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Viruses, HIV & Human Immunity
Section Quizzes
Level 1 — Section Test..................................... 2
Level 1 — Word Match .................................... 4
Visualizing Cell Processes (rd Edition) ©BioMEDIA ASSOCIATES
Level 1 — Section Test for Viruses, HIV & Human Immunity
Choose the best answer.
1. The virus genome can be:
a) double stranded DNA
b) double-stranded RNA
c) single-stranded DNA
d) single-stranded RNA
e) all of the above
f) both a) and b) are correct
2. A virus is called a DNA virus or an RNA virus according to:
a) the type of genome they infect
b) the type of nucleic acid that makes up their genome
c) the type of nucleic acid that they infect in the host cell
d) the type of enzyme that they make
3. The protein shell that encloses the viral genome is called a:
a) capsule
b) cap
c) capsid
d) corpuscle
4. The class of viruses the infect bacteria only are called:
a) bacterial viruses
b) T4 viruses
c) bacteriophages
d) phases
5. Viruses are obligate intracellular ___________ that can only __________ within a host cell.
a) phages, live
b) heterotrophs, photosynthesize
c) parasites, reproduce
d) autotrophs, reproduce
6. The host range describes a virus’s:
a) range of host cells that it can infect and parasitize dictated by
recognition systems.
b) geographical limit of infection
c) preferred size of host cell
d) limit of the virulence of the virus on the host.
7. A difference between RNA and DNA viruses is that:
a) RNA viruses are smaller
b) DNA viruses are more dangerous
c) RNA viruses contain their own enzymes for replication while DNA viruses use the host’s
d) RNA viruses have a different coat protein than DNA viruses
Visualizing Cell Processes (rd Edition) ©BioMEDIA ASSOCIATES
8. A harmless or relatively harmless derivative of a microscopic pathogen that is used to stimulate
the body’s immune system to created antibodies is called a(n):
a) antibiotic
b) pathogen
c) vaccine
d) immunization
9. Virulent viruses are those that depend on the ________ cycle while temperate viruses are those
that carry out both the ________ and the ________ cycles.
a) lysogenic, lytic, lysogenic
b) fatal, lytic, lysogenic
c) lytic, lytic, lysogenic
d) lysis, prolonged, lysogenic
10. The lysogenic cycle is controlled by a _________ gene in the host cell’s chromosome.
a) phage
b) prophage
c) bacteriophage
d) lysogene
11. The glycoproteins on the surface of HIV molecules bind only with _______ molecules on the
surface of _______ __________.
a) carbohydrate, other glycoproteins
b) CD4, red blood cells
c) protein, helper T-lymphocytes
d) CD4, helper T-lymphocytes
12. Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme that:
a) slows transcription of the host’s genome
b) can engineer a DNA sequence from viral RNA
c) creates a new copy of RNA using the host cell’s building blocks
d) all of the above
e) none of the above
13. A provirus is similar to a prophage in that:
a) they are both made before the host cell’s DNA
b) there is a similar protein coat made in both of them
c) they are both inserted into the host cell’s DNA and replicated along with the other host
d) they both infect bacterial cells only
Visualizing Cell Processes (rd Edition) ©BioMEDIA ASSOCIATES
Level 1 — Word Match for Viruses, HIV & Human Immunity
(Match the description on the right with the letter of the correct term on the left. Not all terms are
A. influenza
_____ 1. a phage virus that is capable of reproducing using the lytic or the
lysogenic cycle
B. virulent virus
_____ 2. the product of Louis Pasteur’s work with cows
C. RNA virus
_____ 3. the building block unit of the capsid
D. bacteriophage
_____ 4. the section of DNA in a host’s chromosome that arose from
infection by an eukaryotic virus
F. vaccine
_____ 5. the reproductive cycle of phages that does not kill the host cell
G. provirus
_____ 6. a protein with a carbohydrate covalently attached to it
H. capsomere
_____ 7. a phage virus that only reproduces using the lytic cycle
I. lytic cycle
_____ 8. acquired immunodeficiency virus
J. temperate virus
_____ 9. a virus that has a genome made of RNA
K. prophage
_____ 10. a common viral infection
L. glycoprotein
M. lysogenic
Visualizing Cell Processes (rd Edition) ©BioMEDIA ASSOCIATES