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Andrew Jackson is most famous for being considered the first
"common man" to become president. He also made changes to the
way the presidency was run. Prior to becoming president he was
known as a war hero from the War of 1812.
Growing Up
Andrew's life started out difficult. His parents were poor emigrants
from Ireland and his father died just a few weeks before Andrew was
born. Despite not having much of a formal education, Andrew was
smart and learned to read at a young age.
When Andrew turned ten, the Revolutionary War had begun. His two
older brothers both joined the army and Andrew became a
messenger for the local militia when he turned 13. Both of his older
brothers died in the war. Andrew survived, but had some harrowing
experiences including being captured by British soldiers and receiving
a scar across his face from the sword of a British officer.
Before He Became President
After the Revolutionary War, Jackson became a lawyer and moved to
Tennessee to practice law. He started up a cotton plantation called
the Hermitage, which would eventually grow, to over 1000 acres. In
1796 Jackson became Tennessee's first member of the U.S. House
of Representatives. He would also serve as Senator for Tennessee.
The War of 1812
It was during the War of 1812 that Jackson gained national fame,
which would later help him to become president. Jackson was
appointed leader and General of the Tennessee militia. He led them
to several victories. When the British were expected to attack New
Orleans, Jackson was put in charge. In the Battle of Orleans he
claimed the one major victory over the British in the war. With 5,000
men he soundly defeated 7.500 British soldiers. The British had over
2,000 casualties while Jackson's army only suffered around 70.
During the Battle of Orleans, the U.S. soldiers said Jackson was as
tough as "old hickory". This became his nickname.
Elected President
Jackson first ran for president in 1824. He lost the election to John
Quincy Adams despite receiving more votes in the election. This was
because no candidate received a majority of votes, leaving Congress
to decide who would be president. They chose Adams.
In 1828 Jackson ran again. This time he won the election, despite his
opponents attacking him in many personal ways including attacks on
his wife, Rachel. Rachel died a few weeks before Jackson's
inauguration and he blamed her death partially on his opponent's
Andrew Jackson's Presidency
After becoming president Jackson assumed more power than any
president before him. Some people even gave him the nickname
"King Andrew". Some of these changes, like hiring and firing cabinet
members, are still used by presidents today.
Jackson wanted a small, but strong federal government. He fought
against the national bank saying that it helped the rich and hurt the
poor. He also insisted that states were required to follow federal laws.
How did he die?
Jackson died at his plantation, The Hermitage, at the age of 78.
Fun Facts about Andrew Jackson
• When his wife died he asked his wife's niece, Emily Donelson, to
serve as First Lady and hostess at the White house.
• Jackson was in a number of gun duals. In one dual he was shot in
the chest first, but managed to stay standing and shoot and kill
his opponent. The bullet could not be safely removed and
remained in his chest for the next 40 years.
• Jackson is the only president to have been a prisoner of war.
• An assassin once tried to shoot Jackson with two pistols. Lucky for
Jackson both pistols misfired. The assassin was captured and
Jackson was fine.
• Upon leaving the presidency, Jackson said he had two regrets: that
he "had been unable to shoot Henry Clay or to hang John C.
Calhoun". Clay was a political rival while Calhoun was his first
vice president who proved disloyal to Jackson.