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" Indian J. Plant Physiol., Vol. XXVIII No.3, pp. 277-283 (September 1985) PROTEIN AND TOTAL FREE AMINO ACIDS IN THE SHOOT TIP AND SUBTENDING LEAVES DURING ONTOGENY, FLORAl; TRANSITION AND REVERS[ON OF PINEAPPLE PLANT K.N. MADHUSUDANAN AND S. NANDAKUMAR Department of Botany, Calicut University, Kerala (Received: June 29, 1984; Revised: September 6, 1985) SUMMARY To'al protein and free amino acids were estimated in Ananas comoslls (L.) Merr. shoot tip at eleven stages of ontogenic development under natural environment. Protein and free amino acids decreased in the shoot tip after two months from planting. In the achlorophyllous part of leaf. protein content decreased but an increase in amino acids Was noted. In the chlorophyllous region, how)'ver free amino acids decreased and an increase in protein was recorded: The most significant ch!lDges dUring the vegetative phase was the rise in free amino acids in 12 months old shoot tip. In the fully mature plant protein and total free amino acids decreased in the shoot tip and also in achIoropbyUous leaf part but increased by about 3 fold in the chlorophyllous region, without any change in protein concentration. In the fully evoked state of the shoot apex (when tbe first kinked bract appeared) protein and amino acid concentration increased. Except at tbe early stage of infiorescence, protein concentration was lower in the shoot tip than in the leaf parts. INTRODUCTION -----..-___ A number of studies have revealed the association of proteins and free aniino--acids with the development in shoot apex and in subtending leaves during transition period and in the leaves during the photoperiodic induction (Bernier, 1971; Bernier, Kinet and Sachs, 1981; Evans, 1971; Vince-prue, 1975; Housley et al., 1979). Little information is available on the phase of the ontogeny of the shoot apex and the leaves during flowering. Pineapple plant is unique in its susceptibility to forced flowering at any growth stage (Collins, 1968), indicating absence of an obligatory juvenile period. The 'reversion' of the inflorescence apex to the vegetative state (crown formation) is also distinctive in pineapple plant. An earlier study from this laboratory has revealed changes in carbohy drate during growth and floral transition in the pineapple (Madhusudanan and .. 278 IC.N. MADHUSUDANAN AND S. NANDAICUMAIt. Nandakumar 1983). The present study is an evaluation of the total protein and total free amino acids in the shoot tip and subtending leaves of AnontU at selected stages of ontogeny, with particular reference to transition phase of flowering under natural conditions and the reversion of the inflorescence apex to the vegetative condition. MATERIALS AND METHOD Pineapple plants (Anonas comosus (L.) Merr., Kew cv.) were raised from hapas, as described by Madhusudanan et of. (1983). Stages for sample collection (Table 1) and tissues analysed were the same as reported earlier (Madhusudanan and Nandakumar, (1983). Growth Stage Time of Collection Characteristics 1. Maturehapa propagule 2. 2-months after planting rooting 3. 4-montns 4. 6-months s. 8-months 6. 10-months 7. 12-montbs 8. 14-montbs 9. 10. 11. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,~ 1 J I > I I rapidly growing vegetative state J , Adult. apparently still vegetative First kinked bract evocation Visible doming. clustering of bristlelike bracts organogenesis All florets difi'erentiated; no anthesis reversion Protein and amino acid detenninatiens: Total protem. was determined by the method of Lowryet of. (1951). with minor modification (Khanna et of. 1969). "Free amino acids were extracted from 2 g tissue with hot 80% (v/v) ethanol. 'The ethanol~free preparation was loaded on a column of Dowex 50-x8 and eluted with 0.1 N NH. OH. Total amount of amino acid was calculated by summing up the contents of individual amino acids separated by two-dimens· ional descending chromatography using n·butanol. acetic acid, water (100:22:50, v/v) for the first run and phenol and water (4:1, v/v) as solvents for the second run (Stepka, 1957; Giri, Radhakrishnan and Vaidyanatb,an, 1952). 