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Stellar Rotation
Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 215, c 2003 IAU
Andre Maeder & Philippe Eenens, eds.
Rotation and Mass Ejection: the Launching of Be-Star
Stanley P. Owocki
Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19350
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow
G12 8QQ UK
The characteristic signature of Be stars is the Balmer line emission understood to arise in a circumstellar disk. Unlike the accretion disks of protostars or
mass-exchange binary systems, the evolved and generally single or wide-binary
status of Be stars seems to require that its disk must form from mass ejection
(a.k.a. decretion) from the star itself. In this paper, I use analogies with launching orbital satellites to discuss two candidate processes (radiation, pulsation) for
driving such orbital mass ejection, with particular emphasis on the role of the
rapid, possibly near-critical, rotation of Be stars in facilitating the formation of
their signature disks.
The Puzzle of Be Disks
Within the context of this Symposium, an especially good laboratory to study
the role of rapid stellar rotation is provided by the classical Be stars, which are
among the most rapidly rotating massive stars. Be stars are main-sequence or
subgiant spectral type B stars characterized by Balmer emission (e.g., H) that
originates in a circumstellar disk. Understanding the nature of such stars, and
in particular the origin of their circumstellar disks, is one of the longest-standing
challenges in astronomy (Secchi 1867; Slettebak and Snow 1987; Balona, Henrichs, and LeContel 1994; Smith, Henrichs, and Fabregat 1999).
Disks are a common consequence in astrophysical accretion systems, wherein
they form as a means to provide outward viscous transport of the angular momentum of the infalling material (Frank et al. 2002). Such accretion disks occur,
for example, in protostellar nebulae, or in close binary systems with mass exchange. But Be stars are clearly too old to have retained a protostellar disk
(indeed, in many Be stars the Balmer emission signatures of a disk are observed
to come and go on timescales of months to decades), and moreover they are not
generally found to be in close, mass-exchange binary systems. Thus lacking an
outside source of material, it seems instead that Be disks must originate from
ejection or decretion of mass from the underlying star. Identifying the specic
dynamical mechanisms for achieving this \inside-out" formation of a circumstellar disks is perhaps the central puzzle underlying the Be phenomenon.
S. P. Owocki
Dating back to early analyses by Struve (1931), rapid rotation has long
been presumed to be a key piece in this puzzle. But as emphasized below (xx3,
7), a crucial, still-open question is just how close Be star rotation might be to
the \critical" speed, at which the equatorial surface would be in Keplerian orbit.
Critical rotation would enable a direct centrifugal ejection of a circumstellar disk
or ring, much as rst envisioned by Struve, and developed further in modern
\Viscous Decretion Disk" models of Lee et al. (1991) that are reviewed in these
proceedings by A. Okazaki. But conventional interpretations of observed linebroadening are that Be star rotations are typically only 70-80% of critical, and
in this case solving the puzzle of Be disk formation amounts to identifying the
dynamical processes that provide the additional boost into circumstellar orbit.
One possibility is for mass ejection from localized surface explosions, e.g.
perhaps from magnetic ares (x4). The overview here briey introduces some
new dynamical simulations based on radiative driving (x5) and stellar pulsation
(x6). [MHD simulations relevant to the more global Magnetically Torqued Disk
(MTD) scenario promoted by Cassinelli et al. (2002) are discussed in a related
talk write-up from the recent South Africa conference on stellar magnetic elds;
see Owocki and ud-Doula (2003) and also ud-Doula (2002)]. Then x7 describes
recent reanalyses of the role of gravity darkening on inferred rotation rates, emphasizing in particular that these seem to reopen the possibility that Be rotation
speeds could indeed be very close to the critical value. The conclusion (x8) summarizes alternative scenarios for Be star rotation, emphasizing the implications
and outlook for future dynamical modelling of Be disk formation, as well as for
understanding the role of rapid rotation in massive stars.
Lessons from the Wind Compressed Disk Paradigm
In what seemed at rst a very promising approach, the Wind Compressed Disk
(WCD) model introduced by Bjorkman and Cassinelli (1993) naturally produces
an equatorial disk of enhanced-density ow from just rotational focussing of
the radiatively driven stellar wind expected from the intrinsically bright Be
stars. Initial dynamical simulations did in fact conrm much of the basic WCD
paradigm (Owocki, Cranmer, and Blondin 1994), but subsequent work showed
that non-radial (poleward) components of the driving can eectively inhibit the
formation of any disk (Owocki, Cranmer, and Gayley 1996).
