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This article was downloaded by: [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] On: 11 November 2011, At: 09:27 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK European Journal of Sport Science Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Resultant muscle torque and electromyographic activity during high intensity elastic resistance and free weight exercises a b c Saied Jalal Aboodarda , Mohamad Shariff A. Hamid , Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed , d Fatimah Ibrahim & Martin Thompson e a Sports Centre, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia b Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia c Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia d Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia e Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Available online: 11 Nov 2011 To cite this article: Saied Jalal Aboodarda, Mohamad Shariff A. Hamid, Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed, Fatimah Ibrahim & Martin Thompson (2011): Resultant muscle torque and electromyographic activity during high intensity elastic resistance and free weight exercises, European Journal of Sport Science, DOI:10.1080/17461391.2011.586438 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. European Journal of Sport Science 2011, 1"9, iFirst article Resultant muscle torque and electromyographic activity during high intensity elastic resistance and free weight exercises SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA1, MOHAMAD SHARIFF A. HAMID2, AHMAD MUNIR CHE MUHAMED3, FATIMAH IBRAHIM4, & MARTIN THOMPSON5 1 Sports Centre, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, 4Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and 5Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 3 Abstract The purpose of this study was to quantify and compare Resultant Muscle Torque (RMT) and muscle activation (EMG) pattern, during resistance exercise comprising eight repetitions maximum (8 RM) biceps curl with elastic resistance and free weight exercise. Sixteen male and female recreationally active subjects completed 8 RM biceps curl by each of three modalities of resistance exercise: (i) dumbbell (DB), (ii) elastic tubing with original un-stretched length at the commencement of contraction (E0), and (iii) elastic tubing with 30% decrement of original length (E30) at the commencement of contraction. The magnitude of muscle activation, external force, acceleration as well as range of motion (ROM) were quantified and synchronised by specific software. The data were collected from all eight repetitions but the first (initial), the fifth (middle) and the eighth (last) repetitions were selected for further data analysis. Each selected repetition was partitioned into a concentric and eccentric phase and then each phase was further divided into three equal segments (3 concentric and 3 eccentric ! 6 segments per repetition). The EMG and RMT data demonstrated a bell-shaped muscle activation and muscle torque production pattern for the three modes of exercise. The E30 resulted in 15.40% and 14.89% higher total EMG (mV) as well as 36.85% and 17.71% higher RMT (N ! m) than E0 and DB, respectively (all P B0.05). These findings support the contention that an elastic resistance device (E30) has the capacity to provide an appropriate high resistance stimulus to meet the training requirement of elite athletes. Keywords: Resistance training, elastic tubing, variable exercises, multiple repetitions maximum Introduction Resistance training employing free weights or specially designed machines with pulley weights or hydraulics is a widely practised form of physical activity for stimulating skeletal muscle hypertrophy and strength (Baechle & Earle, 2000; Fleck & Kraemer, 2004). This equipment is both cumbersome and costly. Among various strength training modalities, Elastic Resistance (ER) is known as a safe and affordable mode of exercise which can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse populations (Page & Ellenbecker, 2003). Numerous research studies have recommended ER for regeneration of muscle strength in rehabilitation settings (Hostler et al., 2001; Kluemper, Uhl, & Hazelrigg, 2006; Schulthies, Ricard, Alexander, & Myrer, 1998). However, tensile force of elastic material offers an ascending external resistance curve which has been acknowledged by sport scientists (Anderson, Sforzo, & Sigg, 2008; Wallace, Winchester, & McGuigan, 2006). The benefits of this ascending elastic force can be substantiated in exercises such as biceps curl and shoulder abduction. In this category of exercises, the torque generating capacity of prime movers is greater at the beginning of the concentric phase (Harman, 2000). However when using a conventional constant external resistance (e.g. free weights), muscles accelerate the force and create a moment of torque which shifts to the late concentric phase