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US History
Name ___________________________
Notes: Civil War 1
Mr. Stepanek
Causes & Events Leading to the Civil War
**The Civil War is the __________________ war in American history. More Americans will die in the Civil War than all
wars through Korea (1953) put together.**
1. ___________________alism
- during the 1800’s, America became ___________________ into sections with different cultural &
economic ways of _________
This map shows the regional breakdown of the
United States during the late 1800’s – this became
known as sectionalism – this was caused by
different political beliefs, ways of life (culture),
and economic needs (jobs) between the North,
South, and West – sectionalism will be a major
contributor to the outbreak of the Civil War
= ______________ – manufacturing (factories), shipping, & fishing
= ______________ – mostly farming cotton (plantations) – relied on slavery
= ______________ – mostly farming grain (new breadbasket of U.S.) – ship food to North and South
**many Americans felt greater _______________ to their region than the country**
Further analysis: The North prospered with manufacturing (factories) in largely populated cities and did not agree with slavery, the South prospered with cotton and
tobacco farming (cash crops) on plantations that relied greatly on slavery, the West prospered with wheat and grain farming (food) on the Great Plains and for the most part
did not agree with slavery.
Predictions / Discussion
1. If North and South fought a war, who would you predict to win? Why?
2. Which side would the West most likely join? Why?
3. Why would the West be a powerful ally?
2. Missouri Compromise (1820)
- in 1820 there were ______ states in America
- _____ free states and ______ slave states (equal)
- _______________ (free) wants to join as the 23rd state
- free states would have an ___________________ (not equal) in Congress
= ________________ (slave) joins as the 24th state
= _____ free states and _____ slave states (equal again)
The Missouri Compromise admitted
Maine and Missouri as the 23rd and
24th states – this allowed equal
representation between free and
slave states – the compromise also
set up a boundary at 36° 30° N that
stated no slave states could be
formed north of the boundary
3. Mexican War Ends (1848)
- America wins new ______________________ (New Mexico and Utah territories) from Mexico
= South wants to ______________ slavery into new territories
= ___________ is determined to stop them
Texas and Florida became slave states, Iowa and
Wisconsin became free states (equal) – with the new
land obtained from the Mexican War, both North and
South wanted to increase their power in Congress and
will debate the issue of slavery in the new territories –
California (1849’ers) will become the next territory to
have a large enough population to become a state –
they will choose to be free (not equal)
4. Compromise of 1850
- California (free) asks to join the Union as the _____st state
- there is no other state to join as a slave state to keep the _________________
= California ________ ___________ as a free state (more free states)
= _____________________ passes the Fugitive Slave Law (law the South really wanted)
- Fugitive Slave Law = police in Northern free states must ______________ escaped slaves to their owners
After debate in Congress, the Compromise of 1850 admitted California as
a state (satisfied the North) and passed the Fugitive Slave Law (satisfied
the South)
The Fugitive Slave Law sent many freed slaves back to the South – most were severely
beaten and abused upon their return – under the Compromise of 1850, many northern
policemen enforced the Fugitive Slave Law
5. ___________ _________ Cabin (1852)
- novel written by Harriet Beecher __________
- gives a _________________ look at the ________________ and __________ of slavery
= becomes a best selling book
= makes northerners _________ slavery even more
= most northerners _____________ the Fugitive Slave Law
A daughter is separated from her mother at a slave auction in the South – under the system of
slavery, this was very common – slaves were auctioned and sold the same as cattle – Uncle Tom’s
Cabin accurately depicted these brutalities of slavery
A slave who had been beaten many times – there
were no laws in the South against beating a slave –
slaves were viewed as property, not people
6. Kansas Nebraska Act (1854)
- people in these territories are allowed to __________ whether they want to become a free or slave state
- popular ____________________________ = right to vote free/slave
= “_________________________ Kansas”
- brutal fighting between ________ and __________-slave settlers
- hundreds die on both sides
- John Brown arrives and begins to ___________________ slave owners (see Brown’s Raid on next page)
= formation of the ____________________________ (anti-slavery) party
Abolitionists and pro-slavery
settlers in the Kansas and
Nebraska fought over whether
slavery should be permitted in
the new territories – the
fighting was very brutal and
bloody on both sides
John Brown was an abolitionist
who used violence and
terrorism to stop the spread of
slavery in the United States –
after “Bleeding Kansas” Brown
will change his appearance and
plan a major revolt in the South
(Harper’s Ferry, VA)
7. Dred Scott v. Sandford (1856)
- Dred Scott was a slave from _______________________ (slave state)
- Scott’s owner moved to _____________________ (free state) and lived there for 7 years
= Scott sued for his __________________________
= ____________________ Court decided
a. Dred Scott was not a ____________________, therefore could not sue
b. slaves are ______________________ and owners can take them anywhere
= Court’s decision upsets many _____________________________
The Dred Scott case allowed owners to move their
slaves from slave states to free states – the slave was
viewed as property – this enraged abolitionists
8. John Brown’s Raid (1859)
- terrorist abolitionist, John Brown and his gang captures federal _____________ (guns) at Harper’s Ferry,
- Brown wants to start a massive slave ____________ with the guns
= Brown is captured and ______________
= many southerners are angry at Brown
= many northerners view Brown as a __________
Brown and his men
are surrounded by
U.S. soldiers –
Brown’s Raid failed
because slaves on
the surrounding VA
plantations did not
stand up and revolt
as Brown had
planned – most
slaves in the area
did not believe the
raid would be a
success – Brown
and his men were
either killed during
the raid or caught
and hanged
John Brown grew his beard
to change his appearance
before the raid in VA
Famous painting, “Prelude to War” – many saw Brown’s Raid as the prelude (what happened first) to the
Civil War – this was the first act of violence between North and South – in less than 2 years, the Civil War
would begin
9. Election of 1860
- Democrat, Stephen A. Douglas v. Anti-Slavery Republican, Abraham ____________________
- South Carolina threatens to _____________ (leave) if Lincoln wins election
- South doesn’t like Douglas and has its own Southern Democrat run for President (_____ candidates)
= this __________ the Democrats votes
= Lincoln wins with less than _________ the vote
= South Carolina secedes
= President Buchanan does ___________________
10. South Secedes From the Union (1861)
Lincoln and Douglas
- southern states form the ________________________
- Jefferson __________ becomes President of the Confederacy
- Abraham Lincoln is President of the ___________
= Fort _______________ (Charleston, South Carolina) is attacked by the _____________
= this starts the Civil War
Fort Sumter is on an
island off the coast of
Charleston, SC – this was
a strategic fort for the
South to obtain – on April
12th, 1861 Confederate
batteries opened fire on
Fort Sumter – the next
day the Union army
surrendered the fort to the
Confederacy – the Civil
War had begun