* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Weekly Planning Sheet - English Teacher Mr Saban Writing focus Objective Use suffixes – ate, -ise, ify to convert nouns and adjectives into verbs. Shared Lie, pie, field, niece, grieve, thieves, tried, piece, cried, believe audiences, blackberries, friend, brie , bullied, daisies , yield, tries, fierce, armies. Share this week’s spellings with the class so they can become familiar test will be carried out on Monday due to children in need. Mon Explain this week we are focusing on grammar and writing. Today we are look at suffixes ate, ise, ify and how they change nouns and adjectives into verbs. Ask the children what a noun, verb and adjective is. On whiteboards ask if the children can think of any words ending with ify, ise or ate. Which are suffixes and which are part of the word/ Tues Continue to distinguis h between Ask the children what a homophone is and can they think of any? If they are unsure of the term use Whole class and individual work Plenary Independent Key questions /Focus Success criteria Steps to success: Children have responded to their marking. Children can identify and pronounce this week’s spellings. Children can identify words with the suffix ise, ify and ise. Children know the terms noun adjective and verb. Steps to success: Children have responded to their Year 5/6 (MA) erbs.pdf show the children 4 words which one would match to each suffix? Class, pollen, apology and deaf. Children write new form of word on whiteboard what happens to the words? Year 4 I can use suffixes –ate, -ise, -ify to convert nouns and adjectives into verbs. Explain today that we will be using a wordsearch or a crossword to write down and change words from nouns and adjectives into verbs. Task 1 Children look at the words and class them into nouns and adjectives Date: 09/11/15 What is a suffix? Why do we use suffixes? What are the suffixes we have studied today? As a plenary the children will sort the words (some containing suffixes) into adjectives and the root words into verbs and nouns. What are some of the grammatical rules when adding suffixes? Spellings Spelling words with the same letter string. – focus this week ie. Test on Monday due to children in need. Lie, pie, field, niece, grieve, thieves, tried, piece, cried, believe audiences, blackberries, friend, brie , bullied, daisies , yield, tries, fierce, armies. Task 2 Children complete word search ( LA/MA ) or crossword HA adding ify, ise, en or ate. Mr Saban and SK will be working around the groups to ensur e that children are on the task and can read story accurately. SK to work with back table and NS to work alongside front table. Children are shown a word which has a homophone and on their whiteboards they have to (with Give children a list of words to sort into pronunciation groups. Children have to sort the spellings from this week homopho nes and other words which are often confused. examples to prompt answers and stimulate reading. Show the children a list of homophones and ask them to write down the word that sounds the same but is spelt differently. Give the children the 1st example. Night and knight and ask the children on whiteboard to compose a sentence for each one. . Create and punctuate complex sentences using simile starters. What is a simile? How can they be used in our writing to add detail, interest and depth? Ask the children from a group of three sentences which one is the simile and which two are metaphors. What is the difference between a simile and metaphor? What are they key words used in a simile? Wed marking. Write a route sentence on the board and ask the children to write a simile. Joey ran through the field. Like a hurricane joey ran through the field churning the grass as he went. Children can identify match homophones Children know the meaning of the term homophones Year 5 I can continue to distinguish between homophones and other words which are often confused. Children will be today correcting a story and choosing the correct homophone to ensure the story has the correct grammatical flow. Story will be based on a passage from our class text Warhorse where homophones ( two choices) are omitted from the story, the correct spelling) write down the alternative spelling of the homophone word. into the correct pronunciation groups. Lie, pie, field, niece, grieve, thieves, tried, piece, cried, believe Ask the children again what is a homophone? audiences, blackberries, Ask then to verbally share some examples and their meanings, fierce, armies. Children read some of their own similes based upon their own writing from the lesson today. Children play Snap. Use sets of cards with letter strings children have cards with the words which contain the ie letter string they have to read and then match the words from this week’s list. friend, brie , bullied, daisies , yield, tries, Children can use the correct homophone in the correct grammatical sentence. Steps to success: Children have responded to their marking. Children can use similes as sentence starters. Children understand difference between similes and metaphors. ERS.pdf Explain to the children that by using simile starters children can enhance the detail of their work and make it more interesting. We are revisiting this today so we can enhance our understanding from earlier in the academic year. NS to work around all groups today questioning the children on their choice of simile starters for each sentence and how they could change the simile to alter the grammatical meaning of the sentence. Year 5 I can create and punctuate complex sentences using simile starters. Children today will be given a list of sentences linked to the class book Warhorse their job is to look at the sentence and see how they can add simile starters to add depth and detail to the sentence. LA group will be given 2 potential options for each sentence and have to decide which starter would be the better fit when completing the sentence. The job of the class is to evaluate the similes which have been read out and to suggest different similes to change or up level the preexisting work. Lie, pie, field, niece, grieve, thieves, tried, piece, cried, believe audiences, blackberries, friend, brie , bullied, daisies , yield, tries, fierce, armies. Ensuring Thurs consistent and correct use of tense throughou t a piece of writing. Working with Year 6 children today. Ask the children to verbally retell the events from yesterday’s Remembrance Service and as a class we compile a list of words we might use when writing about it. Explain to the children that they will be writing a recount about what happened in yesterday’s service and that it will be used as evidence in their values books to show they took part in a performance. Children in need day. Fri nas/website/web/home/sthybaldsacademy/indepe ndentwritingactivities/year6independantwritingacti vites.pdf ( stimuli for text) Children in need day. Steps to success: Children have responded to their marking. Children can write neatly and consistently. Children can retell and event they were involved in. Children can use past tense. Children in Year 5 Ensuring consistent and correct use of tense throughout a piece of writing. Develop with the children a criteria list for all the things we need to include in our recount: Opinions, thoughts, feelings retelling of key events and timings. Mr Saban to provide additional support for children when maintaining focus. NC – will be working on jobs outside the classroom. Children will today be writing a recount of the Remembrance Service Assembly from yesterday talking about what happened, how they felt, what they feel they could improve what they felt went brilliantly. Children to work independently through the task writing a description of the event and their part in it. They need to include past tense and the other Children in need day. need day. Children can read examples of their recounts from yesterday’s Remembrance Service Assembly and can identify the words from their own text they have used which show use of past tense in their writing. (they can also identify word witch present or future tense – if used correctly) Today is peer testing via hangman games. Children have lists of words from this week and challenge their partner to guess, spell and recite chosen word before hangman is drawn. Lie, pie, field, niece, grieve, thieves, tried, piece, cried, believe audiences, blackberries, friend, brie , bullied, daisies , yield, tries, fierce, armies. Children in need Children in need day. day. Children in need day.