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Maintaining the Clinical Relevance of Animal Models in Translational Studies
of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Hagit Cohen, Michael A. Matar, and Joseph Zohar
The diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is
conditional on directly experiencing or witnessing a significantly threatening event and the presence of a certain minimal
number of symptoms from each of four symptom clusters
(re-experiencing, avoidance, negative cognition and mood,
and hyperarousal) at least one month after the event (DSM
5) (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Only a proportion of the population exposed develops symptoms fulfilling
the criteria. The individual heterogeneity in responses of
stress-exposed animals suggested that adapting clearly defined and reliably reproducible “diagnostic”, i.e. behavioral,
criteria for animal responses would augment the clinical
validity of the analysis of study data. We designed cut-off
(inclusion/exclusion) behavioral criteria (CBC) which classify
study subjects as being severely, minimally or partially affected
by the stress paradigm, to be applied retrospectively in the
analysis of behavioral data. Behavioral response classification
enables the researcher to correlate (retrospectively) specific
anatomic, bio-molecular and physiological parameters with
the degree and pattern of the individual behavioral response,
and also introduces “prevalence rates” as a valid studyparameter. The cumulative results of our studies indicate
that, by classifying the data from individual subjects according
to their response patterns, the animal study can more readily
be translated into clinical “follow-up” studies and back again.
This article will discuss the concept of the model and its
background, and present a selection of studies employing
and examining the model, alongside the underlying translational rationale of each.
Hagit Cohen, PhD, is Director of Anxiety and Stress Research Unit, in the
Israel Ministry of Health Mental Health Center, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Michael Matar,
MD, is Director of PTSD clinic in the Israel Ministry of Health Mental Health
Center, Anxiety and Stress Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, BenGurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Joseph Zohar, MD, is
Director of the Department of Psychiatry in The Chaim Sheba Medical
Center, Sackler Medical School, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
Address correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr. Hagit Cohen,
Anxiety and Stress Research Unit, Ministry of Health Mental Health Center,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box
4600, Beer-Sheva 84170 Israel or email [email protected].
Key Words: anxiety; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; animal
model; behavioral criteria; translation research
he response of an individual to stress is characterized by
both emotional and physical manifestations involving
the activation of various physiological systems
(McEwen 2002). The consequences of this “stress response”
are generally adaptive in the short run, representing a homeostatic reaction, but in the long run can cause dysregulation of
the complex cascade of mechanisms responsible for maintenance of homeostasis (allostasis) (McEwen 2002). When the
dysregulation is not overcome by the organism to reestablish
and maintain homeostasis, long-term changes can occur
and lead to a state of chronic dysregulation and psychophysiological imbalance. In humans, these states include
Acute Stress Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD), in keeping with the time-span they occupy (American
Psychiatric Association 2013). In the first hours to days following the experience, the vast majority of individuals exposed to
an extreme event will demonstrate, to a varying degree, symptoms such as intense fear, helplessness, or horror followed by
anxiety, depression, agitation, shock, or dissociation and may
have trouble functioning in their usual manner for a while
(Bryant 2006; Davidson 2006; Shalev 2002).
Retrospective and prospective epidemiological studies indicate that most individuals affected by a potential traumatic
experience will adapt within a period of 1 to 4 weeks following exposure (Bryant 2006; Foa et al. 2006), and only a small
proportion will develop long-term psychopathology (Bryant
2006; Foa et al. 2006). In the United States, studies report that
the rate of lifetime exposure to at least one “serious” traumatic
event (excluding grief and mourning) is quite high; a conservative estimate reported 61% among men and 51% among
women (Breslau et al. 1998). Other studies have found similar
rates (Breslau et al. 1991; Helzer et al. 1987; Resnick et al.
1995; Shore et al. 1989). The lifetime prevalence of PTSD
in the general population reaches about 7% overall (Fairbank
et al. 1995), suggesting that about 20-30% of individuals exposed to severe stressors will develop PTSD (Breslau et al.
1991). The discrepancy between the proportion of the general
population exposed to potentially traumatic experience and
ILAR Journal, Volume 55, Number 2, doi: 10.1093/ilar/ilu006
© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
those who eventually fulfill criteria for the disorder suggests
qualitative differences in vulnerability and/or resilience.
After extensive study over the past two decades, PTSD was
established as a disorder and listed in the Diagnostic and
Statistic Manual. A diagnosis of PTSD is made if the required
symptoms are present 1 month or more after directly experiencing or witnessing a triggering event: (1) intrusive reexperiencing of the traumatic event in the form of nightmares and
flashbacks, with an exaggerated response to trauma-related
reminders/cues; (2) persistent avoidance of stimuli associated
with the trauma and emotional numbing; (3) negative cognitions and mood represents myriad feelings, from a persistent
and distorted sense of blame of self or others, to estrangement
from others or markedly diminished interest in activates, to an
inability to remember key aspect of the event (American
Psychiatric Association 2013); and (4) persistent symptoms
of exaggerated startle response, increased physiological
arousal, and sustained preparedness for an instant alarm
response. Arousal is marked by aggressive, reckless, or selfdestructive behavior and sleep disturbances.
PTSD has severe effects on widespread areas of the individual’s functioning, severely compromising quality of life and affecting the workplace, family, and social life. Moreover, PTSD
is also often comorbid with other disorders such as depressive
and anxiety disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, cognitive and
memory impairments, and sexual dysfunction (American Psychiatric Association 1994). The development of PTSD is often
a gradual process and extends over time through a series of
stages ranging from relatively contained distress to severe disability (Solomon et al. 2005). As the disorder evolves over
time, pathological changes and debilitating comorbidity may
become fixed and irreversible. Unlike processes in which exposure to repeated stimuli induces a process of learning or conditioning, implying increased efficiency in processing of data
to produce the required response, the psychopathology underlying PTSD produces a paradoxical vulnerability to negative
sequelae upon subsequent stress exposure (Solomon et al.
2005). The sequelae of exposure to a traumatizing stressor
are subject to extensive clinical study. Clinical research often
gives rise to important questions or hypotheses as to the pathogenesis, clinical course, and outcomes of such events.
Amongst the issues raised are those relating to factors that
may confer risk or resilience for the development of more severe stress-induced clinical outcomes, such as PTSD. By their
nature, clinical studies raise issues concerning pre-morbid factors largely by means of extrapolating retrospectively. Prospective studies are near impossible to conceive and would most
probably be prohibitively expensive to put into practice.
