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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl Newly identi¢ed segments of the Paci¢c^Australia plate boundary along the North Fiji transform zone Bernard Pelletier a; *, Yves Lagabrielle a , Mathieu Benoit b , Guy Cabioch a , Stëphane Calmant a , Erwan Garel c , Christe©le Guivel d a d UMR 6526, IRD, Laboratoire de Gëologie-Gëophysique, P.O. Box A5, Noumëa, New Caledonia b UMR 6538, IUEM, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280 Plouzanë, France c UMR 6538, UBO, 6, Avenue le Gorgeu, P.O. Box 809, 29285 Brest, France Laboratoire de Planëtologie et Gëodynamique, 2 rue de la Houssinie©re, P.O. Box 92208, 44322 Nantes, France Received 15 March 2001; received in revised form 18 June 2001; accepted 25 September 2001 Abstract The North Fiji transform zone, a 1500 km long and 200 km wide transform segment of the Pacific^Australia plate boundary, is one of the major transform fault systems of the Earth. New data collected during the ALAUFI cruise (March 2000) on board the R/V L'Atalante make it possible to define more accurately the geometry and kinematics of this transform plate boundary. Three spreading centers or extensional zones (the North Cikobia spreading center, the Futuna spreading center and the southeast Futuna volcanic zone) and a strike-slip fault zone (the Futuna transform fault) have been discovered over a distance of 500 km along the eastern North Fiji transform zone, from the north of the Fiji platform to the east of the Futuna archipelago. The Futuna transform fault oriented 100³ has been mapped over a distance of 250 km. It must be considered to be an important tectonic element of the transform plate boundary. Pure strike-slip as well as transpression and transtension motions are responsible for the complex morphology of this feature. The uplifted Futuna^Alofi ridge represents a major compressional relay along the Futuna transform fault. The Futuna spreading center trending 20^30³ is composed of a series of en ëchelon left-stepping spreading segments. It represents a 200 km long extensional relay between the Futuna transform fault and the western part of the North Fiji transform zone, the Fiji transform fault, which bounds the Fiji platform to the north. The opening rate at the Futuna spreading center is estimated at 4 cm/yr. Although the North Cikobia spreading center and the southeast Futuna volcanic zone have been only partly mapped, bathymetric and reflectivity data clearly reveal that active extension also takes place along these two features. A spreading rate of 2 cm/yr is inferred at the North Cikobia spreading center. Therefore, the North Fiji transform zone appears to be composed of two main overlapping transform segments relayed by parallel extensional zones. The three active extensional zones have an ENE^WSW to NNE^SSW orientation, while compressive features along the Futuna transform fault are NW^SE to NNW^SSE oriented, in accordance with the present-day leftlateral transform motion along this part of the Pacific^Australia plate boundary. ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: transform faults; spreading centers; Paci¢c plate; Australia Plate Fiji * Corresponding author. Tel.: +687-26-0772; Fax: +687-26-4326. E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Pelletier). 0012-821X / 01 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 1 2 - 8 2 1 X ( 0 1 ) 0 0 5 2 2 - 2 EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 348 B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 1. Introduction In the region north of the Fiji platform, between the northern end of the Tonga trench and the central North Fiji Basin, the vector of relative motion between the Paci¢c and the Australia plates is roughly parallel to the plate boundary. This corresponding transform boundary segment, the North Fiji transform zone (NFTZ), is almost 1500 km long (Fig. 1). It represents one of the major transform boundaries on the Earth's surface [1] and has always been regarded as playing a major role in the recent tectonic development of the Lau and North Fiji basins [2,3]. The NFTZ is characterized by a 200 km wide belt of shallow seismicity with predominant left-lateral strike-slip focal mechanism solutions [4,5]. Thrust-type events also occur in the region of the Futuna^ Alo¢ islands [6,7]. Although the NFTZ is a key feature of the SW Paci¢c