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YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED © Authored by LB Bork [email protected]
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.” 1
—Henry Kissinger, New World Order proponent
It has been said that in war the victor writes the history. Having that in mind...
I dedicate this thesis to the late Jack McLamb, the author of Operation Vampire Killer 2000. It was
this man who made me aware of the upcoming takeover of the United States. —LB Bork
There are many people who will tell you that George W. Bush stated that ‘the Constitution
was just a goddamned piece of paper.’ Though he actually never really said that, 2 they do
follow the Constitution (kind of), but it is truly a total farce. 3 I have been trying to illustrate
this fact to the people of America for over fifteen years now, but hardly anyone seems to care. 4
Herein I will briefly illustrate how they manipulate things to work to their advantage by using
tricks with grammatical magic and events which cause misdirection and confusion. Of course
their defense is that of plausible deniability. Another scam they have developed to pull-off the
total takeover of the [U]nited States of America. By “THEY” I mean the ones who developed
these methods in order to have a plethora of clueless minions that will cause our demise. 5
In the past 20 years this jurist has been seeking the truth about matters that should concern all
Americans, I have met a small handful of trusted people. One of those people was my good
friend Joseph Rorie, an independent law researcher and historian. We met a few years after I
had released The Red Amendment. 6 Our friendship was natural due to the fact Joseph and I
have the same main interest... the thing called: Reconstruction. Simply, that word encompasses
the problems that we see today, which is the takeover of the [U]nited States of America.
Through our discussions Joseph had advised me about the facts surrounding Jefferson Davis. I
requested that he write a small piece on the subject. The reason that I was interested in this
particular subject is that it illustrates the Constitution is followed... when forced to be by us.
In regard to my paper here, I fear that the “United States” will very soon go totally rogue and
dismiss what is known as “the supreme law of the land” using the document itself to do so.
Below is the piece by Joseph on Jefferson Davis. The subject matter segues into the clause in
the Constitution that will be used to get rid of it. I wrote the briefing and introduction:
Reported by New York Times, October 28, 1973.
See :
For an overview, see The Dual System of Law, at :
Those who do not align with PAC are the problem, see The Choice Is Up To You, at :
Understand the orchestration of totalitarian government, see On a Slippery Slope, at :
The Red Amendment: The Book That Will Change America :
Download this six page document at :
After the Civil War it is said that Jefferson Davis spent the rest of his life saying that he was a
man without a country. In 1978 President Carter gave him back citizenship. 7 The question is,
what citizenship was it? Fact is, the true citizenship of his country, or state, was destroyed by
the Fourteenth Amendment. Of course it was the hideous citizenship of that noted amendment
Carter had granted. Overall the act of Carter was a farce. Not only had Jefferson Davis long
passed on, but the actions of the United States in regard to the so-called “Civil War” were
unlawful, and held no constitutional authority. Not only that fact, the act noted by Carter and
Congress misrepresented what Section 3 of the 14th Amendment even says and means. This
was just another action that is part and parcel of what a total joke this “reconstruction” system
has been the past 150 years. Nonetheless they have gotten away with it, which is so sad.
If you want to question whether the law works it may be interesting to go back to post-Civil
War time when the United States attempted to try Jefferson Davis for treason. And to let you
know that the law does work, the Jefferson Davis trial is a good example on how much true law
they had to avoid so as not to be embarrassed with the false charge of treason.
One of the most interesting dismissals in history is the case of Jefferson Davis versus United
States. He was charged with treason as an officer of the Confederates during the “Civil War”. A
charge that was soon dismissed because the government realized that the true laws of the land
would prevail in a court of record. In other words, per the Constitution there was no treason.
It was very important for Jefferson Davis to be tried and found guilty. In fact, since the future
of laws as the Union believed it to be, was to stand as a matter of law and fact that Jefferson
Davis be tried and found guilty under the “true law of the land”. They had set the charges,
now it was time to find him guilty. The problem they were faced with was that proving the
charges were not to be seen anywhere local or in the horizon. The truth was that the true law
of the land was looking in total favor of Jefferson Davis’ plain and outright acquittal.
Treason is a crime so horrific that anyone found guilty of it should be under the death
penalty, and no doubt if Mr. Davis had been tried and the courts and the law of this land
could have stood against them, it would have been a very big dishonor to the American
People to dismiss such a crime as he was alleged to have done. Keep in mind that the Civil
war had many allegations as to what was the true purpose of it, but it is necessary to also see
that whether or not the purposes were justified or not, someone needed to be counted the
blame for it going into war mode. Someone needed to be singled out as the blame for the
deaths and destruction that came about all this. Well, according to the Union it had to be
someone “over there”, and that someone is Jefferson Davis.
If there was ever a case that the Union ever needed to win and settle for the judicial future
that the evidence clearly was in favor of the Union, it was this case. After all, the Union had
caused a lot of deaths to take place to be wrong in their actions throughout the previous years.
