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The Power of
Continuous Core
Temperature to Change
the Future of Health
A Company’s Vision to Improve and
Save Lives
The Relationship of Temperature & Circadian Rhythm
The Story of Prima-Temp
What Prima-Temp Can Accomplish
Introducing Priya
Prima-Temp Redefines Thermometry for Better Health
One patient dies every 2 hours from complications due to neutropenia (low
white blood cell count), a side effect from chemotherapy. Donna Deegan, a
three time breast cancer survivor and an established TV News Anchor, was
nearly part of this statistic. Actively undergoing chemotherapy, she was at
dinner with a friend when she suddenly started to feel unwell. Deegan’s
doctor had advised her to call immediately with any sign of a fever. She
didn’t think having a slight fever was a big deal, but followed protocol and
called her doctor. The doctor told Deegan to come in right away. She told
him that she would come in as soon as the 11pm broadcast was complete.
Her doctor said no way, this is an emergency, come right now.
Every second counts for cancer patients with a fever since their body
doesn’t have the white blood cells to help fight the infection. The sooner
the patient gets treatment the more likely antibiotics and other medications
to help increase white blood cells will work to save the patient's life.
There is a possibility that by simply measuring continuous core temperature,
doctors can see patterns that predict conditions such as an impending
infection. The pattern that continuous core temperature reveals is an
individual's circadian rhythm.
This pattern can reveal a problem before one even has physical symptoms.
Had Deegan’s doctor been able to capture Deegan’s continuous core
temperature, she may have been able to see the patterns that indicate an
infection was ensuing, and got to the hospital sooner. She fought for her life
for over a week which caused a potentially deadly delay in her
chemotherapy treatment.
Infection is not the only thing measuring continuous core temperature can
predict. Capturing circadian rhythms via continuous core temperature can
also improve areas such as weight loss programs and fertility. By creating
products that capture circadian rhythm, doctor’s and individuals will be able
to make better decisions about their health. Prima-Temp is a company on a
mission to use temperature patterns to redefine thermometry to make this
The first product Prima-Temp created will be on the market early 2017 and
will help women to effortlessly pinpoint their ovulation, allowing them to
more-easily conceive and potentially save them thousands of dollars by
avoiding IVF and other fertility treatments.
The Relationship of
Temperature & Circadian
The Relationship of Temperature
& Circadian Rhythm
The Power of Circadian Rhythm
There is a signal called circadian
rhythm in your body that tells
what time each day your hair will
grow, when you will get sleepy
and when you will get hungry.
Circadian rhythm is a powerful
signal that changes gene
expressions to produce
hormones, and even creates your
sleep patterns.
You may be familiar with what happens when this signal is “off” if you have
traveled and experienced jet-lag: it can take days for your circadian rhythm to
catch up to the new time-zone, and can make you feel like you are fighting the flu
until it resets.
An amazing discovery is that your brain regulates the circadian rhythm clocks by
using changes in body temperature. Using temperature, your brain helps
coordinate nearly 3.5 trillion clocks in your body that affect you physically,
mentally and behaviorally.
The Relationship of Temperature
& Circadian Rhythm
If you took your core temperature throughout the day, you would see that your
temperature rises and falls with a distinct pattern unique to your own body. This
rise and fall of temperature is a signal that is used to turn on and off gene
expressions. These 3.5 trillion clocks in our bodies function on an imperfect
cycle (1).
The Relationship of Temperature
& Circadian Rhythm
Each of these 3.5 trillion clocks needs to be slightly reset every day to
match the 24-hour day. Every day, the brain pushes the body’s clocks back
into place with a temperature change. So profound is this effect that you
can track your circadian rhythm using temperature.
Continuously measuring your body’s core temperature allows you to see the
signals that help coordinate body function throughout each hour of the day.
As you would imagine, each of us have a different set of clocks. Some of us
rise early in the morning and some of us prefer to stay up late at night. Your
circadian rhythm patterns are as unique as your fingerprint.
Since temperature helps regulate these clocks, core temperature is the most
reliable biomarker for circadian rhythm, meaning that if you can measure
core temperature, then you can see patterns in your circadian rhythms and
assess how your clocks are working (2). By measuring temperature and
therefore circadian rhythm patterns, ovulation can be predicted, sleep
disorders can be diagnosed, cancer treatments can be more effective, and
lives can be saved. Circadian rhythms are essential for our well-being: when
the clocks are off, they have been linked to weight gain, sleep deprivation,
and diseases.
