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Name ____________________________ Period ______ Test Date: ______________
Force and Motion Test Review Sheet
potential energy - energy that is stored and held in readiness
kinetic energy - energy that an object has because of its motion
Label each diagram as potential or kinetic energy.
As kinetic energy increases, potential energy ___decreases_____.
Energy can not be created or destroyed only ___transformed (changed)____.
Describe how potential and kinetic energy change on a roller coaster ride.
force - a push or pull exerted on an object
net force - the overall force on an object when all of the individual forces acting on an
object are added together
balanced force - equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions
unbalanced force - unequal forces acting on an object resulting in a change in the
object’s motion
Is this illustrating balanced or unbalanced forces? Unbalanced
How did you know? the ball is moving
Is this illustrating balanced or unbalanced forces? balanced
What is the net force? 0 N
How did you know? the net force is 0
10 N
Is this illustrating balanced or unbalanced forces? balanced
What is the net force? 0 N
Will there be movement? no
If so, which way? no movement
5N 5N
Is this illustrating balanced or unbalanced forces? unbalanced
What is the net force? 3 N
Will there be movement? yes
If so, which way? to the right
5N 2N
10 N
Is this illustrating balanced or unbalanced forces? unbalanced
What is the net force? 12 N
Will there be movement? yes
If so, which way? to the left
Lift = 500 N
Drag = 200 N
Weight = 500 N
Thrust = 750 N
Is this illustrating balanced or unbalanced forces? unbalanced
What is the net force?
vertical: lift - weight
500N - 500N = 0N
horizontal: thrust - drag
750N - 200N = 550N
Will there be movement?
If so, which way?
simple machine -
a device with few or no moving parts that helps you do work
inclined plane - a simple machine consisting of a flat surface with one end higher than the
Give an example of an inclined plane. ramp, slide
What is the advantage of an inclined plane? it reduces the amount of force needed
to do work
What happens if you change the angle of the inclined plane?
the steeper the slope, the more force needed (but the less distance you will have to travel)
the gentler the slope, the less force needed (but the more distance you will have to travel)
pulley - a simple machine consisting of a grooved sheel around which is wrapped a rope,
chain or cable
Give an example of a pulley. flag pole, elevator
What is the advantage of a pulley? used to change the direction of the force, but
not the amount of force needed
chemical energy
energy that is released during a
chemical reaction or change
electrical energy
energy in the form of charged
mechanical energy
energy of motion
nuclear energy
energy released from the nucleus
of the atom
sound energy
energy from vibrating waves
thermal energy
energy form heat / the amount of
kinetic energy in an object
battery,digesting food,
fireworks, hot/cold packs
anything plugged in (lamp,
lightening, etc)
blender, bicycle, fan
splitting an atom (bomb)
talking, musical instrument
heater, curling iron,
How is energy transformed in a flashlight?
chemical energy(battery) ± electrical energy (wires) ± thermal& light energy
Give an example of another energy transformation.
A toaster transforms electrical energy to thermal energy.
The sun transforms nuclear energy to light and thermal energy.
Mechanical energy is transformed to thermal energy when you rub your hands.
Chemical energy is transformed to mechanical energy when you eat.