found you, my friend. It is merely your perception that is
unaware of where you really are. And what. And who.
The long-forgotten alchemists have forever said ‘As above, so below’, but I say also ‘As Without, so
Within’. For our bodies exactly mirror the galaxies; numberless atoms circling each other in an
endless dance, held together by gravity. And by faith in that next step onwards.
Indeed, you are the world. All of it; but in microcosm. And yet your own small heart easily contains as
much love as the most expansive star. For just as the physical is visible spirit, and spirit is invisible
nature, so you are Reality incarnate.
Yet your body is but one of your worlds.
All of them real. But most as yet unexplored.
Hidden by your not-knowing. And its fear of the unknown.
Yet you are not un-knowing.
You – yes, all of you – often glimpse a truth but are unaware of what it is you see. Look deeper. That
you will see clearer.
Even so, take care not to mistake reality for its reflection.
For Knowledge is not Wisdom. And illusion is as easy to see as the Moon’s bright face in a pool. And
just as difficult to grasp.”
The old man tugged at his scrawny beard as if caught between two opposing thoughts, and eventually
spoke again.
“So what exactly is ‘knowing’ ?”
“To Know is to become aware of how all things relate to all else. And once you understand that the
world’s Reality is not necessarily yours, its actions will appear much more obvious rather than
increasingly complex.
Yet to do this, you must first forget all you already know, or think you know, and begin your journey
again; as full of wonder & awe as a new-born babe.
To open your mind, and beyond, to the rest of existence is the metaphysical equivalent of staring deep
into your own eyes. And you need to approach your void with a completely blank page, like the stillest
lake, whereupon you can build a brand-new set of experiences. Without preconceptions. Or
Indeed, your biggest challenge is to bring along a Past you’re reasonably at ease with. Any lingering
doubts, regrets, grudges, skeletons, unfinished business or unrequited loves will easily disturb the
mirror-like surface of Reality and reveal false images of what lies below.”
Almustafa could feel the crowd’s attention wandering but the old man was close enough to get there.
“My friend, you are one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met; but Wisdom comes from
understanding & awareness, not through learning. You have spent many years seeking all of the
world’s knowledge, and have finally realised that it is not possible to know all. This realisation is your
first glimpse of the real Moon. And of your real Self.
For, in truth, your innate desire to seek has never been to unlock the mysteries of immeasurable space
& time, but to unveil the even greater vastness of your own Self. Aye, like so many, you have been
looking for the one Reality in the wrong place.
You have limped along Life’s highway for many a year. But now you ready to join its dance.”
Some of the crowd took this rather literally, and Almustafa smiled to himself. And spoke louder.
“Not-knowing everything in the Universe is not ignorance.
But not-wanting to Know the Universe is.”
The dancing suddenly stopped and the old man went on his way. He understood that his years of
searching had indeed been fruitless, yet were not wasted; for they had brought him here and now. And
now he knew where to seek. And what.
Almustafa watched him fade into the distance, only half-hoping the crowd had not noticed his little