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Final Paper
GEOG 582 (Spring 2008)
Matt Stuemky
Submitted: May 12, 2008
University of Southern California
Department of Geography
Geographic Information Science & Technology (GIST) program
To what extent does MySQL 5.0 conform to the Relational Model as
defined by Codd’s Twelve Rules?
In 1970, IBM research scientist Dr. E.F. Codd introduced the relational data model, which had a
tremendous and immediate impact on the computer science field. Within a decade, his model found its way
into real-world implementations within many fields and industries, transforming the way people store and
access information in databases. Databases built on the fundamental structural, manipulation, and integrity
elements of Codd’s relational model have been commonplace since the 1980s.
In 1985, Codd published a paper listing twelve rules that define the ideal relational database. The
foundations of most database systems are based on Codd’s relational model and these twelve rules. To date,
no single relational database management system (RDBMS) satisfactorily conforms to all twelve of these rules,
including MySQL.
The following is a definition of each of Codd’s Twelve Rules accompanied by a short analysis of how
well each one is conformed to in MySQL 5.0.
Rule 1: The Information Rule
All information stored inside a database must be logically represented in only one way: as values inside
tables. Each table consists of a grid of columns and rows. Each column (also known as a field or attribute) is a
property that describes a single, atomic piece of data. Each row (also known as a record or tuple) is a
collection of these columns of data and represents “a single fact” (Kalis, 2003) of information.
All data in a MySQL database is available at the logical level as values in tables and, like every other
RDBMS, fully conforms to Codd’s First Rule, a fundamental, essential aspect of the relational model.
Rule 2: Guaranteed Access Rule
Every atomic value in a database can easily be accessed with a table name, a primary key value, and a
column name. This rule emphasizes the fundamental aspect of the relational model, which requires the use of
primary keys to uniquely identify each row of data in a table.
MySQL fully conforms to Codd’s second rule as a way to uniquely identify and access every value in a
database. Example: SELECT Name FROM Country WHERE Country_ID = 8;
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Rule 3: Systematic treatment of Null values
A NULL value must be used to indicate unknown or missing values in a relational database. Whether
the column is defined to store text, numeric, Boolean, or other data, the absence of a value there must always
be represented by a NULL value.
MySQL 5.0 appears to conform to Codd’s third rule where the use of the NULL keyword literally means
no data. MySQL differentiates a NULL value from values such as 0 for numeric data types or the empty string
('') for string data types. However, several exceptions are noted in Appendix B of the MySQL Reference
Manual. Here it states, “For some data types, MySQL handles NULL values specially. If you insert NULL into a
TIMESTAMP column, the current date and time is inserted. If you insert NULL into an integer or floating-point
column that has the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute, the next number in the sequence is inserted.” (MySQL AB,
2008, B.1.5.3)
Rule 4: Dynamic relational online catalog
Brawley and Fuller (2008) state “The method of interrogating the structure of the data must be
identical to the method of interrogating the data itself.” (Chapter 1) Metadata refers to data that is used to
describe data. In a relational database, this metadata must exist in order to describe the structure of the userdefined tables and how they are related. The “online catalog” is essentially a data dictionary, and should be
able to be queried as a relational table in the same way as regular, user-defined tables.
MySQL implements Codd’s Fourth Rule by using system-defined tables, known specifically as
INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, to provide access to database metadata (MySQL AB, 2008, Chapter 22).
These tables contain information on table structures, relationships between tables, and constraints.
Rule 5: Comprehensive Data Sublanguage
There must be at least one comprehensive language used to handle the creating of table structures,
viewing and manipulation the data inside the tables, handling integrity constraints, establishing security, and
perform transactional processing.
MySQL 5.0 uses the Structured Query Language (SQL), a non-procedural (declarative) language, to
satisfy the requirements of Codd’s Fifth Rule for a comprehensive data query language.
implementation of SQL is very similar to, but has some slightly different syntax than, other RDBMS that also
use SQL.
