Download (2015-07-17) China Nonprofit Review 2014_02

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Main Topics
On the Universal Use of Tao
—A Modern Explanation of Traditional Management Wisdom
Zhan Shichuang / 1
Discussion on the Sincerest Path of The
Doctrine of the Mean Yang Yan / 31
Confucius and the Origins of Social Autonomy Yao Zhongqiu / 47
Chinese Social Organizations from a Behavier Capacity Perspective:
A Collective Case Study Yu Xiang,Li Wei and Li Na / 58
Policy Design and Social Construction Amid Mass Protests
—Examination of the Response to the Wukan Protests
Zhang Chao,Li Xiaofang,Zhang Xiaoying and Zhou Shulin / 90
A Discussion of Effective Approaches for Chinese Rural Women to
Participate in Community Governance
—A Case Study on Zhou Village in Dengfeng,Henan
Wang Xiaoli,Du Fangqin and Li Huiying / 114
On the Universal Use of Tao
—A Modern Explanation of Traditional
Management Wisdom
Zhan Shichuang
Abstract: Taoist scholars in Chinese history had wide-ranging views on management,with rich
experience in social management especially. They established distinctive management philosophies and
administrative plans by summarizing experiences and observing various human behaviors. They
developed their ow n models of ideal society,such as “the society of great virtue” in which the people
are unsophisticated,and all classes,high and low ,are affectionate towards each other and living in
unity,while man and nature coexist harmoniously. On the basis of this ideal,the Taoist school
formulated the management spirit of wuwei erzhi (to govern without exertion) and the administrative
strategy of youdao erfa (from Tao to law). In Taoism,wuwei does not mean to do nothing,but is the
greatest action of following the w ay of nature and respecting the creativity of every individual. The
Taoist approach to management is reflective of combined movement and rest,harmony and order.
Keywords: Taoism; Wuwei; Strategy
Discussion on the Sincerest Path of
The Doctrine of the Mean
Yang Yan
Abstract: “Zhicheng Zhidao”,or The Sincerest Path,is one of the basic theories encompassed by The
Doctrine of the Mean for character cultivation and for the government of a country. It has been valued
and expounded upon by Chinese scholars for time immemorial. Yet there has so far been no agreement
about its meaning due to differing stances and cultural backgrounds. This paper re-explains the work
from a semantic perspective and claims that cheng (sincerity) in the phrase refers to “the way of nature”
and chengzhi (to attain sincerity) is “the way of man”. To ordinary individuals,their inborn xing
(nature) of utmost innocence is concealed by their acquired uneven qi (lifeforce) , so that they possess
sincerity but not in its complete form. They must therefore “choose what is good,and firmly hold fast to
it” while making unceasing efforts so that they may gradually attain the greatest sincerity. He who
attains the greatest sincerity is certain to understand all things; he who understands all things is surely
the most sincere. Sincerity is the essence, while intelligence is for practical use. He who is the most
sincere affects things naturally. The nature of the most sincere is not simply manifested externally by the
attainment of the same,but is at the same time characterized by prompting other individuals and things
to attain success. By determining right from wrong,he who is most sincere fulfills himself and things
alike. As the highest state of cultivation,full sincerity also has its true utility and form in real life. In
other words,what the last chapters of The Doctrine of the Mean deal with “ceaselessness of complete
Keywords: The Doctrine of the Mean; Sincerest; Character cultivation and government
Chinese Social Organizations from a Behavior
Capacity Perspective: A Collective
Case Study
Yu Xiang,Li Wei and Li Na
Abstract: There are varying perspectives and conclusions on Chinese social organizations which are
subject to multiple influencing factors such as comparatively short courses of development,
significantly complex development environments,and an arduous mission towards innovation. A legal
status-based analysis of their capacity for action in such dimensions as “obligation to act”,“capacity to
act” and “failure to act” has found that Chinese social organizations now possess certain capacities for
autonomy,for acting as spokespersons,and for public services,and that there is an imbalance in
terms of their capacity development. In order to help Chinese social organizations healthily develop,it
is necessary to have a thorough diagnosis of their capacity for action,strengthen legal guidance in
relation to their capacity for action,and channel resources tow ard improvement of their capacity
structures while encouraging them to play a larger role in social development and management.
