* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
_j L 91159 ,. . 1111111111111111111 NZ~ SUPERVISOR'S USE ONLY NEW ZEALAND QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY MANA TOHU MATAURANGA 0 AOTEAROA Level 2 Biology, 2013 91159 Demonstrate understanding of gene expression 9.30am Friday 22 November 2013 Credits: Four Achievement Demonstrate understanding of gene expression. Achievement with Merit Demonstrate in-depth understanding of gene expression. Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of gene expression. Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet. If you need more space for any answer, use the page(s) provided at the back of this booklet and clearly number the question. Check that this booklet has pages 2-9 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. Low Excellence TOTAL 19 ASSESSOR' S USE ONLY ©New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. 2 You are advised to spend 60 minutes answering the questions in this booklet. ASSESSOR'S use oNLY QUESTION ONE: EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENT One way to examine the role of the environment in variation among organisms is to compare the phenotypes of various traits in genetically identical organisms. Armadillos are ideal animals to use in such research, because they are born as quadruplets derived from a single fertilised egg. This means that all four ru.madil1o pups share the same genetic sequence. In a number of experiments carried out by scientists in the 1960s, genetically identical armadillos were found to show significant phenotypic differences when exposed to a range of environmental factors. For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here. Image Source:<:itablclnatedlcontenl/5884/four_aonadillos_83-72_mid_! Jpg ' Discuss how genetically identical armadillos could be used to show the relationship between· environmental factors and phenotype. In your answer: --, describe what is meant by 'phenotype' describe what is meant by 'mutagen', and explain, using appropriate examples, why not all environmental factors are mutagens evaluate how studies on the armadillos could show that 'non-mutagenic' environmental factors may change phenotype without changing genotype. _1!/;_eg~p IJ 1/f Werj itt t.dvtcJ, ~~,t£-ol t?ll1 1/_i::;__tzlefef'M.;(~~ ~ / it!dil:/dktrdrm/ fzate CtJf!t{efltec/_ !/~ i; tlf1d___d_ (Cltl./f J tAP ~ ~{U{d.)/14 t!/11(!1¥:1;~ (/ (/7 e1 ~O:(JteJ.Jed. ()e . ltr!l ~ .:n~:~;o~""'-PM'trl McltJtJ !hd '/hhoM{f!. !fLd 1 H cdv/a1.Jkd 124fJ!ct:~l {)!' tlPM/ct?_/ lrl_ttfl!/iOPJ~a C!zt?tyP t# ulur Biology 91159, 2013 Wit:::J;-&1 ~ ~CrJ - 4 QUESTION TWO: PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Al.lSESSOll'S lU'mONLV The DNA sequence determines the structure of a protein and how that protein is produced. Table of mRNA CODONS SECOND CODON ELEMENT (a) lJ ..... ~ ~ 6 § c A G PHE !'HE LEU SER SER 'l'YR CYS CYS STOP LEU r--~·· C c TRP A (; ARG ARG ,C _t\RG A lu GLU GLU ARG THR THR ASPN ASPN SER c MET THR THR LYS LYS ARG ARG A G VAL VAL VAL VAL ALA ALA ALA ALA ASP ASP OLU GLt; OLY OLY OLY GLY u LEU i LEU LEU A! JLE ILE lLE G TYR STOP STOP SER SER -·,.