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Self-reported antibiotic allergy
What next?
Michaela Lucas
Clinical Immunologist/Immunopathologist
Patients frequently report antibiotic allergies, however less than 10% of labelled
patients have a true allergy
Penicillin allergy labels often lead to the avoidance of all beta-lactam antibiotics
There are significant gaps in knowledge in regards to antibiotic allergies, even in
Specialties such as Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Physicians etc.
The frequency of cross-reactivity reactions between ß-lactams is relatively low
and often overestimated, while allergies to specific drugs are very common
E.g. cephalosporin and penicillin cross-reactivity in contemporary studies
suggest the true rate of cross reactivity to be <2% and potentially lower for third
and later generation cephalosporins
Self-reported antibiotic allergy in
Australia is a growing problem
•The number of self-reported antibiotic allergy (AAL) in Australia is app. 18% in
patients admitted to hospital (Trubiano JA et al. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2016 Jun;
Knezevic et al., unpublished data)
•The rate of patients with self-reported allergy in the primary care setting in Australia
is not known
•Self-reported antibiotic allergy in Gen. Medicine patients is common: 21-24%
(Trubiano et al. MJA 2016 April; Knezevic et al., unpublished data)
•The rate of self-reported allergy in Australian children is also not well studied; it is
5.5% in children admitted to the sole WA tertiary paediatric care hospital; antibiotic
allergy is self-reported in 1% of children presenting to the Emergency department of
the same hospital (Arnold, Rueter et al.; unpublished data)
Self-reported antibiotic allergy increases
with age
Patient Age
Any Antibiotic Allergy
Any Beta-Lactam Allergy
Total Number of Patients
0-4.99 years
5-9.99 years
10-19.99 years
20-39.99 years
40-49.99 years
50-59.99 years
60-69.99 years
70-79.99 years
80+ years
Lucas M, unpublished data
The median age of the recent AGM study published in the MJA by Trubiano et al.
was 82 years (interquartile range 74-87 years)
Patient demographics
self-reports antibiotic allergy (AAL)
• WA data: Females and older patients were significantly more
likely to have an AAL (gender: OR=2.54, 95% CI=1.69-3.82, p<0.001) (for
a one standard deviation (19.6 years) increase in age: OR=1.31, 95% CI=1.061.60, p=0.007).
• The same was also true for beta-lactam AALs alone (gender:
OR=2.28, 95% CI=1.46-3.54, p<0.001) (for a one standard deviation increase in
age: OR=1.33, 95% CI=1.07-1.67, p=0.011).
• Patient admitting team (by individual specialties), audit year and
prescription of antibiotics at the time of audit were not
significantly associated with presence of AALs or, more
specifically, beta-lactam AALs.
What are the most common culprit
AGM study/Victoria:
•34% Penicillins; 13% sulfonamide; 11% cephalosporins
WA cohort study:
•Beta-lactam labels (83%), mostly “penicillin group” (n=87; 71% of “allergic” cohort;
13% of whole cohort).
– beta-lactam group: “penicillin (not otherwise specified)” (n=76; 75%),
“cephalexin” (n=7), “amoxicillin” (n=5), “amoxycillin/clavulanic acid” (n=3),
“piperacillin/tazobactam” (n=2) and “cephazolin” (n=2).
•Non-beta-lactam labels: Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (n=11), macrolide (n=7)
and glycopeptide (vancomycin) (n=7) groups.
• In the AAL group, 108 (89%) patients had a single allergy, 10 (8%) had two
documented AAL, and 4 (3%) had three or more labels.
What impact does it have?
AALs are common and are associated with higher rates of inappropriate
prescribing and increased use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials (Multiple
international studies; Australia: Trubiano JA et al.; J Antimicrob Chemother.
2016 Jun)
One small Australian study reported that patients with penicillin allergy labels,
hospitalized with community acquired pneumonia, had longer lengths of stay
(Irawati L et al.; J Res Pharm Pract. 2006).
Significant extra costs of using alternative antimicrobials for beta-lactam allergy
labelled patients (Sade K.; Clin Exp Allergy 2003; Picard M.; JACI IP 2013)
Large American study reported increased lengths of stay, intensive care
admission rates and higher mortality rates for patients with AALs (Charneski L.;
Pharmacotherapy 2011)
What impact does it have?
WA Cohort, label of antibiotic allergy (AAL):
• Patients with an AAL were significantly more likely to be
readmitted within four weeks than NAAL patients (OR=2.16,
95% CI=1.34-3.46, p=0.001)
• Patients with an AAL also had significantly more readmissions
within six months compared to NAAL patients (OR=1.55, 95%
CI=1.06-2.27, p=0.025).
What impact does it have?
WA Cohort, label of Beta-lactam allergy:
Significantly more readmissions:
4 weeks (p=0.0054, OR=2.05, 95% CI=1.24-3.38)
• 83% had significant infections
• 10% readmitted with same serious infection
6 months (OR=1.56, 95% CI=1.04-2.34)
• 30% had 2+ admissions (19% for non-labelled patients
In our study there were no significant differences in antibiotic costs,
hospital length of stay, and intensive care admissions. This may be
due to the smaller sample size and the broad inclusion of all patients
rather than higher risk patient groups.
