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Flow Chart Assignment
Directions: Create a flow chart, identifying the causes of World War II in Europe.
With a partner (only 2 people may work together for this assignment), review The
National World War II Museum website, and complete a flow chart demonstrating
your knowledge on the causes of World War II. Your flowchart may begin with
whichever event you think was the first step towards World War II, but your flow
chart must end with September 3rd, 1939, the Day England and France declared war
on Germany.
You may work with a partner, but only 2 people may be in a group
Your flowchart must have a minimum of 5 events.
Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs detailing the event and how this event
leads into the next event on your flowchart
Your flowchart must demonstrate how one event leads to another event,
with the final event being the beginning of the war in Europe
The final event, the beginning of the war, does NOT count towards your 5
Your flowchart should demonstrate your knowledge of the causes of World
War II in Europe, and show a clear chain of events that led to the war.
Scoring Guide
There is a minimum of 5 events +5 points
Each event leads into another event, showing cause and effect +5 points
Student demonstrates a working knowledge of the causes of WWII +5 points
There is a minimum of 2 paragraphs per event, detailing event and how this
event caused the following event +5 points
The flowchart is easy to follow and looks professional +3 points
The flowchart is free of spelling and grammar errors +2 points
TOTAL = 25 points
Example Flowchart
World War I (1914-1918)
World War I, which began in 1914 when Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia.
This declaration of war would set of a chain of events, due to a complicated
system of alliances and treaties, which would lead to all of Europe and The
United States fighting it out in the trenches. World War I pitted Austria- Hungry,
Germany, and the Ottoman Empire against The British Empire, France, Russia,
and the United States.
World War I ended on November 11, 1918 when the Central Powers of AustriaHungary, The Ottoman Empire, and lastly Germany signed an armistice
agreement. This led to the Treaty of Versailles, signed by Germany, which
severely punished Germany for the war, and setting of a chain of events that
would ultimately lead to the Second World War.
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1918, the treaty represents the end
of conflict between Germany and the Allied Powers of The British Empire,
France and The United States. Under the terms of the Treaty Germany was
forced to accept full blame for the war, known as the War Guilt Clause. Germany
was forced to pay for the damages of the war, taking full economic responsibility
for the war. Lastly Germany was forced to disarm, their military was severely
limited, and they were forced to demilitarize the Rhineland, between Germany
and France.
The Treaty of Versailles was a source of great resentment for the German people.
Germans felt that they were forced to accept unfair terms in the treaty, and were
especially offended by the War Guilt Clause, which forced them to take the blame
for the war. The German economy was seriously damaged by the war
reparations clause. The Treaty of Versailles would open the door for a
charismatic leader to step into, and use German resentment to rebuild the
German nation.
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler, a veteran of World War I, saw the resentment Germans felt over the
Treaty of Versailles, and would use that resentment to rise to power in the
German government. Adolf Hitler promised to abandon the Treaty of Versailles,
build up the Germany military, end the war reparations, and return German to
their former status in Europe.
Hitler, who took power in 1933, quickly acted upon his promised, and began
building up the German military. Hitler ordered troops back into the Rhineland,
and began taking back land Germany lost in the First World War, including the
Sudetenland. Though the Allied Powers of Britain and France were aware of
Hitler’s actions, they failed to act, instead adopting a policy of Appeasement.
Policy of Appeasement
While Britain and France were aware of Hitler breaking the terms of the treaty
they failed to act, adopting a policy of Appeasement, thereby allowing Hitler to
continue his actions unchallenged. Coming out of the First World War, which
devastated the European landscape, European Powers were afraid to get
involved in another international military conflict. The European Powers also
feared the rise of Communism in The Soviet Union, and hoped Germany would
stop the spread of Communism westward.
European powers sympathized with the Germans concerning re-militarization,
arguing that they should be allowed to defend themselves from the Communists.
A policy of appeasement was adopted, designed to avoid a war, while containing
Hitler and stopping the spread of Communism. The main proponent of
appeasement was Chamberlain the Prime Minister of Britain, who declared he
had secured “peace for our time”.
Germany Invades Poland
The European Powers took a policy of appeasement towards Germany, thereby
allowing Germany to rebuild its military, enter the Rhineland, and take lands
such as the Sudetenland. The appeasement allowed Hitler to greatly expand his
powers in Europe, and led Hitler to believe he would go unchallenged in his
pursuits. This would lead to Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet
Union, guaranteeing the Soviet would not interfere in German activities
concerning Poland.
One September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Due to the non-aggression
pact with the Soviet Union, the Germans were able to easily defeat the Polish
arm and occupy Poland. The invasion of Poland was the breaking point for
European Powers, who had guaranteed to protect Poland, and on September 3,
1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany, effectively beginning the
Second World War.
On September 3, 1939 European Powers, most notably Britain and France
formally declared war on Germany, after the German invasion and occupation of