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Rachel Wilson
The Solar System
Use class discussions and the info sheets to complete this worksheet to use as
your notes for this topic.
1) Some terms and definitions
Satellite ___________________________________________________________
Atmosphere –
Magnetic fields –
Orbit –
Axis –
Rachel Wilson
2) The solar system
List the planets in order from closest to the sun to furthest. (NB Pluto is no
longer considered to be a planet, it is a dwarf planet)
The four innermost planets are called the terrestrial planets. Why?
Which planets are the gas giants?
What is an astronomical unit? And how far is it?
Why do we use astronomical units to measure distances in our solar system?
3) The Sun
What kind of star is the sun?
How far away from the sun is the earth? (And what is this called?)
What percentage of the solar systems mass is contained within the suns mass?
What elements is the sun mostly made of?
In your own words, describe ‘solar wind
Rachel Wilson
4) Mercury
What type of orbit does mercury have?
How long is a Mercury day? And how might this affect the temperature of the
‘night side’?
Mercury has a lot of craters on its atmosphere. Explain why this might be in
terms of the planet’s atmosphere.
When is the best time to see mercury from Earth? Why?
5) Venus
Why is Venus the brightest planet in the sky?
What is the atmosphere of Venus made up of?
Why does Venus have such a hot surface temperature?
Does Venus have a magnetic field? Why or why not?
What is the transit of Venus
Rachel Wilson
6) Earth
Why does the earth have seasons?
How does the Earth’s atmosphere protect us from satellites?
What are the Aurorae? How are they formed?
Suggest some reasons why planet Earth can support life forms?
7) Earth’s Moon
Why do we always see the same side of the moon from Earth?
What is ‘the man in the moon’?
Why can meteorites easily land on the moon’s surface?
What is the leading theory of how the moon formed?
Rachel Wilson
8) Mars
What factors have altered the surface of Mars?
What evidence is there for water on Mars?
Why is the presence of water on the surface of Mars so interesting to
9) Jupiter
How many moons does Jupiter have? Name the 4 largest
Give a possible reason for the large number of moons?
Why does Jupiter have such a strong magnetic field?
What is Jupiter’s atmosphere made of?
What is Saturn made of?
What causes the yellow and gold bands?
Rachel Wilson
What is the name of Saturn’s largest moon, and why can it be compared to
Why does Saturn have so many rings and moons?
Why does this planet look blue?
What is the atmosphere composed of?
Uranus has an unusual rotational axis and magnetic field. What is a possible
explanation for this?
Why does Uranus not experience large differences in temperature between
winter and summer?
Pluto and Charon
Pluto used to be a classified as a planet, and is now classified as a dwarf planet.
How long does it take Pluto to orbit the sun?
Describe the relationship of Pluto and Charon.
Rachel Wilson
Summary questions
What do the 4 inner most planets have in common?
What do the 4 outer planets have in common?
What roles do atmospheres play in protecting planets?
How do Magnetic fields contribute to satellites and planetary rings?
Extra for experts
Describe how a planets’ magnetic field can be used to propel space craft?