Download May 2003 - GF Abela Junior College

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May Session
Subject: Physics
Date: 15th May 2003
Level: Advanced
Time: 09.00hrs – 12.00hrs
Directions to Candidates
You are requested to show all your working and write the units where
Answer ALL questions from Section A.
Answer any TWO questions from Section B.
Answer any TWO questions from Section C.
Wherever necessary assume g = 10ms-2.
The data sheet is included in the test paper.
Section A
Attempt ALL eight questions in this section. Each question carries 5 marks. This
section carries 40% of the total mark for this paper.
1. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 20ms-1. Calculate
(a) the maximum height reached by the ball,
(b) the time taken by the ball to return to the ground.
2. A speck of dust of mass of 1.0 x 10 –18kg carries a charge equal to that of one
electron. Near to the Earth’s surface, the speck experiences a force due to a uniform
downward electric field of strength 100NC-1 and a uniform gravitational field of
strength 10Nkg-1.
(a) Draw a free-body diagram for the speck of dust on your booklet. Label the forces
(b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the speck of dust.
(Electronic charge = 1.6 x 10-19C)
3.When an object is placed in front of a diverging lens of focal length 15.0cm, an
image is formed 10.0cm from the lens.
(a) Draw a ray diagram, showing the formation of the final image.
(b) Calculate the object distance.
4. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 12.2nm is shone on to a metal surface. The work
function of the metal is 6.20eV.
(a) Explain the meaning of the term ‘work function’ and determine its value in joules.
(b) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons.
(Speed of light c = 3 x 108ms-1, Planck’s constant h = 6.67 x 10-34Js, Electronic charge
= 1.6 x 10-19C)
5. A transverse progressive wave has an amplitude of 2mm, frequency 50Hz and
wavelength 3m. It is travelling in the negative direction of the x-axis.
(a) Insert the appropriate values of a, ω and k in the expression which describes the
wave motion. State whether the ‘±’ sign should be ‘+’ or ‘-’.
y = a sin (ωt ± kx)
(b) What is the speed of this progressive wave?
6. A loaded cargo net, having a total mass of 240kg, is being lifted by a crane from a
barge tied up to the harbour as shown.
At the instant the net leaves the deck of the barge, the man exerts a sideways force F
in a direction at 15° to the horizontal to stop the net swinging into the side of the
harbour wall. If the net is in equilibrium at this instant, calculate
(a) the tension T in the crane cable,
(b) the force F exerted by the man.
7. Sound travels by means of longitudinal waves in solids. A progressive sound wave
of wavelength λ and frequency f passes through a solid from left to right. In the
diagram below line X represents the equilibrium positions of a line of atoms in the
Line Y represents the positions of the same atoms at a time t = to.
(a) Explain why the wave is longitudinal.
(b) Copy the diagram on your booklet and label one compression, one rarefaction and
the wavelength of the wave.
(c) The period of the wave is T. Along the line Z mark in the positions of a
compression and a rarefaction at time t given by t = to + T/4.
8. A circuit is set up as shown in the diagram.
At t = 0s switch S is closed. Readings of the potential difference across the
resistor are taken at regular intervals and the graph shown is obtained.
(a) Use the graph to estimate the time constant for this circuit.
(b) The initial current Io = 0.19mA. Calculate:
(i) the resistance of the resistor R in kΩ,
(ii) the capacitance of the capacitor C in µF.
Section B
Attempt TWO questions in this section. Each question carries 15marks. This section
carries 30% of the total mark of this paper.
9.(a) Describe an experiment that can be used to investigate the relationship between
the force applied and the resulting extension of a wire. In your description you are to
(i) a labelled diagram of the set up,
(ii) the procedure of the investigation,
(iii) the measurements that are to be taken,
(iv) a sketch of the resulting graph.
(b) The force-extension graph for a brass wire of length 3.44m and cross-sectional
area 1.3 x 10-7 m2 is shown below.
(i) For what range of extensions does this wire obey Hooke’s law?
(ii) Calculate the Young’s modulus for brass.
(iii) How much energy is stored in the wire when it has extended by 7.0mm?
10. The photograph shows an interference pattern obtained from an experiment set-up
used to show interference of light.
Central fringe
(a) Explain, using wave theory how the regions (i) D and (ii) C result.
(b) State the position that refers to a path difference of three wavelengths between
light from the two slits.
(c) Determine the fringe separation ‘y’ in metres if the distance from A to E is 3.2mm.
(d) If the slit separation is 0.5mm and the distance from the two slits to screen is 0.8m.
(i) Determine a value for the wavelength of light.
(ii) Describe the change in fringe pattern if the slit separation is increased. (2marks)
(e) If one of the slits is now covered, describe how the pattern on the screen changes.
11. (a) Define simple harmonic motion.
(b) Sketch graphs of displacement, velocity and acceleration against time for a massspring system performing simple harmonic motion. Comment on the value of the
velocity and acceleration when the displacement is (i) zero and (ii) maximum. State
also the direction of the acceleration in both cases.
(c) The diagram shows one piston of an internal combustion engine.
As the crankshaft rotates through 360°, the top
of the piston moves from L to T and back to L.
The distance LT is 8.6cm and the crankshaft
rotates at 6000 revolutions per minute.
(i)Calculate the frequency of oscillation f of
the piston.
(ii) State the amplitude of this oscillation.
(d) The oscillations of the piston are approximately simple harmonic. Calculate the
maximum acceleration of the piston.
(e) At which positions in the movement of the piston will this acceleration be zero?
Section C
Attempt TWO questions in this section. Each question carries 15marks. This section
carries 30% of the total mark of this paper.
12. (a) Derive an expression for the centripetal acceleration of a particle of mass m
moving with a constant speed v along a circular path of radius r.
(b) A pilot banks the wings of her aircraft so as to travel at a speed of 360kmhr-1 in a
horizontal circular path of radius 5km. Calculate:
(i) the angle which the aircraft wings make with the horizontal in order to follow this
circular path,
(ii) the lift of the aircraft if its mass is 300kg,
(iii) the size of the centripetal force.
13.(a) Explain in non-mathematical terms, what is meant by the term ‘moment of
inertia’ of a body.
(b) A flywheel has a moment of inertia of 12kgm2 about a horizontal axis through its
centre. There is a constant frictional torque of 15Nm that opposes the motion.
If an external torque is applied to increase the flywheel’s angular velocity from
0 rads-1 to 75 rads-1 in 10s, calculate
(i) the magnitude of the applied torque,
(ii) the angular momentum after 10s,
(iii) the rotational kinetic energy after this time.
(c) After 10s the external torque is removed. Calculate:
(i) the time taken for the flywheel to come to rest,
(ii) the angular velocity after 20 rotations of the flywheel.
14.(a) State what is meant by the term ‘linear momentum’ and state the condition
under which it is conserved.
(b) Two riders A and B of mass 1.0kg and 2.0kg respectively are at rest in contact
with each other on a horizontal frictionless linear air track. A compressed spring is
fixed between A and B. The spring is released so that A and B start to move in
opposite directions. The explosion gives rider A 0.80 J of kinetic energy.
(i) Calculate the velocities of A and B.
(ii)When rider A has travelled a certain distance to the left it has a rapid elastic
collision with the left end stop of the air track. Explain the meaning of the term
‘elastic collision’ and hence state the velocity of A following the collision. (3marks)
(iii)When B has travelled a distance of 0.50m along the track, it collides with and
sticks to a stationary rider C of mass 1.0kg. Calculate the speed of the joint rider BC
after collision and the kinetic energy loss as a result of the collision.