-- u PRO PRO PRG PRO LEU u ..... ....~ u IllS InS .- SER ' 0 ~ § u ~ c i A G ··~- . Using the inf~nnation provided above, eompletethe table below. Note: In the table below, you need only to give one possible codon for each mRNA. DNA r--mRNA Amino Acids l ~ ~( ~uc. MET { IC- Cd'\ c. GLU Biology 91159,2013 I ~:~ I ~;:l ... TYR ·- I -- -·--- STOP 5 . {b) Discuss the major stages of protein synthesis. In your answer, include each of the following: the role of the DNA template and coding strands RNA structure and function the relationship between codons AND anticodons Biology 91159, 2013 ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY 6 lff N><l oJo(/! oa Ill ttd)J/1 w1!/ /mi)'e tl _jj[)J 11 I (A of bdt~~-j/ 1ft ({JfN !)Z/}1 c/;0jl !11111/:t (}___ _CflicL f~ol d cadi! ~~ t111 J l/ltt tm# .,,.,,,., USE ONLY _j»1YJ11~f/Jfl itrJtul ~if/ 4NM 6tlwetJ11 lfiJ 111/if~ &m/ .& ./kt?HUMti1t7 acto! 1t-P p/fJcrL{ At// Mrrffi!11e /tJqplfFj/ /rJ ~NM' & }J{);nd ttJII ltn;#. 1Jwf' lh/ cJ[t"ur/ ~ Itt _[[Lbafi-rtdJ__)Jj_a vo afot f tlffl cl 1ft 1/t11cl l'o clotf/1 tfi7t:l roclf! tl IU 1/lAJif brlf'lf tJ !)Mtlltl I&~ /!_hj _;_!?)/If [ocr t%C(t/F /,o/ flocv betJfi' !P'f -l; o orflrJ ~ Jf{o~tl to¥14/!tciP Jof1c/ 1:; fot/lfl.fd -~/jp;fr;;:lf _i;/P12 er J/;z;J //;IJ _it f'ff (Ot1I/11!1PJ t111cJ . /froi-Prh) /) (]Nt?l#c/, c/Jmi"' r-odtTt/1 :fj~r+ ~. ~~re:f : NJ&~c:/.Pd nhJ'i)f1AJ /11cr.f ,; f{t .vlf1cJ }:JrF1H'f;t· 'f(_p . v~~~rts (Jro{ws Of .fvz;tr/f£{/flf?l.~/7 a;~ ·--/rz:?r'~f{/:vli£? ;"'7' Mel C?f/111/fo {J 1 1 • -(:;:t1v1/J 7o /ZP 1 'I I/ ;; /c{Jcl ancl fit'- tf/M./o/1/0 Mif?r//PJ p;vlflln /t(}tri (lt;J 1 a<rd [;_7 7 QUESTION THREE: MUTATIONS j ASSt:SSOR'!l U!J:!!ONL'l' Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the gene CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator). The most common mutation is a deletion of three nucleolides that resillts in a loss of an amino acid at the 50 8th position on-tlie ]rroi'fm. Thill ;,_utatfon acrounts for approximately 66-·70% of cystic fibrosis cases worldwide. It is an inheritable recessive condition. CFTR Sequence; NucleotldeATC ATf T~....., GGTGTT Amino Acid lie II Phe Gly Val I I ····~ 508 500 510 Deleted In .1.F508 AF-508 CFTR Sequence: Nucleotide ATC ATT GGT GTT Amino Acid He lle Gty Val I 506 Image Sourc~ hl.tps://!physiology/fiiD..respjratory-systcm/ respiratory-system-disorders-and-cllnicnt-caresJcystio-fibrosis/ {a) Define the term mutation, ~fL..._tl1.£Lt~{21,!L .flaLrz..___Je/jtL!f2&:2c€ L) L fltt1M.jt£.._!p____/cq_ (YI!Ak:d}',:;)l'l o T."____Lldl_.?f. _ _. .-d;JSC/7 /J?d 8 (c) With reference to ~'Ystic fibrosis and another named disease, compare and contrast inherited mutations with mutations that occur during the organism's lifespan. In your answer include: • a description of both types of mutation • an explanation of possible causes of these mutations and why they are different in terms of their effect on the organism a discussion of each type of mutation, iu relation to the two diseases, and whether the diseases are inherited . .JJj!