and reduces muscle stimulation (Hodges, 2006). In contrast to using free weights, the increment of provided external force by elastic material (due to further elongation) requires the active muscle to develop tension over the entire concentric phase (Hodges, Correspondence: Saied Jalal Aboodarda, University Malaya, Sport Centre, PJ. Kuala Lumpore, 56000 Malaysia. E-mail: [email protected] ISSN 1746-1391 print/ISSN 1536-7290 online # 2011 European College of Sport Science Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 2 S.J. Aboodarda et al. 2006). While providing an ascending resistance curve, an elastic device has been shown to provide a bell-shaped torque curve which is compatible with torque generating capability in many human movements including the biceps curl (Hughes, Hurd, Jones, & Sprigle, 1999; Simoneau, Bereda, Sobush, & Starsky, 2001). Although these findings validate using ER for this category of exercises, the practical difficulty of providing a high elastic resistance, particularly at the beginning of the concentric phase, has limited the use of ER in high intensity training protocols (Ebben & Jensen, 2002). Accordingly, two strategies are recommended for increasing resistance of the elastic device; 1) reducing the initial length of the elastic material (Treiber, Lott, Duncan, Slavens, & Davis, 1998); and 2) using additional elastic bands in parallel to the current elastic device (Page et al., 1993). We hypothesised that by applying these two strategies, significantly higher muscle activation and muscle torque production could be achieved with an ER device compared with conventional free weights when performing high resistance exercises. This study, was thus undertaken to investigate the electromyographic muscle activity (EMG) and Resultant Muscle Torque (RMT) profile during the performance of an eight repetition maximum (8 RM) biceps curl exercise using free weights and elastic devices. Methods Experimental approach to the problem In this investigation, subjects completed a series of 8-RM biceps curl by three modalities of resistance exercises comprising: (i) free weights-dumbbell (DB), (ii) elastic tubing with initial length (E0) and (iii) elastic tubing with 30% decrement of initial elongation (E30). The level of muscle activation and kinetic and kinematic values such as external force, linear acceleration and range of motion (ROM) were collected and synchronised by data acquisition package Myoresearch-XP (Noraxon, Scottsdale, USA, Master Edition). The first (initial), the fifth (middle) and the eighth (last) repetitions were selected for further analysis. Table I. Physical characteristics of subjects participating in the study. Subjects Age Percent Height (cm) Mass (Kg) body fat (%) Male (n ! 10) 24.492.9 178.396.8 77.395.7 Female (n ! 6) 27.294.8 158.994.7 61.195.7 13.293.9 17.397.4 main testing session. They had no history of injury or surgery, and were not currently receiving medical treatment. This experiment was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Sport Centre, University Malaya. Equipment The neuromuscular activation pattern during 8-RM Biceps curl exercise was measured via electromyography (EMG) of the biceps brachii muscle with a sample rate of 1000 Hz using a 16-bit acquisition mode with an eight-channel TeleMyoTM 2400T G2 EMG system (Noraxon, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA). The EMG signals were passed through inbuilt preamplifier leads with Input impedance !100 MV with common mode rejection ratio !80 dB. A receiver unit collected the telemetry signals from the receiver and amplified and filtered (15 Hz to 1000 Hz) the signals. The range of motion of the dominant elbow was monitored using a 2-D electrogoniometer (Noraxon, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA). A 2-D accelerometer (10g; Noraxon, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) was placed over the lateral side of the wrist to measure linear acceleration of the forearm and hand in the X and Y axis. The external resistance of the elastic device was measured using a force transducer (Noraxon, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) placed in series with the elastic device. Data were collected and synchronised using the data acquisition package Myoresearch-XP, Master Edition (Noraxon, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA). Before testing, sensors were calibrated based on the recommended instructions of the manufacturer. The elastic tubing (yellow, red, green, blue, black and silver; Hygienic Corporation, Akron, OH) and standard dumbbell (MuJo Products) were used as training apparatuses. Experimental protocol Subjects Sixteen healthy male (n !10) and female (n ! 