The user manual documentation also provides several specific examples where the MySQL
implementation syntactically differs from industry standard ANSI SQL and ODBC SQL but I don’t think this
violates Codd’s Fifth Rule in any way.
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Rule 6: View Updating Rule
In a relational database a user can look at data directly in the tables, or the user can be permitted to
look at the data using views. A view is essentially a “virtual table” that is dynamically created using a query, by
specifying a combination of rows and columns, from one or more tables. A user can use a view to look at data
but the user should also be able to change the data, making the view capable of update operations, which
should automatically update the underlying tables.
Codd’s Sixth Rule seems to be the first rule where some RDBMS, including MySQL 5.0, fail to fully
conform. Although Chapter 21 of the reference manual indicates that views, including updatable views, are
implemented in MySQL 5.0, it seems that MySQL only supports view updates that use a single underlying
table. Digging deeper into the user manual, in the Restrictions on Views section, it states “You cannot use
UPDATE to update more than one underlying table of a view that is defined as a join.” and “You cannot use
DELETE to update a view that is defined as a join.” (MySQL AB, 2008, F.4.)
It seems then that MySQL 5.0 only partially conforms to Codd’s Sixth Rule because updateable views
are not possible in all scenarios. This may be a SQL language based limitation more than anything else. The
reference manual states that the intent is to comply with Codd’s Sixth Rule “as much as possible”, citing wordfor-word his definition: “All views that are theoretically updatable, should in practice also be updatable.”
(MySQL B, 2008, To me, this implies that they’re giving themselves some wiggle room, a way to
allow for the limitations in MySQL with updateable views.
Rule 7: High-level insert, update, and delete
The ability to perform powerful, even complex insert, update, and delete operations on sets of data
must be supported rather than just insert, update, and delete operations for a single record (row) at a time.
That is, data must be able to be retrieved from multiple rows in a single table or multiple rows from multiple
In MySQL 5.0 as with other RDBMS, SQL syntax provides the means by which full conformity with
Codd’s Seventh Rule is achieved. The use of SQL keywords such as JOIN and UNION can be used to perform
select queries of multiple tables combined with insert, update, and delete operations.
UPDATE Table1 t1
JOIN Table2 t2 on t1.ID=t2.t1ID
JOIN Table3 t3 on t2.ID=t3.t2ID
SET t1.Value=12345
WHERE t3.ID=54321
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Rule 8: Physical data independence
Users and software applications should not need to see, depend upon, or even necessarily know about
the underlying physical data structure of a database. If the access methods change or underlying physical
storage changes (for example, how and where the data is stored on hard drives and/or optical drives), it
should be completely transparent to the users and applications.
MySQL 5.0 and other RDBMS prevent users and applications from having to worry about how and
where data is physically stored and therefore fully conform to Codd’s Eighth Rule. Indexes in MySQL can be
added or removed without disrupting the physical data structure of a database or affecting the user queries
(other than possible performance-related issues).
Rule 9: Logical Data Independence
The logical structure of a database can be and most likely will need to change over time. Users and
applications should not be affected by any changes made to the logical structure, whether it is adding or
removing columns to a table, making two tables out of one, changing the relations between tables, etc.
In reality, achieving full conformity to Codd’s Ninth Rule is difficult to achieve. In MySQL 5.0 as with
other RDBMS, it really depends on the scope of the changes itself that determines whether or not the users
and applications will be affected by changes to the logical structure. For example, removing several columns
from a table structure that are specifically referenced in a SELECT query will most likely cause an error.
Other more modest table structure changes, such as inserting columns between existing ones, or
rearranging their order, can generally be done in MySQL 5.0 without causing a SELECT query to fail. Example:
A table named Country is currently defined with columns in the following sequence: Country_ID, Name,
Hemisphere but then that logical structure is changed by inserting a new column called President after
Country_ID and rearranging the order so that Hemisphere comes before Name. Performing a SELECT query
using column names in the original sequence, and without referencing the newly-added column, should have
no impact on the results of the query.
