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LESSON 7 ‐ MEDICAL SPECIALTIES AND SPECIALISTS As we have discussed previously, the suffix ‐logy or ‐o/logy, means “the study or the science of whatever the root word describes.” Bacteriology means “to study bacterium or bacteria.” The people who are the studiers are noted with Latin roots as in –o/gist or –o/lo/gist. Psych means “organ of thought and reason.” Thus, psych/o/lo/gist means “studier of thought and reason.” Consider that in addition to ‐ol‐ogist the following word endings mean the same thing: ‐ist Internist – one who studies internal medicine ‐i/atrist Psychiatrist – one who studies psychiatry ‐i/cian Physician, obstetrician, etc. ‐er/or Suffix – practition/er ‐i/tion/er Practitioner (someone who practices), doctor, nurse LISTING OF MEDICAL SPECIALTIES‐PRACTITIONERS SPECIALTY PRACTITIONER anesthesiology anesthesiologist cardiology cardiologist embryology embryologist endocrinology endocrinologist epidemiology epidemiologist gastroenterology gastroenterologist gynecology gynecologist geriatrics or gerontology geriatrician or gerontologist hematology hematologist internal medicine internist neonatology neonatologist neurology neurologist 63 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
obstetrics obstetrician oncology oncologist ophthalmology ophthalmologist orthopedics orthopedist “orthopod” otology otologist otorhinolaryngology otorhinolaryngologist pathology pathologist pediatrics pediatrician physiatry physiatrist proctology proctologist psychiatry psychiatrist radiology radiologist urology urologist RELATED PROFESSIONALS INVOLVED IN PATIENT CARE Chiropractors, naturopaths, optometrists, pharmacists, podiatrists and psychologists, a variety of social workers, nurses and other ancillary staff work directly with patients. Some of the designations for these health care personnel are: Certified Medical Technologist – CMT (also used for Certified Medical Transcriptionist). Certified Nursing Assistant ‐ CNA Emergency Medical Technician – EMT Licensed Practical Nurse – LPN Medical Transcriptionist – MT (or, if certified, CMT) Nurse Midwife – RN (they sometimes are licensed to deliver infants) Nurse Practitioner – NP – (RN with additional preparation for pediatrics, obstetrics) Occupational Therapist – OT, or if “registered,” OTR Paramedic – ambulance attendant, EMT, Emergency Medical Technician Physical Therapist – PT (or if registered – as in certified ‐ RPT) Physician’s Assistant – PA Public Health Nurse – PHN Radiology Technician – RT 64 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
Registered Nurse – RN Records Technician – MRT – Medical Records Technician Respiratory Therapist or Pulmonary Therapist ‐ RT TITLES: Physicians use Medical Doctor, or MD after their names. This is a more acceptable use than putting “Dr. John Doe” on the signature line or in the part of a report that requires the full name of the doctor as in the attending physician or surgeon. In the text of a report, the MD may be referred to as Dr. Doe. The same is true for other medical professionals. AAMT (American Association of Medical Transcription) provides “rules” for transcription from time to time. They have suggested that the periods be eliminated in title designations, so it is correct currently to put MD, PhD, etc. • Chiropractors treat with manipulative therapy (chiro means “hand” in Latin). The title used is DC (Doctor of Chiropractic). • Naturopaths treat with “natural alternatives, vitamins, minerals, and homeopathic remedies.” • Optometrists are trained to use specialized eye equipment and exams to prescribe eyeglasses. The title used is OD, Doctor of Optometry. They are not medical doctors so do not confuse them with ophthalmologists. • Osteopaths treat with traditional medical care, may perform surgery, but also use more natural healing methodologies than are typical in traditional medicine. The title is DO, Doctor of Osteopathy. • Pharmacists are titled PharmD (Doctor of Pharmacy). • Podiatrists are designated with DPM, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, a specialty involved with care of the feet. • Psychologists may have a master’s degrees or doctorate, and if a doctorate degree, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). Most providers are sensitive about the correct use of the appropriate title relating to their practice of medicine. In general, specialist services are defined as: •
Anesthesiologists administer anesthesia during surgery (may be physicians or nurse anesthetists. Note the difference between the term anesthetist and anesthesiologist. 65 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
Cardiologists treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels; cardiovascular surgeons perform operations. •
Dermatologists deal with diseases of the skin. •
Embryologists monitor prenatal development between the stages of ovum and fetus through the 8th week of gestation. •
Endocrinologists treat disorders of the endocrine system, including sterility, diabetes, and thyroid disorders, for example. •
Epidemiologists study factors related to the prevention and control of communicable diseases. •