279 PROTEIN AND AMINO ACID DUltING'DEVBi.oPMEN'i'Ai STAGBS ,The amount of protein and total amino acids were calculated per g dry weight of tissues and g starch-free dry solids, as reported by Madhusudanan and Nandakumar (1983). lhe proportion of amino acids in the free condition was calculated as follows : percentage free _ free amino acids. in mg X 100 amino acids - free amino acids (1.1 x protein). in mg + RESULTS The data for protein and total amino acid concentration are represented in Fig. I and 2. 01 ....... 01 E -' o 30 0 ':: " l Il.l I ~LLl -:iI: ."2 > ~.t; o c 10 t. t' ~· 1; il' :i ,;, '~ 23'56 E I t . <:I I • ~ 9 to 11 Stages of development Fig. 1. Total free amino acids in the shoot tip and subtendinl leaves of A.nQnos comoslU. =: Shoot tip; JIJ achlorophyllous leaf part; • chlorophyllous leaf part. 300 " , .t::Q.o 100 '0 .... " Q. 8 7 4 5 6 Stages of devE'lopment 3 9 10 b 11 Fig. 2. Total protein in the shoot tip and' subtending leaves of..tfntmtu com08U4 • . shoot tip; . DJ achloropbyllous leaf part; • chloro phyllous Jeaf .part. = 280. :K.:.toI'i~ADHUSUDANAN 'AND S. NANDAIWl4AR,. Three months old propagule used for planting (stage 1) had comparatively high concentration of protein and large amino acid pool in its tissues. At stage 2. there was a sharp reduction both in protein alld free amino acids (p<O.OI each) in the shoot tip. a reduction of protein (P<O.OI) and an increase in free amino acids (P<O.OI) in the achlorophyllous leaf part. An increase in total protein (P<O.OI) and an abrupt decrease in the amino aCids pool in the chloro~ phyllous leaf part was also noted. On transition from stage 7 to stage 8, when the plant was fully mature. if nodncipientl:y reproductive, there was a decrease in protein and total free amino acids (P<O.OI each) in the shoot tip. On transition from vegetative (stage 8) to reproductive state (stage 9). protein and free amino acids increased in the shoot tip (P<O.Ol each). Increase in protein in shoot tip was not significant during floral organogenesis (stage 10) and in the early stage of inflorescence (stage II). IJl "0 A 20 I u I 0 II 0 C ' I E 10 0 , (]) (!) - , \ .\ I ;~ / I.... ~ I \ / rI , Fig 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stages of development 10' 11 Fig. 3. ~ercentage free a~ino acids ] . . , Free amino aeids (total) [ froteiil X1.1 +fr~~ amilit> acil;ls x 100 In the shoot tIP and subtending leave' of An,mas co",:osus. 0-0 shoot tip; 0, ~ - '" "!' 0 achlor~phyllous leaf part; .-::-. chlorophy]]ou8 leaf part. At all stages, protein concentration in the shoot tip was lower than in the chlorophylIous)eaf part, wi~ exception of st~ge 11. when the protein concentra~ .tion in the inflorescence was I ~6-fold that of chlorophYllous leaf part. Protein r PROTEIN AND AMINO ACID DURING DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES 281 concentration in the chlorophyllous leaf part was nearly the same as the achlo~ rophyllous leaf part in stage 1; at all other stages, the chlorophyllous leaf part had higher protein concentration. The concentration of total free amino acids in the shoot tip was more than in the achlorophyllous leaf part. The free amino acids pool was always higher in the achlorophyllous than in the chlorophyllous leaf part. Free amino acids as percentage of total amino acids The total of free amino acids, percentage, was found highest iti. the shoot tip at all stages, except at stage 6 (Fig. 3). The percentage of free amino acids was always found higher in the achloropJiyJIous than in the chlorophyllous leaf part. DISCUSSION Hapa had a high level of carbohydrate in its tissus and this 'was attributed to its dual source of nutrition, namely, elaboration in its own tissues and acquisition from the parent plant (Madhusudanan and Nandakumar. 