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December 20, 2016
Midterm Review Questions
1. Which social scientists focus their studies on scarcity, resources, and profit motives?
(1) archaeologists
(2) historians
(3) economists
(4) sociologists
2. A geographer attempts to understand and interpret patterns and processes primarily
(1) examining political theories
(2) studying supply and demand models
(3) authenticating oral histories
(4) analyzing spatial data at different scales
3. Which factor most influenced the construction of semi-permanent settlements during
the Neolithic period?
(1) production of surplus food
(2) ability to harness fire
(3) drawings on cave walls
(4) introduction of fishing nets
4. The Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point in global history because it led
(1) increasing migrations of people in search of food
(2) a belief in a spiritual world
(3) increasing use of animal skins for clothing
(4) the development of civilization
5. During the Neolithic Revolution, production of a food surplus led directly to
(1) a nomadic lifestyle
(2) an increase in population
(3) a reliance on stone weaponry
(4) a dependence on hunting and gathering
6. The primary reason ancient peoples of the Nile River valley built levees, dikes, and
reservoirs was to
(1) purify sacred waters
(2) defend against invaders
(3) create a shorter route to distant cities
(4) increase agricultural production
7. The Egyptians used hieroglyphics in the same way as the Sumerians used
(1) ideographs
(2) cuneiform
(3) calligraphy
(4) letters
8. Discovery of streets arranged in a grid-like pattern and a system of pipes for moving
water in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro suggest that these ancient river valley cities in
South Asia had
(1) organized governments
(2) subsistence-based economies
(3) polytheistic beliefs
(4) rigid social classes
Base your answer to question 9 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social
studies. ... Monsoons are relied upon throughout the country to provide water for
growing crops. Heavy monsoons, however, can bring floods that often have a high
death toll. These floods have been exacerbated [made worse] by deforestation of the
hills for industrial and agricultural purposes. It is a fine balance between having plenty of
water to flood the rice fields and having too much so that crops, homes, and even lives
are lost. The alternative to the floods may be famines. However, India’s infrastructure
can now deal successfully with these: When the monsoon fails in one area, the army is
able to move supplies to the drought-stricken area. As a result of this organization, few
lives were lost in the Maharashtra famines of 1965–66 and 1974–75, while more than
two million people died in the Bengal famine of 1943. —Louise Nicholson, National
Geographic Traveler: India, 2007 12.
9. Based on this passage, how have the negative effects of the monsoons been
reduced in recent years?
(1) The army is building dams to hold back the floods.
(2) Farmers have begun to grow crops that require less water.
(3) Home construction in flood areas has been controlled by government
(4) An improved infrastructure makes it possible to bring supplies to areas in
need of help.
10. Which practice is closely associated with most ancient river valley civilizations?
(1) recording events in cave paintings
(2) using irrigation systems
(3) developing democratic traditions
(4) spreading monotheistic religious customs
11. Which geographic feature was central in helping the Romans unify their empire?
(1) Alps
(2) Mediterranean Sea
(3) Tiber River
(4) Great Rift Valley
12. Which geographic feature served as a barrier to political unity and encouraged the
rise of independent city-states in ancient Greece?
(1) broad plains
(2) navigable rivers
(3) mountain ranges
(4) numerous ports
13. Which term is most closely associated with Hellenism under Alexander the Great?
(1) cultural diffusion
(2) theocracy
(3) pacifism
(4) natural rights
14. Which river is most closely associated with Hinduism?
(1) Nile
(2) Yellow
(3) Tigris
15. Where does the archaeological evidence gathered by Louis and Mary Leakey
suggest the earliest humans developed?
(1) Great Rift Valley
(2) Amazon rain forest
(3) Himalaya Mountains
(4) Philippine archipelago
16. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
I. __________________________________
A. Development of a stable food supply
B. Establishment of permanent settlements
C. Development of writing systems and religions
(1) Effects of the Migration of People
(2) Results of the Neolithic Revolution
(3) Achievements During Feudalism
(4) Causes of the Green Revolution in Agriculture
17. The Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables, and the Justinian Code are examples
(1) religious edicts
(2) written laws
(3) epic poems
(4) democratic constitutions
18. Which statement about China is a fact rather than an opinion?
(1) Flooding was the worst disaster to affect ancient Chinese civilizations.
(2) The Mandate of Heaven was an idea developed in ancient China.
(3) Early Chinese civilizations were the most important civilizations in the world. (
(4) Dynastic governments were highly effective in China.
19. Which geographic feature did the earliest civilizations in Egypt, India, and China
have in common?
(1) mountains that provided protection from invasion
(2) rivers that increased the fertility of the land by flooding
(3) vast forests that supplied lumber for building
(4) tropical climates that included monsoon
“River of Sorrows Floods Again”
“Thousands Missing After Huang He Overflows”
“Over 10 Million Reported Homeless After 1931 Flooding”
20. These newspaper headlines above describe the effects of geography on the people
(1) China
(2) Japan
(3) India
(4) Vietnam
Match the terms with their definitions
21. _________ subcontinent
22. _________Khyber Pass
23. _________Ganges River
24. _________ Indus River
25. _________ monsoons
26. _________ Indus River Valley
Civilization (aka Harappan Civilization)
a. Seasonal winds; there are two of
these (summer and winter)
b. Allowed people to cross the
mountains into India (Aryans)
c. A large area of land that is part of
a continent but is also separated
from the continent (part of Asia
but is separated by mountains)
d. Located in northwestern India;
rich farmland; home to the
world’s first civilization in India
(Indus River Valley Civilization)
e. Had carefully planned cities,
plumbing and sewage systems,
and a strong central government
f. Flows across most of northern
India; good supply of water
comes from Himalayas; is sacred
to Hindus