Gastroentrologists deal with problems of the digestive system. •
Geratricians, gerontologists, geroncologists, work with aspects of aging and the various related problems. •
Hemologists or hematologists treat disorders of the blood and blood‐forming organs. •
Immunologists explore the relationship between diseases and immune system responses. •
Internists focus on internal medical conditions. •
Neonatologists treat infants prior to birth, or thereafter, in the first six weeks of life, who are in the high‐risk categories due to pregnancy complications, or who were born prematurely. •
Neurologists deal with diseases or injuries of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. •
Obstetricians specialize in the normal and abnormal aspects of the female reproductive system, including pregnancy, labor, and postpartum care. •
Oncologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors. •
Ophthalmologists deal with eye diseases, surgery, and also may perform eye exams relating to vision disturbances, and prescribe glasses. •
Orthopedists (sometimes called “orthopods”) treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system and joints. 66 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
Otologists deal with hearing problems, ear problems and surgery. •
Otorhinolaryngologists treat ear, nose and throat disorders and perform surgery. •
Pathologists diagnose morbid changes in tissues obtained through biopsy, with smears, blood specimens, etc. •
Pediatricians deal with normal development, preventive care, and diseases of children and teenagers usually to age 16. •
Physiatrists deal with physical medicine and rehabilitation. •
Proctologists treat diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon. •
Psychiatrists diagnose and treat mental disorders and prescribe medications. •
Psychologists treat mental disorders. •
Radiologists use radiant energy, x‐rays, radium, and cobalt in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. •
Urologists treat urinary tract diseases and processes of the male reproductive system. 67 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
EXERCISES ‐ 7 1. Describe the specialists who provide the following: a prescribe eyeglasses b manipulation therapies c treat foot disorders d counsel for emotional problems 2. True or False a Doctors, nurses and physical therapists are called practitioners b An osteopath is the same as a chiropractor c A family doctor is a general practitioner either an MD or DO d Surgeons may do general surgery or specialize in a specific type 3.
Define the primary interest of the following specialists Specialty a Anesthesiologist What does this provider specialize in? b Cardiologist c Embryologist d Endocrinologist e Epidemiologist f Gastroenterologist g Gynecologist h Gerontologist i Hematologist j Internist k Neonatologist l Neurologist 68 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
m Obstetrician n Oncologist o Ophthalmologist p Orthopedist q Otologist r Otorhinolaryngologist s Pathologist t Pediatrician u Physiatrist v Proctologist w Psychiatrist x Radiologist y Urologist 4. For the specialists described in Question 3, what title is used? __________ which stands for __________________________________. 5. Put the title after the following provider types a. Chiropractor b. Osteopath c. Naturopath d. Optometrist e. Physical therapist f. Psychologist 6. What specialist would use the equipment in this image? ________________________________ 69 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
7. The practitioner shown below is what? ____________________ 8. What is the specialist who studies the brain called? ______________________________ 9. How do you write the abbreviated form of Doctor of Philosophy? ___________________ 70 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.
ANSWERS ‐ 7 1. a.
optometrist (and ophthalmologist) chiropractor podiatrist psychologist or psychiatrist a.
T F T T 2. 3. a. providing anesthesia b. the heart and vascular system c. embryos – development stages of ovum and fetus d. ductless or endocrine system e. prevention, control of diseases f. digestive system g. female system h. physiologic aging process, disorders i. blood and blood forming organs j. medical conditions of the human body k. first 6 weeks of life for infants of high risk pregnancy or premature delivery l. disorders, diseases injuries to the brain, spinal cord and nervous system m. normal and abnormal reproduction in women n. treats malignancies o. eyes – diseases, vision, cataracts, etc. p. musculoskeletal system q. ears ‐ hearing, hearing aids, surgery r. ears, nose and throat s. morbid changes of body cells, blood, etc t. children to age 16 u. body function – dynamics – rehabilitation v. rectum and sigmoid colon w. mental disorders x. uses radiant energy, x‐ray, radium for diagnosis & treatment y. urinary tract diseases and male reproduction 4. MD (Medical Doctor) 5. a. DC b. DO c. DN d. OD e. PT f. appropriate for degree (master’s, etc.) 6. pharmacist 7. either an optometrist or ophthalmologist 8. neurologist or neurosurgeon 9. PhD 71 Medical Terminology I © 2002 ‐ 2010 All rights reserved.