tectonics, its detailed outline has remained poorly known. Previous surveys have shown that the western part of the NFTZ consists of successive long transform segments and short extensional relay zones, such as the west Cikobia volcanic zone (WCVZ) and the Yasawa^Yadua volcanic zone [8^10] (Fig. 1). Surveys in the northern Lau basin, south of the NFTZ, revealed that extension occurs along three neovolcanic zones, namely, the northeast Lau spreading center, the northwest Lau spreading center and the east Cikobia volcanic zone (ECVZ) [9,11,12]. However, the northward extensions of these three neovolcanic zones are unsurveyed. In addition, the eastern part of the NFTZ between the Fiji platform and the Tonga trench, where these structures should be connected, has never been surveyed in detail. Scarce available data suggest a complex structural pattern, involving transform faults, compressional relay zones and probable active spreading centers [13]. During a transit of the R/V L'Atalante from Papeete to Noumëa in October 1999, a preliminary, short survey around the Futuna and Alo¢ islands revealed that a WNW^ESE elongated feature, the Futuna^Alo¢ ridge, must be interpreted as a piece of uplifted oceanic crust along a compressional relay zone of the NFTZ [14]. We report here the main results of the ¢rst large survey devoted to the study of the eastern part of the NFTZ, northeast of the Fiji platform and o¡shore the islands of Futuna and Alo¢ (Fig. 1A). This survey, the ALAUFI cruise, was conducted in March 2000 on board the French R/V L'Atalante. Scienti¢c operations included bathymetric mapping and acoustic imagery using a SIMRAD EM12 dual multibeam echo sounder, gravimetry and magnetic pro¢ling, six channel seismic re£ection pro¢ling and dredge hauls. We also used additional bathymetric, imagery and magnetic data obtained during a N^S transit of the R/V L'Atalante SOPACMAPS Leg 3 cruise from Fiji to Tuvalu in 1990, and during the aforementioned transit of the R/V L'Atalante from Papeete to Noumëa in October 1999 [14]. 2. Newly discovered spreading centers and extensional zones north of the Fiji platform One of the major results of the ALAUFI cruise is to show that well organized spreading centers or extensional zones are active within the 200 km wide NFTZ transform boundary. Between 178³40PE and 176³20PW, that is along a distance of 500 km from west to east, three active extensional zones have been evidenced on the basis of bathymetry, acoustic imagery and magnetic pro¢ling. These are: the north Cikobia spreading center (NCSC), the Futuna spreading center (FSC) and the southeast Futuna volcanic zone (SEFVZ) (Fig. 1B). 2.1. The north Cikobia spreading center (NCSC) The NCSC, located north of the Fiji platform, has been mapped over 80 km along-strike between 178³45P and 179³30PE and 14³10P and 14³35PS during the transit from Vanuatu to the study area (Figs. 1 and 2). This feature appears on the general bathymetric map as a narrow trough trending 60³ (Fig. 1) and, although unknown in detail, it has been speculatively interpreted as an active extensional zone [13]. Multibeam bathymetry reveals that the NCSC is characterized by a deep graben (2250^3200 m EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 349 Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of the NFTZ and location of the area surveyed by the R/V L'Atalante during the March 2000 ALAUFI cruise. (A) Location of the surveyed area at the Paci¢c^Australia transform plate boundary. Ship tracks include a Fiji^Tuvalu N^S transit of the R/V L'Atalante (SOPACMAPS Leg 3, 1990 cruise) and the Papeete^Noumëa transit of the R/V L'Atalante and its short survey around Futuna in October 1999 [14]. (B) Tectonic sketch showing spreading segments and transform faults segments including those discovered during the ALAUFI cruise. depth) varying in trend towards northeast from 45³ to 65³ then 70³ (Fig. 2A). Activity of this feature is indicated by scarps and volcanism delineated by a strong acoustic re£ectivity of the sea£oor (Fig. 2B). Between 179³E and 179³10PE, a 1 km wide ridge culminating at 1500 m depth is present in the axial part of the graben, and is interpreted as a neovolcanic ridge. The deepest EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 350 B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 Fig. 2. Bathymetry (A), acoustic imagery (B) and magnetic (C) maps of the part of the NCSC