SELECT Country_ID, Name, Hemisphere FROM
Rule 10: Integrity Independence:
Data integrity must be part of the database itself, enforcing correctness and consistency of the data.
Any changes made to integrity constraints should not directly affect users or applications.
MySQL 5.0 partially conforms to Codd’s Tenth Rule. For example, basic features are part of the MySQL
RDBMS such as entity integrity to protect primary keys so they cannot have NULL values and referential
integrity to assure that all non-NULL foreign keys have a matching primary key value from the same domain.
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However, Brawley and Fuller (2008) state that it remains possible to create tables which bypass both
integrity constraints in MySQL 5.0 (although they did not elaborate how), and the use of triggers, which are
programmable actions that reside in the RDBMS, often used to help maintain integrity, are not as fully
implemented in MySQL 5.0 as it is in other RDBMS. So while MySQL 5.0 has been substantially improved
compared to earlier versions of MySQL for handling integrity constraints, it is still possible that applications
themselves may still need to use their own integrity checks because MySQL 5.0 cannot fully provide it.
Rule 11: Distribution Independence
A RDBMS should be able to work with distributed databases, which includes the joining of data from
tables located on different servers (distributed queries) and from different RDBMS (heterogeneous queries).
Similar to Codd’s physical and logical data independence rules, the user and applications should not be aware
that a database is distributed.
The literature does not make it abundantly clear where MySQL 5.0 stands with regard to conformity
with Codd’s Eleventh Rule, although the reference manual refers to the use of MySQL Clusters, which is a
group of computers working together to support a distributed database (MySQL AB, 2008, 17.14.) Brawley
and Fuller (2008) state that MySQL Version 5.03 introduced new storage engines which violate Codd’s rule but
provide no further information. Overall, the implication is that MySQL 5 has at least some support for
distributed databases, and therefore partially conforms to Codd’s rule, but it’s likely not fully supported and
somewhat “rough around the edges” to implement.
Rule 12: Non-subversion Rule
If the RDBMS supports a low-level language, it should not be allowed to circumvent (subvert) data
integrity and constraints, and otherwise violate any of the previous eleven rules. This non-subversion rule
relates more to database interfaces such as ADO and DAO (among others) that can manipulate a single record
at a time versus the higher level language such as SQL which can operate on multiple records at a time.
I was unable to dig up any substantive information on how MySQL 5.0 implements support for Codd’s
Twelfth Rule. Although not an expert with ADO and DAO interfaces, I have worked with both before, and can
easily believe that they and other low-level interfaces and languages such as C could be used to violate all
sorts of integrity rules and constraints in a relational database, once the connectivity had been established.
My best guess is that MySQL 5.0 does not provide protections from this or, if protection measures do exist,
they are limited at best and could fairly easily be circumvented.
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Some Final thoughts
Based on the results of analyzing the capabilities of MySQL 5.0, it would seem that most but certainly
not all of Codd’s Twelve Rules are conformed to. The problematic ones for MySQL seem to be Rules 6, 9, 10,
11 and 12.
Codd also defined a “Rule 0” in addition to his famous Twelve Rules. He states, "For any system that is
advertised as, or claimed to be, a relational database management system, that system must be able to
manage databases entirely through its relational capabilities, no matter what additional capabilities the
system may support." (1990, pp. 16-17) In essence, he is saying that no matter what extra features might be
added to a DBMS, it can only be considered truly relational if it fully complies with the other Twelve Rules.
Codd and many have others have stated that no fully relational database yet exists. Rather, he has described
features of a pure, idealized relational database. I do not believe any RDBMS will ever fully conform to Codd’s
Twelve Rules.
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How have the assumptions of the Relational Model been relaxed to
accommodate geographic data?
In the strictest sense, geographic data does not lend itself to being stored inside a relational database.