An animal model can give a good approximation of certain
aspects of the complex clinical disorder, enabling the study of
questions raised in clinical research in a prospective study
design and under far more controllable conditions.
Animal models of PTSD
Psychiatric diagnoses are theoretical constructs developed to
define the cooccurrence of symptoms and psychopathological
processes (Borsboom 2008; Resick et al. 2012). Many of the
defining clinical features of mental disorders are subjective in
nature, involving feelings, thoughts, and memories and their
meanings and implications and generally cannot be modeled
in animals in a reliably measurable manner without risking
excessive anthropomorphism of their behaviors. One is thus
restricted to a limited range of quantifiable observable behaviors in approaching the design of animal models and choice of
outcome measures. In the case of PTSD, a handful of behavioral responses to stress stimuli can be objectively assessed,
but unfortunately, a number of core symptoms cannot. Vigilance and hyper-arousal and to some degree avoidance of
reminders of the event and decreased interest in activities
can be modeled, as can the hyper-responsiveness to trauma
cues or reminders. Intrusive memories and dreams, dissociative aspects, and the affective numbing cannot. Hence, the
content and predictive validity of models based on the limited
range of symptom-like behaviors require periodic reevaluation to maintain and improve their relevance to the clinical
arena. Nevertheless, animals hold several advantages in the
study of PTSD. The composition and statistical soundness
of the population are controllable, and the behavioral and
concomitant physiological responses to a (valid) threatening
stimulus can be studied in a prospective follow-up design.
Moreover, unlike other mental disorders, the diagnostic criteria for PTSD specify exposure to a life-threatening traumatic
event as a conditional etiological factor (Nutt and Davidson
2000). In an animal model for PTSD, variables such as the
quality and the precise time of stress exposure are uniform
for all subjects, and the intensity and degree of exposure
can be carefully controlled. Second, little is known about predictive pretrauma etiological aspects of the disorder, because,
naturally, clinical studies focus on retrospective assessments
of patients after the onset of PTSD. Animal studies allow for
preexposure and immediate postexposure interventions and
manipulations. Lastly, unlike studies in human subjects,
animal model studies enable the assessment of concomitant
biomolecular changes in dissected brain areas and experimentation with pharmacological agents with potential therapeutic effects (especially in the brain).
Animal models have thus involved: (1) the exposure of
animals to a stimulus that is not merely unpleasant but is
designed to evoke a sense of imminent danger and/or extreme
intense fear, that is, face validity ( phenomenological similarity) (Belzung and Lemoine 2011; Willner and Mitchell 2002);
(2) the assessment of stimulus-induced changes in parameters
at a time that parallels the minimal required 4-week time-lapse
since exposure (in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders [DSM]/International Classification of
Diseases and Related Health Problems); and (3) the behavioral parameters that model certain clinical criteria in a reliably
measureable manner, that is, construct validity (corresponding theoretical explanatory frameworks) (Belzung and
Lemoine 2011; Willner and Mitchell 2002).
The literature describes various animal models of PTSD
that differ from one another in the rationale for their development. These models involve varied paradigms but show a
ILAR Journal
range of behavioral and physiological manifestations seen in
PTSD patients.
Trauma/stress-based models. Stress paradigms in
Studies aim to model criterion A of the DSM-V diagnostic
criteria (American Psychiatric Association 2013). They thus
use extremely stressful experiences aimed at engendering a
sense of threat and helplessness in the animal. Some of these
have focused more on the intensity of the experience, whereas
others have combined intensity with an attempt to design an
ethologically valid experience, that is, one that an animal
might encounter in its natural environment. Exposure of
rodents to predator stimuli (cat, cat odor, fox odor, or trimethylthiazoline, a synthetic compound isolated from fox feces)
is fear provoking and stressful and produces long-lasting
behavioral and physiological responses. Blanchard et al.
(Blanchard et al. 2003; Blanchard et al. 1990; Blanchard
et al. 1997; Blanchard et al. 1998), Adamec et al. (Adamec
1997; Adamec et al. 2006a; Adamec et al. 2008; Adamec
et al. 2007; Adamec et al. 2006b; Adamec et al. 2006c;
Adamec and Shallow 1993), and others (Cohen et al. 2000;
Cohen et al. 1996; Cohen et al. 1999; Diamond et al. 2006;
File et al. 1993; Griebel et al. 1995) have established the
validity of this paradigm in which adult rodents are exposed
to feline predators for 5 to 10 minutes in a closed environment
(i.e., inescapable exposure). The resultant freezing response
mode is ethologically adaptive for animals in situations in
which both “fight” and “flight” options are ineffective.
Predator stress has ecological validity in that it mimics
brief, intense, threatening experiences with lasting affective
consequences (Adamec et al. 2006b; Adamec et al. 2006c).
The predator stress paradigm has proven to be effective in
inducing the expected range of behavioral and physiological
responses (Adamec et al. 2007; Adamec et al. 2006b;
Adamec et al. 2006c; Davidson 2006). These include freezing, avoidance, increased secretion of stress hormones, and
changes in transmission from the hippocampus via the ventral
angular bundle to the basolateral amygdala and from the central amygdala to the lateral column of the periaqueductal gray
(Apfelbach et al. 2005; Blanchard et al. 2003; Blundell et al.
2005; Cohen et al. 2000; Cohen et al. 1996; Cohen et al.
1999; Diamond et al. 2006; Endres et al. 2005; File
et al. 1993; Kozlovsky et al. 2007a, 2007b; Kozlovsky
et al. 2009; Mazor et al. 2009; Roseboom et al. 2007; Sullivan
and Gratton 1998; Takahashi et al. 2005). These pathways are
of interest, because neuroplastic changes within them are associated with aversive learning. The potency of predator stimuli is
comparable with that of a variety of paradigms in which the
threat is more tangible and immediate, such as paradigms based
on inescapable pain or electric shock, swimming and
near-drowning, a small raised platform, and even direct proximity to a kitten or a cat (separated by a mesh divide or a solid
divide with an opening large enough for the rodent to slip
Volume 55, Number 2, doi: 10.1093/ilar/ilu006
Mechanism-based models
Another approach in developing animal models of PTSD has
been to consider potential brain mechanisms that might underlie the disorder and develop behavioral protocols that
mimic the activation of such mechanisms.