surveyed during the ALAUFI cruise. The magnetic anomaly map also includes previous aeromagnetic data along N^S tracks [15]. The bathymetric map has a 100 m isocontour. Deep orange and red above 1500 m, yellow from 1800 to 2100 m, light blue from 2700 to 3000 m, dark blue deeper than 3000 m. part of the graben is found at 179³18PE^179³25PE, north of a large volcano with a summital caldera, in a zone of possible axial discontinuity. Indeed north of this deepest part, a linear, narrow (500 m wide) ridge trending 73³ likely represents the axial part of the NCSC east of 179³15PE. The system EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 351 Fig. 3. Bathymetric map of the main area surveyed during the ALAUFI cruise. Contours: 1000 m. Shallow to deep from red to blue. Red and orange from 0 to 1250 m, yellow from 1250 to 1750 m, green from 1750 to 2750 m, light blue from 2750 to 3250 m, dark blue deeper than 3250 m (maximum 3750 m). appears thus to be o¡set towards the north, and abuts to the east on a transverse 150³-trending structure at 14³20PS^179³35PE. East of 179³45PE the oceanic fabric trends NNE^SSW parallel to the FSC bathymetric fabric (see below). Compilation of magnetic data acquired during the ALAUFI cruise with data from a previous aeromagnetic survey [15] indicates that magnetic lineations clearly parallel the sea£oor bathymetric fabric. A positive anomaly that correlates with the Brunhes anomaly is centered on the graben (Fig. 2C). Identi¢cation of anomalies 1 and 2 as proposed on the Fig. 2C leads to a full spreading rate of 2 cm/yr (20 km wide zone for the last 1 Ma Jaramillo Chron, and 40 km wide zone for the last 2 Ma anomaly 2 Chron). In conclusion, the bathymetry, acoustic imagery and magnetic data collectively support the interpretation that the graben with an elongated volcanic axial ridge corresponds to an active spreading center. Although the NCSC has not been fully mapped all along its strike, it likely extends both towards the northeast and the southwest, where it may connect to the northern extension of the WCVZ [9], and to the eastern extension of the Tripartite spreading ridge (TSR) [16]. Indeed a plausible interpretation is that the ENE^WSWtrending NCSC, the NNE^SSW-trending WCVZ and the WNW^ESE-trending TSR join together in a kind of Ridge^Ridge^Ridge triple junction near 15³S^178³30PE, north of the Fiji platform (Fig. 1B). EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 352 B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 Fig. 4. Acoustic imagery map of the main area surveyed during the ALAUFI cruise. 2.2. The Futuna spreading center (FSC) The FSC has a general 30³ orientation and extends over more than 200 km from 15³40PS at the northeastern tip of the Fiji platform to 13³35PS northwest of the Futuna^Alo¢ islands (Fig. 3). Active spreading is revealed by a 15 km wide band of continuous strong acoustic re£ectivity of the sea£oor (Fig. 4). Very fresh basaltic lavas (pillows and massive £ows) have been recovered from nine dredge hauls regularly spaced along the axis (Fig. 5), thus con¢rming active spreading. The FSC deepens southward; it is composed of three main parts (Figs. 3, 5 and 6). The northern part lies northwest of Futuna from 13³35PS to 14³25PS, and is o¡set about 20 km westward relative to the central part. It consists of two main segments trending 35^40³ and a relay zone composed of three small (6 km long) en ëchelon segments. Segments have a pronounced dome-shaped transverse pro¢le (Fig. 6). The sharpest axial ridge, close to 14³S, culminates at 600 m below sea level, 1300 m above the surrounding sea£oor. On the western side of the ridge the oceanic fabric strikes 40^50³. Such obliquity as well as the peculiar morphology of the northern part of the ridge and the o¡set relative to the central part suggest a recent ridge jump and a young emplacement of the northern part of the FSC, at the time of the initiation of the Futuna transform fault. Bathymetry and imagery data of the sea£oor area around 14³S^178³30PW suggest that a relict spreading axis is present north of the Futuna transform fault, with the same orientation as the central part of the FSC but slightly o¡set to the east (Fig. 5). EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 353 Fig. 5. Structural map of the main area surveyed during the ALAUFI cruise. The central part of the FSC extends from 14³15PS to 15³15PS and is composed