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Download New ultra faint dwarf galaxy candidates discovered with the Dark
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New ultra faint dwarf galaxy candidates discovered with the Dark Energy Survey Brian Yanny DES Fermilab Community Advisory Board Meeting March 26, 2015 DES, the Dark Energy Survey, is a currently active experiment (E-939), led by Fermilab, with several hundred collaborators from around the world, and aims to survey a large area of sky in the southern hemisphere over 5 years using a FNAL-assembled mosaic CCD camera. The survey has recently completed its 2nd year of observations. The primary science goal of DES is to constrain what we know about the nature of the phenomenon of Dark Energy, which is apparently responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. Tonight, I'd like to tell you about a recent discovery that was made with the survey, and how it fits into DES's science goals. http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.02584 (March 9, 2015) The DES result involves the discovery of what are known as '(candidate) dwarf galaxies' in the neighborhood of our own Milky Way Galaxy. This paper discovered 8 candidates, of which at least 3 are certainly dwarfs and the remaining may be dwarfs or faint globular star clusters. What's the difference between a dwarf galaxy and a globular cluster? What's the difference between a dwarf galaxy and a globular cluster? A dwarf galaxy is a collection of stars, dust and other matter, containing between 10,000 and 10,000,000 stars, all held together by the gravity of the dwarf galaxy's own contents. A globular cluster is a collection of stars, containing between 1,000 and 1,000,000 stars all held together by the gravity of the cluster's stars. So.... What's the difference between a dwarf galaxy and a globular cluster? Globulars Dwarfs While they may seem similar, there are some visible differences: globulars are tight balls, dwarfs are extended blobs. The key difference, however, is invisible.... globular cluster M3 Fornax dwarf galaxy Dynamical mass can be estimated by The 'virial theorem': 2 Mass(dynamical) = v R/2G Where v is the velocity dispersion (spread) of the stars in the object, and R is the radius of the object, G= Newton's const. If the object is bound by gravity, then this formula gives the Mass of the cluster/dwarf. One can also estimate the mass of an object simply by counting stars, and assuming each star weighs about the same as the sun. One measures the movements of stars in globulars and dwarfs by taking spectra of their stars and measuring the 'radial velocity', the speed at which individual stars are moving toward and away from us (like a radar gun doppler shift measurement). When we do this, the two types of objects separate very cleanly: Globulars: tight velocity dispersions ~ 1 km/s (implied mass matches star count) Dwarfs: broad dispersions: ~ 10 km/s (implied mass falls short of star count by factor 100!) globular cluster M3: Visible Mass = 100,000 solar masses Dynamical Mass ~ 100,000 M_sun Fornax dwarf galaxy: Visible mass: 1 Million M_sun Dynamical mass ~ 100 Million M_sun. For globulars, these two methods of estimating Mass generally agree very well (within 30%). For dwarfs, they disagree by factors of 100x or more. Typically, for a dwarf galaxy such as Fornax, there will be 1,000,000 stars seen, but an implied dynamical mass of 100,000,000 solar masses, 100x more. What's going on????? The extra mass is assumed to be in the form of a substance called 'Dark Matter' (distinct from Dark Energy). This substance has been puzzling astronomers and physicists for 80 years now, and its nature is still unknown. **The ultimate nature of Dark Matter is a KEY UNSOLVED PROBLEM in basic physics today**, Just the sort of problem a fundamental science lab like Fermilab is interested in exploring. The LHC/CMS experiment is looking for it in the form of SUSY particles. DES is looking for how it affects the motions of stars and galaxies, as part of its main Dark Energy Mission. The factor of 100 dark/ordinary matter ratio makes dwarf galaxies ideal laboratories to try and learn about dark matter. The more, the closer the better.. Why do we need to find more, and why 'the closer the better?' There is an unexplained excess of gamma-ray (high energy photons, energies of 1-10GeV), coming from the Galactic center, as seen by the Fermi-GLAST gamma ray telescope (in space now). These gamma-rays may be due to dark matter particles, however, they may also be due to other things (spinning neutron stars for example). If they are due dark matter, then dwarf galaxies should also show gamma ray emmission, since dwarf galaxies have lots of dark matter. But.... dwarf galaxies are further away from us than the galactic center (20-200 kpc vs 8 kpc) And the signal drops as distance squared and the galactic center Has much more dark matter than these dwarfs. Still.... dwarf galaxies are our best know place to confirm or deny the hypothesis that Dark Matter is a type of basic physics particle that annihilates to gamma rays. So the plan is: Find as many dwarfs as one can. See if any/all of them are emitting gamma rays. 1. If so: **Major discovery regarding the nature of Dark Matter** :-) 2. If not: add together the faint noisy gamma ray signal from all the dwarf you can (the closer ones carry more weight because of the inverse square law effect). [We are here] 3. If signal shows up, go to 1! :-) 4. If still no signal is present at limits which are in conflict With the galactic center signal: gamma rays in GC Not caused by dark matter – but important constraint set! http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.02584 (March 9, 2015) q Must isolate the blue stars from the foreground stars. An ultra-faint dwarf galaxy is only 1% of the length of a full size spiral (80 pc vs. 8 kpc in radius) and contains fewer than 100,000 stars (vs. 100 billion for the full size galaxy). Figure 4 from Bechtol et al. Stars in the dwarf are separated from the forground galaxy stars by looking at their colors and looking for a 'blue turnoff' sequence of stars all at the same distance. Another dwarf/globular candidate found. Colored dots on the right indicate stars with high probabilities of being candidate members. Status: Eight new candidates found, led by UC and Fermi researchers (Keith Bechtol, Alex Drlica-Wagner). Includes one close dwarf (30 kpc distant, high weight)! Good gamma-ray followup candidate. Spectroscopic follow-up underway in order to obtain velocities and 'Dynamical Mass' of this candidate: J0335' Once dynamical mass is known, then can be added to the sum of all known dwarfs, and we can see if we can answer confirm (or deny) that dark matter is a possible source for gamma rays in the galactic center. Stay Tuned!