Enhanced fear conditioning
The persistence of the psychological and biological fear responses cannot be satisfactorily explained by stress theory,
leading some to suggest that fear conditioning might underlie
the phenomenon (Yehuda and LeDoux 2007). In certain respects, fear conditioning resembles PTSD (Milad et al.
2006). During Pavlovian fear conditioning, a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS; usually a tone or light) is repeatedly paired
with an unconditioned stressful stimulus (US; usually a footshock). Once the CS-US association has been formed, the
CS produces a conditioned fear response (CR; such as freezing
or movement arrest, enhancement of musculature [startle] reflexes, autonomic changes, analgesia, and behavioral response
suppression) in anticipation of the US (LeDoux 1996). A CR is
also evoked when the animal is placed in the environment in
which the experiment took place. Translating to PTSD, the
traumatic event (US) triggers an unconditioned response
(UR) that is characterized by strong arousal and intense fear.
This UR becomes associated with cues, such as smells, voices,
or sights (CSs) that were present during the traumatic event. As
a result of this pairing, these cues can trigger similar responses
(CRs) even in the absence of the US (Blechert et al. 2007).
Thus, given the association between traumatic recall and seemingly unrelated stimuli and the ensuing fearful response, the
mechanism of enhanced fear conditioning has often been suggested as a model for the reexperiencing phenomena in PTSD
(Foa and Kozak 1986; LeDoux 2000; Maren 2001).
Impaired extinction
Conditioned fear responses can be extinguished by repeatedly
presenting the CS without the US (Milad et al. 2006). Pavlov,
in his classic investigation of appetitive conditioning in dogs,
observed that extinguished responses spontaneously recovered with the passage of time (Milad et al. 2006). This suggested that extinction suppresses, rather than erases, the
original CS-US association. Thus, extinction is an important
behavioral phenomenon that allows the organism to adapt its
behavior to a changing environment (Bouton 2004). Moreover, experimental extinction is a behavioral technique leading to the suppression of the acquired fear, that is, a decrease
in the amplitude and frequency of a CR as a function of nonreinforced CS presentations (Akirav and Maroun 2007). More
recently, impaired extinction learning has been proposed as
an alternative mechanism for the formation of PTSD symptoms (Maren and Chang 2006; Myers and Davis 2002).
Recently, a prominent role for medial prefrontal cortex
(mPFC)–amygdala-hippocampus circuits has been suggested
in the contextual modulation of the extinction of fear memory.
The current neurocircuitry model for PTSD hypothesizes
hyper-responsivity within the amygdala to threat-related stimuli, with inadequate top-down governance over the amygdala
by the ventral/mPFC (encompassing the rostral anterior cingulated cortex, subcallosal cortex, anterior cingulated cortex),
orbitofrontal cortex, and the hippocampus (Rauch et al.
2006). The decreased mPFC inhibition of the amygdala prevents retention of extinction learning, thus allowing reinstatement of the CR. Interestingly, neuroimaging data support the
current neurocircuitry model of PTSD and provide evidence
for heightened responsivity of the amygdala, diminished responsivity of the mPFC, diminished hippocampal volumes
and integrity, and impaired hippocampal function in PTSD
(De Bellis et al. 2002; Etkin and Wager 2007; Liberzon and
Sripada 2008; Rauch et al. 2006).
Most of the models developed 20–30 years ago were largely
based on face validity. Although these approaches were useful, they provide limited PTSD-specific information (Pitman
et al. 2012). Similarly, exposure to fear conditioning alone
has proven to be insufficient to produce the PTSD phenotype
(Pitman et al. 2012). Newer animal models have incorporated
construct validity by capitalizing on the increasing understanding of the pathophysiology of PTSD. These models include predator exposure, exposure to single prolonged stress
(SPS), and exposure to footshock with additional stressors.
These models have used one or more “PTSD-specific” end
points, such as abnormal fear learning, exaggerated acoustic
startle response (ASR) and startle habituation, enhanced glucocorticoid signaling and negative feedback inhibition, and an
exaggerated autonomic nervous system. SPS paradigms involve serial exposure to multiple stressors (e.g., restraint, a
cold swim, and ether anesthesia) that independently activate
the hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, followed by
a 1-week “notouch” sensitization period. The sensitization
period is necessary for the development of the enhanced glucocorticoid negative feedback and increased ASR reported in
PTSD. Time-dependent sensitization and stress–restress can
be seen as variants of the SPS model, with stress–restress
adding another stressful exposure (or electric shock) at the
end of the sensitization period (Knox et al. 2012a; Knox
et al. 2012b; Liberzon et al. 1997; Yamamoto et al. 2009).
Impaired contextualization
A different mechanism that may contribute to the development of PTSD symptoms is the inability to appropriately
“contextualize” the traumatic events in autobiographic memory. Clinically, PTSD patients relive their traumatic experiences repeatedly, unable to assimilate them as time- and
context-limited events without negative implications for their
future. For example, for a combat veteran, the sound of a passing helicopter in the current, objectively safe environment can
evoke the traumatic experience of combat that took place years
earlier. Deficient embedding or contextualization of the traumatic events in autobiographic memory is thought to be one of
the main problems in PTSD (Ehlers and Clark 2000).
We have recently developed a novel experimental paradigm, Differential Contextual-Odor Conditioning (DCOC),
which was devised to examine the animals’ abilities to discriminate between the significance of an odor cue acquired
in either safe or dangerous contextual environments when encountered in a novel, neutral environment. The odor cue consists of a cinnamon smell that could signal either reward or
punishment (safety or threat signal) depending on the contextual cues that are present. Each of the conditions was learned in
a different chamber. Animals were tested in a third, new chamber, so all other contextual cues were controlled for, and the
only previously encountered cue that was present was the cinnamon odor (Ablin et al. 2008). Our findings demonstrate that
in this novel experimental paradigm, animals trained in the
DCOC paradigm acquired the ability to discriminate between
contextual cues signaling safe versus dangerous contextual
environments, validating the DCOC paradigm for the assessment of contextualization. Exposure to severe traumatic stress
( predator scent stress [PSS]) interfered with processes related
to subsequent adequate and flexible application of contextualization. Traumatized animals were unable to acquire the ability
to accurately evaluate the contextual relevance of an odorstimulus or lost this ability after having effectively acquired
it. Thus, the DCOC paradigm is suggested as an effective animal model that would enable the study of the neurobiology of
contextualization and of related pathology (Ablin et al. 2008).