6) recreationally active volunteers gave their informed consent to participate in this study. Their physical characteristics are presented in Table I. The subjects had no experience of resistance training in the past 12 months and were requested to abstain from any exercises involving arm muscles 48 hours before the Physical characteristics of subjects. All subjects attended a preliminary testing session where anthropometric measurements including height, body mass and the length of the subject’s dominant forearm (distance from the elbow joint to the wrist joint) and forearm plus hand (tip of middle finger of the hand to the elbow) were undertaken and recorded from the subjects. The percentage of body fat was assessed Muscle torque and electromyographic activity Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 using a four-skinfold site (thigh, triceps, suprailiac, and abdomen) equation (Jackson & Pollock, 1978). Elastic resistance device. The resting un-stretched length of E0 was determined for each subject by measuring the distance from the origin (ground) to the axis (distal end of the load cell attached to the handle of the elastic device held by the subject standing in anatomical position). The resting length of E30 was therefore calculated as the length of E0 " 30%. The subjects were then familiarised with the testing procedure by practising maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) and dynamic exercises. The resistance required for 8 RM was assessed by the three types of resistance training devices (dumbbell, the elastic resistance device at E0, and E0 length " 30%) prior to the day of testing. The 8 RM was selected for the current study because it has been widely recommended for training protocols designed to develop muscle strength (Fry, 2004; Kraemer et al., 2002). The external load in each mode of training was either added or removed to meet the load required for an actual 8 RM. To achieve this, different combinations of elastic colour codes were examined for E0 and E30 (each colour denotes specific resistance; for a review see Simoneau et al., 2001). Accordingly, the colour codes of E0 and E30 were dictated by the requirement to successfully complete 8 RM and therefore differed between the two modes of training. The actual 8 RM was achieved within the first or second trial. To avoid inaccurate location of electrodes from day to day testing, all data were collected within one testing session. The test protocol began with a 5-min warm up consisting of 30s to 60s biceps curl exercise with minimal resistance followed by stretching of the upper limb musculature. Subjects then rested for 5 minutes during which time the electrogoniometer and accelerometer were strapped to the subject’s dominant arm. A pair of surface electrodes (20 mm interelectrode distance) was placed on the centre of the muscle belly in the direction of the underlying muscle fibres as recommended by Hermens et al. (1999). The ground electrode was placed at the acromial process. Before placement of electrodes, the area of skin was shaved, abraded to remove dead skin with sandpaper and cleaned with alcohol to decrease skin resistance. Prior to the dynamic exercises, subjects performed three MVICs for 5s each at 2-min intervals. Measurements were performed while the subject stood on a test platform (height: 30 cm), holding the handle of a non-extensible strap and the elbow was positioned at 908 (Alway, Grumbt, Stray-Gundersen, & Gonyea, 1992). The MVIC was calculated as the average amplitude over a one second window of 3 the highest rectified EMG signals (automatically selected by Myoresearch-XP). This measure became a reference value (100% EMG) for normalising muscle activation data during dynamic actions (% MVIC). The subjects then completed 8 RM biceps curl exercises in a randomised order across each of the three training modalities. Ten to 15 minutes resting period was assigned between exercise modes. To control the arm position during dynamic contractions, two laser beams connected to an alarm system limited the ROM (20"1408 of flexion) at each extremity. Therefore, an alarm sounded if the subject’s hand extended beyond the laser spectrums. The cadence of performing the bicep curls was 2s concentric and 2s eccentric which was maintained by the auditory signal of a metronome. One second pause between every repetition was assigned to avoid potential stretch-shortening cycle interference. An attempt at 8 RM was deemed successful if all repetitions were performed in accordance with the pace of the metronome without any compromise in ROM, plus failure to complete 9 RM. Ten subjects were randomly selected to perform the same procedures and protocol 5 days following the test day. The test-retest reliability for the magnitude of external force during performance of 8 RM dynamic trials was 0.89, 0.84 and 0.93 for E30, E0 and DB, respectively. The data were collected from all eight repetitions with the first (initial), the fifth (middle) and the eighth (last) repetitions selected for further data analysis. Each of the assigned repetitions was partitioned into a concentric and eccentric phase based on the end points determined from the electrogoniometer traces. Each concentric and eccentric phase was divided into three equal segments (3 concentric and 3 eccentric ! 