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Excerpt from 58 page article use as presentation material. 1 DETOXIFICATION
The Foundation Of A New Paradigm
by Dr. Jack Tips
Toxicity is of much greater concern in the twenty-first century than ever before. There are many
new and stronger chemicals, air and water pollution, radiation and nuclear power. Genetically
Modified foods threaten the planet and human health. We ingest new chemicals, use more drugs
of all kinds, eat more sugar and refined foods, and daily abuse ourselves with various stimulants
and sedatives. The incidence of many toxicity diseases has increased as well. Cancer and
heart/cardiovascular disease are two of the main ones. Arthritis, allergies, obesity, and many skin
problems are others. In addition, a wide range of symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, pains,
coughs, gastrointestinal problems, and problems from immune weakness, can all be related to
Toxicity occurs on two basic levels--external and internal. We can acquire toxins from our
environment by breathing them, by ingesting them, or through physical contact with them.
Environmental Aspects of Nutrition, deals with chemical aspects of food and how they influence our
lives and health. We all are exposed to toxins daily. We eat and drink them and impose them
upon ourselves repeatedly and regularly. Most drugs, food additives, and allergens can create
toxic elements in the body.
On the internal level, our bodies produces toxins through their normal everyday functions.
Biochemical, cellular, and bodily activities generate wastes that need to be eliminated. Free
radicals cause biochemical toxins. When these substances/molecules/toxins are not eliminated,
they can cause irritation or inflammation of the cells and tissues, blocking normal functions on a
cellular, organ, and whole-body level. Microbes of all kinds—intestinal bacteria, foreign bacteria,
yeasts, and parasites—produce metabolic waste products that the body must eliminate. Our
thoughts and emotions and stress itself generate increased biochemical toxicity and have a
profound impact on how our epigenetics elicits information from our genome. The proper level of
elimination of these toxins is essential to health. Clearly, a normal functioning body was created to
handle certain levels of toxins; the concern is with excess intake or production of toxins or a
reduction in the processes of elimination.
A toxin is basically any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body,
undermining our health or stressing our biochemical or organ functions. This may result from
drugs, which have side effects, or from patterns of physiology that are different from our usual
functioning. Recreational drugs also usually have some harmful effects. The free radicals irritate,
inflame, age, and cause degeneration of body tissues. Negative "ethers," psychic and spiritual
influences, thought patterns, and negative emotions all can be toxins as well—both as stressors
and by changing the normal physiology of the body and possibly producing specific symptoms.
Toxicity occurs in our body when we take in more than we can utilize and eliminate. Homeostasis
means that our body functions are in balance. The checks and balances are working in harmony.
This balance is disturbed when we feed ourselves more than we can utilize or partake of specific
substances that are toxic. Toxicity may depend on the dosage, frequency, or potency of the toxin.
Excerpt from 58 page article use as presentation material. 2 A toxin may produce an immediate or rapid onset of symptoms, as many pesticides and some
drugs do; possibly, even more commonly, it may cause some long-term negative effect, such as
asbestos exposure leading to lung cancer.
Of course, if our body is working well, with good immune and eliminative functions, we can
handle our basic everyday exposure to toxins IF we have adequate nutrient intake. Here we’ll
discuss ways to support the elimination of toxins, excessive mucus, congestion, and disease and to
prevent, on a day-to-day basis, the buildup of toxicity. Through detoxification, we clear and filter
toxins, wastes, and allow our body to work on enhancing its basic functions.
Our body handles toxins either by neutralizing, transforming, or eliminating them. As examples,
many of the antioxidant nutrients we have discussed so much may neutralize free-radical
molecules. The liver helps transform many toxic substances into harmless agents, while the blood
carries wastes to the kidneys; the liver also dumps wastes through the bile into the intestines,
where much waste is eliminated. We also clear toxins through sweating, from exercise or heat.
Our sinuses and skin may also be accessory elimination organs whereby excess mucus or toxins
can be released, as with sinus congestion or skin rashes, respectively.
Detoxification occurs on many other levels as well. Physically, this process can help clear
congestions, illnesses, and disease potential. It can improve energy. I believe that many "detox"
processes can help rejuvenate us and prevent degeneration. Mental detoxification is also
important. Cleansing our minds of negative thought patterns is essential to health; the physical
detoxification also helps this mental process. Emotionally, detoxification helps us uncover and
express feelings, especially hidden frustrations, anger, resentments, or fear, and replace them with
forgiveness, love, joy, and hope. On a spiritual level, many people experience new clarity and/or
an enhancement of their purpose of life during cleansing processes. A light detox over a couple of
days can help us feel better, while a longer process and deeper commitment to a new way of life,
such as eliminating certain abusive habits and eating a better diet, will help us really change our
whole life.