The “cut-off behavioral criteria” model of PTSD
To model DSM criteria for PTSD, we developed “the cut-off
behavioral criteria” (CBC) model of PTSD (Figure 1) (Cohen
et al. 2003; Cohen and Zohar 2004; Cohen et al. 2005; Cohen
et al. 2004). This model focused on the heterogeneous nature
of the behavioral changes caused by a single 10- to 15-minute
exposure to PSS. The responses of animals in both the elevated
plus maze (EPM) and ASR tests are first analyzed according to
study groups (e.g., stress-exposed vs. controls) in the usual
manner. Subsequently, individual animals are classified
according to their behavioral response pattern on both the
EPM and ASR, by using the CBC, as exhibiting either
“extreme behavioral response” (EBR) or “minimal behavioral
response” (MBR). Those that fulfill neither set of criteria are
labeled exhibiting a “partial behavioral response” (PBR). Data
can then be analyzed in accordance with the CBC response
classification. This enables a more precise assessment of physiological and bio-molecular parameters in relation to the
severity of behavioral disruption for each study group (Cohen
et al. 2011; Cohen et al. 2006a; Cohen et al. 2007b; Cohen
et al. 2006b; Cohen et al. 2006c).
Adult rats (3 months) are exposed to a PSS consisting of cat
urine for 15 min, as described by Adamec et al. (Adamec
1997; Adamec et al. 2006a; Adamec et al. 2008; Adamec
et al. 2007; Adamec et al. 2006b; Adamec et al. 2006c;
ILAR Journal
Figure 1 The CBC algorithm. To approximate the approach for understanding animal behavioral models more closely to contemporary clinical
conceptions of PTSD, we use a method that enables the classification of study animals into groups according to degree of response to the stressor
(PSS), that is, the degree to which individual behavior is altered or disrupted. To achieve this, behavioral criteria are defined and then complemented by the definition of cut-off criteria reflecting severity of response; this parallels inclusion and exclusion criteria applied in clinical
research. The procedure requires the following steps. (A) Verification of global effect: the data must demonstrate that the stressor has a significant
effect on the overall behavior of exposed versus unexposed populations at the time of assessment. (B) Application of the CBCs to the data: to
maximize the resolution and minimize false positives, extreme responses to both EPM and ASR paradigms, performed in sequence, are required
for “inclusion” into the EBR group, whereas a negligible degree of response to both is required for inclusion into the MBR group.
Adamec and Shallow 1993) and others (Blanchard et al.
2003; Blanchard et al. 1990; Blanchard et al. 1997; Blanchard et al. 1998; Cohen et al. 2000; Cohen et al. 1996; Cohen
et al. 1999). As mentioned above, exposure of rodents to
predator stimuli (cat, cat odor, fox odor, or trimethylthiazoline) induces fear, is stressful, and produces long-lasting behavioral and physiological responses. Predator stress has
ecological validity, as it mimics short, intense, threatening experiences with lasting affective consequences (Adamec et al.
2006b, 2006c). Regarding the conceptual validity of the model
itself, “predator exposure trauma” is a potentially lifethreatening situation and might represent a more “natural” setting than other types of stressors, such as electrical tail shocks
and restraint on a teleological level that is possibly related to
extreme conditions such as torture.
Behavioral paradigms
The behavioral criteria for our animal model are based on two
well-established paradigms that measure anxiety-like, fearful,
Volume 55, Number 2, doi: 10.1093/ilar/ilu006
avoidant, and hyper-vigilant/hyper-alert behaviors, all of
which parallel aspects of traumatic stress-induced behaviors
in people (Adamec et al. 2006b; Adamec et al. 2006c). Exploratory behavior on the EPM serves as the main platform
for the assessment of overall behavior, and the ASR paradigm
is used to precisely quantify hyper-alertness in terms of magnitude of response and of habituation to the stimulus (Cohen
et al. 2006b).
The models commonly used in the screening of anxietylike responses are based on confrontation of rodents with conditioned conflict tests or with novel environments (Belzung
and Le Pape 1994). Because conditioned conflict tests involve utilization of noxious stimuli that involved pain mechanisms such as electric shock or procedures of food/water
deprivation that can interfere with and even increased anxiety
levels, we chose to focus on a model based on the confrontation of animals with a novel enclosure. From all models based
on free exploration of novel and unprotected environments
(such as light/dark choice test, the hole-board test, and free
exposure to a novel space), we chose the EPM test. The
EPM has been suggested to reflect the natural aversion of
rodents for heights and open spaces and can be considered a
standard paradigm for testing anxiogenic- and anxiolytic-like
responses in rats. The test is based upon the conflict between
an innate aversion to exposed spaces and a tendency to explore
new environments (File et al. 1993; Pellow et al. 1985). The
EPM was designed to provide measures of anxiety that are
relatively uncontaminated by changes in overall motor activity
and has been extensively validated (Cohen et al. 2013).
Although the EPM is typically thought of as a model of innate
anxiety, and in normal Sprague Dawley healthy rats the EPM
could measure innate anxiety, stress response in the EPM
could reflect state anxiety.
The startle response, which characterizes many PTSD patients, has been employed as one of the more definitively
measurable parameters for the hyper-vigilant/hyper-alert
component of the behavioral responses (File et al. 1993).
Exposure to trauma reminder (cue)
To model the disproportionate psycho-physiological response
to trauma reminders, a stimulus that is not intrinsically threatening but is, however, a clear-cut reminder of the traumatic stressor (fresh, unused cat litter) is employed and assessed by the
freezing response. Because the clinical symptom occurs long
after the actual event, the test must be timed accordingly. It is
preferable to allow extended periods of time, certainly no less
than 8 days.
As to the timing of behavioral assessments, many studies performed in a range of research centers clearly indicate that behavioral changes observed in rodents on day 7 after stress
exposure are unlikely to change significantly over the next
30 days (Cohen et al. 2004). On a relative scale, 7 days in
the 2.5- to 3-year lifespan of a rat is roughly equivalent to 6
months in humans (lifespan 75 years); thus, the persistence of
anxiety symptoms beyond 7 days may model.