1983). The observed high level of protein and amino acids in the shoot tip could not be explained similarly, since the hapa was dependent exclusively on the mother plant for its mineral nutrition. The period lapsing before establishing itself in the soil is one of intense stress for the propagule as a whole. Both protein and free amino acids of the shoot tip and the protein of the achlorophyllous leaf part appear to be used up during the first two months after planting of propagule. . It was earlier found that starch and sugars decreased in stage 2, presumably due to utilization during the rooting process. The marked reduction in free amino acids concentration in chlorophyllous leaf part suggested utilization for protein synthesis at the site or that free amino acids were diverted in increased amounts from the chloro phYttous leaf part, for supply to the shoot apex and other sinks. The forcing of flowering in the pineapple plant by growth factors was generally carried out at a time when the plant attained 12-14 months growth (Gifford, 1969; Bartholomew, 1977). The rapidity of the response to applica tion of hormone would suggest that internal resources in the plants were being drawn upon. The 3-fold increrse in the concentration of total free amino acids at stage 7 (enhanced 3-fold also on starch-free dry weight basis) was without parallel to any other stage. The reproductive phase appeared to be initiatedl preceded by a flooding of tissue with free amino acids. The flooding with 282 K.N. MADHUSUDANAN AND S. NANDAKUMAR sugars was to take place several weeks later, stage 9 (Madhusudanan and Nandalrumar, 1983). The dramatic increase in amino acids at the shoot tip in stage 7 was associated with a 1arge decrease in free amino acids in the leaf parts. It was presumably during, or a period close to, stage 7 that induction reactions com~ menced in the leaft leading to tbe formation of the flowering principle, for transmission to the shoot apex. The increase in protein observed in stage 9, the evoked shoot tip. was in keeping with the increase in protein content of cells in the apical meristem of photoperiodic plants (Bernier, 1971) and day-neutral plant (Corson and Gifford. 1969). The increased free amino acid content could be due to the inereased permeability for solutes, as postulated by Evans (1975). An increased production of growth factors at the shoot tip would promote the accumulation of meta bolites at the shoot tip. The order of incre~e in free amino acids (about 25 per cent) was much lower than that of soluble carbohydrates (6-fold) Madhusu danan and Nandakumar. 1983). There was only a small change in the percentage of total amino acids in the shoot tip during evocation. This contrasted with the IO-fold increase in the total sugars as a percentage of total metabo lizable carbohydrate (Madhusudanan and Nandakumar, 1983). The higher concentration of protein and amino acids in shoot tip during stage 10 was understandable since differentiation of floral primordia required additional synthesis of protein. During reversion, a further synthesis of protein seemed to be necessary to meet the needs of processes which may involve dedifferentiation and redifferentiation. That the shoot tip relied heavily on free amino acids was evident from the higher percentage content of free amino acids in all stages with an exception (stage 6). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to professor P.S. Krishnan, Emeritus professor in Biochemistry, for his interest in the investigation and to Professor B.K. Nayar, Head of the Department. for laboratory facilities. REFERENCES Bartholomew, D.P. (1977). Inflorescence development of pineapple (AnolUU L.) Merr.) induced to flower with ethephon.Bot. Goz~. 138: 312-.20. Bernier. G. (1971). Structural and metabolic changes in the shoot apex'in transition to flowering. Can. J. Bot., 49: 803-19. PROTEIN AND AMINO ACID DURING DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES 283 Bernier, G •• Kinet, J.M. and Sachs, R.M. (19SI). The physiology of Flowering. Vol. 1. C.R.C. Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Collins, J.L. (1968). The pineapple, Leonard HilI, London. Corson, G.E. and Gifford, E.M. (1969). Histochemical studies of the shoot apex of Datura stramonium during transition to flowering. Phytomorphology, 19: 119-96. Evans, L.T. (1971). Flower induction and the fiotigen concept. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 365-94. n: Evans L.T. (1975). Day length and the Flowering of Plants. 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