of three, 30^40 km long, left-stepping, en ëchelon segments trending 25^30³. The dome of the axial part of the two northern segments disappears both to the north close to the junction with the Futuna transform fault and to the south where it is replaced in the southern segment by a series of small troughs and ridges that deepens southward (Figs. 4 and 6). The sea£oor mapped over a distance of 55 km on both sides of the center of the axial zone is characterized by a fault fabric which trends 30³, parallel to the highly re£ective axial part. This indicates that a steady-state spreading has occurred in a 110^120³ direction for long enough to produce a 110 km wide domain of oceanic crust. The magnetic map clearly reveals a sea£oor spreading-type pattern (Fig. 7). The lineations of the magnetic anomalies parallel the sea£oor bathymetric fabric (Fig. 7, top). A wide positive anomaly is centered along the axial zone, and is £anked on both sides by a series of negative and positive anomalies (Fig. 7, bottom). These anomalies are interpreted as anomalies 1, J and 2, giving a full spreading rate of 4 cm/yr (Fig. 8). The boundary between the central and the southern parts of the FSC is marked by a slight change in trend from 30³ to 15³ of the axial zone in the vicinity of a 600^1400 m high scarp trending 135³ (Fig. 3). This scarp is located in the extension of the Peggy ridge, a major transform fault of the northern Lau basin [9,12]. Curvature of the oceanic fabric close to the scarp suggests that recent right-lateral strike-slip motion occurred along it. The southern part of the FSC, south of 15³15PS, includes the ECVZ, partly mapped during a previous survey [9]. It consists of a spectacular V-shaped rift (deepest point at 3739 m depth) bounded to the west by a series of arcuate ridges and troughs ranging in trend from N^S to 135³ and, to the east by a 1000 m high 20³-trending scarp (Figs. 3^6). East of this scarp, slices of sedimented crust are displaced along a set of parallel, EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 354 B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 Fig. 6. Bathymetric pro¢les across the Futuna spreading center (1^4) and the Futuna transform fault (5). Lateral extension of the active volcanic zone revealed by strong acoustic re£ectivity is shown by a bold line above each pro¢le. 140^160³-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults showing rectilinear to slightly curved outline. This pattern suggests active southward propagation of the FSC into older oceanic crust north of the Fiji platform. Basalts, dolerites and greenschist facies gabbros belonging to the rifted old oceanic lithosphere were recovered by dredging at the tip of the propagator (dredge site 8, Fig. 5). 2.3. The southeast Futuna volcanic zone (SEFVZ) East^southeast of the Futuna^Alo¢ Islands, a 30 km wide zone, trending WSW^ENE between 176³30PW and 177³25PW and centered at 14³45PS, is delineated by a strong acoustic backscattering (Fig. 4). This zone, marked by a slightly positive bathymetry and studded with numerous small volcanoes, is characterized by morphologic lineations trending 80^90³ in the northeastern part and 50³ in the southwestern part (Figs. 3 and 5). A positive magnetic lineation lies in the middle of the southwestern part (Fig. 7). Bathymetry and imagery clearly reveal that this zone, here called the SEFVZ, is an active volcanic zone. There are insu¤cient data to map completely the southward extension of the SEFVZ. However, it is likely that the SEFVZ joins the highly re£ective NNE^SSWtrending zone found at 15³15PS^177³45PW and then, further south, abuts on the NW^SE-trending transverse structures associated with the northwest extension of the Peggy ridge transform fault (Fig. 1B). The southwestern part of the SEFVZ is parallel to the FSC and located south of the Futuna transform fault. Its northeastern part connects to the Futuna transform fault and is therefore oblique to the E^W left-lateral relative motion between the Paci¢c and Australia plates. According to its orientation and geometry, the SEFVZ can be interpreted as an active extensional zone or spreading center. However, the lack of clear axial topographic lineament suggests di¡use magmatism rather than axially focused magmatic accretion. 