Conclusions-Part 1
• Antibiotic allergy labels are common, however the rate of
antibiotic allergy overall is low
• Over-labelling can set up a negative cycle of restricted
access to antibiotics, poorer clinical outcomes and increased
• Systematic drug allergy delabelling may mitigate these
clinical and economic burdens
What next?
The practical aspects of de-labelling
Who should we de-label?
• The elderly?
Note: that the mean age of the recent MJA study was
82 years
• Children?
• Those in need of recurrent antibiotics? (e.g. those
seen by anti-microbial stewardship programs)
• Those with more than one allergy?
• Everybody?
How should we de-label?
Recommended algorithm for assessment
Suspicion of DHR
Evaluation of clinical history
Possible DHR
Skin test available?
Yesresultspositiveproven drug allergy
Yesresultsnegativedrug provocation availableresults
Yesresultsnegativeno drug provocation availabletherapeutical approach (no other alternative;
desensitisation, premedication etc)
drug provocation availableresults
drug provocation not availabletherapeutical approach (no other alternative)
WA Cohort: Poor Documentation of allergies
Issues with testing strategies
(Lacombe-Barrios J.; JACI 2016)
Prospective study of 97 consecutive patients evaluated for a history of β-lactam
allergy (March-October 2014). Patients were classified as immediate reactors
(<1 hour) or nonimmediate reactors (>1 hour).
Of the 97 patients included, 23 were confirmed as allergic (23.7%). The median
time between the last reaction and the study was 9.5 months, and the culprit
drugs were AX-CLV in 15 cases, AX in 3, CEP in 2, BP in 1, and an
undetermined BL in 2
Twenty-two patients experienced an immediate reaction presenting mainly as
anaphylaxis (59.1%) or urticaria (36.4%).
Issues with testing strategies
(Lacombe-Barrios J.; JACI 2016)
Skin testing with all the reagents used in this study only confirmed the diagnosis
in 47.8% of cases; in the remaining 52.2%, the basophil activation test,
ImmunoCAP, or drug provocation testing was necessary
Skin testing to the culprit drugs (Amoxicillin, AMX-Clavulanic acid,
Cephalosporins) and major and minor determinants of Penicillin was most useful
Skin testing with Benzylpenicillin (BP) was positive in 2 patients, both of whom
tolerated administration of BP and PV in the drug provocation test
The false-positive rate should be highlighted, since the results could lead to
avoidance of penicillin, with the subsequent costs and potential side effects that
result from the use of other non–β-lactam antibiotics
Issues with antibiotic allergy testing in
Long delays before testing occurs
Limited availability of specialists performing testing
Most patients have a very distant history and cannot remember details
Sensitivity of our current testing strategies decrease significantly over
time (to the fact that they may not be useful at all)
We therefore need to have separate approaches for patients with well
documented recent history (e.g. anaphylaxis with General Anaesthesia)
and those with self-reported allergy and distant reactions
How should we de-label in Australia?
• Is skin testing everybody feasible? Or should we challenge
everybody (judgement call based on history)?
• Case example: 78 year old man; history of Penicillin
allergy(rash) as a child, not sure what else happened, has been
avoiding Penicillin since childhood
• Other medical history: Obesity, hypertension, Type II Diabetes,
previous NSTEMI, on beta-blocker and Ace-I; needs antibiotics
for a foot infection with cellulitis
• Would you directly challenge this patient in your rooms?
Who should de-label in Australia?
Scandinavian cohort study
Borch JE et al., Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006 April
•3642 patients, 96 fulfilled the inclusion criteria giving a point-prevalence of
alleged penicillin allergy (5% in a hospital in-patient population; mean age
61 years).
•Mean time elapsed since the alleged first reaction to penicillin was 20
•25% did not recall the time of their reaction
•82.2% did not remember the name of the penicillin they reacted to
•During the 5–12 months interval between inclusion and planned
investigations 24 (25%) died, 59 (61.4%) refrained from participation,
and only 13 (13.5%) patients completed the investigations.
Is de-labelling effective? Will it change
• Willingness to challenge: yes; 54% in the AGM study
(Trubiano JA; MJA 2016)
• Uptake of active testing not yet clear (sobering
Scandinavian data)
• Change use of antibiotics after testing, encouraging
results: Of 182 patients, 137 (75.3%) were following
the allergy label modifications at the time of followup.(Bourke J; JACI IP 2015 June)
• The burden of self-reported antibiotic allergy in
Australia is high
• The solution to this problem is not elusive but
requires a collaborative approach/consensus opinion
between specialties to provide evidence based, safe
and cost-effective strategies to de-label patients
• We should also keep in mind that research into better
in-vitro diagnostics may lead to a more straightforward solution of the problem
Thank you!
Brittany Knezevic
Dustin Sprigg
Michelle Trevenen
Annabelle Arnold
Jason Seet
Staff from the
Immunology Department
Pharmacy Department
Emergency Department
at the QE2 Medical Centre in WA
Members of the
ASCIA Drug Allergy Working Party