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This biomolecule is composed of three basic elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Each
of these elements are arranged in a 1:2:1 ratio. The most basic carbohydrates are simple
sugars or monosaccharides. Simple sugars can be bonded to make larger carbohydrates. For
example, two glucose molecules bonded together form the disaccharide sucrose, also known
as table sugar. Many glucose molecules can be linked to make polysaccharides which are
polymers of monosaccharides. Scientists know that carbohydrate monomers such as glucose
and fructose occur in foods – as do polymers, like starch. Stored glucose polymers are
different in plants and animals. Animals store glucose as glycogen. Plants store glucose as
starch and cellulose. A starch is composed of many monomers of glucose or fructose.
Scientists have been able to isolate these compounds in breads, pasta, fruits, vegetables, and
candy. The ingestion of these compounds will supply the body with its primary source of
energy at a rate of 4 cal/g.
Monosaccharide- Glucose
Polysaccharide - Starch