Detoxification is part of a transformational medicine that instills change on many levels. Change
and evolution are keys to healing. Enhancing elimination helps us deal with and clear problems
from our past, from childhood and parental patterns to recent job or relationship stress. When our
body has eliminated much of its toxic buildup, we feel lighter and are able to really experience the
moment and be open for the future.
Detoxification is a relative term. Anything that supports our elimination can be said to help us
detoxify. Doing nothing more than drinking an extra quart of water a day will usually help us
eliminate more toxins. Eating more fruits and vegetables--the high-water-content, cleansing foods-and less meat and milk products will create less congestion and more elimination. There are
many levels of the progressive detoxification diets, from these simple changes to complete fasting.
I want to express some concerns about over elimination or over detoxification, which I see
occasionally. Some people go to extremes with fasting, laxatives, enemas, colonics, diuretics, and
even exercise and begin to lose essential nutrients from their body. A negative balance can be
created in this manner, such as protein or vitamin-mineral deficiencies though congestion from
over intake and under elimination is a more common problem in this culture. I believe that the
best and simplest way to look at symptoms and disease is in terms of excess (congestion) and
deficiency; this is the basis of the traditional Oriental philosophy.
Excerpt from 58 page article use as presentation material. 3 What Is Detoxification? Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body or
neutralizing or transforming them, and clearing excess mucus and congestion. Many of these
toxins come from our diet, drug use, and environmental exposure, both acute and chronic.
Internally, fats, especially oxidized fats and cholesterol, free radicals, and other irritating
molecules act as toxins. Functionally, poor digestion, colon sluggishness and dysfunction, reduced
liver function, and poor elimination through the kidneys, respiratory tract, and skin all add to
increased toxicity.
Detoxification involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce intake of toxins and improve
elimination. Avoidance of chemicals, from food or other sources, refined food, sugar, caffeine,
alcohol, tobacco, and many drugs helps minimize the toxin load. Drinking extra water (purified)
and increasing fiber by including more fruits and vegetables in the diet are steps in the
detoxification process.
Definition: Detoxification -- Detoxification is the natural, innate body process
whereby the cells alter and/or remove metabolic wastes and toxins.
First and foremost, the word “detoxification” is a natural health term in the public
domain and common usage that refers to the body’s innate process of removing
toxins and debris from inside its cells, through drainage systems, and out of the
body terrain. This way, the body can perform its life processes unencumbered by
detrimental elements, molecules, and compounds.
It can also refer to the body’s innate, cellular process of alchemically converting toxins to useable
substances—a process that, for those who wish to know, can involve methyl molecules, electron
donors and acceptors, and use of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) – the body’s chemical energy of
life. The body is “The Great Recycler!” It endeavors to do the most work with the least amount of
Two General Categories of Toxins
• Endogenous – preceding from within.
Most often refers to metabolic wastes from muscle movement, adrenaline, histamine, antigenantibody complexes, nutrient deficiencies, and psychological stress. Compounds include: CO2,
Lactic Acid, Urea Calcium oxalate, Ammonia, hormones and hormone fragments.
• Exogenous – produced outside. Toxins that we acquire by skin contact, respiration (lungs),
ingestion (G.I. tract). Also includes excrement from parasitic organisms (virus, bacteria, fungus,
mycobacterium, parasites.) All allopathic drugs create exogenous toxins by 1) being poisonous, 2)
by their impact on controlling metabolism and tissue function. Examples of exogenous toxins
• Mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, tin, aluminum and other heavy metals
• Tobacco
Excerpt from 58 page article use as presentation material. 4 • Coffee
• Gasses from industry and traffic
• Alcohol – both ethanol and isopropyl
• Evaporation of toxic materials in the home like carpet glue, paint, spot removers, cleaning,
formaldehyde, urethanes, and aseptic products
• Food colorings, aromatics, refined sugar
The skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract are the organs through which chemical toxins are
absorbed into our body. It is then the liver, kidneys, skin, mucus membranes and other organs
job to detoxify these substances. These toxins are constantly challenging cells, tissues, organs,
hormones, the immune system, and other protective bodily mechanisms.
Self-healing mechanism of the body will either eliminate these toxins or control its biological
effects that will result in a series of reactions (diseases).