6 segments per repetition). The Root Mean Square (RMS) of rectified EMG signals was computed for each phase of movement. The average of six segments was used to calculate the value of every repetition. Finally, the obtained values from first, fifth and eighth repetitions were used to calculate the ‘total average EMG’ (average of 6 segments #3 repetitions) for each exercise modality. The magnitude of Resultant Muscle Torque was calculated according to the equation recommended by Enoka (2002). The equation is as follows: sm ¼ F " D1 þ m " D2 þ Iaþðm " a " dvÞ þ ðF " a " dyÞ þ ðF " a " dxÞ þ þðF " a " dyÞ (1) Where: t m ! Resultant Muscle Torque, F !external force, D1 ! perpendicular horizontal distance from point 4 S.J. Aboodarda et al. Statistical analyses Results EMG (mV) Figure 1. A schematic of the horizontal distance from point of applied force to the elbow (D1), the horizontal distance from centre of mass to the elbow (D2), the distance which centre of mass and external force pass horizontally on the x axis (dx), and the distance which centre of mass and external force pass vertically on the y axis (dy). During elbow flexion, D1 and D2 changes throughout the biceps curl movement. Therefore, although elastic force increases with elongation, the actual torque production of the joint accommodates the ascending-descending characteristics of most strength curves of joints in the body. of applied force to axis of rotation, m ! mass of the segment, D2 ! perpendicular horizontal distance from centre of mass to axis of rotation, I ! moment of inertia of the body segment, a ! angular acceleration, a ! acceleration, dx !distance which centre of mass and external force pass horizontally on the x axis, and dy ! distance which centre of mass and external force pass vertically on the y axis. Figure 1 In this equation, the effect of gravity on various phases of motion was adjusted based on joint angle and phase of contractions according to the method recommended by Enoka (2002). In addition, the direction of acceleration (a) was perpendicular to the line of the arm and its values were determined by a 2-D accelerometer on the X and Y axis. The mass of the forearm plus hand (M) and the location of the Centre of Mass (CoM) was calculated using Zatsiorsky’s tables (Zatsiorsky, 2002) and Winter’s table C9.1 (Winter, 2004), respectively. The moment of inertia (Ia) was determined based on the equation recommended by Grimshaw, Fowler, Lees, & Burden (2006). The angular acceleration (a) was calculated using linear acceleration (measured by accelerometer ! m ! s $2) divided by the distance of the accelerometer to the axis of rotation and converted to angular form (rad ! s $2). The results addressing the total average EMG are presented in Figure 2. Analysis of variance revealed a significantly higher value for E30 compared with both E0 (62920 vs 53920) and DB (62920 vs 55918; P !0.00). No significant difference was observed between E0 and DB. The differences in EMG activity between similar segments across the three modes of exercise are presented in Figure 3 and Table II. RMT (N !m) The results addressing the total average RMT between modalities of exercise are presented in Figure 4. Analysis of variance exhibited a significantly higher value for DB compared with E0 (2397 vs 2097; P ! 0.00). In addition, E30 represented a significantly higher value than both E0 (27910 vs 2097; P !0.00) and DB (27910 vs 2397; P ! 0.012). The differences in magnitude of force and RMT between similar segments across the three 80 Mean 70 EMG (%MVC) Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 Test-retest reliability was evaluated using the data obtained from the main testing session and the follow-up testing session (5 days later) and interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of average dynamic force was computed for the three types of training. The average force, EMG and RMT values during various segments (1 to 6), repetitions (initial, middle and end) and modalities of exercise (DB, E0 and E30) were analysed using a one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (SPSS v 15) and post-hoc Bonferroni comparison. Significance was defined as P B 0.05. * † 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DB E0% Exercise Modes E30% Figure 2. Total average EMG (% of MVIC) within various exercise modes. The value of every column is comprised of the average of three repetitions and six segments. * ! E30 is significantly higher than E0. $!E30 is significantly higher than DB. Muscle torque and electromyographic activity †* 100 90 † DB E0 E30 ‡ † 40.4 * Force (N) 40 30 20 100 80 60 40 10 0 20 1 2 3 4 Concentric 5 6 0 1 Eccentric 2 Segments 3 4 Segments DB Figure 3. EMG (% of MVIC) within various segments of exercise modes. The value of every phase comprises of average of 1st%5th%8th repetitions. ! ! DB is significantly higher