The Story of
The Story of Prima-Temp
Patterns of Temperature have Predictive Powers
Dr. Wade Webster, one of the founders of Prima-Temp, believes that one’s
legacy is the impact one can make on the lives of others, and to make life
As an Emergency Room Physician, relieving pain and providing empathy
was a profound and humbling answer. His experience in the ER lead him to
understand that the patterns of temperature have predictive powers, and
with continuous body temperature regulation, there is incredible potential
to improve and save lives. He could leave a legacy and relieve suffering for
millions of people through a better understanding of temperature
The Story of Prima-Temp
Dr. Webster grew frustrated when he saw patients developing severe
infections unnecessarily. The opportunity to help humans, however, did not
present itself right away:
“My father knew about my interest in temperature and so he called to tell
me that someone had devised a way of measuring a dairy cow’s internal
body temperature precisely and accurately throughout her lifetime. With
some research, it was apparent that larger dairies were having difficulty with
increasing disease rates. This was an opportunity staring me in the face.
Together with a team of engineers, I co-founded a company built on the
idea that we could preserve milk production and use less antibiotics if a
dairy farmer could identify an infection early rather that later. I was amazed
by what you could learn as you move forward with an idea.
While assembling a ‘cow-temperature monitoring company’, I was
introduced to the team of talented engineers that were originally assembled
by Goodyear to measure temperature and pressure inside a car tire. It was a
talented group that could develop a better human thermometer. And that is
how Prima-Temp was born.”
The Story of Prima-Temp
Prima-Temp was born out of a mission to create the most advanced
continuous temperature sensors that utilize algorithms to find patterns in
circadian rhythm to transform healthcare.
Dr. Webster brought on the
talented and experienced
executive, Dr. Lauren Costantini, to
be the CEO of Prima-Temp and
bring to life the vision of measuring
continuous core temperature to
help with precision medicine,
weight loss, diabetes, sleep and
What we Can
Accomplish by
Measuring Core
Predictive Healthcare in Your
Prima-Temp Technology to Transform Healthcare Challenges
In the United States alone, 11 million women are trying to conceive at
any one time and 50% of those women use products to help them
achieve that goal. Continuous core temperature monitoring identifies
the subtle changes in body temperature, providing a convenient and
precise means of determining the fertile window more accurately than
any other method on the market.
By tracking continuous core temperature in women, patterns in their
temperature can predict when they are about to ovulate and if they
have ovulated. This type of monitoring would be an immediate
improvement on the arduous and inaccurate methods currently
available, and help couples achieve their dream of having a baby.
“My children were born due to temperature. We couldn’t get
pregnant with both of our busy work schedules. My wife was a head
nurse at an infertility clinic and she learned how to find the
temperature pattern which we used to conceive all our children,” says
Dr. Webster.
Sepsis kills an estimated 200,000 Americans every year – more than
most cancers, strokes and heart attacks. Sepsis is the most expensive
cause of hospitalization in the United States, with an annual cost of
more than $24 billion, according to the U.S. Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality. For every hour delay in treatment of sepsis,
there is a 7.6% increase in mortality.
Surprisingly, hospitals still have a nurse coming into your room every
few hours to take your temperature orally or rectally. This provides
only a snapshot of your temperature, and does not allow the full
circadian rhythm to be seen. Nurses can only see when a fever has
already developed, which is too late for septic patients.
Continuous core temperature monitoring provides critical data that
can predict hospital-acquired sepsis several hours before a diagnosis.
Continuous core temperature sensing can identify patterns in
circadian rhythm that predict when a person is going to get a fever,
1-2 days PRIOR to the fever happening. Measuring temperature
accurately has the power to pick up a mild infection days prior and
prevent a patient becoming fatally septic. In this way, treatment can
be started earlier, saving lives in the process.
There are even signatures of temperature patterns unique to different
infections. For example, there are 5 different kinds of malaria that can
be sub-typed based on the pattern of temperature spikes. Looking at
these signals, doctors can prescribe the right medication for these
specific infections sooner.
Did you know that when chemotherapy is administered based on your
specific circadian rhythm, the outcomes are significantly improved,
and side effects are significantly reduced? Doctor’s have always know
this, but they have never had a way to measure circadian rhythm
before. By measuring continuous core temperature, we could help
create precision medicine that is tailored for each individual person
including chemotherapy.
The disruption of the temperature circadian rhythm has been
associated with cancer progression. Yet if you time the medication
with the patient's circadian rhythms, its amplification results in cancer
inhibition in experimental tumor models. Circadian timing of anticancer medications improves treatment tolerability up to fivefold and
doubles efficacy.
Also, as mentioned with the Donna Deegan story, capturing core
temperature can also alert patients that they have a fever before they
may even have symptoms. This will allow them ample time to get the
help they need to potentially save their lives.
Recent studies suggest that poor sleep can affect metabolism and
weight gain and contribute to mental health conditions such as
depression. In addition, the studies infer that poor sleep can impact
memory, cognition, day-to-day performance, and even increase the
risk of cancer. A study from Harvard Medical School estimates the
costs of undiagnosed sleep apnea to be $65 billion to $165 billion a
year, taking into account medical costs, lost productivity, and traffic
Continuous core temperature monitoring provides a much-improved
picture of sleep via circadian rhythm, when compared with other sleep
tracking systems. Interventions can be tested and determined for
efficacy in real time by using sensors that track continuous core
Obesity is a global epidemic and in spite of health organization and
government efforts, population obesity continues to increase. Calories
burned during any activity vary from individual to individual and
depend on the metabolic rate. A small rise in core temperature can
substantially alter metabolic rate. Core body temperature provides
personalized, real-time data for more effective weight loss.