On the other hand the losses can be blamed on the South and their leader for the rest of time
to be seen on record a true trial, true evidence, and a complete package of due process there
to testify forever the hideous crimes committed against the great people of this Union then
here is that case to put away forever any argument as to why this war was fought.
7 See the act here :
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Just to show how much the law really is in play, with Jefferson Davis was charged with
treason the problem was not whether or not we would railroad him or not because railroading
in a Superior Court goes on record, and record is so important to always look good that one
can be assured that they go all out of their way to make sure no matter what schemes they
have up their sleeves for the day the final record will still look good in the end. Now
sometimes the small cases are so much easier to dismiss and just set aside and forget.
However with Jefferson Davis, treason was not a little charge that could just be forgotten.
Why would anyone ever dismiss openly the charges of someone of treason? The truth is, that
the true law of the land would have shown that treason could have only been committed on
the opposing side and that evidence of treason was clearly going to reflect the record showing
the only party guilty of treason is the side making all the allegations. Once the United States
government found that Jefferson Davis was coming forward with proof that he was not only
innocent of said charges but that the record is going to reflect that if any treason did take
place it would be the United States that was guilty and not Jefferson Davis.
With such things in mind, we must ask ourselves why would they dismiss the case. Were
they really afraid of the evidence that was coming against them? We will never know,
because they came up with another reason why they were dismissing the charge.* They used
the ex post facto clause to claim that they would have to dismiss the charges. Since the laws
does work is the only reason why they dismissed the case. The documented history of the
United States would then have the evidence that treason was done by the United States
against the Several States. This would be a perpetual testimony as to who was right and who
was wrong, which would send the masses back to “States Rights”, and the true constitutional
concepts to be applied back in force. What they did against the several states would always
be in their face instead of the other way around as it is taught today. This is why the law
does work, because when it is at work it will rule accordingly.
* “If you bring these [Confederate] leaders to trial it will condemn the North, for by the Constitution secession
is not rebellion. Lincoln wanted Davis to escape, and he was right. His capture was a mistake. His trial will
be a greater one.” Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, July 1867 (Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 3, p. 765)
First let us understand that the “Confederate States” did not commit an act of treason. They
simply decided to pull out of the contract known as the Constitution. The reason being there
had been a series of breaches by the entity that they had purportedly created. The so-called
Civil War was questionably set into motion by some suspicious events. This instant writing is
not of purpose to discuss what particulars caused hostilities to break out. We are here to look at
the reasons why there can be no treason against the United States by the members of states.
Now, let us look closely at the issue with the “treason” clause found in the U.S. Constitution. If
you note it says: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against
them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” ~Article III, Section 3
The key word there is: THEM. It does not say IT. My position is that the treason clause in the
Constitution is not actually required. Understand the states cannot levy war against foreign
countries. One reference considered would be the treaty clause found in the Constitution. Also,
there are several other provisions that allow the United States to suppress adverse conditions
within the several states. 8 To explain, if the Union were in a war with another “country” – let’s
8 To understand the orchestrated oppression, see These Are Your Servants, at :
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say China – and a citizen were to commit treason, actually the state the citizen was a member of
would have primary or original jurisdiction to prosecute. He sold his country out first and
foremost. His state being part of the Union is secondary. The agreement of his state being a
member of the Union would mandate that his government prosecute him for treason. In that,
the word “them” illustrates that you cannot commit treason against the United States. That is
what the Jefferson Davis matter actually is centered on. The language itself strongly establishes
that the noted clause only covers a purpose such as the example above: The “Union (meaning
their “United States”)” being in conflict with other nations does not include the several states.
With that covered, I went over Section 3 of the 14th Amendment in The Red Amendment.6 It
does not say what many people seem to think it says. In that there are two key words to explore
in the noted section that show the act of President Carter and Congress to be a farce:
Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of
President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or
under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an
officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or
judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have
engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies
thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
The two words are: previously & shall. Simply, this clause establishes who can participate in
the RECONSTRUCTION government and the stipulations thereof. In actuality, it IS NOT meant
to apply to anyone who was involved in government prior to the so-called “Civil War”.
A lot of puzzling language is used to cause misdirection in the Fourteenth Amendment. I have
covered the particulars extensively. 9 The amendment technically voided the Constitution. The
purpose of the amendment was to create a facade so that the Constitution could be played with.
That being noted, a question: After a member of Congress (e.g.) takes an oath of office, had he
not “previously” taken the oath any time after that? Answer is: Yes. See the deception, or trick?
That takes care of that word. Now the word “shall” (the second usage). That word imports future
happenings, not the past. 10 In other words, simply stated, the list of “officers (the first noted set
being insurgent officers)” cannot hold office if they act in rebellion or insurrection against the
Constitution (containing the lawful/second set of offices listed). Thus it does not refer to those
engaged in the mythical rebellion against the “United States” in the so-called “Civil War”.