/f( .Jrko,JI.'J i).~f1!, d 1 '.J /}l!ffh,.._Jt> ft:;i/ tif c///:fP/f' /o 6f , /J?et~y/f/P h/JH'J..l"'cl '"" -"'7"" {L £if ;'tlc/rvldc~ct! 1111!/crlecl-:--~oP'VJ 11!Uft:1.liou; l/1al (AM ILP11 IJI'ivuf ./ .evrcf1 (){?[tw ;.e[t"/lt:f __ pc;tt'f?n-1, dun;1J tf/1 ····tf!fJPififH/ .bleltM~ tlfl-1. t.auJfcl . 6!j___jj;Jwfq.t7.efU at!cl Me· fJf /tfJf . f1· tqc/ial!o;1~ftich tat~Jf'J .&.2...__~ ti;:Jf?oJP CCI tHPr. /l1uif't?Pff/ · Utu{.ctl/tJP!.J,. ./ ' JJ........r:.lli:tt:yt.e. It; ttl {x;up ./Pf.tu!11ff CPY:: dWP,__..12d... ~Cli~effed 1ft' td/.J wl.eN /U' f11Wtt?lfi;n __jffi .'tifMI(il·n/ IMf_.P:f'C&tl"rPd 11'1 cA/4//p"L Jttdz :J)?~'fpj', )/l~·iQc;/1 1 I!L!~.df {r!JtOJ!? tAl(( tffpr/ g/(.(f/1/ flf. fY -PJ};ifUfiM:../7! lid e{/_f~l/ u{Cif/1; ~.J! I !if tt~t1t?_&/.f:i-:L fVtU.fe...;/!i:::;v~ .J:L Cvt/1 .1£ ~fl1 !!f;llucrtfl lo ..... {ko/::;wJie~ I)IJ Jldh _LfiUVfJ) a.......MYdgf;()11 e (a 11 ( f m 1/1/1 rJ JI! '-"j!.f! C/ {/ t /It c;LJ!c..:...t!l_ (f11 (;( tr,r 14> Vt.(JL/J '/;e!, !jlan/1/'Jtl cqtJ....~.Jz..e {octtJ!'vl &J!A !P hat:·- -·· a d/Sa~~ .. 'lf.ffl.Wf......._Cr;J} /'c 1/ /zroJ; './ ;J tJn !'h jj I' (If? d ~...; cX"C ~· ...1litJfolf . iL_ am JLj2.a/JPc(_f2!1-, _,f);IP({JJ!! ln11f .JllYUf tfhvl11f~Jl0 4C'A_. __ .@)___ct4J11p; _._fltY_ _.n of J?J· iff! leJi !?1/ / J..."C.rJ~~ 1'feLJ.. frAn r7P.f bf paa .t crd---1.a.l£fi!I"'----·-- _Jif !lti:Pr!/Pcl dut.n.JP t?f (jlht 0/JrtCfL..iJL "'-'--·"':::::!( bllrclt pet'-t'. j;ie_c;?J:/7/ . CfJeoYlc<?/ 9 Extra paper If required. Write the question number(s) If applicable. Bi<Jiogy 91159, 2013 I I\SSE$sm:l'S USI$0NI..V L _j 91159 ,. . NZftA 1111111111111111111 SUPERVISOR'S USE ONLY NEW ZEALAND QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY MANA TOHU MATAURANGA 0 AOTEAROA Level 2 Biology, 2013 91159 Demonstrate understanding of gene expression 9.30am Friday 22 November 2013 Credits: Four Achievement Demonstrate understanding of gene expression. Achievement with Merit Demonstrate in-depth understanding of gene expression. Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of gene expression. Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page. You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet. If you need more space for any answer, use the page(s) provided at the back of this booklet and clearly number the question. Check that this booklet has pages 2-9 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank. YOU MUST HAND THIS BOOKLET TO THE SUPERVISOR AT THE END OF THE EXAMINATION. Excellence TOTAL 22 ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY ©New Zealand Qualificat•onsAuthority. 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permiss•on of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. 