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Practice Exam
Each question is worth 4 points unless otherwise indicated
1. Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection gave rise to two approaches to
experimentation, one of which emphasizes
a. the unique creation of species.
b. differences among species.
c. the discontinuity between behavior and biological processes.
d. the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
2. Which of the following is an example of a somatic intervention study?
a. Measurements of the extent of brain abnormalities in patients with schizophrenia
b. Observations of patterns of brain activity in animals trained in a maze
c. Measurements of hormones in male rats exposed to female rats
d. Observations of the effects of giving a drug to some rats but not to others
3. _______ can be defined as a state of awareness of one’s own existence and experience.
4. (Worth 8 points) Discuss the importance of neuroplasticity as it relates to the reciprocal
relationship between the brain and body.
5. Which of the following neurons can collect the most information?
a. Bipolar
b. Monopolar
c. Multipolar
d. Unipolar
6. Which of the following statements about dendrites is false?
a. A single cell’s dendrites form a dendritic tree.
b. The diversity of neuronal shapes is caused primarily by variation in the form and shape of
c. Dendrites may be several meters in length in giraffes.
d. Dendritic spines appear to be subject to modification as a result of experience.
7. Axon terminals form the _______ side of a synapse, and dendrites form the _______ side of a
8. The _____________ imaging technique is not used for studies of the structural details of the
9. (Worth 8 points) What are glial cells? Name four types of glial cells, and describe three
important functions that glial cells perform.
10. The sodium–potassium pump is responsible for
a. pushing three sodium ions out of the cell for every two potassium ions pumped in.
b. initiating the action potential.
c. returning the membrane potential to the resting state.
d. Both a and c
11. An afterpotential is
a. a brief hyperpolarization that follows an action potential (“undershoot”).
b. a brief depolarization that follows an action potential (“overshoot”).
c. a brief hyperpolarization that follows an EPSP (“undershoot”).
d. the portion of an action potential between 0 and +30 mV.
12. At metabotropic synapses, second messengers are activated in postsynaptic neurons by
a. electrical currents.
b. specific enzymes.
c. mitochondria.
d. transmitter–receptor combinations.
13. The generation of the action potential depends on ________ ________ _________ channels.
14. Transporter molecules are involved in the _______ of neurotransmitter at the synapse.
15. (Worth 8 points) Discuss the characteristics of temporal and spatial summation in single
nerve cells. In what ways are these processes important for information processing by the
nervous system?
16. Which of the following is not a catecholamine neurotransmitter?
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
c. Epinephrine
d. Norepinephrine
17. If drug A is found to bind to a certain type of receptor for a longer time period than drug B
does, then drug A is said to have greater
a. affinity.
b. selectivity.
c. potency.
d. specificity.
18. Both PCP and ketamine act by _______ receptors.
a. activating AMPA
b. activating serotonin
c. blocking NMDA
d. blocking dopamine
19. The _______ model of drug abuse considers abuse to be a consequence of a desire to avoid
withdrawal symptoms.
20. A common feature of addictive drugs appears to be that they cause the release of _______ in
the _______.
21. (Worth 8 points) Describe the positive reward hypothesis of drug abuse, and compare it with
at least one other perspective on drug abuse.