Shekhar and Chawla (2003) discuss the abstraction of real-world spatial information into distinct, identifiable
entities – objects for representing real-world geographic features. Roads, houses, water pipes running
beneath these roads and houses, city parks, rivers, groves of giant Sequoia, National Forest boundaries – all
can be abstracted as objects, then broken down into simple geometries:
points, lines, polygons, and
aggregations of these. In a GIS, these geometries can be stored in databases and then retrieved to be used on
digital maps, making them recognizable for the real-world geographic features they represent.
As objects representing real-world geographic features, storing spatial data inside an object-oriented
database, theoretically, makes a lot of sense. Storing spatial data in a relational database, traditionally used
for business and transactional type data, does not. And yet, for a variety of reasons OODBMS are not the
favored choice among software vendors and the GIS industry. Instead, the solution has moved forcefully
towards enhancing the relational model to accommodate spatial data, resulting in the creation of the objectrelational model – which is manifested in object-relational database management systems (ORDBMS).
As a consequence, certain aspects of Codd’s original relational model, as well as his Twelve Rules
(never mind the other 333), have had to undergo amendments in order to allow various object-oriented
concepts such as objects, classes, methods, properties, and inheritance to co-exist within the relational
model’s logical structure of tables comprised of columns and rows. Additionally, those of the original Codd’s
Twelve Rules that are typically difficult to fully conform to in the pure relational model (Rules 6, 9, 10, 11 and
12) are likely even more challenging to conform to in an object-relational model.
For this exercise, a set of seven imaginary new rules, “Codd’s Rules for Spatial ORDBMS” have been
defined. Some are amendments to several of the original Codd’s Twelve Rules. These spatial ORDMS “rules”
incorporate major elements of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and specification for simple
features and spatial SQL (Herring, 2006), spatial topologies, multi-dimensional indexes, as well as some other
ideas. This set of “rules” is not meant to be a complete set but merely identify some of the main elements
that must be part of a spatial ORDBMS framework. They are meant to demonstrate how much the relational
model has been relaxed in order to accommodate object-oriented spatial data, resulting in more complex
RDBMS’ and the databases they house.
These “rules” will first be identified and defined below, and then three different vendor
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“Codd’s Rules for Spatial ORDBMS”
1. Information rule – framework for storing geospatial data
The ORDBMS must be able to support the storage and retrieval of geospatial data as defined in each of the
rules below. The ORDBMS must accommodate the storage of spatial objects by using multiple tables and
spatial data types, as well as provide support for storing spatial metadata, spatial reference systems
(coordinate systems) and transformations, multi-dimensional spatial indexes, and spatial relationships.
Spatial data must be allowed to co-exist in the same database with non-spatial data.
2. Simple features and geometry spatial data types
Support for geometry data types, including points, lines, polygons, and aggregations of these, must exist.
Composite objects, representing real-world geographic features, can be created by incorporating these
base spatial data types. Instances of these objects must be able to be stored and managed within the
logical framework of relational tables.
3. Comprehensive spatial data language (spatial SQL)
The ORDBMS must have a procedural language based on the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Simple
Features for SQL (SFSQL) specification. There must be methods for creating, updating, deleting, and
viewing spatial data in an object-relational database. There must also be methods to perform “spatial
analysis” including distance between two points, length of a line, area of a polygon, centroid of a polygon,
buffer, etc.
4. Topologies and methods for querying spatial relationships
The ORDBMS must support spatial topologies by storing and managing shared geometry (node, edge, and
face elements) and enforcing data integrity rules. The procedural language used in the ORDBMS must
support OGC specifications by having operators and methods to evaluate spatial relationships (geometries
are disjointed, intersect, touch, cross, overlap, contained by, etc.).
5. Spatial access methods (SAMs)
Single attribute index methods such as B-Trees are not suitable for indexing spatial data.
dimensional indexes must be available in the ORDBMS for efficient searches of spatial data.