2 You are advised to spend 60 minutes answering the questions in this booklet. ASSES! USEC QUESTION ONE: EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENT One way to examine the role of the environment in variation among organisms is to compare the phenotypes of various traits in genetically identical organisms. Atmadillos are ideal animals to use in such research, because they are born as quadruplets derived from a single fertilised egg. This means that all four armadillo pups share the same genetic sequence. In a number of experiments carried out by scientists in the 1960s, genetically identical armadillos were found to show significant phenotypic differences when exposed to a range of environmental factors. For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here. . Image Source: Discuss how genetically identical armadillos could be used to show the relationship between environmental factors and phenotype. In your answer: t/ • describe what is meant by 'phenotype' • describe what is meant by 'mutagen', and explain, using appropriate examples, why not all environmental factors are mutagens ./ • evaluate how studies on the annadillos could show that 'non-mutagenic' environmental factors may change phenotype without changing genotype. / r 1hcnol?pc' // IlK !l{{Jn( .fJJ[W f?J ilru -1!-!fi~L..!C...~!._i._~~ro /17d!Y/d~"""'--co"'---- _;_I_fifl 4-f£nl !hal etft.ifJ J4-_Ji1dLLI?7i!Ld ,/d l/Jql t/t!t a, )Jlumlr~ZLJ!IilLff.lcwr.r m 11w ;ncl;ndtfqf 1/;n !I Jn ar$ft!lr?tl mulrclrvn~Ml:Y!t lht mulrijcn ;hctucc.L..L.AJubt!rm tt/2 l'k_ ___ _()_(flU 1£--0fflljpl._ f/LiffMf of il1 ~~!Lc /lLim_;iLdiJ!!J.ttftti ui!Ll!LMII !JJ&.k tk~h/&1 !MLLZM_£_ hta tlil!l~W/ K¥!Kl. . J11~/J_at_h/lllrY-- --·-- ------·-··-·-·Biology 91159, 2013 4 QUESTION TWO: PROTEIN SYNTHESIS The DNA sequence determines the structure of a protein and how that protein is produced. (a) Table of mRNA CODONS SECOND CODON ELEMENT ~ -,-h l U u c Plffi SER SllR SER STOP SER PRO PRO PRO PRO z~-~ ) ~ C ill ~ 5 § LEU LEU A u p. ~P< LEU LEU G ILB ILE JLE THR MET THR VAL VAL VAL VAL ALA ALA ·-~··-'--- G TYR CYS CYS u STOP STOP TitP A G HIS IllS GLU GLU ARG ARG ARG ARG TYit - TllR TllR fiLA ALA A - ASPN ASPN LYS LYS ASP ASP GLU GLU .. ~ - c ·- -·~-· SER SER ~ u c A G r-u c ~ (j 0 tJ ~ to1 r;; ::~t ~ . GLY GLY GLY -U C . A GL~G Using the iufonnation provided above, complete the table below. Note: In the table below, you need only to give one possible codon for each mRNA. f'r ( 1 Explain with an example from the table why there is more than oue possible codon for the same amino acid. i 5 /i Discuss the major stages of protein synthesis. ASSESSOR'S USE ONLY In your answer, include each of the following: the role of the DNA template and coding strands ~ RNA structure and function / the relationship between codons AND anticodons ./ the role of start AND stop codons . / the purpose of the ribosome. !here t}rc l malt? r/' .1m;w of ,!)mft;f? arzcf fm12dYft . ___}jjtb fllf/11Jk tivo .t/r@1C/J /lzt k11J(lirULflli21lcl J!lfjjJ!_/1 w!lhcJ /!J 1f1!Ziki!F ho.rt!7)JI7t1:1_ urri~ iltt fa odcvf the l'td«zj-.LII!21Jt!cat_ 'Cf/on;:;lS f /hr. ftlrimj- .!lm11c/ 0 fhr t~ptrolc 11174 d M71 do /h;J /J!jLIJj!J]lf !l!tdcdzau 1111/b #!( fo?ljllelt J'/rcrnt whtti? t?c/T c?J '/7. 