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What You Need to Know About Your Bone Health
 Nearly half the American population over the age of 18 -
about 48 percent - are affected by musculoskeletal (bone
and joint) conditions, according to The Burden of Musculoskeletal Conditions in the United States.
Bone and joint conditions are the most common cause of
severe long-term pain and physical disability worldwide
affecting hundreds of millions of people.
Musculoskeletal conditions include back pain, arthritis,
traumatic injuries, osteoporosis and childhood conditions.
That's right, T-score. If you had to think twice about what a Tscore is - and no, it's not a golf term - chances are you probably
don't know your bone mineral density (BMD) levels, or you
haven't been tested. Don't worry, you're not alone.
Bones. Bone mineral density. Tscore. Yes, you should add those
to that list of health factors you
need to be concerned about so
that you can enjoy lifelong
health and an active lifestyle.
Until a few years ago, many conditions - such as osteoporosis were considered "old people's" diseases. Today we know differently. Steps to improve bone health start at an early age. Weak
bones can affect individuals of all ages.
The T-score reveals whether bones are weak or strong, and what
the chances are for breaking one of them. If you thought brittle
bones are a natural part of aging, please think again.
Why Should You Be Concerned?
We want you to be Fit to a T ™ so that you can enjoy good bone
health. Whether you are in your 20s, 40s or 70s, it's not too early
or too late to make changes in your diet, exercise program and
lifestyle to strengthen your bones. If Americans don't take action,
by the year 2020, half of all persons older than age 50 will be at
risk for fractures related to osteoporosis and low-bone mass, according to the U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Bone Health and
Here is the Good News.
By focusing on prevention and taking action, you can alter the
course of the disease. Three things that you can do to improve
your bone health and make your bones stronger are to take in
enough calcium and vitamin D and get enough physical activity
every day.
Warning Signs
A Broken Bone: A broken bone (fracture) as an adult does not
always mean you have osteoporosis - but it could be a warning
sign that your bones are weak, especially if the break is from
normal activities or during a minor fall.
Back Pain or Spinal Deformities: Back pain that will not
quit could be a sign that you have a spinal fracture. This
occurs when bones in your back become so weak that
they fracture and collapse.
Loss of Height: A fractured bone in your spine could collapse onto itself causing you to shrink. Multiple fractures
can cause the spine to form a curve causing the disfigurement known as a "dowager's hump."
How Do You Build Strong Bones?
Daily physical activity and a diet with enough calcium
and vitamin D can help prevent osteoporosis, according
to the U.S. Surgeon General's Report.
Let's Get Physical
Building strong bones begins with daily exercise of at least
60 minutes for children and 30 minutes for adults. The
best types of exercises for healthy bones are weightbearing and strength-building activities. Jogging, tennis
and walking are types of weight-bearing activities. They
are important because they force muscles and bones to
work against gravity and they put stress on the limbs.
Strength-building exercises - which lead to stronger muscles and bone - include weight-lifting, calisthenics and
resistance machines. Before you start an exercise program,
or if you have osteoporosis, check in first with your physician or other healthcare professional. Individuals with low
bone mass may need to skip certain exercises to avoid
medical problems, such as breaking a bone.
Your Body Needs Calcium
Calcium is a building block of bone and is key to having
strong bones. Based upon your age, your body needs different amounts of calcium. Talk with your physician or
other healthcare professional for the best sources of calcium from your meals.
Don't Forget the Vitamin D
Individuals need vitamin D to help their bodies absorb
calcium from the gastrointestinal tract and to keep bones
strong and healthy. The older you become, the more of
this vitamin you need. Where does vitamin D come from?
The vitamin can be synthesized in skin from exposure to
the sun or ingested in foods such as fortified dairy products, egg yolks, fish (i.e., salmon, mackerel and tuna), liver
or in supplements. Consult your physician or other healthcare professional for the appropriate dosage for you.
Source: Bone and Joint Initiative at