Download District 200`s Essential Standards for Learning Band

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Essential Standard #1
Stage Presentation
Identify and model appropriate STAGE PRESENTATION during rehearsals and
concerts using [learned formal and informal cues.]
Identify Stage
Learned formal and
informal cues
Learned formal and
informal cues
Learning Targets
o The 3 Positions: Concert Rest, Ready/Attention, Play Position
o Concert Attire
o Director cues: Off Podium, On Podium and Arms Up
o Ready Position for Multi-measure rests
Essential Vocabulary
o Rest Position, Ready Position, Play Position, Concert Dress,
Attire, Posture and Behavior
Essential Standard #2
Identify and apply RHYTHMS necessary to perform in band using [method books
and appropriate grade level music.]
Method Books, Grade Level Music
Method Books, Grade Level Music
Learning Targets
o Grade Appropriate Note Values
 5th Grade: whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes,
whole rests, half rests, quarter rests, eighth rests, dotted quarter
notes, dotted half
 6th, 7th, 8th Grade: (5th grade included) Sixteenth Notes, Dotted
Eighth, Triplet, sixteenth rests, grace notes
o Grade Appropriate Pulses and Meter
 5th Grade: 2/4, ¾, 4/4 , Common Time
 6th Grade: Cut Time, ⅜, 6/8
 7th and 8th Grade: Mixed Meter, 5/4
Essential Vocabulary
o Grade appropriate Pulse (the beat)
o Grade appropriate Meters such as 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 1/4, 6/8
o Grade appropriate note values such as whole notes, half notes, quarter
notes, eighth notes, whole rests, half rests, quarter rests, dotted quarter
notes, etc.
o Grade appropriate Syncopated rhythmic figures
Essential Standard #3
Fluency of Technique
Identify and apply FLUENCY OF TECHNIQUE necessary to perform in band
using [method books and appropriate grade level music.]
Fluency of Technique
Method Books, Grade Level Music
Fluency of Technique
Method Books, Grade Level Music
Learning Targets
o Grade Appropriate Technique such as Mechanical Elements, Attacks and
Releases, Fingerings, Tongueing, Proper Breathing, Articulation and
Essential Vocabulary
o Grade Appropriate Technique such as instrument-specific mechanical
elements, stick control (fulcrum point, match grip, right hand lead)
o Attacks and Releases: Start and end of each sound
o Fingerings: Instrument-specific fingerings, alternate fingerings
o Tongueing: Open vowel sounds such as: “Tah”, “Tee”, “Toh”, “Dah”, “Tu”,
“Du,” as well as Instrument-specific tongue movement
o Proper Breathing: Movement of diaphragm (inhale/exhale), proper
posture, breath support
o Articulation: Marcato, Legato, Staccato, Slur for trombone: “Tah-L/Da”,
Accent: Say “Tow”
o Embouchure: Instrument-specific mouth formation:
 Open oral cavity
 Flat Chin
 Firm Corners
Essential Standard #4
Tone Quality
Demonstrate Consistent and Appropriate Tone Quality/Timbre necessary to
perform in band using [the director’s model and instruction]
Tone Quality/Timbre
Director’s Model and Instruction
Learning Targets
o Resonance, Clarity, Control, Warmth
Essential Vocabulary
o Resonance: Proper open vowel placement- “Eu” “Oh.” Mallet /Drum
placement/No Nodes
o Clarity: Consistent, unobstructed, well-supported air-stream. Mallet
choice/hand placement
o Control: Breathing Exercises: “Bow and Arrow”-Fortissimo, “Dart”-Mezzo
Forte, “Breathing Gym Exercises” Attack, Sustain, Release. Stick control,
matched grip, RH lead
o Warmth: No high overtones in sound (No acute mouth angles)
Essential Standard #5
Recognize and Develop a Universal Understanding of Ensemble Balance
necessary to perform in band using [Francis McBeth’s definition of Balance: a
band’s sound is balanced when each part can be heard in proper relationship to
all parts.]