5 {;ccU'(JJfe 1,,o(__r;, ro(le 1/Jtil lfi< li :/g;;k CP2?jl~ kq't"_dz!r, ( r C1rv?1 !here tta_I!AJJ cl!1tcrcnl l!jiCr af Jf/{1/f t!JJ:c( m /Yolrm .tjll r -. J111f_l/(d t1 wed 1'2 /J:JIIl /mnf!d7)Jilfl2.Jf.!Lr:/_ /m/1;/c/ml, u/l;k IN!!/ p a;etf M!J;. m /rcrar/r:t!l?r, dJ/1/1 ;; fll?jk vlrtll?ctc/ :mel !Jar a I DJ/ _m(AI/ o7xn-r JiifA' mrl:ad ()/ dco~JabrJ.Le:__~ m~ !!po rJ/ tf# t/YV1 C?~h'P :'.-e/1 _[_tf!_!(:;(;{ ~vh/r;h 1/K I!LylJJ!!K 1J )J«J( (J) m d_l/(ij w!lh tfl171jlkmm~_tl!fttl;JK ml[£1 mwr t1 U) In t! (!!IJd! pf!f( rwf I bage .[J:;v.rc...orvr?cT. mililZiJ!_A·~;;r ro/ly tJ/ IlK rodmj .!lJ:J;m;L P!f-1<1ff\llk!Jt(l7!'?f'- ·. . , . ltmpa!c .drfllli II l!u.n mm'er ott! tJf !h< n~.~ctm ~ .fLtncd-io /1 I . ;~r '/ ~ t2JfiiJZI< !1«- 1/ttckuJ ~lo dtl/1/? !for /mzz;_dzmlz lim ;'/ Ur r7 t:x:;8 ' , (fvfV:>e) JL!Jdr 111!112 "--/Z/211.TC!?« tv.1qr llu !7.?4'/,:;;ne t?dzlidLL' tW/CP?/jm:/ 11?41/ ' 1 , , \ -- ,!)(cv'fl 5 tf/Jl(f(h td]fl_twj!ICI!'Iefl!h.!j M/ra!_rhl__[ tltld /,?,{ ((rrt.(t2oVJ1!1f d_l'!lfl2t2__ C-'>'/, . _iliL&L· Tlu uh01111n< lhuJ liiiJdL!M armno a.?L71rJ.j-tl.lKLMlh ~~~~.o'( -fl£/ltllik btlhcfL___ct.c11im1~dlff~dLiill» wbzcb WL!Uzf~!17_____ {(,z.Jo;:tfck'lf'h r' ~~~ «m,!liC!rct !Itt ;;b(!mmr(rJ _i/l7mrl cl m!Lii?!, reudillj off tl gw/ a ~ tJ!cn/q flu_ !11a/uo/. ,iJII/jf't!2llr/JYhl2!l1 [, !he / / ohOR;fiJ./" itJtYWJ {(lhC!f h .;/u;7 IJ?rJ/(1)? · - lJu--jiPJtlll frre?Uft 1/JI!C If}{ ode. Bio!oav 91159. 2013 ' _____.. There is more space-for your answer to Question 1\vo (b) on the following page. I v 6 /·::;·;~.:;· _JJ_/__,j{l(r; ltihdh fotk;_/!L JT;t(IJ. 1b!l_!lcl2j!terJ o£ 'f!f//10 -rt J!1f T </u •Mh'iir _ii!'f:._'.fl__41dJJ.c~. ---ci;--ll'lttm/l?j_t.fljq~jYI';jf!;~_£, ' 0:(1tJ: ~"::;~,) 'h..- nnl. n;,/1 '-fVe l ~- " J!JtJirtllf1',~!!1C!!./ZdL_L!JaJ12 tt!J~ ~ t/ /tlr (j(g__a:L W 'if{-c;v"i .JlLI£(VXh jiJ&!ll bzo:L:ii!LjllllltilL...1flrL1!1llw> t?U/~li .. -- y-fof eocJo~\ .J&I!l]_dC.fL!:L M(!; WtJ {/flJ!lJr1JltL1LJi1Lf1llrmzmLJJ!JJ/ c. ~ ---· /" ,,.J . ~ilfJ.«!]1:.ri._/1j(l:ff.lll:iLdl£!i£l:______,/l/)l.trxlaJ.LJfF( ~~~ (j CG, fJGd 7 _rJr t{ffif. il.drJ!J.LilC.Uk_frzjlicLtzLd(lJ:t:,U2n 1/x. ---+-.. •• __mtlf!l lt!ha...fl_~illl1fl.k1lt!1/____/k_iunJiil.!t_JlzizacLJ::'---1Ld.J'...~..___..1fu___.tadr!JJ;_jJ}LU....£.iLrrJfli£J!J:I:!1 t_lfM.c.JJ/fllt-11JJipn J'.....J.Uhcr:b...JJ-fiJ.M..L(r~ _oLibL JKNit· _4n .bMt !Irp.kJl~ at ffrc. JliLV'LfiLpaJLfel.lth fl\( JiiflllflUJ..JIM_lt'!l};j][fl; 11Ju. _ _ JJ.iowL !rJr_.ii!L...ftJrraL..ttl!Jill!L llaJiJ!LjKl!JJJ.r/!!!'Itt/./:j~---~ _!ftt. fM/A_...ilL?.t!"?_cf__;lzt__ :0t mfl'/fldl tc_ci&J' ~~-- ~~rmalmLaf...A{~~~ a~Jt----~-------~-~- Biology 91159, 2013 ' 7 <o~UEST,JON THREE: MUTATIONS ...,-'' fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the gene CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane [..ccmdlJCtanceregnlator). The most common mutation is a deletion of three nucleotides that re11nlts in a loss of an amino acid at the 50 8th position on the protein. This mutation accounts for ··approximately 6~70% of cystic fibrosis cases worldwide. It is an inheritable recessive condition. CFTR Sequence: G G T G TT Amino Acid lin Gly If I ••• Val 510 Deleted In AF5DB .