6. Raster-based geospatial features
The ORDBMS must provide support for the storage and retrieval of raster-based geospatial features. This
rule is not directly based on OGC standards or specifications.
7. Seamless storage, retrieval and exchange of spatial data across distributed systems
The ORDBMS must allow storage, retrieval and exchange of data in spatially-enabled databases (queries of
both homogonous and heterogeneous databases) across distributed systems, including network servers
and the Internet for web-based systems. If necessary, the use of special interfaces (APIs) should exist to
provide seamless exchange of spatial data across these distributed systems.
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Oracle Spatial
Oracle Spatial is the most widely used enterprise spatial DBMS (SDBMS) with over 80% of the
enterprise spatial database market (Steiner, et al., 2007, p. 7). It is an add-on product that integrates directly
into the main Oracle RDBMS in order spatially-enable databases. It is intended to eliminate the need for a
separate, proprietary middleware products (ESRI ArcSDE or similar). It uses an object-relational model for
storing vector-based spatial data and is fully compliant with the OGC Simple Features Specification, including
the use the geometry base types for creating and storing two-dimensional spatial objects. It allows both
spatial and non-spatial data to co-exist within the same database. Although the OGC standard only supports
two-dimensional geometries, it is worth noting that Oracle Spatial also supports complex three-dimensional
geometries including point clouds (collections of points), surfaces, and solids using the SDO_GEOMETRY base
type. (Murray, 2007)
Oracle Spatial manages spatial relationships and provides a full set of operators and methods for
querying them. In addition, the Oracle Spatial Topology Data Model is used to manage a topology, storing
node, edge, and face elements. For multi-dimensional indexes, Oracle uses R-Trees as its primary spatial
access method (SAM) but also supports Quadtree-based indexes as well. With Oracle Spatial, Oracle’s
proprietary procedural language PL/SQL, a variation of standard ANSI SQL, uses OGC SFSQL based syntax to
create and query spatial data, as well as create the R-tree indexes. (Murray, 2007)
Oracle offers another add-on product called GeoRaster, which makes it possible to store georeferenced raster data, in addition to geometry-based vector data, in an Oracle database.
While the
implementation is somewhat intricate, it definitely relies upon the object-relational model for
containing…GeoRaster tables, in which each image or raster grid is stored as a GeoRaster object in a row of a
GeoRaster column.” (Xie, 2007, p. 11). A product such as GeoRaster provides a definitive example of how far
the traditional relational model has been stretched beyond its original framework in order to accommodate
the storage and retrieval of complex spatial objects.
One of the most compelling aspects about PostgreSQL ORDBMS is that it is a completely free, opensource product, which is in sharp contrast to the expensive products from Oracle. However, when it comes to
spatially enabling PostgreSQL, the integration is similar to how Oracle Spatial works. PostGIS is the name of
the extension (also free) for PostgreSQL, allowing both spatial and non-spatial data to co-exist seamlessly
within the same database. (Ramsey, 2007)
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PL/pgSQL is the procedural language used in PostgreSQL, and it closely resembles the syntax of
Oracle’s PL/SQL language. With the PostGIS extension, PL/pgSQL syntax can be used for creating and selecting
spatial objects and functions, as specified in the OGC "Simple Features for SQL" (SFSQL) specification.
PL/pgSQL also supports all the major OGC geometry relationship functions including ST_Disjoint, ST_Distance,
ST_Intersects, ST_Touches, ST_Overlaps, ST_Contains, etc. Like Oracle, PostGIS supports the OGC specification
for inputting and outputting spatial objects into an ORDBMS using the Well-Known Text (WKT) and the WellKnown Binary (WKB) formats. (Ramsey, 2007)
PostGIS provides full support for multi-dimensional indexing of spatial data. The PostGIS user manual
(Ramsey, 2007) indicates that PostGIS does not use the native implementation of R-Tree indexes used in
PostgreSQL because it was determined not to be as robust and efficient for indexing spatial data. Instead,
PostGIS uses an R-Tree index implemented on top of a GiST (Generalized Search Trees) index. Evidently GiST
can be used on a wide range of data types, including spatial data types, and is able to quickly evaluate “things
to one side, things which overlap, and things which are inside” (Ramsey, 2007, p. 23).