Recognize Universal
Understanding of
Ensemble Balance
Francis McBeth’s definition of
Balance: a band’s sound is
balanced when each part can be
heard in proper relationship to all
Francis McBeth’s definition of
Balance: a band’s sound is
balanced when each part can be
heard in proper relationship to all
Understanding of
Ensemble Balance
Learning Targets
o Section and Ensemble Balance, Section and Ensemble Role.
Essential Vocabulary
o Section and Ensemble Balance: Melody, Harmony, Countermelody,
Foreground, Background, Bass-Line, Sound Physics, Vertical Tuning
o Section and Ensemble Role: Melody, Harmony, Countermelody,
Foreground, Background, Bass-Line, Sound Physics, Vertical Tuning
Essential Standard # 6
Recognize and Develop a Universal Understanding of Ensemble Blend
necessary to perform in band using [the director’s model and instruction.]
Recognize Universal Understanding of
Ensemble Blend
Director’s model and
Director’s model and
Universal Understanding of
Ensemble Blend
Learning Targets
o Uniform Section Sound, Horizontal Tuning
Essential Vocabulary
o Uniform Section Sound: Instrument Smoothie, Color Analogies, Director
Analogies, Play inside the sound of another section, Listen for the…
o Horizontal Tuning: Play inside the sound of another section or classmate
Essential Standard #7
Interpretation and Musicianship
Create and Perform music in a characteristic style using [the composer’s
instruction and director’s interpretation.]
Music in a characteristic Composer’s instruction and director’s
Perform Music in a characteristic Composer’s instruction and director’s
Learning Targets
o Expression, Tempo, Phrasing, Dynamics, Style, Taste
Essential Vocabulary
o Expression: Nuance, Control of Contrasts, Accelerando
o Tempo: Ritardando, Accelerando
o Phrasing: Nuance
o Dynamics: Control of Contrasts
o Style: Animato, Grandioso, Dolce
o Taste: Nuance, Accent, Control of Contrasts, Ritardando, Accelerando,
Musical Style Terms eg. Animato, Grandioso, Dolce
Essential Standard #8
Understand and Apply the science and mechanics of individual instruments and
their relationship to the stability of the ensemble’s sound using [tuners and a
reference pitch.]
Understand Science and mechanics of individual
Tuners and a
instruments and their relationship to the reference pitch
stability of the ensemble’s sound
Science and mechanics of individual
Tuners and a
instruments and their relationship to the reference pitch
stability of the ensemble’s sound
Learning Targets
o Breath Support, Embouchure, Matching Pitch, Beats (Wub-Wubs), In-tune
(Stable sound), Out of tune (Unstable sound)
Essential Vocabulary
o A=440
o Breath Support: Sustained, Diaphragmatic, Full, Uninterrupted
o Embouchure: Instrument Specific, Firm, Controlled, Consistent
o Beats: “an acoustical phenomena resulting from the interference of two
sound waves of slightly different frequencies”
o In-Tune (Stable sound): no beats
o Out of Tune (Unstable sound): beats-frequent or infrequent depending on
Essential Standard # 9
Music Etiquette and Appreciation
Recognize and Relate the appropriate group and independent behavior while
participating in and attending performing arts functions [using the director’s model and
Recognize Appropriate group and independent
behavior while participating in and
attending performing arts functions
Director’s model UNDERSTAND
and instruction
Director’s model APPLY
and instruction
Appropriate group and independent
behavior while participating in and
attending performing arts functions
Learning Targets
o Support the arts, behave appropriately, contribute to the needs of the
group and the roles of artists and the roles of the audience
Essential Vocabulary
o Support the Arts:Applaud appropriately, Contribute to group efforts
o Behave Appropriately: No talking when other groups are performing, Be
o Contribute to the Needs of the Group: No talking when other groups are
performing, Model attentive and active listening, “Are my actions positively
affecting the group,” Be prepared
o Roles of Artists: Model attentive and active listening, “Are my actions
positively affecting the group,” Contribute to group efforts, Invest a
commitment to the finished product, Be prepared
o Roles of Audience: Applaud appropriately, No talking when other groups
are performing, Model attentive and active listening, Invest a commitment
to the finished product