Classification according to CBC
Human responses to traumatic experiences clearly vary greatly
in extent and character. More importantly, PTSD occurs in a
percentage (roughly 25–35%) of those exposed, underscoring
the importance of contemporary definitions of stress-related
disorders (DSM and International Classification of Diseases
and Related Health Problems) and of inclusion and exclusion
criteria applied in controlled clinical trials. In contrast, most animal studies have tended to relate to unclassified “global”
groups, that is, the entire exposed population versus control
populations without distinction, whereas researchers who
work with animals have long been aware that individual study
subjects tend to display a variable range of responses to stimuli,
certainly where stress paradigms are concerned. The heterogeneity in animal responses might be regarded as confirming the
validity of animal studies rather than as a problem. It stands
to reason that a model of diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders can be applied to animal responses to augment the validity of study data as long as the criteria for classification are
clearly defined, reliably reproducible, and yield results that
conform to findings in human subjects (Cohen et al. 2003; Cohen and Zohar 2004; Cohen et al. 2005; Cohen et al. 2004).
Initial studies
Stressor validity
Because it is difficult to ascertain whether a rodent is able to
interpret an abstract threat or only tangible, physiologically
dangerous situations, both of which are included in criterion
A of the DSM-V for traumatic events, one of the first applications of our model was to determine the validity of the scent
of cat urine as a standard procedure compared with a variety
of other stress paradigms. In effect, the study not only validated the traumatizing potential of the PSS paradigm but resulted
in the finding of a gradient of the traumatizing potency of the
stressor employed (Cohen et al. 2004). The potency of predator stimuli was comparable with that of a variety of paradigms in which the threat was more tangible and
immediate, such as inescapable pain or electric shock, swimming and near-drowning, a small raised platform, and even
direct proximity to a kitten or a cat (separated by a mesh divide). A strong dose-response effect seems to occur with regard to trauma exposure and PTSD-like behavioral responses,
suggesting that exposure to more extreme stressors results in a
greater prevalence of EBRs associated with PTSD. Underwater trauma clearly elicits a less severe response than exposure
to the scent of a predator’s urine in a larger proportion of individual animals.
The creation of clearly defined groups of individuals enables
the statistical analysis of the “prevalence rate” of each specific
pattern of response. This parameter is extremely useful in assessing the effects of manipulations and interventions and can
reflect aspects such as vulnerability and resilience. The prevalence of MBR rats in the PSS-exposed groups was 24.7% compared with 80.0% in the control groups (Cohen et al. 2003;
Cohen and Zohar 2004; Cohen et al. 2005; Cohen et al.
2004). The implication of this initial finding was that prior
analyses of unclassified data must have included a significant
proportion of animals whose behavior had not been affected by
the stressor (MBR) or whose response was of uncertain significance (PBR), alongside those whose response was unequivocally severely disrupted (EBR). Hence, the method offered a
feasible means for classifying animal response patterns to trauma, thereby increasing the conceptual accuracy of the data and
offered an additional study parameter, namely “prevalence”
(Cohen et al. 2003; Cohen and Zohar 2004; Cohen et al.
2005; Cohen et al. 2004). Notably, the proportion of the entire
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exposed population fulfilling criteria for extreme responses
(EBR) was compatible with epidemiological data for PTSD
amongst trauma-exposed human populations (Breslau et al.
1998; Resick et al. 2012); these data report that between 15
and 35% fulfill criteria for PTSD and that approximately 20–
30% display partial or subsymptomatic clinical pictures (Breslau et al. 1998; Resick et al. 2012).
Prevalence over time
Because time is an integral factor in the clinical course of traumatic stress-induced disorders, the prevalence rates of EBR rats
were assessed among PSS-exposed rats on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 30,
and 90 after exposure. Initially (day 1), almost all animals displayed extreme disruptions of behavior (EBR = 90%). The proportion of EBR animals dropped rapidly over days 1 and 3 and
between days 3 and 5 to about 25% at day 7. This proportion
remained stable until day 30, dropping to about 15% by day
90. The resulting time curve of EBR prevalence rates parallels
the rates of stress-related symptoms in humans, culminating in
acute and chronic traumatic stress disorders (Cohen et al. 2004).
Gender differences
Although men report significantly more exposure to potentially traumatic events than do women (with the exception
of childhood trauma), epidemiological studies find higher
rates of PTSD among women than among men (Breslau
et al. 1997; Kessler et al. 1995). However, it is still not clear
whether this greater prevalence in women reflects a greater vulnerability to stress-related psychopathology.
Few animal models of PTSD have taken gender differences
into account and have typically used male subjects. There is
one study in mice exposed to predator stress that showed
females more vulnerable to PSS than males (Adamec et al.
2008). To explore gender-related, PTSD-like stress responses
more thoroughly, we applied an animal model that focuses selectively on individual patterns of behavioral responses. First,
we evaluated the impact of estrous cycle phases of female rats
at the time of PSS exposure on anxiety-like and avoidant
behaviors on the EPM and ASR. Secondly, we examined
gender-related differences in the prevalence rates of individuals displaying extreme disruption of behavior in response to
PSS exposure in male versus female subjects.
The impact of estrous cycle phases of female rats at the
time of PSS exposure on anxiety-like and avoidant behaviors
on the EPM and ASR was evaluated. In the EPM, the results
revealed that at baseline, female rats in proestrus exhibited
lower anxiety index than did females in metestrus. In response to PSS exposure, no differences were found across
the estrous cycle. In the ASR paradigm, the behavior of
female rats did not significantly differ across the estrous cycle.
The timing of estrous phases with PSS exposure is not critical
in determining gender differences in EBRs and does not
influence the vulnerability for developing posttraumatic
behavioral response in rats.
Volume 55, Number 2, doi: 10.1093/ilar/ilu006
The analysis of individual patterns of behavioral response
to PSS exposure revealed that, although the global data for the
entire populations appeared to indicate that males and females
responded differently, in fact, the prevalence rate of severely
affected animals was not significantly affected by gender.
Although baseline levels of stress were higher for females
and their peak levels (expressing magnitude of response)
were lower, the overall incidence of PTSD-like behavioral
responses was the same for both genders (Mazor et al. 2009).
Selected applications of the CBC model
The CBC model has been extensively applied to a variety of
studies, focusing on associations between EBR, MBR, and
PBR behavior patterns and biomolecular, physiological,
and morphological consequences of traumatic stress. A number of these are discussed below.