Moreover even within the initial WCD picture based on purely radial driving, the outow from a subcritically rotating star necessarily lacks the angular
momentum for a stationary orbit. As such, material in the inner disk is pulled
by gravity into reaccretion back onto the star, while material in the outer disk
ows outward with the stellar wind. This overall \leaking" of the WCD limits its
density to values well below (by ca. a factor 100) that needed to explain either
the observed Balmer emission or continuum polarization (Bjorkman 1999).
These substantial radial ow speeds also do not seem compatible with observed line-prole features, most notably the \central quasi-emissions" (Rivinius
et al. 1999; Hanuschik 1995).
Finally, since this radially owing WCD material has a characteristic residence time of only a few days, the WCD model seems inherently incapable of
explaining the long-term (several year) variations of Violet/Red (V/R) emission
Rotation and Mass Ejection: the Launching of Be-Star Disks
peak asymmetries seen in many Be stars. Instead these seem consistent with
slow one-arm disk-oscillation modes that are grounded in the gradual precession of elliptical orbits within a Keplerian disk. (Savonije and Heemskerk 1993;
Telting et al. 1994; Savonije 1998).
Although it thus now seems quite clear that the WCD mechanism can not
explain Be star emission, its introduction and development was nonetheless a
quite useful and instructive step forward, as one of the rst dynamically based
models with falsiable predictions. In particular, it highlighted that among key
requirements for producing a viable disk are not just to propel material from
the surface and focus it toward the equator, but rather also to provide it with
suÆcient angular momentum to maintain a Keplerian orbit
Subcritical Equatorial Rotation and the Orbital Launch Speed
Before discussing specic driving mechanisms, it is helpful to review the general requirements for propelling material into orbit from a rotating surface. As
reected in the choice of launch sites for terrestrial satellites, this is easiest
when the launch occurs from near the equator and into the direction of rotation.
Specically, for a body with equatorial rotation qspeed Veq that is less than the
orbital (a.k.a. \critical rotation") speed Vcrit GM=Req 500 km/s, a prograde equatorial launch requires an additional speed boost of Vorb Vcrit Veq.
Compared to launch from a nonrotating surface (or into a polar orbit), the
energy required is reduced by a factor (Vorb=Vcrit)2. For earth satellites, this
energy saving is modest but non-negligible { about 10%. But for a typical massive star (e.g. Zeta Puppis) that rotates at half the critical speed, the required
energy is reduced by a much more substantial factor four. And for Be stars, the
traditional estimates of rotation rates up to 80% of critical imply an impressive
factor 25 reduction in the energy to reach orbit!
Despite these signicant reductions, the boost needed to reach orbit can in
some respects still be quite large. For example, an alternative gure of merit is
to compare the launch speed to the atmospheric sound speed, which for Be stars
with surface temperatures of T 20; 000 K has a typical value a 20 km/s.
Then even for a star rotating at 80% of the critical speed Vcrit 500 km/s,
one nds a ratio Vorb=a 5. This moreover implies that the internal, thermal
energy of gas in Be star atmospheres
would still fall short { in this case by
roughly a factor (Vorb=a)2 25 { the minimal energy to accelerate material
into orbit.
This last perspective suggests that mechanisms linked to the surface internal
energy { in particular nonradial pulsation { are only likely to be eective for
orbital ejection if rotation rates are quite close to critical, i.e. within one or two
sound speeds. Before describing simulations of such pulsational mass ejection
at near-critical rotation, let us rst consider a radiatively driven ejection model
that in principal can be eective even for more subcritical rotation.
S. P. Owocki
Mass Ejection by Surface Explosions or Magnetic Flares
The minimum launch speed dened above requires in general that the launched
material be properly directed along the sense of rotation. But an interesting
alternative, rst examined through Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
simulations by Kroll (1995; see also Kroll and Hanuschik 1997), is to consider
the eect of an undirected, explosive ejection of material from a localized equatorial region of a rapidly rotating surface. Despite the lack of prograde directivity,
Kroll's SPH results show the natural formation of an equatorial disk through
a kind of \Keplerian natural selection", in which material that happens to be
propelled in the direction of rotation gains suÆcient velocity to achieve circumstellar orbit, while material ejected in other directions simply falls back in a
reaccretion onto the stellar surface.
