Download brenda`s fruit and vegetable salad cleanse

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Here is a fun cleanse that is safe and easy. The best part is it’s all done with food and
there are no pills to take. While you are doing this cleanse it’s important to drink at least
two quarts of clean water each day and be sure to take time to go to the bathroom. You
may need to go more than usual.
During this cleanse, you will fast all other food except what’s recommended on the
program. Unlike a true fast where you don’t eat at all, you’ll actually be eating but only
certain foods. You will need to eat at least four times per day but eating six times per day
may be better for some people. It depends on how active you are and how hungry you
The foods you’ll be eating will come from two places: fruit salads and vegetable salads.
Fruit Salad Always start each day of this cleanse with a fruit salad. Your fruit salad
will consist of fresh, raw fruit and can contain any and all fruits that you enjoy. Using a
wide variety of fruits is recommended. No canned or frozen fruit is allowed. Your fruit
salad MUST contain fresh, raw pineapple each time. Pineapple is necessary because
of its wonderful ability to cleanse the body and must be the main base of each fruit salad
you prepare for yourself. Pineapple contains a protein digesting enzyme that can help
reduce inflammation in the body. You may use additional fresh pineapple juice as a
dressing to sweeten your fruit salad. You will need to add raw nuts or seeds to your fruit
salad to provide extra protein in your diet during your cleanse since you are abstaining
from other food sources of protein. You may use any raw nut of seed except peanuts.
Peanuts are not recommended because they are a common allergen and they tend to
induce inflammation in the body.
Green Salad: Always end your day with a green salad. Your green salad can contain
any green leafy vegetable or lettuce that you desire except iceberg lettuce. Iceberg
lettuce is not recommended because it is hybridized for long term storage at the grocery
store and has a tendency to resist digestion. Your green salad must contain fresh
dandelion leaves. You will find dandelion leaves in bagged salad mixes that contain
herbs and may be labeled as “herb mix”. Your green salad must contain artichoke
hearts. It’s best to buy artichoke hearts that are canned in water. Dandelion and
artichoke are recommended because of their wonderful ability to cleanse the body. Both
of these herbs are frequently recommended for liver detoxification. You may add any
and all fresh raw vegetables that you enjoy to your green salad. You should use only cold
pressed olive oil and natural vinegar as dressing on your green salad. You may even use
an Italian seasoning package to mix with the oil and vinegar. The best place to buy this is
at your local health food store or natural foods section of the grocery store. I recommend
using Bragg’s brand apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a
“tonic” by many people and olive oil has been used for thousands of years and provides a
very healthy fat for you during your cleanse. You will need to add some form of cooked
beans or peas to your green salad to provide extra fiber and protein. Any kind of cooked
beans or peas that you like can be used and it’s okay if they are canned.
Fresh Raw Pineapple
Any fresh raw fruit you like
Raw nuts and seeds (except peanuts)
Bagged green salad mix that contains dandelion leaves
Any green leafy vegetable or lettuce you like
Any fresh raw vegetables you would like in your green salad
Artichoke hearts canned in water
Canned beans or peas or dry beans or peas you cook at home
Bragg’s apple cider vinegar (shake well before using)
Cold pressed olive oil
Italian Seasoning package that doesn’t contain MSG (monosodium glutamate)
Helpful hints:
Consult your doctor if you have serious health problems or are taking medication before
you do this cleanse
Make sure you eat at least four times per day or about every four hours or less to avoid
low blood sugar and lack of energy
Eat as much as you can hold at each meal
Drink at least two quarts of water or more each day. Try not to drink much water with
your meals but mostly in between
Take time to go to the bathroom in a relaxed atmosphere every day
Always start your day with a fruit salad and end your day with a green salad. Try to
alternate fruit salads and green salads with each meal.
It’s okay to take a break from your normal vitamin regimen during this time unless
otherwise directed by your doctor or nutritionist. Be sure to ask.
This cleanse is most often recommended for a two day program like over a weekend but
may be extended. Be sure to ask your doctor or nutritionist.
Cleansing involves more than just your body. Cleansing negative attitudes or feelings
during the time your are doing this program is highly recommended.
Relax and rest as much as possible while cleansing. While your body does it’s work on
the inside you should be doing less on the outside.