Keywords: Capacity for action; Autonomy; Acting as spokesperson; Service
Policy Design and Social Construction
Amid Mass Protests
—Examination of the Response to
the Wukan Protests
Zhang Chao,Li Xiaofang,Zhang Xiaoying and Zhou Shulin
Abstract: Existing studies on mass protests primarily examine the process,consequences and
implications of protests from such angles as resource mobilization,political structure and opportunity,
as well as policy frameworks,with little attention paid to the guiding role that related government
policy documents have in dealing with a mass protest. This paper analyzes the basic characters of
government policies on the basis of related policy texts for dealing with mass protests,and further
explains the basic logic behind their creation in the context of the Wukan protests and corresponding
confirmatory analysis. The study has found that all policy elements such as policy purpose,target
groups,framework of rules,policy instruments,and executive bodies have remarkable underlying
assumptions about effectiveness. As soon as some of these assumed conditions fail to occur,policy
failure is likely,as illustrated by the government response to the Wukan incident. Finally,the paper
recommends that policy design discriminate such factors as protester scheme completeness and level of
organization,conflict and information accessibility,as well as attitudes and reactions of objects of
protest,and process-based dynamic management of stressors. Meanwhile,in face of varying
circumstances,it is recommended that the policy design attach importance to policy design elements in
relation to social construction,and adopt as appropriate an open,interactive policy design model
which involves protesters in policy design and gives the public the right to know and to participate in
Keywords: M ass protest; Policy design; Social construction; Wukan protests
A Discussion of Effective Approaches for
Chinese Rural Women to Participate
in Community Governance
———Case Study on Zhou Village in
Wang Xiaoli,Du Fangqin and Li Huiying
Abstract: The participation in community governance of rural women not only requires increases to the
proportion of rural w omen participating in politics and improving competence in governance,but also
involves the question of how they participate in community governance and how to ensure their true
participation. The recently introduced quota policy for political participation of rural w omen provides a
great boost to the proportion of women in politics,but in a rural social structure in which patriarchy
remains dominant,women participating in politics are often unable to represent their interests and
gender needs due to inadequate subjective consciousness and capabilities,with their participation
virtually nothing more than a formality. With an analysis of Zhou Village's experience in successfully
promoting the empowerment of rural w omen so that they may truly participate in community
governance and then proceed to promote the structural reform in the community,this paper examines
the effective approaches taken over the past decade for rural women's participation in community
governance,and the far-reaching effects that their participation has had on individual status,
economy, society and culture. The experience of Zhou Village,which has been a result of interaction,
is global and local,original and contextual. Recognized,accepted and co-created by local women and
other villagers,it will offer a special contribution to the ongoing social governance transformation in
rural China.
Keywords: Rural areas; Community governance; Women's participation
“Cooperative Defense of Rights” and Interactive
Mechanism of Parent Groups That Have
Lost Their Only Child
—A Virtual Ethnographical Study of the Online
Community “Home of Parent Groups That
Have Lost Their Only Child”
Dong Yang,Chen Xiaoxu
Abstract: As a product of the one-child policy,the group of parents in China who have lost their only
child (know n in Chinese as“shidu”) ,are becoming an increasingly important social group,with their
internal social relations and interactive mechanisms as w ell as external environments becoming an issue
worth exploration. This paper is a case study involving virtual ethnography of the online community
“Home of Parent Groups That Have Lost Their Only Child”,which,with a description of such
interactions of shidu parents as their integration with the group,“cluster together for warmth”,
cooperative defense of rights,divisions within the group,and renewed defense of rights,analyzing
the characters and internal mechanisms of the group with the intention of having a better understanding
of their circumstances of survival as w ell as appeals for help.
Keywords: Shidu group; Virtual ethnography; Social relations; Interactive mechanism
Lump Sum Grant: An Institutional Innovation of the Hong Kong Government for NGO Funding
Lan Yuxin, Wang Chunting
Abstract: The "Lump Sum Grant" system which the Hong Kong government has enacted for funding
NGOs which provides public services is a product of combined political, economic, social structure
action. The N GO development ecology is a new model in which public services are provided based on
collaboration. This institutional innovation gives prominence to “Lump Sum Grants”,and is
supplemented by other forms of funding and supported by effective supervision, risk control and
performance assessment mechanisms. Hong Kong's NGO funding system is of important reference value
to the Chinese government purchasing public services in current stages.
Keywords: Hong Kong Government; Lump Sum Grant; NGO s; Public service
Social Construction and the Mission of Sociology
—A Review of On Social Construction
by Lu Xueyi
Chen Peng
Abstract: Social construction studies are an important part of the academic legacy of renowned
contemporary sociologist Lu Xueyi. An important work which Lu completed late in life,On Social
Construction,is a systematic explanation and presentation of major thoughts and theories of the “social
structure school” in Chinese social construction studies,representing the dedication of a generation of
Chinese sociologists to public welfare and social progress. As China faces its “social legacies” amid its
transformation,it is an unshirkable duty and mission for Chinese sociologists to actively build public
consensus about social construction and to have the courage to serve as “the propeller of society”.
Keywords: Social structure; Social legacy; Mission of sociology; On Social Construction