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Hearing Conservation
Training Program
For 49 CFR Part 227
© 2009 Transportation Occupational Medicine Consultants, Inc.
This presentation is intended to provide you with
the information and training needed to protect
your hearing in the railroad working
It has been developed specifically for 49 CFR
Part 227, ‘Occupational Noise Exposure for
Railroad Operating Employees’ and the training
requirements listed in section 227.119.
Part 1
The effects of noise on hearing
What is hearing?
Hearing is the ability to detect sound.
Sound is the result of vibrations causing waves
in the air.
Sound is detected by the ear. Sound waves vibrate bones and
membranes in the ear and move hair cells, which creates an
electrical impulse in the brain. To perceive this impulse is to
Noise is sound that is unpleasant, painful to hear
or unwanted.
How is sound measured?
Sound is measured in decibels.
decibel (dB) is simply a unit used to express
the intensity of a sound wave.
 Due to how decibels are measured, every time
sound increased by 5 dB, the energy of the
sound doubles.
 So, 90 dB has twice the energy of 85 dB.
Common noise levels
Listed below are the noise levels of some
common sounds and noises:
 Fireworks:
160 dB
 Rock concert: 120 dB
 Power lawnmower: 90 dB
 Alarm clock: 70 dB
 Normal conversation: 60 dB
 Whisper: 30 dB
Noise can damage hearing
Prolonged exposure to loud noises can
damage the hair cells in your ears, which
leads to noise induced hearing loss.
requires that you wear hearing
protection when exposed to noise equaling a
time-weighted-average (TWA) of 8 hours at
90 dB or greater in the workplace.
Noise can damage hearing
Exposure to loud noise does not end when
you leave the work place. Take care to
avoid excessive noise when at home, such
as loud music, power tools or shooting.
 It’s
a good idea to use hearing protection
when off the job and exposed to loud noises
such as those listed above.
Part 2
The purpose of hearing protection
Why use hearing protection?
Hearing protection devices (HPDs) will
decrease your risk of hearing loss by
reducing your exposure to noise.
There are two types of HPDs:
 Earplugs,
 Earmuffs
Both types generally reduce noise levels by
15-30 dB.
The HPD packaging will list the noise
reduction rating (NRR.)
Advantages & Disadvantages of HPDs
 HPDs
protect your hearing, preventing hearing loss
and allowing you to safely and efficiently perform
your job.
 HPDs are provided by your employer.
 You can use HPDs to protect yourself when off the
job as well.
 You are not required to wear HPDs at all times; only
when you are in a noisy environment.
 As a rule of thumb, if you cannot carry on a
conversation, you’re in a high-noise environment.
Advantages & Disadvantages of HPDs
 HPDs
must fit properly to be effective.
 Dirty HPDs can cause an ear infection.
 Some types of HPDs may be uncomfortable
to wear if not fitted or used properly.
 Using HPDs when not required may keep you
from hearing warning alarms or important
communications, which could affect your
ability to safely do your job.
When to use HPDs
As outlined in the General Code of Operating Rules
(GCOR), you must where HPDs in the following
 Hearing
protection is required when working in or
around the following service, repair, or
mechanical areas:
1. Car and Locomotive Shop Buildings. When working in
open-sided or enclosed car and locomotive shop buildings.
EXCEPTION: Persons in low noise areas, identified by
Safety Department, are not required to wear hearing
When to use HPDs cont.
2. Car Repair or Service Track Buildings. When working in
open-sided or enclosed areas where cars are repaired or
locomotives are fueled or serviced.
EXCEPTION: When in offices with doors and windows
closed, these areas do not require hearing protection.
3. Load Testing, Sand Blasting, or Grit Blasting Areas. When
working close to or within areas where load testing, sand
blasting or grit blasting equipment is in operation.
4. Mechanical Facilities. When working in or around
mechanical facilities designated by a sign or instructions.
When to use HPDs cont.
Hearing protection is required within 150 feet of master, group, or
inert retarders during humping and trimming operations. Dual
hearing protection (ear plugs and muffs) is required within 10 feet of
these operations.