Core stress-related physiological responses
Core physiological data were correlated with behavioral classification in a series of studies, especially the HPA-axis (circulating corticosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and its
sulfate derivative dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels)
(Cohen et al. 2007b; Kozlovsky et al. 2009), autonomic nervous system (heart rate and heart rate variability) (Cohen et al.
2003; Cohen et al. 2007a), and immune system (Cohen et al.
2006c; Lewitus et al. 2008; Zimmerman et al. 2013).
Although the gross population data had shown that the
parameters in each study displayed significant responses to
the stressor, CBC classification revealed that animals whose
behavior conformed to EBR criteria were characterized by
significantly more disturbances on all measures, whereas
MBR rats displayed almost none.
Molecular neurobiological correlates
Selected brain areas, especially hippocampal substructures
and the frontal cortex, of rats classified according to the
CBC procedure have been studied in correlation to both their
behavioral and physiological response patterns. The studies
have examined the expression of genes and gene products
for key intracellular and intercellular biomolecules associated
with neuromodulation, synaptic plasticity, and receptor systems. In some studies, these data have also been correlated
to individual performance in memory-related tasks. The development of an EBR has been shown to be associated with
a distinct pattern of long-term and persistent downregulation
of brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( mRNA and protein levels) and synaptophysin and an upregulation of glucocorticoid
receptor protein levels and tyrosine kinase receptor mRNA in
the CA1 subregion of the hippocampus compared with PBR
and MBR animals and unexposed controls (Kozlovsky et al.
2007a; 2007b; Kozlovsky et al. 2009). Moreover, EBR individuals selectively displayed significant downregulation of
growth-associated protein 43, signal-regulated kinase–mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK1/2) and phospho-ERK1/
2, p-38, and phospho-38, and upregulation of postsynaptic
density-95 in the hippocampus compared with MBR, PBR,
and unexposed controls. The persistently higher levels of glucocorticoids are associated with attenuation of brain-derived
neurotrophic factor and synaptophysin and the expression of
zif/268 and immediate early genes, such as activity-regulated
cytoskeletal-associated protein (Arc) in the EBR individuals;
this suggests that glucocorticoids reflect or mediate the characteristic changes in neural plasticity and synaptic functioning underlying chronic stress-induced behavioral disruption
(Kozlovsky et al. 2007a; Kozlovsky et al. 2009). Thus, the
decreased hippocampal expression of these genes might
have physiological consequences, for example, inducing
damage to hippocampal neurons.
Stress-related somatic sequelae
In addition to the flagship diagnoses of Acute Stress Disorder
and PTSD, several types of psychological and somatic responses have been observed following exposure to stressogenic/traumatic events, for example, primarily depression
and anxiety disorders, somatization, eating disorders, pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome,
and also metabolic abnormalities such as noninsulindependent diabetes (type 2) and autoimmune disorders. Our
model confirms clinical reports of an association between
chronic PTSD and a chronic metabolic syndrome: a statistically
significant association between chronic (protracted) systemic,
central nervous system and body measurements, dysfunctional
measures of glucose metabolism, and chronic disruptions of
both behavioral and physiological (i.e., HPA-axis) response
patterns that model PTSD (Cohen et al. 2009). By 40 days
after stress exposure, EBR rats displayed basal fasting hyperglycemia and hyper-insulinemia and a hyperglycemic and hyperinsulinemic response to the oral glucose tolerance test,
together with elevated circulating corticosterone levels. In
EBR rats, this was accompanied by a significant increase in abdominal circumference, abdominal white adipose tissue mass,
and bodyweight. The MBR and control rats displayed no
changes in body measurements after exposure. In summary,
the degree of disturbance in glucose metabolism and body
measurements was associated with the severity of the longterm disruption in behavior and HPA-axis response.
Pharmacotherapeutic interventions
Acute-phase pharmacotherapeutic interventions that effectively alleviate symptoms and possess potential preventive effects on the development of PTSD and are founded on
large-scale double-blind controlled prospective clinical trials
are lacking. The CBC classification model affords distinct advantages for the prospective study of the therapeutic and preventive potential of medication. The model enables the
prospective study of associations between the behavioral ef240
ficacy of the drug in question, in a quantifiable manner over
specific periods of time and the bio-molecular and physiological correlates of these behavioral effects. The CBC model
has been applied to the study of a number of drugs: a selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI; sertraline) and
Early intervention with an SSRI (sertraline)
Based on the rationale that the acute phase in rodents is represented by the first 7 days following stress exposure (see
above), rats were randomly allocated to 7 days of treatment
either immediately following exposure or on day 7 and
were compared with rats receiving saline treatment. Behavioral and biomolecular assessments performed at day 7 (or day
14) demonstrated the following effects. Brief, immediate,
postexposure intervention with sertraline had an observable
short-term effect on stress-induced behavioral changes compared with the later treatment regimen and with the salinetreated control group (Matar et al. 2006). Seven days of treatment with sertraline immediately after PSS exposure elicited
a statistically significant reduction (14%) in prevalence rates
of EBR and an increase of 5% in prevalence rates of minimal
response (MBR) compared with the placebo-control group.
These findings suggest that SSRI drugs represent potential
agents for secondary intervention in the acute aftermath of
traumatic stress exposure and are thus worthy of further
Early intervention with benzodiazepine (alprazolam)
Benzodiazepines are commonly used to relieve distress.
Because it has been claimed that they impede adequate processing of acute grief, their effects on the processing of acute
stress were examined (Matar et al. 2009). The CBC model
was employed to examine the short-term efficacy and longterm potential of brief, early postexposure administration
of the commonly prescribed alprazolam for the prevention
of subsequent PTSD-like behavioral changes and to examine
its effects on subsequent vulnerability to stress compared to
later treatment and placebo. As expected, the results demonstrated short-term efficacy but no preventive potential. The
finding that caused particular concern was that rats treated
immediately after the initial exposure were rendered significantly more vulnerable to the trauma cue and far more vulnerable to the deleterious effects of PSS reexposure than control
groups. Treatment initiated after 1 week did not affect vulnerability (Matar et al. 2009). It will be important to establish
whether this finding is replicable and whether it is related
to specific benzodiazepines (i.e. alprazolam) and/or a certain
time frame both in animal and in clinical studies. One possible mechanism might be related to the effect of alprazolam on
cortisol secretion. The marked suppression of corticosterone
activity during alprazolam treatment, and the sharp rebound
after its cessation, may well be key factors in the pathogenesis
of the different behavioral responses observed in the study
ILAR Journal
subjects when treatment was initiated immediately. Because
corticosterone plays a major role in the regulation of responses
to stress, alterations in timing and polarity of plasma corticosterone levels may be of great pathogenetic significance, especially in the earliest phases (Matar et al. 2009).