In Kroll's simulations, the exploding material is arbitrarily given an initial
velocity V 100-200 km/s that is suÆcient to achieve orbit, with no consideration for what specic driving mechanism could propel the gas to this speed.
Driving by gas pressure from a surface are would require
a comparable sound
speed (a V ), implying gas temperatures of order 106 K, much higher than
what characterizes the observed optical emission.
Perhaps driving without too much heating could occur directly via magnetic
p which then requires a comparable value for the Alfven speed, VA B= 4 V , with the density. Using mass continuity for an average mass
ejection rate of M_ = 4R2V f , where f is the product of areal and temporal
`lling factors' for the ejections, the required localized magnetic eld scales as
M V=f
For example, to build a disk against disspative losses that
should be comparable
to the stellar wind mass loss, let us take M_ = 10 9M/year. Then using a
typical B-star radius R = 5R, we nd explosions to V =100 km/s with a 1%
lling factor (f=0.01) require a localized eld of just B 20 G.
If we replace V=f with a stellar wind terminal speed V1, then eqn. (1) also
gives the minimal global eld necessary to channel a wind mass loss of rate M_
(ud-Doula and Owocki 2002). A slightly higher eld moreover suÆces to conne
the ow into closed loops that corotate with the star, with strong-eld loops extending up to where the corotation meets or exceeds the local speed for Keplerian
orbit (ud-Doula 2002). However, as discussed in Owocki and ud-Doula (2003),
so far detailed MHD simulations show that wind material trapped and centrifugally held against the tops of such magnetic loops tends to periodically break
out as radial mass ejections, rather than forming the \Magnetically Torqued
Disk" postulated in the recent scaling analysis by Cassinelli et al. (2002).
Radiatively Driven Orbital Mass Ejection
As another alternative, I have recently been examining models in which driving is
provided by the radiative force from localized bright spots on the stellar surface,
a scenario I dub \Radiatively Driven Orbital Mass Ejection" (RDOME). A key
Rotation and Mass Ejection: the Launching of Be-Star Disks
Figure 1. a. Density at xed time snapshot of 2D, equatorial-plane models
of ow radiatively driven from a bright spot on a star rotating at 70% critical,
showing formation of dense CIR. b. Same as (a), but with a radiative force
cuto for r > 1:25R, resulting in fall-back of material into an orbiting disk.
The central white circle corresponds to the star's equatorial diameter.
feature of these RDOME models is to include the prograde radiative force that
is expected in the region ahead of the bright spot. Since radiative driving is
routinely capable of driving a stellar wind to speeds well in excess of orbital
launch speeds, it seems in principal possible that the prograde force ahead of
the bright spot might impart material there with suÆcient angular momentum
to achieve circumstellar orbit.
For a star with equatorial rotation speed (350 km/s) that is 70% of the
critical speed (500 km/s), gure 1a shows a typical time snapshot of the density
from 2D radiation hydrodynamical simulations of the outow driven by a spot
with a localized brightness that peaks at a (quite large) factor of 10 times the
ambient brightness. Conned to a region with Gaussian half-width of 10 degrees
in longitude, this spot is suddenly turned on at some initial time within an
otherwise steady-state wind model, and then shut o again after just 100 ksec,
about a rotation period. Note that, instead of forming an orbiting circumstellar
disk, the overall result is to propel a spiral Co-rotating Interaction Region (CIR)
of enhanced density within the outowing stellar wind. This is much the same
form thought to be needed to explain Discrete Absorption Components in UV
wind lines (Owocki, Cranmer, and Fullerton 1995; Cranmer and Owocki 1996).
The reason to favor wind CIRs over disks is that material initially propelled
ahead of the spot tends eventually (due to its extension away from the surface)
to fall behind the solid body angular rotation, and so as it thus comes over the
central bright spot it receives a very strong radial push from the bright-spot
radiative force, thus propelling it away from the star in an outowing wind CIR.
There are a variety of possibilities for instead favoring lateral over radial
driving from a bright spot. One is to consider a model in which, perhaps due
S. P. Owocki
to distortion of the surface associated with stellar pulsation, the spot radiation
might have prograde-bias in the direction of rotation. Another is to assume a
symmetric, but highly limb-brightened spot emission, with the upward intensity
comparatively suppressed, somewhat analogous to the emission pattern from
a quiescent solar prominence, which appears bright above the solar limb, but
relatively dark against the solar disk. A third possibility (rst suggested by
J. Bjorkman, p.c.) is to assume a cuto in the radiative driving above some
relatively low radius, perhaps reecting shifts in wind ionization balance. Indeed,
I nd that any of these rather specialized modications can in fact lead to
formation of a circumstellar disk.