than E0. % ! E0 is significantly higher than DB. $!E30 is significantly higher than DB. # ! DB is significantly higher than E30. * ! E30 is significantly higher than E0. E0 5 6 E30 Figure 5. The magnitude of applied Force (N) in the three modes of training within various segments of motion. The value of every phase includes the average of 1st%5th%8th repetitions. The values above the E0 and E30 are the mean different between the two modes of training. ! ! DB is significantly higher than E0. $ ! E30 is significantly higher than DB. * ! E30 is significantly higher than E0. Table II. EMG activity of various segments of motion in the three modes of exercise. Total Average EMG (%MVIC) E0 53.45 (19.71) 60 E30 61.93* (19.98) Mean (S) of EMG activity for segment of motion(n !16) 1 2 3 4 5 6 70.9 78.2 49.3 30.4 42.2 43.4 ! (10.2) (10.4) (8.8) (8) (9.6) ! (11.4) 54.1 (9.7) 79.2 (10.1) 69.9% (9.2) 45.7% (8.1) 39.7 (9.1) 24.5 (7.7) 67.2* (7.2) 88*$ (6.6) 83.8*$ (6.3) 46.1$ (9.4) 46.6* (13.4) 38.7* (6.7) Note:The value of every segment includes the average of 1th % 5th % 8th repetitions. ! ! DB is significantly higher than E0. * ! E30 is significantly higher than E0. $ ! E30 is significantly higher than DB. % ! E0 is significantly higher than DB.(All in P B0.05). 40 Mean *† †* 50 RMT (N . m) DB 54.90 (18.26) ‡ †* DB E0% E30% 40 30 * * 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 concentric 5 6 eccentric Segments Figure 6. RMT (N ! m) values within various segments of exercise modes. The value of every segment includes the average of 1st%5th%8th repetitions. ! ! DB is significantly higher than E0. % ! E0 is significantly higher than DB. $!E30 is significantly higher than DB. * ! E30 is significantly higher than E0. 35 modes of exercise are presented in Figures 5 and 6 and Table III. 30 RMT (N . m) Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 22.5 120 * 50 * 39.0 18.5 140 60 20.8 * 160 70 † 21.3 * 80 EMG (% of MVC) ‡ †* 5 25 20 15 Discussion 10 5 0 DB E0% Exercise Modes E30% Figure 4. Total average RMT (N ! m) within various exercise modes. The value of every column is comprised of the average of three repetitions and six segments. * ! E30 is significantly higher than E0. $!E30 is significantly higher than DB. ! ! DB is significantly higher than E0. The purpose of this descriptive study was to quantify and compare the electromyographic activity and the resultant muscle torque pattern between three modes of resistance training (DB, E0 and E30) during the performance of high resistance biceps curl exercises. Previous investigators have speculated that ER does not elicit maximal activation because the external force is less than that requiring maximal activation (Matheson, Kernozek, Fater, & Davies, 6 S.J. Aboodarda et al. Table III. RMT values in various segments of motion for the three modes of exercise. Total Average RMT (N . m) DB E0 E30 23.31 ! (7.58) 20.05 (6.64) 27.44*$ (10.21) Mean (s) of RMT values for segment motion (n !16) Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 21 ! ( 6.9) 33.7 (3.6) 20.8 (6.5) 21.2 (11.4) 23.3 ! (13.2) 21.4 ! (18.3) 9.1 (7) 34.1 (18) 32.4% (23.4) 21.3 (7.4) 15.4 (7.4) 8.9 (7.9) 16.3* (8.4) 44*$ (5.9) 42.1*$ (8.9) 21.6 (7.89) 20.2 (13) 19* (8.3) Note: The value of every segment includes the average of 1st%5th%8th repetitions. ! ! DB is significantly higher than E0. * ! E30% is significantly higher than E0. $ ! E30 is significantly higher than DB. % ! E0 is significantly higher than DB. (all in P B0.05). 2001; Page et al., 1993; Hostler et al., 2001). It should be noted that in the present investigation no equalisation of external force was performed among the three modes of training. Instead, subjects completed 8 RM biceps curl by each of the three exercise modes (DB, E0 and E30). The rationale for selecting this novel method was based on the fact that: (i) no scientific method has been established to equalise the magnitude of external force; and (ii) the repetitions maximum strategy is known as a popular method for prescribing high resistance training protocols. A further consideration was that undertaking 8 RM was believed to make the research outcomes more applicable to athletic conditioning. Total average EMG and RMT Comparing the values obtained from the three modes of training (Figures 2 and 4) revealed that E30 demonstrated 15.40% and 14.89% higher muscle activation (EMG) and 36.85% and 17.71% higher muscle torque production (RMT) compared with E0 and DB, respectively. This highlights the ability of the elastic device to meet the training requirement for an elite athlete who needs to practise with high exercise intensities. In line with our finding, Matheson et al. (2001) and Muhitch (2006) concluded that elastic resistance could be used as a viable alternative to conventional free weights, provided that adequate external resistance is applied. Our findings question the recommendations of prior studies that are based on a low tensile force of elastic