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Module B Assessment Anchor B.1
Cell Growth and Reproduction
Describe the three stages of the cell cycle.
a. Interphase
i. Gap 1
1. The cell is performing normal duties
2. Cell is growing
ii. Synthesis
1. DNA is replicated
iii. Gap 2
1. The cell undergoes additional growth
2. Replicates organelles
b. Nuclear division
i. The DNA is divided
ii. Mitosis divides nuclear material once
1. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
iii. Meiosis divides nuclear material twice
1. Prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, prophase II,
metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II
c. Cytokinesis
i. Cytoplasm is divided
1. Animal cells pinch causing a cleavage point
2. Plant cells produce a cell plate (beginnings of a cell wall)
Compare the process and outcomes mitotic and meiotic nuclear division
a. Mitotic division results in
i. Two cells
ii. Full number of chromosomes
iii. Genetically identical to one another
iv. Can be used for asexual reproduction
b. Meiotic division results in
i. Four cells
ii. Half the number of chromosomes
iii. Genetically unique
iv. Used for sexual reproduction
Describe how the process of DNA replication results in the transmission and/or conservation
of genetic information.
a. DNA replication
i. produces identical copies of DNA
ii. Uses a semiconservative copy technique
iii. Copies are then transferred to new cells through mitosis or meiosis
Explain the functional relationship between DNA, genes, alleles, and chromosomes and their
roles in inheritance.
a. DNA is the universal code of life
b. DNA codes for traits in segments called genes (trait: eye color)
c. Genes can have varieties called alleles (allele for eye color: brown, blue, or green)
d. Chromosomes are structures made of DNA that contain several genes