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Muscles Unit TEST March 2016 Study Guide Questions
Ligaments connect
About what percentage of the mass of the human body is made up of muscle?
Where is cardiac muscle tissue located in the body?
Where is the protein called actin located in the body?
In addition to myosin, what other protein is involved in skeletal muscle
6. What happens when the thin filaments in a muscle fiber slide over the thick
7. Myosin and actin make up
8. According to the sliding-filament model, which of the following steps does NOT
occur in muscle contraction?
9. What tough connective tissues join skeletal muscles to bones?
10. Which of the following types of muscle generally remains in a state of partial
contraction when your legs are straight?
11. Which of the following is NOT true about muscle tone?
12. The elbow joint bends when the
13. Which of the following is NOT true about the effects of exercise on muscles?
14. Skeletal muscles
15. Which of the following statements about skeletal muscle fibers is false?
16. Functionally, what is the muscle fiber's fundamental unit of contraction?
17. Structurally, what is a sarcomere?
18. A thick filament consists of
19. According to the sliding filament model of muscle contraction, a sarcomere
contracts when its
20. During muscle contraction, within a sarcomere the
21. Contraction causes
22. Which of the following choices best describes the molecular basis of muscle
23. The sequence of events that cause a muscle to contract can be summed up as
24. Which of the following choices best describes the power stroke of muscle
25. What is the neurotransmitter at the synapse between nerves and human skeletal
muscle cells?
26. The cell bodies and dendrites of motor neurons are located in the
27. The synapses between neurons and muscle fibers are called
28. Which one of the following would have the greatest number of muscle cells per
motor unit?
29. What is the role of calcium in muscle contraction?
30. Which one of the following will not cause a muscle to fatigue?
31. Which of these levels of skeletal muscle organization includes the others?
32. What are the functional units of muscle contraction?
33. Before myosin heads bind to a thin filament, myosin-binding sites are opened up
when __________ bind(s) to the thin filament.
34. The large whitish object on the ventral surface of the chin on the mink is
35. In order to see the external jugular vein in the mink which muscle needs to be
36. The large triangular muscle in the lateral shoulder girdle of the minx is
37. What muscle did you have to cut in order see the entire nasopharynx in the minx?
38. Muscle tissue that has involuntary regulation of contraction:
39. The muscle tissue type that consists of single, very long, cylindrical,
multinucleate cells with very obvious striations is:
40. Which one of the following groupings is INCORRECT:
41. Which one of the following connective tissue sheaths surrounds an individual
skeletal muscle cell:
42. Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system:
43. A sarcomere is:
44. Which one of the following is composed of myosin protein:
45. Which one of the following groups of skeletal muscle connective tissue terms is
placed in order from largest to smallest:
46. A motor unit consists of:
47. Which one of the following functions do calcium ions perform during skeletal
muscle contraction:
48. The mechanical force of contraction is generated by:
49. Acetylcholine is:
50. At the neuromuscular junction, the muscle fiber membrane is invaginated (folded)
to form a:
51. Neurotransmitters are stored within:
52. An elaborate and specialized network of membranes in skeletal muscle cells that
function in calcium storage is the:
53. During skeletal muscle contraction, myosin cross bridges attach to active sites of:
54. The major function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle contraction is
55. The striations that give skeletal muscle its characteristic striped appearance are
produced, for the most part, by:
56. After nervous stimulation of a skeletal muscle cell has ceased, the calcium:
57. A skeletal muscle twitch differs from a tetanic contraction in that:
58. The condition of skeletal muscle fatigue can be best explained by:
59. Which one of the following muscle actions would NOT be classified as an
ISOTONIC contraction:
60. Muscle tone can best be described as:
61. Which of the following muscles enables raising of the eyebrows and horizontal
wrinkling of the forehead:
62. Which one of the following muscles is involved in crossing one leg over the other
while in a sitting position and upward kicking of a hacky sack by the medial
surface of the foot:
63. Which one of the following muscles inserts at the heel by the calcaneal (achilles)
64. Which one of the following does NOT compress the abdomen:
65. A muscle located on the dorsal side of the body is the:
66. A nursing infant developes a powerful sucking muscle that adults also use for
whistling or blowing a trumpet called the:
67. Spasms of this straplike muscle often results in toricollis (kinked neck):
68. A muscle group that works with and assists the action of a prime mover is a(n):
69. While flexing the forearm at the elbow joint, the:
70. Which one of the following is the action of the orbicularis oris:
71. Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the
72. Which one of the following muscles is involved in abduction of the arm at the
shoulder joint:
73. Which one of the following muscles flexes the thigh at the hip joint:
74. While doing “jumping jacks” during an exercise class, your arms and legs move
laterally away from the midline of your body. This motion is called:
75. Which one of the following muscles is involved in dorsiflexion and inversion at
the ankle joint:
76. Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the
77. Which one of the following in NOT a criteria generally used in naming muscles:
78. What naming criteria is used for Superior Serratus Posterior muscle?
79. Pronator teres: from the name of this muscle, what does it do?
80. Flexor digiti minimi brevis: from the name of this muscle, where is it located?
81. Subscapularis: from the name of this muscle, what is it’s origin and insertion?
82. Which of the following groups are correctly listed for their agonistic ( AG) and
antagonistic ( AN) roles
83. In regards to the speed of muscle contraction, which of the following is true.
84. Which of the following are considered essential properties of muscles?
85. Some of the factors that go into naming skeletal muscles are
86. Which of the following is isometric contraction
Match the following:
A band
actin filaments f.
I band
myosin filaments
Match the following:
aerobic respiration
acetylcholine f.
potassium ionsg.
calcium ions
creatine phosphate
sodium ions
anaerobic respiration
Match the following:
orbicularis oculi
prime mover i.
orbicularis oris
latissimus dorsi
Match the muscular diseases with the symptoms and descriptions.
Muscular dystrophy e.
Cerebreal Palsy
Myasthenia Gravis g.
Parkinsons Disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis h.
Huntingtons Disease