material and conclude that the utility of elastic devices is not confined to applications centred on rehabilitation (Hintermeister, Lange, Schultheis, Bey, & Hawkins, 1998; Hostler et al., 2001). Theoretically, developing muscle strength has been closely related to greater force application, longer duration of muscle tension and a greater total amount of work (Hortobagyi et al., 1996; Linnamo, Pakarinen, Komi, Kraemer, & Häkkinen, 2005). In high resistance weight training the initial gains in strength are primarily attributed to a greater central neural drive to the muscle with further subsequent strength gains associated with muscle hypertrophy (Moritani, 1992). On this basis, one would expect that higher total average muscle activation and muscle torque production in E30 may result in greater strength gains compared with E0 and DB. This expectation is premised on there being a direct relationship between increases in muscle activation and increases in muscle force. However this relationship may be confounded by muscle-tendon compliance and the activation of some motor units to maintain stability during the E30 trial. Further research is required to substantiate this postulate. EMG and RMT pattern The present EMG and RMT data acquired from six segments of contraction demonstrated a bell-shaped muscle activation and muscle torque production pattern for the three modes of exercise (Figures 3 and 6). These data support previous findings concluding that although elastic force increases with elongation, the interaction effects of leverage systems and the stretch-shortening cycle create an ascendingdescending torque curve which is compatible with torque generating capability in the elbow flexors (Lim & Chow, 1998). In this case, shorter moment arm length (horizontal distance from line of action of elastic device to the elbow joint) at the beginning and end of the concentric phase creates a bell-shaped torque curve with the elastic device, thus making the lifting motion easier in these areas (Hughes et al., 1999). However, the key finding of the present study concerns the positive influence of manipulating the initial elastic device length and resistance (and matching colour codes of elastic material) in achieving higher EMG activity and RMT with the elastic device. Firstly, it is worth mentioning that in order to achieve 8 RM exercise intensity, it is inevitable that additional elastic tubing has to be used in parallel to the current device. Hughes et al. (1999) reported the resistance of an elastic device (Hygienic Corporation, Akron, Ohio) from 3.3 N (yellow) to 70.1 N (silver) when elastic materials were at 18% (minimum) and 159% (maximum) of deformation from resting length (un-stretched), respectively. These data indicate that one unit of the commercially Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 Muscle torque and electromyographic activity produced elastic tubing cannot possibly provide adequate external force necessary to accomplish high exercise resistance training for an elite athlete. Therefore, matching various colour codes of elastic material (of different grades of ‘stiffness’) is a basic strategy to increase the external force required in using the ER device for training purposes. Alternatively, the length of elastic material concerned may be shortened to require an increased force of ‘stretching’ to approximate the force required for training purposes. This approach was used with the E30 condition which resulted in significantly higher EMG activity and RMT compared with E0 across all concentric phases (Figures 3 and 6). These data disclose the importance of reducing the initial length as an essential strategy to develop muscle activation and torque production when using an ER device. Thus, although initially matching elastic colour codes were implemented in both E30 and E0, this strategy in E0 was insufficient in eliciting maximal activation of the muscle. In the eccentric phase however the differences between E0 and E30 diminished (Figures 3 and 6). During the fourth segment, the forearm is accelerating in the same direction that elastic force is acting (downward). Since muscle tension must reduce to facilitate extension motion, the variation of external force between E30 and E0 does not make any significant EMG and RMT difference between the two modes of training. However, to decelerate and to stop the forearm motion in the fifth and sixth segments, higher muscle activation is required to overcome the greater torque generated by E30. The question that arises regarding the present data is: ‘How did subjects complete the same number of repetitions (8 RM) with E0 and E30, although higher EMG and RMT values were achieved by E30 (Figures 3 and 6)?’ One might speculate that due to increased resistance with shorter elastic tubing (in E30) subjects should not be able to complete 8 RM. There are several possible explanations for these apparent paradoxical findings. Firstly, in the present study, the 8 RM was assigned as an equating criterion between the three modes of training. On this basis, subjects naturally used less resistive tubing for E30 to counterbalance the effect of the shorter length; unless, they were not able to complete 8 RM. As a result, E0 and E30 provided different patterns of tensile force across the ROM (Figure 5). The data indicates that although E30 offers greater force across all phases compared with E0, only significant differences were observed at the first and sixth phases (mean difference !40 N, Figure 5). The two phases (first and sixth) where there was a significant increase in E30 force compared with E0 were in actual fact the two lowest forces across the six phases analysed. Although the 7 E30 force was marginally greater compared with E0 across the remaining four phases, this insignificant increase in force did not provide sufficient stimulus for subjects to exceed their 8 RM. Thus, these findings suggest that although the interplay between resistance and length of tubing in E30 could have resulted in higher EMG and RMT compared with E0, it was not of a magnitude that changed the number of repetitions. Another explanation for subjects achieving 8 RM in the E30 condition despite overcoming a greater ‘lifting’ resistance may involve a neurophysiological mechanism whereby a signalling pathway increases motor unit recruitment to overcome the resistance. Previous investigations have demonstrated that preloading muscle at the inception of concentric and end of eccentric phases (what presumably happens in E30) could stretch the intrafusal muscle fibres, facilitate greater discharge of efferent impulses to extrafusal fibres and increase the force of the contraction in the muscle (Aura & Komi, 1986; Enoka 2000). In addition, muscle preloading has been shown to reduce time constants of the stimulation-active state coupling as well as the interaction between series elastic components and contractile elements, that helps to enhance muscle stimulation during the concentric phase (Bobbert, Gerritsen, Litjens, & Van Soest, 1996). These mechanisms however have been suggested to increase force production during exercises involving the stretchshortening cycle (SSC) action (Moore & Schilling, 2005; Sheppard et al., 2008); while in the present study a one second pause at the transition from eccentric to concentric phase was designed to dissipate stored elastic energy within the muscles. Clearly more investigation is required to determine the effects of preloading muscle by elastic devices on the pattern of subsequent muscle force production. The comparison between E30 and DB also indicated superiority of E30 in producing considerably higher EMG in the second, third and fourth segments and greater RMT in the second and third segments of contraction (Figures 3 and 6). These data support the hypothesis that the ascending elastic force curve causes the prime movers to develop muscle tension across the entire concentric phase to enable completion of the lifting motion (Hodges, 2006). However, providing constant external force by DB resulted in reduced muscle activation and muscle torque production at the end of the concentric phase. In this case, given that the torque generating capability of elbow flexors is greater at the beginning of the concentric phase (Harman, 2000), the load is accelerated across the first segment and produces a moment of torque which would shift to the third segment and reduce muscle activation. Numerous investigators have Downloaded by [SAIED JALAL ABOODARDA] at 09:27 11 November 2011 8 S.J. Aboodarda et al. highlighted this period of low muscle stimulation as one of the limitations of conventional free weights (Cronin & Henderson, 2004; Wallace et al., 2006). These researchers have speculated that the reduction of muscle tension in the late concentric phase can constrain strength development in this area of range of motion. In addition, as demonstrated in Figures 3 and 5, the E30 condition achieved EMG and RMT values similar to the DB in segments 1and 6. Thus, it may be that applying E30 could partially offset the weakness of standard ER exercises in not providing a high external force to overcome during the early concentric phase of contraction. Although this study validates utilising ER for achieving a higher stimulus for muscle activation among athletes, our comments are speculative as to whether adaptation to the E30 condition could result in even higher levels of central neural activation, muscle hypertrophy and increased strength development. References Alway, S.E., Grumbt, W.H., Stray-Gundersen, J., & Gonyea, W.J. (1992). Effects of resistance training on elbow flexors of highly competitive bodybuilders. Journal of Applied Physiology, 72, 1512"1521. Anderson, C.E., Sforzo, G.A., & Sigg, J.A. (2008). The effects of combining elastic and free weight resistance on strength and power in athletes. 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