Value of Inflammation. Toxins burn in the fire of an inflammation, or will be stored in the
extra cellular matrix or cell itself and create CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES. The
quality of Life depends upon the purity of the extra cellular matrix.
The beauty of providing nutrition directly to the mitochondria of the individual cell is that when the body
turns on all its ‘energy-engines,’ detoxification of the cells, as well as detoxification of the extra-cellular
matrix, occurs naturally, directed by the body’s innate intelligence, and all the body systems cooperate in
the detoxification endeavor. This means that the detoxifying process is gentle—usually hardly noticed by
the person—because the body uses all its natural facilities according to its innate processes. Thus deep
detoxification is simply “business as usual” and does not have to be a debilitating, exhausting, painful
process that occurs when people detoxify without first having good cellular energy.
Relying on the body’s innate processes, reactivated by glycopeptides, is quite different than many of the
detoxification protocols that are popular in the Natural Health philosophies and practices where chemicals
(DMSA, EDTA), or herbal chelators are introduced to the body to force detoxification. Such forcing of the
detoxification process often stresses the body’s ability to remove the toxins (a process called drainage), and
thus a person may feel tired and achy, and experience skin outbreaks, a runny nose, fever and diarrhea
during the “cleansing” process. Plus there is the risk of Herxheimer reactions where the body has a serious
reaction to the detoxification bottleneck and just can’t get the freed toxins out of the system.
Glutathione—the body’s premier antioxidant. This is some information that delves back into
cellular biochemistry, but its conclusion is important to understand.
Formulas such as MoRS and EPIC help the cells and liver produce glutathione – a tripeptide assembled
from the amino acids cysteine, l-glutamic acid, glycine and a glutamate molecule. Glutathione is a potent
antioxidant that protects the cells and liver from reactive oxygen species--free radical and peroxide
damage.) Without glutathione, the cells die because they destroy themselves, or establish errant cellular
activity that results in death.
Your cells’ ability to produce their own glutathione is critically important. You can think of glutathione as
what the cells use to protect themselves from the combustion of life energy and damage of ion exchange
that all take place at the body’s atomic level. Thus glutathione could be likened to the lead rods that keep a
Excerpt from 58 page article use as presentation material. 5 nuclear reactor from running out of control and destroying life.
Further glutathione serves in the nucleus of
your cells to protect your RNA and DNA
and help facilitate the necessary life
processes. Its biological activity is that it
can donate a free proton (proton donor) as
well as donate electrons, which, at the
atomic level, is what makes glutathione
serve the body as its perfect antioxidant
protector and facilitator of it cellular
machinery. By donating electrons,
glutathione stabilizes free radicals and
prevents the cells from being destroyed or
from becoming cancerous. Both cirrhosis
of the liver and cancers can result from low
levels of glutathione. It also maintains
Vitamin C and E in their active,
antioxidant forms.
What this means is that cells make
glutathione IF they have available
nutrients (peptides) and if they have ATP.
Glutathione then protects the cells and
causes them to function properly. So
peptides plus ATP comprise a significant
facet of glutathione production and
operation inside the cell and cell nucleus.
People with low glutathione levels suffer
from more rapid aging, cellular damage,
liver damage, and their life processes get
choked down with toxins. Inevitably, low
production of ATP results in low
glutathione production. Low glutathione
production results in low energy, toxicity,
and disease.
IMPORTANCE OF GLUTATHIONE The body’s primary antioxidant to protect the cells from free radical damage that leads to diseases. o The body’s premier detoxification agent to help eliminate metabolic and environmental toxins. o Helps vitamins C and E function. o Directly detoxifies dangerous chemical toxins and carcinogens. o Helps with insulin receptor sensitivity (prevents insulin resistance). o Essential for the immune system to work properly. Modulates cytokine response and helps proliferate lymphocytes. Enhances the killing activity of cytotoxic T and NK cells, and helps control the immune response so it is not auto-­‐immune. o Performs in DNA synthesis, repairs DNA, helps with prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transport and enzyme activation. Every system in the body is affected by glutathione—hepatic, renal, immune, nervous, respiratory, pulmonary, and gastro-­‐
intestinal. The body makes its own glutathione, and it cannot be supplemented except to take precursor nutrients,
because supplemental glutathione has very poor uptake through the human gastro-intestinal tract. By the
body’s design, glutathione is produced in the cells.
To make a glutathione molecule, the cell requires two packets of ATP. So now we know that
polysaccharides and oxygen provide the fuel for the cells to make ATP. We also find that the glycopeptides
provide the amino acids that are part of the glutathione equation
End of excerpt. 58-page resource article at