 When near operating retarders:
 Engine windows and doors must be closed when passing
through operating retarders. All occupants must be inside the
locomotive cab.
 Do not ride a car through operating retarders.
Exception: Hearing protection is not required when riding through or
working around Dowty retarders, unless protection is needed for
other purposes.
When to use HPDs cont.
Employees must wear hearing protection anytime they are within a
radius of 100 feet around a locomotive. However, hearing protection
is not required for employees who are inside the locomotive cab with
the cab doors and windows closed.
Hearing protection is required within 100 feet of operating roadway
or work equipment.
Hearing protection is required within 150 feet of operating jet
blowers or pile drivers.
When to use HPDs cont.
Hearing protection is required when operating or within 15 feet of
any of the following equipment or tools in operation:
Welding or cutting equipment (oxy-fuel, gas, or electric).
Abrasive wheel grinder or sander (pedestal, bench, or portable).
Air lance or nozzle (for blowing compressed air).
Chain saw.
 Nail gun (air or powder-actuated).
 Power saw, planer, router, or joiner.
 Equipment or tools powered by:
Combustion engine
Use and care of HPDs
When using earplugs:
Always read and follow all packaging instructions on fitting
and care.
Always inspect all plugs for dirt, wear or hardness before
use. Discard the plugs if they are dirty or damaged.
Do NOT use single-use plugs more than once; discard
them after use.
For banded and multiple-use plugs, clean with mild soap
and water after each use and store in a case when not in
FOR REMOVAL: Gently twist the earplug while slowly
pulling it out of your ear.
If either or both plugs do not feel like they are properly
fitted, remove and reinsert the plug.
Use and care of HPDs
Multiple-Use Plugs:
Use and care: multiple-use plugs
1. Reach over your head with
your free hand and pull your
ear up and back.
2. While holding the stem, insert
the earplug so that all of the
flanges are inside of your ear
3. If fitted properly, the tip of the
stem may be visible to
someone looking at you from
the front.
Use and care of HPDs
Roll-Down Foam Plugs:
Use and care: roll-down foam plugs
Be sure your hands and fingers are clean before touching the plugs.
Roll the plug into a cylinder, as narrow as possible.
Pull your ear up and back with your free hand.
Insert the plug fully into your ear canal. Stop pushing when your
finger touches your ear.
5. Hold the plug for 30 seconds to allow it to expand.
6. If fitted properly, the end of the plug should not be visible to someone looking
at you from the front.
Use and care of HPDs
For no-roll foam earplugs, pull your ear up and
back with your free hand. Insert the plug fully
into your ear canal. Stop pushing when your
finger touches your ear. If inserted properly, the
end of the plug will not be visible to someone
looking at you from the front.
Always dispose of no-roll foam earplugs and rolldown foam earplugs after use. Do not reuse.
Use and care of HPDs
Headband Earmuffs:
Before use, always examine the cups and cushions for cracks
or leaks. Discard if the ear cups are damaged.
Use and care: headband earmuffs
1. Place the ear cups over each ear. make
sure that the cups completely cover
each ear.
2. Adjust the headband and cups so that
the earmuffs fit comfortably and form a
seal over each ear.
3. Do not allow the cups to be blocked by
hair, earrings or anything else.
Use and care of HPDs
Clean the ear cups and cushions regularly
with mild soap and water. Replace the
cushions every 6-8 months for normal
wear, or every 3-4 months for heavy wear.
 The ear cups should not be crooked or
tilted over your ear. They should form a
seal between the cup and your head.
Use and care of HPDs
When you are provided with your HPDs,
carefully read all instructions and ask your
employer or supervisor for help or instructions
on properly fitting your devices. Improperly worn
hearing protection devices may not fully protect
your hearing.
You should avoid over-use of HPDs or overprotection in locations with minimal noise.
Part 3
The purpose of audiometric testing
Audiometric testing
You will be required to take an audiometric
test to establish a baseline audiogram for
your hearing, which will show what your
initial hearing ability is.
Audiometric testing
You will be required to take an audiometric test
once every 3 years, which will be evaluated and
compared to your initial baseline audiogram.