Early intervention with β-adrenergic blocker propranolol
Preclinical and clinical research studies have clearly shown
that emotionally neutral events are not remembered as well
as emotionally arousing events (e.g. fear-related events)
(Schelling et al. 2004; Szapiro et al. 2003). Enhanced memory associated with emotional experiences involves activation
of the β-adrenergic system, and β-adrenergic blocking agents
have been shown to diminish the impact of emotional valence
on the formation and retention of memories (Cahill et al.
1995; Cahill et al. 1994; Szapiro et al. 2003). Posttraining
administration of adrenaline to humans enhances memory
consolidation for emotionally arousing material (Cahill and
Alkire 2003), whereas blockage of (nor)adrenergic function
selectively impairs this (Cahill et al. 1994; Hurlemann et al.
2005; van Stegeren et al. 1998). The CBC model was
employed to examine the effect of a single-dose intervention
with the propranolol given immediately after exposure.
Stress-induced behavioral responses were assessed at day
30, and trauma cue-triggered freezing response was assessed
on day 31. Our results demonstrated that single-dose immediate poststressor blockade with propranolol was ineffective in
preventing PTSD-like behavioral responses (Cohen et al.
2011). Neither prevalence rates of individuals with EBR
patterns nor subsequent freezing responses to a trauma cue
differed between the treatment group and controls. The
same treatment regimen (using the same batch of propranolol
at the same dose) effectively reduced poststressor heart rate
responses and disrupted performance of an object recognition
memory task compared to controls, verifying the efficacy of
the agent employed. In other words, we found a disparity
between the effects on purely physiological components of
the stress response and behavioral response patterns, and
also a disparity between memory processes per se, reflected
by the object recognition memory task, and response patterns
we presume to be related to trauma memory (cue-triggered
freezing) (Cohen et al. 2011). This suggests a need for humility in the face of the complexity of the processing of
trauma-related responses, which involve numerous physiological systems, intricate interactions between networks and
systems, and mental processes far more sophisticated than
the fear response (Cohen et al. 2011). In contrast to our findings, Adamec et al. (2007) reported that one minute after
predator stress, propranolol (5-10 mg/kg) prevents consolidation of stress effects on behavior.
Early intervention with corticosterone
Because corticosteroid treatment is clinically indicated only
in cases in which significant physical illness or poly-trauma
Volume 55, Number 2, doi: 10.1093/ilar/ilu006
occur, recurrent clinical reports of a significant preventive effect in terms of the incidence of concomitant PTSD are difficult to interpret despite their relative frequency and
impressive results (Schelling et al. 2004). The CBC model
was employed to examine the effect of a single, high-dose intervention with the adrenocorticoid stress hormone corticosterone given immediately after exposure. This regimen was
compared with lower doses, later treatment, and saline.
Stress-induced behavioral responses were assessed at day
30, and the trauma-cue triggered freezing response was assessed on day 31. The results clearly showed that a single
25-mg/kg dose of corticosterone administered immediately
after exposure to the scent of predator urine resulted in a statistically significant reduction of 13.2% in the prevalence rates
of EBR individuals at 30 days, with a concomitant increase of
12.4% in the prevalence of MBR individuals compared with
saline-controls, that is, a significant shift towards less extreme
behavioral disruption ensuing from traumatic stress (Cohen
et al. 2008). Rats in the high-dose corticosterone group responded markedly less extremely to exposure to the trauma
cue (24% of time freezing) than the saline-control group
(80% of time freezing). This pattern of response suggests
that the single, high-dose corticosterone treatment confers
some degree of resilience to future trauma-related stress exposure (Cohen et al. 2008). Paradoxically, lower doses of corticosterone (0.1–5.0 mg/kg) were not only ineffective in
attenuating stress-induced behavioral disruptions but, in
fact, significantly increased the propensity of individuals to
show EBRs (Cohen et al. 2008). This pattern of response indicates that the single, high-dose corticosterone treatment
conferred some degree of resilience to subsequent
trauma-related stress exposure. However, corticosterone administration 14 days following stress exposure and immediately after memory reactivation had no effect on the
behavior of the rats. These findings imply that activation of
the HPA-axis immediately after stress exposure modulates
stress response processes and thus enables the organism to
adjust to the (altered) prevailing conditions and reestablish
homeostasis. Therefore, a disruption in the initial adaptive
endogenous response of the HPA-axis unfavorably alters
the trajectory of trauma exposure.
Translation to the clinical arena
In light of these results, a pilot clinical study of early intervention with high-dose hydrocortisone was performed (Zohar
et al. 2011). In this pilot study, 25 consenting patients with
acute stress symptoms received a single intravenous bolus
of high-dose hydrocortisone (100–140 mg) or placebo within
6 hours of a traumatic event in a prospective, randomized,
double-blind, placebo controlled pilot study. Early, single
high-dose hydrocortisone intervention attenuated the core
symptoms of both the acute stress and of subsequent PTSD
in patients assessed at 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months, demonstrating significant favorable changes in the trajectory of
the sequelae of exposure to trauma (Zohar et al. 2011). These
studies represent an example of fruitful translation between
clinical and basic research, and if the results of this preliminary study are replicated, high-dose cortisol might become
part of the psychiatrist’s and emergency room physician’s armory for preventing PTSD.
Postexposure sleep deprivation interventions
Ample evidence indicates that sleep participates in the consolidation of recent memory traces (Born et al. 2006; Maquet
2001a; Stickgold 2005; Walker and Stickgold 2006). Sleep
following learning, independent of time of day, is known to
enhance the consolidation of newly acquired memory traces
(Gais and Born 2004; Maquet 2000; 2001b; Peigneux et al.