&F51}8 CFTR Sequenc.e: Nucleotide ATC ATT GGT GTT Amino Acid lfe lle Gly Vai I 506 Image Source: https://www. boitndless.comlphysiology/the-resplratory-systeml Define the term mutation, __Ll_gilllltZtzlt2._lL1fl!lffriv.-c.t1 /b le tl mtffliif'e ;IJj(K__ _!JLntlrr rade N)JJiiL_r,m_cL!JxLJi.Lillflea/cd IJt_tJ£tf-14itLcL k;i·/c:;.! ~Sen 'beo/ __a[!d /bt£(_fl!f____.!ivcral_f/11/ta:!Jf kf!tLal.' lll«k/#tl1- _ IdentifY the differences between substitution, insertion and deletien mutations, and explain which type of mutation has the most significant effect on an organism's phenotyp<J. f:::y/? kz-t/7 .t:: ......ll!f.luJZ.lJif~_tJ.r;j{./Jl/17 t?.ad.. ;l?ft/lltJlJ_f!Jll IIilllnr s:Jh-...nlfw~ t1tX 4/l ;rl1~0'1,J. V~'~k, _l-g__jg_JLm{.L:fJ!!J£L..!l1Hiti..!lkJ.:..Jbl7 /J kal.t&ft_unc_____kt.e tt<fn...a ___ cj.o fj~ I irr;;£~!Mr. . J.{i,J:c /t11t~ 1LU21if.f...J!I.Ilv'---- p4:7'fe./ .n __qf/1:{__11LfULfL/J!JJlirri[tlflJ- ;J llf.iul!Jldtm !Yl!l ml;lrl. (/ (tl/?ftZU:n::c( -rlt:fi.f!Je..ill.&LtiL/h.U!Llif~u. t1r 111t?J.!J.ill ~4./fff.LIK.....i&:li!! 4 ./ / .dt!fr:cr:nt C!m!l?JL.t2Wi.:_ if tL!!~....JlK11...ik....!fllltil7 t112f-d( t~!/cfl'd f.lL. m rtm( fil.W.....Il.tll?-ftlll I l!!!JtLtitJr:!Ll1J......!l!.!l.Lifh?J._ {'nj I+ ' 8 , c) With re:furence to cystic fibrosis and another named disease, compare and contrast inherited '"'""mutations with mutations that occur during the organism's li:fuspan. In your answer include: a description ofboth types of mutation / • an explanation of possible causes of these mutations and why they are different in terms of their effeL1 on the organism ../ • a discussion of each type of mutation, in relation to the two diseases, and whether the diseases are inherited. I M...t~lru'tlil?F tJCutr 1 Gplr:t.i'l ',' ancfJJlJ::l~ ; 0 he.niec»' . _k_pvftd ~JILJcm:fl1inz2L_.!Niz li4.d!l. llf;wfi.T .. . !f;/;g/LIJ ~~lL~CLffilt.L tvnr;fifll;!J, 1/c~wrrbtdnltfiJL_jl~ !Jy numy J tine! Nt __!lLk J1!llltliJ]:_JdiL..tJL..1lfi~'Jrlnzlm tmL.@lJJJi!LJJ. m"''//e£-:h'c;T~ OCC~rS J \ I G/Jl.'V'r<:::,~ ('tJttfr q mtt!li/J1n_ ~-c_ khtliL4tn:.t/Jf'_[_J!JiJL.£21.11C.d?:..~n ttoc!kl: t111(fldj :;:::: ~·~ Jl4Lil...£L.tif/ta...ti.ll.._.(Jr~&!lULdmJllLJ!z!1iJi-jlJ._L!lttmych ~ cY'~ arb! jrdllttLJhtilL!ll./JUlltcl lfcwe~!J:tLitttl6'j:'tiJ.dc!lfiP__ .1/J{_~lh!JL.tiJlfm:!JJ_/rjjliLJliJJJH itt/mlJ 11/lf:c~iiittfL /'YIIA ~:W/ ~tff!fe1MI1lj~!!L}fLtli~C~I.ilLfz]2lld£l...L41U(LJ.C/11'f!tL__~ -·-~ · : _;LtiJJ);lr1.ii!o__rlfnlL./ht~~tlL!Jlil~ _J.l fht &J:JaO!l!J__i:tlfa.fld__tuLJLdmt?i:..<t:f ~~·~ oc .t,f}f'(Jltl luz&Lc_d!Jj _ /Y) /o . · : I I [0]! B!oloav 91159, 2013 ~ B;(t;'~"e~'T e- .LfllllfLJJ.t:L_jL..ytllfizJli/JJL&ct:lvrc;tz/1 m'lecLJ!itljL~- _ ir1 ~-feo)v'7 mty--;JJ. I p:tss:e:._) ="" ·.· riL.dJJ_i[£jjljE _!J2/d./ll!ll' lllll!L!J-.~_/£/Na/1. flttt.ktil _f]/jj~alJ_f]ln ,/1 -·f/:;;l7r lamti .L'!:l.....~~tlllft:r ..J.nd. 1 i 9 ~· Extra paper If required, Write the question number(s) If applicable. ASSES$0R'>S OS!! ONLY