An estimated 5 to 10 million people in the United States work in
industries where heat stress is a potential health and safety hazard,
including firefighters and military personnel. Each year, more than
1,000 people die from heat stroke in the United States. Continuous
core temperature monitoring can better detect heat exhaustion and
provide early alerts to take action, well before heat exhaustion
progresses to heat stroke.
Introducing Priya
Timing is the Key to Conception
Trying to get pregnant does not need to be
difficult or tedious. Sometimes its just a
matter of timing and knowing when to have
Don Aptekar, MD FACOG
Introducing Priya
Timing is the Key to Conception
Perhaps you are aware that when women ovulate, their temperature rises.
Well that’s not all that is happening. Right before ovulation, there is a change
in pattern coinciding with a subtle change in temperature. If measured
accurately, this change acts as a crucial element for predicting ovulation and
can allow for women to know when it is time to ‘get busy’ with their partner.
After all, intercourse during this time significantly increases the chances of
creating a baby (3). Since the egg only lives for 12-24 hours, timing is vital for
Sixteen years ago, researcher Mary Coyne and her team confirmed that
women’s menstrual and fertility cycles can be reliably tracked by continuous
core body temperature (4). By measuring continuous core temperature, they
found a distinct circadian rhythm that can detect the phases of a woman’s
menstrual cycle and predict impending ovulation.
They noticed that about 2 days before ovulation, there is a subtle dip in
temperature. What this means is that if women can measure their core
temperature continuously, they can predict impending ovulation and detect
whether or not they ovulated with 99% accuracy. If you or someone close to
you has ever had difficulty trying to conceive, you can imagine how life
changing this could be!
Introduction Priya
Statistically, the percent chances in a woman’s cycle that she can get pregnant
granted that the sperm lives 5 days are:
The graph above shows the probability of getting pregnant during certain
days of your cycle. Clearly the 2 days leading up to ovulation show the
highest probability of getting pregnant, but this probability drops off steeply
as soon as ovulation occurs. Priya notifies you know 2 days PRIOR to
ovulation, giving you the optimal opportunity to conceive.
Introducing Priya
Introducing Priya
Current methods of ovulation detection tell you when you’ve already
ovulated – and this is too late!
Only core (ie internal) temperature is the most reliable way to measure
circadian rhythms. Oral temperature can be affected by external cues. While
there are sensors on the market that measure temperature from the ear,
mouth, underarm or wrist, internal core body temperature is far and away the
most accurate. In fact, literature shows that using peripheral thermometers do
not provide accurate readings and should not be used to influence clinical
decisions (5).
Introducing Priya
Priya is the only sensor on the market that allows for a woman to go about life
as usual and requires no daily effort. When she is most fertile, the wearable
sensor sends a message to her phone.
Women using Priya will be able to view their circadian rhythm data to see
precisely when they are most fertile, and also a rise in temperature to indicate
that they have ovulated. Since the Priya Ring is internal and measures core
temperature all day and night, it eliminates the possibility for human error
and is the most accurate reading possible. Priya Ring will even work for
women with regular and irregular cycles, as well as for women with PCOS.
Prima-Temp has revolutionized wireless, continuous temperature sensing.
The platform technologies will transform many of today’s healthcare
challenges, and empower you to engage in your own health and well-being.
Our simple and effortless digital technologies will transform many of
healthcare’s challenges with the most accurate, continuous, core
temperature sensors and machine learning algorithms.
Disease Detection
Heat Exhaustion
Precision Medicine
Sleep Disorders
Weight Loss
Fertility Detection
Why Guess when You can
Priya harness the power of wearable sensors with
machine learning algorithms to provide you with the
most effortless and accurate fertility detection possible.
Interested in Partnering
with Prima-Temp?
Contact Lauren Costantini, CEO
at [email protected]
1. Goa, S. Biological clocks, circadian rhythm and weight control. Aminoz. May,
2. Buhr ED, Yoo SH, Takahashi JS. Temperature as a universal resetting cue for
mammalian circadian oscillators. Science 330(6002):379-85. Oct, 2010.
3. Wilcox et al. Timing of Sexual Intercourse in Relation to Ovulation — Effects
on the Probability of Conception, Survival of the Pregnancy, and Sex of the
Baby. N Engl J Med 1995; 333:1517-1521. Dec, 1995
4. Coyne et al. Circadian Rhythm Changes in Core Temperature over the
Menstrual Cycle: Method for Noninvasive Monitoring Physiol Regulatory
Integrative Com Physiol. AM J 279:1316-132. Oct, 2000.
5. Niven et al. Accuracy of Peripheral Thermometers for Estimating Temperature:
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine. Nov,