2001; Wagner et al. 2006) through an active reorganization
of representations, whereas acute sleep deprivation (SD)
may disrupt this process and impair retrieval functions (Hagewoud et al. 2010). Because memories are integral to
PTSD-related symptoms, we hypothesized that interfering
with memory consolidation processes by SD immediately after traumatic experience will reduce posttraumatic stress
symptoms and incidence. The effects of postexposure SD
for 6 hours throughout the first resting phase on behavioral
responses to PSS were performed (Cohen et al. 2012). As
the results demonstrate, SD proved to be a highly effective intervention for the attenuation of stress-induced behavioral effects when initiated in the aftermath of stress-exposure.
Compared to exposed-controls, treated animals displayed significantly reduced behavioral disruption and significantly attenuated physiological, molecular, and morphological
responses to the stressor. SD throughout the first hours after
stress exposure might represent a simple, yet effective, intervention for the secondary prevention of stress-induced pathologies. Further studies will be required to examine
whether SD in the immediate aftermath of traumatic events
represents an avenue for secondary prevention of stressrelated clinical disorders (Cohen et al. 2012).
Based on the limitations inherent to animal studies of PTSD,
that is, that they reflect only part of its clinical features, an
effort has been made to improve the yield of data analysis
by adapting clinical diagnostic and study criteria to rodent
behavioral stress responses. The cumulative data from almost 20 years of studies show that: (1) EBR animals are consistently distinct from MBR animals; (2) MBR animals are
consistently indistinguishable from the unexposed nonstressed controls; (3) PBR animals show intermediate
data; and (4) “prevalence rates” of each response group
have proven to be valuable (and reliable) parameters in assessing interventions. Because MBR animals consistently
represent almost 20% of the exposed population and because
their biophysiologic, molecular, and morphologic data are
equivalent to those of controls, this implies that unclassified
data include 20% “control data.” Moreover, PBR animals
consistently represent 50–60% of the study population, and
their biophysiologic and molecular data are unpredictable.
The impact of the potential biases inherent to wholepopulation (unaffected) animal behavioral data analysis
must be considered specifically in relation to the design,
aims, and character of each particular animal model study.
However, we need to keep this in mind for all animal models
of mental disorders and certainly for PTSD models. In the
case of our model, the significant cost of applying classification criteria appears to be of worth, considering the “cost” of
compromising the value of our findings. The assumption that
EBR animals represent human PTSD has been justifiably
challenged periodically, but their changes are consistently
more extreme, disabling, and longstanding (i.e., “poor prognosis”). Thus, they seem to have protracted extreme disorders
equivalent to traumatic stress-induced disorders and thus can
be regarded as PTSD-like.
Future directions
In addition to the application of the current model to the study
of additional interventions and/or psycho-somatic sequelae, a
number of directions could be of value in expanding conceptual and practical aspects of the response-classification
(1) Comorbidities: PTSD is a highly comorbid disorder.
The exploration of common comorbidities, such as depressive and anxiety disorders, pain and physical trauma, and substance abuse, could be of value. Initially, criteria will have to
be established for each of these disorders and assessed for
their individual (and combined) validities.
(2) Criterion A: DSM-V continues to include “witnessing”
or “learning of” the traumatizing event in the definition of
the trauma (criterion A). An assessment of the methods of
modeling these types of trauma exposure by using the current
CBCs will be of interest. This might improve our ability to
distinguish fear-evoking stressogenic experience from traumatic experience in rodents.
(3) Additional criteria: The value of employing physiological or molecular data as additional criteria ( possibly secondline) is worthy of exploration. Should they prove to be valid
and reliable, translation to the clinical arena could be
(4) PBR group: Although the behavioral definition of the
PBR group is rather vague, being based upon behaviors that
do not confirm either EBR or MBR without further distinction, this group is extremely important for the understanding
of causal factors, of the transition from acute to chronic fear,
and of fear generalization. The study of the partial responders
might be of even more importance for clinical progress.
(5) Quasi-natural environment: In the wild, animals face a
highly variable world full of competitors and predators. Animals spend most of their time engaged in behaviors necessary for their survival and that of their genes, such as
foraging for food and water, avoiding predators, looking for
ILAR Journal
a sexual partner, or caring for pups (Le Merrer et al. 2009).
The need to trade off food and safety, the changing levels
of resource availability, the intensity of competition, and
the comings and goings of predators mean that foragers
must constantly reassess risk and their own energetic state
and make adjustments as to their evaluations of food and safety. Animals must respond to stressors in constantly changing
environments, and therefore their goal-directed behaviors
must be flexible and plastic to adapt contentedly to their
environment. For animals in the wild that are in peril every
moment of every day, long-lasting stress responses are necessarily maladaptive and pathologic; because the evolutionary
“function” of predator-induced fear and stress is to ensure immediate survival, any further or lasting effect on fitness (i.e.,
Darwinian fitness), such as an effect on subsequent reproduction or excessive risk of predation, must be maladaptive.
Which of the behavioral stress responses seen in the laboratory appear in wild animals in the field? What is the meaning of
the “traumatic” or “stressogenic” phenotype in nature? Is
there such a thing? We suggest that both for researchers studying the predator model of PTSD and for ecologists, collaborative studies of predator-induced fear and stress on animals
in the wild would be of enormous benefit (Clinchy et al.
2011). For investigators addressing the predator model of
PTSD, the extremity of the stressors faced by animals in the
wild, in a real world context, would appear to emulate more
closely the circumstances leading to PTSD in humans
(Clinchy et al. 2011).
Concluding Remarks
Animal models complement clinical research and enable
modalities that are difficult to attain in clinical studies.
The animal model presented here, which is a combination
of exposure to a predator and a focus on setting apart the affected animal based on behavioral cut-off criteria, has demonstrated high face validity, construct validity, and
predictive validity. The cumulative results of our studies indicate that the contribution of animal models can be further
enhanced by classifying individual animal study subjects
according to their response patterns. The animal model
also enables the researcher to go one step further and correlate specific anatomic, biomolecular, and physiologic parameters with the degree and pattern of individual
behavioral response and introduces “prevalence rates” as a
parameter. The translational value of animal behavioral
models to the clinical arena should be continually assessed
for avenues for their improvement.
We are grateful for funding from the National Institute for
Psychobiology in Israel, funded by Charles E. Smith Family,
the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities grant (416/
09), and the Ministry of Health (3-0000-6086) grant to H.C.
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