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Biochem. J. (1973) 135, 9-10
Printed in Great Britain
IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature
Amendments and Corrections (1973)
Rules for Naming Synthetic Modifications of Natural
Peptides [Biochem. J. (1967) 104, 17-19]
To resemble exactly the isotopic replacement
system (e.g. [14C]urea), remove hyphens after the
square brackets and close up (i.e. leave no space after
the brackets) in:
Rule 1, sentence 1: twice
Rule 1, examples: four times
Rule 1, comment (f): three times
Summary (table), 1. Replacement: once
In the last case, for instance, it should be
[Phe4]iupaciubin, not [Phe4]-iupaciubin.
Nomenclature for Vitamins B6 and Related Compounds
[Biochem. J. (1970) 119, 14]
These Rules have now become definitive and have
been published by IUPAC only, in Pure Appl. Chem.
(1973) 33, 447450. The following amendments have
been incorporated into this final definitive version.
In the title and throughout the document, B6
should be B-6, to conform to the style chosen by
IUNS and AIN, and to be compatible with computer
In the Introduction, sentence 2, after '3-hydroxy4,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpyridine' add a footnote sign (O). The new footnote is to read: 't The systematic name, by IUPAC Organic Rule C-204.1, is
4,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-methyl-3-pyridinol.' The
same footnote sign (t) should appear in the middle of
sentence 1 of Rule 7.1, after '3-hydroxy-4,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpyridine'. At the end of
paragraph 3, after 'pyridoxol', add '(see 7.1 below)'.
In footnote 1, after 'this document is' insert 'a revision of the previous Tentative Rules [IUPAC
Vol. 135
Information Bulletin Appendix No. 6, September
1970; Biochem. J. (1970) 119, 1-4; and elsewhere],
which were, in turn'.
In footnote 2, change '1970' to '1972', eliminate
'E. C. Slater', add 'B. L. Horecker' and change 'this
document' in the last sentence to 'the Tentative
In Rules, sentence 1, after 'for all' insert '3-hydroxy-'; in the same sentence, after 'qualitatively'
insert 'in rats'.
In 7.1, add the footnote sign (t) referred to above
after '3-hydroxy-4,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpyridine', strike out 'or pyridoxol' and add a second
footnote (§) dropped from 'pyridoxine' to read:
'§ The previous synonym (see Introduction and Ref.
1) is no longer recommended.'.
In 7.6, examples, after '2-propyl-2-norpyridoxal'
add ', 2'-ethylpyridoxal (not w-ethylpyridoxal)'.
Insert a new entry between the fourth and fifth entries,
to read: '2'-hydroxypyridoxal (2-hydroxymethyl-2desmethylpyridoxal, 2-hydroxymethyl-2-norpyridoxal, not w-hydroxypyridoxal)'.
In 7.9, second entry should read '6-[3H]methylpyridoxamine-[32P]P'.
In the References, the exact Ref. 5 is (1970) 40, 395;
the exact Ref. 6 is (1971) 101, 133; the exact Ref. 9 is
IUPAC Information Bulletin Appendix No. 9, February 1971; Biochem. J. (1970) 120, 449; and elsewhere.
Symbols for Amino-Acid Derivatives and Peptides.
Recommendations (1971) Biochem. J. (1972) 126,
In Section 3.5, example 1, >Glu should be <Glu.
In Section 5, -CO-Gly should be Ph-CO-Gly.
In Section 6.3.2, in the oxytocin structure the Asn
and Gln residues should be in reverse order.
All Tentative Rules and Proposals of the IUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical
Nomenclature (CBN) are available from Waldo E. Cohn, Director, NAS-NRC Office of
Biochemical Nomenclature, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box Y, Oak Ridge,
Tenn. 37830, U.S.A.:
1. Abbreviations and Symbols for Chemical Names of Special Interest in Biological
Chemistry [see Biochem. J. (1966) 101, 1-7 (extended by items 6, 11 and 15 below)].
2. Nomenclature of Vitamins, Coenzymes and Related Compounds: Trivial Narnes
of Miscellaneous Compounds of Importance in Biochemistry, Nomenclature of
Quinones with Isoprenoid Side Chains, Nomenclature and Symbols for Folic Acid and
Related Compounds, Nomenclature of Corrinoids. Tentative Rules [see Biochen. J.
(1967) 102, 15-22 (but see item 10 below)].
3. Abbreviated Designation of Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides [see Biochem. J.
(1967) 102, 23-27 (superseded by item 15 below)].
4. Rules for Naming Synthetic Modifications of Natural Peptides (see Biochem. J.
(1967) 104, 17-19 (for amendments see item 20 below)].
5. The Nomenclature of Lipids. A Document for Discussion [see Biochem. J. (1967)
105, 897-902].
6. Abbreviated Nomenclature of Synthetic Polypeptides (Polymerized Amino Acids)
[see Biochem. J. (1968) 106, 577-579 (superseded by item 18 below)].
7. The Nomenclature of Cyclitols. Tentative Rules [see Biochem. J. (1969) 112,
8. A One-Letter Notation for Amino Acid Sequences. Tentative Rules [see Biochem.
J. (1969) 113, 14].
9. Revised Tentative Rules for Nomenclature of Steroids [see Biochem. J. (1969)
113, 5-28 (for amendments see item 16 below)].
10. Nomenclature for Vitamins B6 and Related Compounds. Tentative Rules [see
Biochem. J. (1970) 119, 1-4 (replaces M7 of item 2 above; for amendments see item 20
11. Abbreviations and Symbols for Nucleic Acids, Polynucleotides and their
Constituents. Recommendations [see Biochem. J. (1970) 120, 449-454 (replaces
section 5 of item 1 above)].
12. Abbreviations and Symbols for the Description of the Conformation of Polypeptide Chains. Tentative Rules (see Biochem. J. (1971) 121, 577-585].
13. Tentative Rules for Carbohydrate Nomenclature: Part 1 [see Biochem. J. (1971)
125, 673-695].
14. The Nomenclature of Multiple Forms of Enzymes. Recommendations [see
Biochem. J. (1 972) 126, 769-771 ].
15. Symbols for Amino Acid Derivatives and Peptides [see Biochem. J. (1972) 126,
773-780 (supersedes item 3 above; for corrections see item 20 below)].
16. Amendments to Rules for Nomenclature of Steroids [see Biochem. J. (1972) 127,
613-617 (amendments to item 9 above)].
17. Tentative Rules for the Nomenclature of Carotenoids [see Biochem. J. (1972) 127,
18. Abbreviated Nomenclature of Synthetic Polypeptides (Polymerized Amino Acids).
Revised Recommendations [Biochem. J. (1972)127,753-756 (supersedes item 6 above)].
19. Nomenclature of Iron-Sulphur Proteins. Recommendations [see Biochem. J. (1973)
135, 5-7].
20. Amendments and Corrections [this document (amendments and corrections to
items 4, 10 and 15 above)].
A document, OBN-5, describing the (American) NAS-NRC Office of Biochemical
Nomenclature, and listing other rules affecting biochemical nomenclature, is available
from its Director, Dr. Waldo E. Cohn [see also J. Chem. Doc. (1967) 7, 72-73; (1969)
9, 235-241].