Now the question is, what does this mean... “But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each
House, remove such disability.” Now an assertion is asked of you that requires a leap of faith
that “these people” are truly evil. It is proposed that “such disability” means having to uphold
the Constitution. After all, it is just a goddamned piece of paper, you know. On that note,
George W. Bush did say, “If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier... as
long as I’m the dictator.” See the mindset? Do you think that they are not planning to go full
rogue? Perhaps Mr. Bush was dropping a hint on what is to come. Think about it. I submit to
you that SOON we will see Congress go full rogue and openly cancel the Constitution.
Another worthy note: Why would something be put into a constitution that would only be of a
limited time usage? After all, the so-called “rebels” of the “Civil War” would not be around too
many years after said war. Now do you see the ridiculousness of what Carter and Congress did?
It is the belief of this jurist that the act was to mock and cover-up what has been exposed herein.
9 To see how deceptive Section 2 of the 14th Amendment is, see Historical Error, at :
10 Helping verb shall have and a past participle show an action that will occur before another action in the future.
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What a joke this truly is. If you want to see how their dog and pony shows go, watch the Judge
Bork nomination hearing. One of the matters addressed was the “honorable” congressional
members wondering why the executive branch seemingly had power to override them. Simple.
It's the 14th Amendment, clueless ones. After all, they did not call it “RECONSTRUCTION” for
nothing. The amendment actually created a quasi-dictatorship. Judge Bork never did answer
their question. How could he not? It is ventured that he knew exactly why Congress was under
extraordinary powers of the President. In that, please understand that judges are compromised
by Section 4 of the amendment, which is also covered in The Red Amendment.6
You see, things are progressed to a point where participants have no choice but to continue the
plot. Government members of the states may have no idea what is going on, but their ignorance
of law and other factors assigns culpablity.5 The plans are always made way in advance. Ever
heard the saying, Slowly Cook Froggie? 1 This is the progressive plot to install their final phase
within the framework of American governance. So be prepared for the totally new America...
• Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(37). Definitions. The term “totalitarian party” means an
organization that advocates the establishment in the United States of a totalitarian
dictatorship or totalitarianism. The terms “totalitarian dictatorship” and “totalitarianism”
mean and refer to systems of government not representative in fact, characterized by:
A) The existence of a single political party, organized on a dictatorial basis, with so
close an identity between such party and its policies and the governmental policies of
the country in which it exists, that the party and government constitute an
indistinguishable unit, and B) The forcible suppression of opposition to such party.
• Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(40). Definitions. The term “world communism” means a
revolutionary movement, the purpose of which is to establish eventually a Communist
totalitarian dictatorship in any or all the countries of the world through the medium of
an internationally coordinated Communist political movement.
You have been warned, 14th Amendment citizens. 11
 Historical Error :
 On A Slippery Slope :
 The Establishment :
 PAC Unification Project :
 The Choice is Up To You :
The book entitled The Red Amendment is an in law exposé
on the legal operations of the Fourteenth Amendment to
the Constitution of 1868 and its intended destruction of the
lawful governmental system. It also illustrates a remedy.
 Visit The Red Amendment WebSite at :
11 Beware. Treason against the United States is fixed via the 14th Amendment, see 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115
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People’s Awareness Coalition • 5 | P a g e
The Coalition has been separating the wheat from the chaff since 1998.
The primary goal of PAC is to assist people of America in gaining back their freedoms under
the pre14th Amendment style system of law. To aid in this endeavor, our latest proposal is
entitled The PAC Unification Project. The objective of this project is to provide people with an
understanding that working together is required to achieve proper knowledge and our goals.
Please join us in appropriating education and freedom that the republics provide!
Visit People’s Awareness Coalition at :
Join us at the PAC Open Forum :
People who are dividing the movement need to be exposed. The purpose of the Island Makers
Project is to accomplish such measure and also show people where they are in their quest.
 IMP Site :
 PAC Unification Project :
Political non participation is the cure for the ills America faces. Tell them this is Not My Government.
The Nationalist Party is grassroots and pure for it is of the common people of America. It is of the
same makeup of those who settled this great land. It is a true party, of the people, by the people, and
for the people. We believe it is time for true change by exposing all other parties that are one in the
same. We ask that you join us in educating America and repopulating the republics!
2016 Platform: Legislation Without Representation
 We cannot participate in government. You “people” don't represent us. Leave us alone. 12
True Constitutional Freedom for Nationals of the Several States
 Please join us in constitutional freedom. Our goal must be achieved by the 2016 elections.
 Please DO NOT omit this page during distribution
12 There are actually provisions for us to challenge the unconstitutionality of the state legislatures. Are you ready?
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