3. Strike-slip faults and compressional relay zones along the NFTZ The second major result of the ALAUFI cruise is the discovery of E^W-trending fault zones that connect orthogonally to the FSC, namely the Futuna transform fault and the north Futuna fault zone (Fig. 5). The Futuna transform fault, along which lie the Futuna and Alo¢ islands, represents the main segment of the eastern part of the NFTZ and likely extends to the northwestern end of the Tonga trench (Fig. 1). 3.1. The Futuna transform fault The Futuna transform fault has been mapped over 250 km near 14³20PS, from 176³20PW to 178³45PW (Figs. 3^5). It can be divided into three parts. The western part, from the northwestern tip of Futuna island to the northern end of the central segment of the FSC at 14³10PS^178³45PW, consists of a deep E^W-trending trough (2500^3200 m depth, Fig. 3) in which 100³-trending en ëchelon lineations are interpreted as active strike-slip faults. A relay at 178³25P^178³30PW corresponds to the deepest part of the trough, and can be regarded as a small pull-apart basin. Left-lateral EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 355 Fig. 7. Magnetic anomaly map (isocontour 100 nT, positive anomalies in yellow and red, negative anomalies in blue) and pro¢les (positive anomalies in black). Pro¢le underlined in yellow is modelled in Fig. 8. strike-slip motion along this fault zone is expected, in accordance with the spreading direction of the FSC. The central part of the Futuna transform fault zone consists of the Futuna^Alo¢ ridge and its fault-bounded boundaries (Fig. 5). The emerged parts of the Futuna^Alo¢ ridge, the Futuna and Alo¢ islands, are composed of submarine basaltic EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 356 B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 Fig. 8. Example of E^W magnetic anomaly pro¢le across the Futuna spreading center (1) and synthetic model (2). Location of pro¢le in Figs. 5 and 7. sequences and rare gabbros, capped by a series of uplifted reef terraces of presumably Quaternary age and reaching 300 m above sea level in Alo¢ [17]. The tectonics is still active as revealed by the 0.5 m maximum uplift of the modern reef along the southern coast of Futuna during the last major earthquake in March 1993 [7,18]. Di¡erences in altitude of reef terraces between both islands suggest that uplift rates vary from one island to another, and that the ridge basement is composed of independent tectonic blocks [14]. Our survey reveals that the Futuna^Alo¢ ridge extends WNW^ESE over 50 km between 177³45PW and 178³15PW. It shallows westward, the highest portion of the ridge corresponding to the Futuna and Alo¢ islands (northwest Futuna being therefore the highest part, 524 m at Mount Puke). The southwest £ank of the ridge is arcuate southwestward, and small curved ridges lie at the toe of the slope west of Futuna. This morphology, characteristic of accretionary prisms, con¢rms that active compression is occurring along the western side of the ridge. Thrust-type focal mechanism solutions of shallow earthquakes are restricted to the westernmost part of the ridge [6,7]. The eastern part of the ridge (less than 1000 m depth) is a¡ected by NE^SW- and NW^SE-trending fractures, and is bounded to the south and to the north by 100³-trending troughs and lineations, which are interpreted as active strike-slip faults, in agreement with the occurrence of strike-slip fault type shallow earthquakes along the southern fault zone [14]. The northern fault zone should extend westwards in the channel between Futuna and Alo¢ islands, and joins the frontal thrust zone south of Futuna. The progressive change in the orientation of the ridge leads to a northwestward increase of the compressional component. The presence of strike-slip fault across the ridge would explain the di¡erence in uplift rate between adjacent blocks. The eastern part of the Futuna transform fault, east of 177³45PW, is characterized by a complex pattern of ridges and troughs limited by faults (Fig. 5). Geometry of structures suggests intense shearing and block rotation along left-lateral strike-slip faults. Between 177³10PW and 177³40PW, a series of NW^SE-trending ridges, which culminate at 400^1000 m below sea level, likely result from compression-related uplift, in a way similar to that of the Futuna^Alo¢ ridge. Further east, from 177³10PW to 176³20³W, E^W lineaments, ENE^WSW-trending fabric and evidence of active volcanism suggest that transtension occurs along this segment of the Futuna transform fault which bounds the SEFVZ to the north. 