In regards to providing support for storing raster-based spatial data in the PostgreSQL ORDBMS, an
extension to PostGIS is currently in the process of being developed. It is called PGRaster and uses “a generic
raster data model that is component-based, logically layered, and multidimensional”. (Lin, X. & Keitt, 2007, p.
5) The design itself is apparently very similar to the Oracle’s GeoRaster component. The OGC specifications do
not currently provide for complex, raster-based spatial objects and so PGRaster is a proprietary data type
within PostgreSQL ORDBMS only.
The extent with which vendors such as Oracle and PostgreSQL have gone to allow raster-based spatial
data to be stored in ORDBMS was somewhat surprising, as I was unaware that such an implementation was
even available in these ORDBMS solutions. The product documentation suggests that both proprietary
implementations require a fairly substantial amount of storage space and numerous tables to store the data.
ArcSDE technology is a spatial ORDBMS solution that is currently included with ESRI’s ArcGIS Server
and ArcGIS Desktop products. ArcSDE does not integrate directly into an RDBMS like Oracle Spatial and
PostGIS do. It is an external, middleware application. Although it operates outside a RDBMS it is designed to
spatially-enable it, essentially transforming it into a spatial ORDBMS by taking advantage of the existing BLOB
data type for storing spatial data in relational tables. This spatial-enabling can be done with a variety of
RDBMS products, including ESRI’s own file-based geodatabases, SQL Server Express, and full-fledged
enterprise level RDBMS such as Oracle, DB2, and Informix. Like Oracle Spatial and PostGIS, ArcSDE manages
geographic features by using multiple tables inside the RDBMS for storing the spatial data, indexes, metadata,
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and topologies. ArcSDE is the middleware layer that operates between the ArcGIS applications and the
RDBMS. (“What is ArcSDE?”, 2008)
ArcSDE does offer many of the same levels of conformity to “Codd’s Rules for Spatial ORDBMS” that
Oracle Spatial and PostGIS do. For example, ArcSDE Technology allows spatial and non-spatial data to co-exist
within the same database, it is open-standards based including OGC standards for simple features, and it uses
spatial SQL syntax that conforms to the SFSQL standard. (“What is ArcSDE?”, 2008)
However, ArcSDE does not seem to as fully conform to some of the “rules” primarily by virtue of it
being an external application and not a true integrated solution within the RDBMS. For example, using the
BLOB data type for storing spatial data in a RDBMS that doesn’t have any native spatial handling support is a
workable solution, but these BLOB columns in relational tables are simply generic repositories for spatial data,
and ArcSDE has to manage all aspects of their storage. Regarding spatial access methods (SAMs) and spatial
topologies, ArcSDE provides support for these but to more fully conform to the “rules”, they should ideally be
an integrated part of a spatially-aware RDBMS rather than being managed externally. Server-integrated
solutions like Oracle Spatial and PostGIS probably provide a faster, more efficient means for managing and
using multi-dimensional indexes as well as interpreting spatial relationships.
Distributed systems and spatial data sharing
Conformity with each of the imaginary “Codd’s Rules for Spatial ORDBMS” have been briefly
considered with Oracle Spatial, PostGIS, and ArcSDE except for the last one: Seamless storage, retrieval and
exchange of spatial data across distributed systems.
There are various OGC distributed computing specifications for OLE/COM (Runnion, et al., 1999) and
CORBA (Gottier, et al., 1999). These older specifications define how application programming interfaces (APIs)
should handle the storage and retrieval of simple features (point, line, and polygon) only, allowing the
exchange of spatial data between applications and other RDBMS. In addition to providing support for some of
these specifications, Oracle Spatial, PostGIS, and ArcSDE also provide the important ability to perform
synchronized replication of spatial data between databases over local and wide area networks.