This will help determine if you are experiencing
noise induced hearing loss. If caught early,
noise induced hearing loss may not be
permanent, which is why the audiometric testing
is important. These tests will be provided to you
free of cost.
Testing procedure
Prior to any audiometric test, you will be required to avoid excessive
noise for 14 hours, or use hearing protection devices to lower your
exposure to acceptable levels.
The test will be conducted in a quiet environment.
Tones will be played at various frequencies in each ear to determine
what your hearing level is at that frequency.
Normal hearing levels are between 0-25 dBs at each frequency,
from 500 to 8,000 hertz in each ear.
The results of the test will be compared back to your baseline
audiogram to determine if you have experienced any change in your
hearing ability.
Sample audiogram
When you receive the results of your audiogram, they will look similar
to the table below:
Left Ear
Right Ear
The following are descriptions of hearing loss levels:
Normal Hearing: 0 – 25 dB
Slight Loss: 25 - 40 dB
Mild Loss: 40 - 55 dB
Moderate Loss: 55 – 70 dB
Severe Loss: 70 – 90 dB
Standard Threshold Shifts
If your audiogram reveals a loss in hearing of 10 dB or greater in
one ear when compared to your baseline audiogram, this is what is
known as a standard threshold shift.
If an STS has occurred, your employer may order a retesting within
90 days. Your audiogram will also be evaluated by a certified
physician who will determine if further evaluation is required.
Some loss of hearing occurs naturally due to age, and this will be
taken into consideration when evaluating your audiogram.
If an STS is confirmed, you may still be able to work, although
hearing protection devices will be required.
Part 4
Noise at the work place
Noise operational controls
What are noise operational controls?
 Noise
operational controls are steps or methods used
by your employer to limit your exposure to excessive
 Noise operational controls may include, but are not
limited to:
Switching your work assignment to different routes, such as
routes with less crossings.
Placing you on a newer, quieter locomotive.
Arranging your work schedule so that you are not exposed to
noisy areas every day.
Noise monitoring
Noise monitoring is the process of measuring the sound levels on
the job site that employees are actually exposed to.
Noise monitoring is done by using sound-level-meters (SLMs) to
determine the TWA sound levels on the job.
During noise monitoring, microphones may be placed on you or a
co-worker to try and get an accurate idea of what sound levels
you’re exposed to. Other microphones will be placed in the
If you are monitored, you will be notified of the results of noise
monitoring either by your employer or by the group conducting the
noise monitoring.
Workplace exposure
There are a few common sources of noise that you can
expect to be exposed to during your work. These
Working near retarders
The locomotive horn
Locomotive air brakes
Hump yards
Remember, you are required to wear hearing protectors when
exposed to sound levels equal to or higher than a TWA of 90 dB.
Excessive noise
If you notice an unusually loud or uncommon noise during your
work, you may file an excessive noise report. Be sure to ask your
employer for the specific details on how to file an excessive noise
report for your company, and complete the TOMC excessive noise
report form and return it to your supervisor.
Some of the sources of an excessive noise report may be:
 Open windows
 Loose handles on doors
 Loose parts or equipment banging against something
Do your best to determine the source of the excessive noise prior
to filing your report. Your employer will be responsible for fixing
any problems.
Part 5
Your right to access records
Your rights
Your employer must make a copy of 49 CFR 227, the Federal
Railway Regulation regarding hearing conservation, available to
you. Ask your employer where you can obtain a copy at your place
of work.
You also have the right to request copies of your records from your
employer. Your employer must allow you to inspect your records
should you request it.
You are responsible for complying with all rules and regulations
regarding your training, audiometric testing and hearing protection.
For more specific details on your responsibilities, please see the
relevant sections of 49 CFR 227.
TOMC, Inc.
This presentation was developed by Transportation
Occupational Medicine Consultants, Inc. (TOMC) and is
for the authorized use of its clients only. Any other use or
reproduction, in part or in whole, of this program is
Questions or comments may be directed to Bill
Weedmark, Operations Manager, at:
[email protected]
© 2007-2009