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Page 40
November 14, 2016
Ancient Egypt- JAT pages 39-40
Settling the Nile-When was the Nile Valley settled?
Why is the Nile Valley called a “Sheltered Land”?
Why is the Nile River called the “Mighty River”?
About how far is it from the first cataract to the
second cataract?
Page 41
1. What physical features border the Nile River to the east
and west?
2. How did the deserts surrounding the Nile Valley help
protect Egypt?
3. What was Egypt’s physical setting like?
Page 40
November 14, 2016
Why is the Nile Valley called a “Sheltered Land”?
Ancient Egypt- JAT pages 39-40
Settling the Nile-When was the Nile Valley settled?
Between 6000 BCE and 5000 BCE, hunters and gatherers
moved into green Nile River valley, farmed land and
created villages along riverbanks
Nile runs through a narrow, green valley in Egypt; Before
reaching Mediterranean Sea, Nile divides into branches that fan
out over area of fertile soil called a delta.
Sahara aka Western Desert and Eastern Deserts surround Nile
Valley and its delta-“the Red Land” (deserts) kept outside
armies away from Egypt’s territory
Also protected the Egyptians: Nile’s dangerous cataracts
blocked enemy boats from reaching Egypt- Delta marshes
offered no harbors for invaders approaching from the sea
Why is the Nile River called the “Mighty River”?
Little rainfall, Egyptians relied on Nile River for water
(drinking, bathing, farming, cooking and cleaning),
provided fish, supported plants and animals
World’s longest river, flows north from heart of Africa to
Mediterranean Sea – 4,000 miles, begins as two separate rivers
– Blue Nile and White Nile
Narrow cliffs and boulders form wild rapids called cataracts –
large ships can only use last 650 miles of Nile because of
cataracts (when it flows through Egypt)
About how far is it from the first cataract to the second
About 180 miles. Estimate of 150-200
Page 41
1. What physical features border the Nile River to the east
and west?
The Eastern Desert and Western (Sahara) Desert
2. How did the deserts surrounding the Nile Valley help
protect Egypt?
They kept invaders away from Egypt’s territory.
3. What was Egypt’s physical setting like?
Egypt lay in the fertile Nile River Valley surrounded by deserts
and the Mediterranean and Red Sea.
Page 42
Did the Nile have a “Regular Flooding” season?
November 15, 2016
Page 43
JAT pages 41-42
1. How does the Hymn show that the ancient
Egyptians thought of the Nile as a god?
2. What crops did the ancient Egyptians grow?
How Did the Egyptians Use the Nile?
 _____________________________________________
3. Why were the people of The Nile Valley called “The
River People”-
 _____________________________________________
 _____________________________________________
What were hieroglyphics?
Page 42
Did the Nile have a “Regular Flooding” season?
More dependable and gentle floods than Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers – Egyptians farmed and lived
Heavy rains from central Africa and melting snows from the
highlands added to the Nile every spring
Nile flooded from July to October and then left a layer of dark,
fertile mud, Land was called Kemet – “the Black Land”
How Did the Egyptians Use the Nile?
Good irrigation system - Dug basins and canals to carry water to
fields and built dikes
Used technology and developed geometry to divide the land
Used papyrus to make baskets, sandals and river rafts and for
were hieroglyphics?
Complex writing system combining picture symbols and sound
Scribes: kept records and worked for the rulers, priests, and
traders, carved hieroglyphics onto stone walls and monuments
and invented simpler script and wrote or painted on papyrus
November 15, 2016
Page 43
JAT pages 41-42
1. How does the Hymn show that the ancient
Egyptians thought of the Nile as a god?
It credits the river with causing everything to exist and prosper.
2. What crops did the ancient Egyptians grow?
Successful farmers – wheat, barley and flax seed; had a
surplus of food for themselves and animals
3. Why were the people of The Nile Valley called “The
River People”Egyptians depended on flooding to grow crops and Egyptians
welcomed the floods
Page 44 Ancient Egypt- JAT pages 43-44
What is a “United Egypt”?
What is the “Rise of Government”?
November 16, 2016
Page 45
1. What is a dynasty?
2. Which civilization had greater natural defenses, the
Mesopotamians or the Egyptians?
3. Compare the governments of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Use the chart on page 44 of JAT.
Who were Egypt’s ruling families?
4. How did the government ensure that enough people
were available to harvest the wheat?
5. Why do you think seeds, fruit, and other additives were
reserved for the wealthy?
Page 44 Ancient Egypt- JAT pages 43-44
What is a “United Egypt”?
November 16, 2016
Page 45
1. What is a dynasty?
Skilled farming led to surplus
A line of rulers from one family.
Artisans developed crafts to trade
2. Which civilization had greater natural defenses, the
Mesopotamians or the Egyptians?
Trading brought goods and ideas to Egypt.
What is the “Rise of Government”?
Egypt: Nile delta, Sahara Desert, Eastern Desert, and
cataracts isolated the area.
Advances in trade and crafts created the need for
Earliest rulers were chiefs, strong chiefs united villages
into kingdoms
Mesopotamia had city states led by kings and priest,
empires eventually formed.
Strongest kingdom overpowered others
Egypt had villages led by chiefs that united into kingdoms,
eventually united by the pharaoh.
Lower Egypt- Nile Delta, Upper Egypt south or up river
Who were Egypt’s ruling families?
 Narmer/Menes was king of Upper Egypt; he led
armies to take over lower Egypt
 Rules from Memphis, wore a double crown
 United Egypt became a dynasty; was ruled by
Narmrer’s descendants for 31 dynasties (2,800
3. Compare the governments of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
Use the chart on page 44 of JAT.
4. How did the government ensure that enough people
were available to harvest the wheat?
The government drafted people to help during the busy
5. Why do you think seeds, fruit, and other additives were
reserved for the wealthy?
Those additives might have been expensive or hard to get.
Page 46
November 16, 2016
Page 47
Ancient Egypt- JAT pages 45-46
What was early Egyptian life like?
What group was just below the pharaoh in Egyptian society?
Who made up the largest group in Egyptian society?
How were Egypt’s social classes divided up?
What was family life like in Egypt?
What is papyrus and how did the Egyptians use it?
What rights did women have in ancient Egypt?
Describe the Egyptian writing system.
Page 46
November 16, 2016
Ancient Egypt- JAT pages 45-46
What group was just below the pharaoh in Egyptian society?
What was Egyptian life like?
Divided up into social groups based on wealth and power.
Page 47
Priests and nobles.
Who made up the largest group in Egyptian society?
What is papyrus and how did the Egyptians use it?
Papyrus is a reed plant that was used to make
baskets, sandals, river rafts and paper.
How were Egypt’s social classes divided up?
On top was the king and his family, the upper class was
made up of nobles, priests, and government officials.
Middle class- merchants, then artisans, then farmers
and unskilled workers at the bottom.
What was family life like in Egypt?
Father was head of the family
Women had right to own property, buy and sell goods.
Children learned from their parents- girls to cook and
sew from mom; boys to farm or trade from dad. Few
went to school.
What rights did women have in ancient Egypt?
Women could own and pass on property, buy and
sell goods, make wills, obtain divorces, and take part
in religious ceremonies.
Describe the Egyptian writing system.
Picture symbols called hieroglyphics, stood for
objects, ideas and sounds.