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Saint Leo University
Computer Science and Information Systems: Online Programs
Dr. Vyas Krishnan
Computer Information Systems, B.S.
The computer information systems program is primarily designed for those who want to be
systems managers, who work with the business managers to find technical solutions to
business problems. So they have the background both in the technical aspects of computing
as well as key business functions such as accounting, marketing, management, finance,
things of that nature.
So for example, let's say a business manager wants to develop a website for an e-commerce
business. So they would know what is needed in the website, but they will know how to
implement it. A CIS major is somebody who understands the business functions and can
translate those needs, those specifications, into what programmers can understand and
implement and design a solution for them.
So the computer information systems major, we call it CIS major, is if you look at the
curriculum, it's a blend of core business courses as well as technical courses such as
programming, database management, computer networks, computer systems architecture,
some introduction to information security and cybersecurity, systems analysis and design.
So it covers all the core fundamental areas in computer systems and how to utilize that
area, that knowledge and translate it to core business functions. So the curriculum also
covers courses such as accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing and other
similar business functions.
The CIS degree is ideal for those who are looking to pursue a career that combines business
management as well as the technical aspects of how to combine business functions with
computing solutions. So let's say you want to be the VP of information technology or the
chief information officer or the chief technical officer of a company at board level. You'd be
ideally suited with the computer information systems degree.
Computer Science-Information Assurance, B.S.
Let's say you want to develop the next great software product, or you want to develop the
next great mobile phone, or you want to develop the next great computer hardware that a
ton of people want to buy. This is the degree for you.
If you're passionate and excited about technology, if you want to know everything, from
programming to computer hardware, computer architecture, networks, information
assurance, databases, and how to put it all together to develop compelling products, this is
the degree for you.
Now, this degree provides you a whole slew of courses in all the core areas in computer
science, such as different types of programming languages. You'll understand how to
configure computer networks. You'll learn how to develop compelling websites. You'll learn
how to leverage mobile technology to develop solutions for practical applications. You'll
learn how to set up databases. You'll learn how to secure computer networks and so on. So
the curriculum gives you a solid background to hit the ground running once you graduate
with a computer science degree.
As an added bonus to the computer science curriculum, we have also added a slew of
courses in the area of cybersecurity, where it covers some of the key areas, such as network
security, system security, software security, and so on. So you will take those courses, and
you'll be prepared to hit the ground running to function in these areas of information
security once you graduate with a computer science degree.
Cybersecurity, B.S.
Now, you probably heard in many news outlets and so on about all these data breaches and
hacking and identity theft and so on. All that boils down to cybersecurity. We offer a
bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity that trains you and provides you the skill set to be able
to function as a cybersecurity professional, where you can help businesses secure their
information technology infrastructure from getting hacked into and being breached.
So here's a program that specializes not only in the core areas of cybersecurity, but it covers
the technical aspects of computing and cybersecurity. It also covers how to manage
information technology resources from a cybersecurity perspective, and it also covers legal
aspects of cybersecurity.
So this gives you the broad set of knowledge and skill sets required to be a very effective
cybersecurity professional.
Now one of the nice things about cybersecurity is, because it's so critical for many
businesses and many organizations to be able to function in current day environment, to
ensure that they can secure the resources, there's a tremendous demand for folks with a
degree in cybersecurity.
In fact, I was reading the other day, from some of the reliable sources, indicate that over
the coming decade, the demand for cybersecurity professionals could grow almost as high
as 30 to 35 percent a year.
So that is a significant growth for a career that you'll be interested in. It gives you job
security. It pays very well. It's challenging. It applies a lot of technology into your job
function. So it's something compelling to think about.
Now, all of the courses in the cybersecurity curriculum have been designed to provide a lot
of hands-on skills to the students. So we've embedded numerous high-tech simulation tools
into the courses that we deliver online for our students.
You’d be looking at courses such as network security, software security, day-to-day security,
ethical hacking. It's something that a lot of students in our programs get excited about. So
you learn to think like a hacker. So once you know how to think like a hacker, you can
protect your system and identify weaknesses and make sure that hackers don't breach your
So it's a great program to pursue. It can lead you to a great career.
Now, as an icing on the cake, we also offer a graduate degree program in cybersecurity. The
way that we've designed the undergraduate degree program is that it dovetails right into
our graduate degree program. So with one more year of coursework after your bachelors
degree in cybersecurity, you can earn a master’s degree in cybersecurity, which will prepare
you very well for some of the leading certifications in the area of cybersecurity.
As you can see, now in the foreseeable future, it's critical that for businesses to succeed,
they must implement information technology in a very effective way. They must have
access to the latest technology, well-trained professionals, and the ability to combine these
two to accomplish their goals.
So all the three majors – CIS, computer science, and cybersecurity – will prepare you for
very exciting careers in high-demand fields in computer science, information technology,
and cybersecurity.