Figure 1b illustrates a snapshot of the disk density for the last scenario, assuming the same spot as gure 1a, but now with a force cuto beyond 1:25R. A
fuller time sequence (see gure 5 of Owocki and Cranmer 2002) shows that above
this cuto radius the outow stagnates, but since material has also received an
azimuthal boost in angular momentum, its fallback toward the star now forms
an orbiting circumstellar disk. I nd similar disk formations are possible for the
prograde and limb-brightened spot scenarios.
The key questions surrounding such RDOME models regard the rather extreme brightness variations that are assumed, as well as the rather arbitrary
ne-tuning of the spot emission or line-force cuto. Brightness uctuations
are sometimes observed in Be stars, but further work is needed to determine
whether these have a time-scale and magnitude that might be consistent with
this RDOME scenario.
Indeed, recent analyses suggest that, quite apart from propelling material
to feed a circumstellar disk, radiative forces may actually play a key role is dissipating an existing disk, for example through \line-driven ablation", which could
drive a wind outow from the disk surface (Gayley et al. 1999, 2001; Rivinius
et al. 2001). From this perspective, radiative forces might instead be considered an \enemy of the disk", perhaps of more relevance for their intermittent
disappearance whenever other mechanisms for ejecting fresh material into orbit
are inoperative or reduced.
Pulsationally Driven Orbital Mass Ejection
Recent observations by Rivinius et al. (1998, 1999) suggest that in at least
one Be star ( Cen) there may be a coincidence between multiperiodic beating
of nonradial pulsation (NRP) modes and outbursts in circumstellar lines that
signify star-to-disk mass transfer.
Inspired by these observations, H. Mueller and I have recently been carrying
out 2D hydrodynamical simulations of the eectiveness of equatorial pulsations
in inducing orbital mass ejections. For the considered periods ( 0.5 day) well
above the acoustic-cuto period, the pulsations are taken to be gravity modes,
with the restoring force due to buoyancy transmitted through the gas pressure.
Since this is primarily a circulation rather than a compression, the velocity
amplitude could feasibly approach or even slightly exceed the sound speed, with
the motions primarily in the lateral vs. radial direction. In our simulations, this
azimuthal velocity variation is introduced as an Eulerian perturbation at the
star's equatorial surface, with corresponding logarithmic variation in density
Rotation and Mass Ejection: the Launching of Be-Star Disks
Figure 2. Azimuthally averaged density vs. radius at xed intervals of 50
ksec after turnon of non-radial pulsation in a star with rotation of 95% critical. The resulting ejection of material forms an orbiting disk whose density
increases with time.
(typically factor 10) to account for the associated vertical oscillation within
an exponentially stratied atmosphere. A positive (negative) phase relation
between azimuthal velocity and density then corresponds to an NRP with phase
propagation that is prograde (retrograde) to the sense of rotation.
In accord with the orbital launch requirements outlined in x3, we generally nd that substantial disk production requires a prograde pulsation with an
azimuthal velocity amplitude VNRP that is comparable to the orbital launch
speed Vorb. As a typical example, gure 2 illustrates results for an m=+4
prograde NRP with azimuthal velocity amplitude VNRP = 25 km/s that is
equal to the required launch speed Vorb, corresponding to an equatorial rotation speed Veq 0:95Vcrit. The need for prograde modes stands in apparent
contradiction with the interpretation by Rivinius et al. (1999) that NRPs observed in Cen correspond to retrograde modes. This, and the need to assume
near-critical rotation, thus represent key issues for the viability of this scenario
for \Pulsationally Driven Orbital Mass Ejection" (PDOME).
Equatorial Gravity Darkening and Saturation of Line-Broadening
As reviewed by G. Collins and I. Howarth in these proceedings, the principal
diagnostic for Be star rotation stems from the rotational broadening of photospheric absorption lines, most commonly He I 4471. The observed half-widths
of such lines are typically characterized by a velocity-unit measure called Vsini,
which for low to moderate rotations is directly proportional to a star's equatorial
rotation velocity Veq times the inclination factor sin i, with i the angle of the
rotation axis to the observer.
