Download “IN” Jodi Hickerson I have wanted to be in. To be in the “in” crowd, In

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Jodi Hickerson
I have wanted to be in.
To be in the “in” crowd,
In the loop, in the know, among the proud,
Not left out, but to be allowed
To be in.
I have wanted to be in.
Wear clothes that are “in” style
A trendsetter and versatile,
Just the right cut, and a perfect smile,
I have wanted to be in.
To be looked at as someone who has much,
All the “in” music on my Ipod touch,
Own the latest and greatest stuff and such,
I have wanted to be in.
But, I have felt aggravated,
As someone who is underrated,
Unimportant, unknown, unseen,
Average, mediocre, routine,
Beneath, below, beyond a chance,
Inconsequential, Insignificant.
But, Jesus liked people like me,
Took notice of a blind man and made him see,
Saw a locked-up kid, and set him free.
Told little Zachaeus to get out of that tree,
Felt it when a desperate woman touched His cloak,
Kneeled beside a dead girl and up she woke,
Hung out with the down and out and broke,
Offered hope to the forgotten with the just the words He
Touched a man with leprosy who others would mock,
Touched the mouths of the mute and at once they could
Forgave a woman at a well, who was the laughingstock,
Came to lowly shepherds who smelled like their flock.
In the company of sinners is where He would eat,
Defended an adulterer, made her accusers retreat,
Made followers out of men who were crooked cheats,
Let the tears of a prostitute anoint His feet,
And suddenly,
They were IN.
In His story, In His truth, In His grace,
In His purpose, In His eyes someone great,
And I have wanted to be in.
And since the day I met with Him,
He took all that I had been,
All my fear, my shame, my sin,
And changed my life by letting me in.
He is the Rembrandt, the Composer, the Potter,
He is the Poet, the Sculptor, the Author
And He rewrote my story with the stroke of His pen,
Let me in His family in spite all I’d been,
Our God is greater than the past that drowned me
Stronger than those chains that bound me
Higher, than the shame that found me
There is no one like Him
None like Him