The Internet has rapidly become one of the primary mechanisms for the open exchange of spatial data.
Several newer OGC implementation specifications and standards for distributed computing have emerged to
help make this possible. Some of these are the Web Feature Service (WFS) specification for simple features
(vector-based) data (Vretanos, 2005), Web Coverage Service (WCS) standard for raster-based data (Whiteside
& Evans, 2008), and the Geography Markup Language (GML) encoding standard for handling the exchange of
geospatial data (Portele, 2007).
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To what extent, have these OGC specifications for distributed computing been incorporated into the
three spatial ORDBMS solutions? As of version 11g, Oracle Spatial includes support for spatial web services
and data exchange that conforms to the WFS standard (Murray, 2007). PostGIS is actively being used in some
prominent open-source web-based mapping projects, including GeoServer and MapServer that use the open
WFS specification and as well as the popular Web Map Service (WMS) specification (Ramsey, 2007). ArcSDE
also provides interfaces into distributed, web-based systems such as these.
As far as how “seamless” this integration is, the OGC standards probably help facilitate the process
considerably, but web-based exchange of geospatial data is still a fairly new technology that likely suffers from
speed and performance issues compared to exchanging data between databases across local networks. For
example, research turned up information on some recent real-world tests for transmitting data from
databases to web-based servers using WFS and GML. The results indicated that ArcSDE was considerably
slower, being described as a true bottleneck performance-wise, compared to direct database integration
solutions like Oracle Spatial and PostGIS (Getman, D. & Dollins, 2008, p. 6).
Some Final thoughts
The “Codd’s Rules for Spatial ORDBMS” identify major elements that substantially disrupt the
traditional relational model in order to accommodate geospatial data. Of course, it is important to remember
that geospatial data isn’t the only reason that RDBMS have evolved into ORDBMS, but the GIS industry
(vendors, developers, and users) has certainly benefitted tremendously from it.
Oracle Spatial, PostGIS, and ArcSDE are all effective spatial ORDBMS solutions. However, their objectoriented nature and implementation of many of the OGC standards and specifications has forced RDBMS’ to
evolve considerably into a framework far more complex, and one might argue, considerably less elegant, than
the original relational model. As far as being a satisfactory, long-term answer for storing spatial data, it seems
a safe bet that ORDBMS will prevail for quite awhile.
It remains to be seen if another database model will come along to shake things up the way Codd did
back in 1970 with his original, elegant relational model. Perhaps the notion of a true object-oriented
database, and full-fledged OODBMS, will finally gain favor and eventually supplant the recent ORDBMS trend.
With the information technology field, including GIS, it is always important to keep in mind that change is a
constant. Database models will continue to evolve.
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MySQL AB. (2008). MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual. Retrieved May 6, 2008 from
Brawley, P. & Fuller A. (2008). Get It Done With MySQL 5. Retrieved May 6, 2008 from
Kalis, F. (2003, Dec 10). Codd’s Rules. Retrieved May 6, 2008 from
Codd, E.F. (1990). The Relational Model for Database Management, Version 2. Addison-Wesley Longman
Publishing Company,, Inc.
Shekhar, S. & Chawla, S. (2003). Spatial Databases: A Tour. Pearson Education,, Inc.
Herring, J.R. (Ed.). (2006, October 5). OpenGIS Implementation Specification for Geographic information Simple feature access - Part 1: Common Architecture. Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. Retrieved May 8,
2008 from
Herring, J.R. (Ed.). (2006, October 5). OpenGIS Implementation Specification for Geographic information Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option. Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. Retrieved May 8, 2008 from
Murray, C. et al. (2007). Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide, 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle. Retrieved May 8,
2008 from
Xie, Q., Sharma, J., & Ihm, J. (2007). Oracle Spatial 11g GeoRaster: An Oracle Technical White Paper. Oracle.
Retrieved May 8, 2008 from
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