S. P. Owocki
Figure 3. Expected broadening of He I 4471 plotted against the projected
equatorial speed Veq sin i scaled by the critical speed Vcrit. The labels of the
various curves denote the inclination factor sin i.
However, for rapid rotation within about 20-30% of the critical speed, the
Von Zeipel (1924) gravity darkening of equatorial regions signicantly lowers
their relative contribution to the overall line-broadening. Using the BRUCE
NLTE line synthesis code (Townsend 1997) applied to rotationally distorted
and gravity darkened B2 stars of various assumed inclinations, gure 3 plots the
expected width of He I 4471 against the actual Veq sin i, scaled in units of the
critical speed Vcrit. Note particularly that for stars with Veq sin i=Vcrit > 0:7,
the measured Vsini falls below a linear relation, indeed becoming essentially
independent of the actual rotation for Veq sin i=Vcrit >
Results similar to gure 3 were actually obtained long ago by Stoeckley
(1968; cf. his gure 4, and also, e.g., gure 6 of Collins and Truax 1995), and
indeed led him to speculate explicitly that measured line-broadenings might
actually be consistent with the general population Be stars being at essentially
critical rotation. Rather inexplicably, however, in the modern era the potential
ramications of gravity darkening in this context do not appear to have been fully
appreciated or explored, even though typical inclination-corrected rotation rates
for Be stars are quoted to be at levels approaching 80% critical, at which gure
3 shows an eective saturation of measured line broadening. Thus even within
current-day measurement errors and analysis techniques, it still seems quite
plausible that the typical rotation speeds might actually be signicantly higher
Rotation and Mass Ejection: the Launching of Be-Star Disks
than commonly quoted, perhaps even within a few percent of critical rotation!
Clarication of these issues should be a top priority for Be-star research.
Concluding Outlook
If Be-star rotation rates are indeed found to be very near critical, the implications
for developing dynamical models of Be disk formation would be quite profound.
As emphasized in x3, a key parameter is the ratio of the minimal launch speed
to the atmospheric sound speed. If Vorb=a 1, then a rather strong orbital
ejection mechanism is required, with obvious candidates like radiative driving or
magnetic spin-up (Cassinelli et al. 2002) so far needing rather special conditions
and ne-tuning (ud-Doula 2002; Owocki and ud-Doula 2003).
But if Vorb=a 1, then a much broader range of atmospheric-based ejection mechanisms are possible, including non-radial pulsations. In this case, the
complex behavior of individual Be stars { the sporadic brightenings, even disappearance and reappearance of disk emission { may be associated with the various
processes that could spark individual mass eruptions. But the overall Be phenomenon itself would essentially be the consequence of near-critical rotation,
owing perhaps to envelope spin-up associated with the evolutionary contraction
of a massive-star's core toward the terminal age main sequence, as reviewed in
these proceedings by G. Meynet and A. Maeder.
From this perspective, the disk emission that characterizes Be stars could be
considered the result of interior-driven processes that require equatorial shedding
of excess angular momentum, somewhat like a rotational analog of the Rochelobe overow in mass-exchange binary systems. In both cases, a disk forms as
a repository for the ejected material, with its net mass { and thus its observed
emission strength { depending on the competition between the stellar ejection
rate and the rate for disk dissipation, e.g. from radial diusion and perhaps
surface ablation. Although the overall mass ejection is controlled by interior
processes, the details can be variable and spatially complex, controlled by surface
disturbances. Indeed the dynamics and energetics of the specic perturbation
processes can even inuence how much below the critical level the mean surface
To conclude, I believe a top priority for Be-star research should be the
development of dynamical models of disk production within a context of more
rmly established observational constraints on how close the stellar rotation
may be to critical. Within a broader astrophysical context of this conference,
I also suggest that, instead of being held as rather isolated oddities, Be stars
should be explored as potentially important general laboratories for studying
the causes and consequences of evolutionary trends toward critical rotation in
massive stars.
Acknowledgments. This paper was written while visiting University of
Glasgow under support of a UK-PPARC Visitor Fellowship, and I am grateful
to J. Brown and others in Glasgow for their hospitality. The research herein was
also supported in part by NASA grant NAG5-3530 and NSF grant AST-0097983
to the University of Delaware. I thank H. Mueller for gure 2 and R. Townsend
for gure 3. I also thank D. Baade and S. Ste for helpful comments on an
initial draft.
S. P. Owocki
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