3.2. The north Futuna fault zone The north Futuna fault zone is located at 13³45PS between 178³17PW and 178³40PW. It corresponds to a 20 km wide deformed area exhibiting a series of E^W-trending lineations which perpendicularly abut against the northernmost segments of the Futuna spreading ridge (Figs. 3^5). Numerous small volcanoes are emplaced along these lineations. At its eastern end, the fault zone connects to a series of three NNW^SSE ridges culminating between 1200 and 1500 m depth (Fig. 3). These ridges are arcuate westward and converge on the northern tip of Futuna (Fig. 5). By comparison with the origin of the Futuna^ Alo¢ ridge, these ridges can be regarded as pieces of oceanic crust, uplifted and tilted toward the EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 east. Therefore active transpression and block rotation may take place within a 60 km wide area around the Futuna^Alo¢ islands. 4. Conclusion New data collected during the ALAUFI cruise make it possible to de¢ne more accurately the anatomy and the functioning of the NFTZ, a key element of the Paci¢c^Australia plate boundary (Fig. 9). Three spreading centers or extensional zones (the NCSC, FSC, SEFVZ) and one major strike-slip fault zone with transpressional and transtensional segments (the Futuna transform fault) have been revealed along the eastern part of the NFTZ over a distance of 500 km. The Futuna transform fault, surveyed over a distance of 250 km, must be considered an important tectonic element of the NFTZ. Strike-slip, compression and transtension motions are responsible for the complex morphology of this 100³trending feature along which the western tip of the uplifted Futuna^Alo¢ ridge formed the Futu- 357 na archipelago. The 30³-trending FSC, composed of a series of en ëchelon left-stepping spreading segments, represents a major 200 km long extensional relay between the Futuna transform fault and the western part of the NFTZ which bounds the Fiji platform. Active oceanic spreading along the FSC is collectively revealed by high re£ectivity of the sea£oor, by the occurrence of very fresh basaltic pillow lavas and by the presence of magnetic lineations parallel to the bathymetric fabric. A spreading rate of 4 cm/yr at the FSC is deduced from the interpretation of magnetic anomalies. The NCSC and the SEFVZ have been only partly mapped during the cruise. However, bathymetric and re£ectivity data clearly reveal that active extension also occurs along these two features. A spreading rate of 2 cm/yr is inferred at the NCSC. The NFTZ, along which the Paci¢c plate moves westward at a rate of 8.5 cm/yr relative to the Australia plate, is thus composed of two main transform segments between which extension occurs (Fig. 9). The Futuna transform fault to the east and the Fiji transform fault to the west overlap and are separated by a series of parallel exten- Fig. 9. Sketch showing the newly identi¢ed segments discovered during the ALAUFI cruise within the Paci¢c^Australia plate boundary. EPSL 6024 4-12-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 358 B. Pelletier et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (2001) 347^358 sional zones. Other additional spreading centers or extensional zones may also exist in the nonsurveyed easternmost portion of the NFTZ, between 177³W and the western termination of the Tonga trench at 175³W. The three newly identi¢ed active extensional zones have an ENE^WSW to NNE^SSW orientation, while the compressive features are oriented NW^SE to NNW^SSE, in accordance with the present-day left-lateral transform motion along this part of the Paci¢c^Australia plate boundary. When considering the plate boundary as a major, 200^300 km wide transform system, the active spreading centers display the expected orientation for tensional features, while the uplifted ridges are found with the expected orientation for pressure features. Acknowledgements [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] The ALAUFI cruise was a joint project between IRD and INSU/CNRS, in the framework of the Programme National sur les Risques Naturels (PNRN). We thank the captain and the crew of the R/V L'Atalante for their e¤ciency during the cruise. UMR Gëosciences Azur contribution no. 376.[AC] [13] [14] [15] References [1] B.L. Isacks, L.R. Sykes, J. 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