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IETE Journal of Research
Vol 49, No 2, March-April, 2003, pp
Encoding Sound Timbre in the Auditory System
Neural Systems Laboratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Institute for Systems Research,
University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD 20742
In a complex acoustic environment, several sound sources may simultaneously change
their loudness, location, timbre, and pitch. Yet humans like many other animals are able to
integrate effortlessly the multitude of cues arriving at their ears, and to derive coherent percepts
and judgments about the different attributes of each source. This facility to analyze an auditory
scene is conceptually based on a multi-stage process in which sound is first analyzed in terms
of a relatively few perceptually significant attributes (the alphabet of auditory perception),
followed by higher level integrative processes that organize and group the extracted attributes
according to specific context-sensitive rules (the syntax of auditory perception) [1]. The sound
received at the two ears is processed for attributes including source location, acoustic ambience,
and source attributes such as tone and pitch, timbre and intensity.
Decades of physiological and psychoacoustical studies [2,3] have revealed elegant
strategies at various stages of the mammalian auditory system for the representation of the
signal cues underlying auditory perception. This information has facilitated the development
of biophysical models, mathematical abstractions, and computational algorithms of the early
and central auditory stages with the aim of capturing the functionality, robustness, and enormous
versatility of the auditory system [4]. Numerous groups have implemented such algorithms in
software and hardware, and have evaluated them by comparing their performance to human
performance and against a range of robustness and flexibility requirements. Furthermore,
these auditory-inspired processing strategies have been utilized in a wide range of applications
including acoustic diagnostic monitoring systems for machines and manufacturing processes,
battlefield acoustic signal analysis, sound analysis and recognition systems, robust detection
and recognition of multiple interacting faults, and detection and recognition of underwater
transients and weak signals in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in acoustically-cluttered
environments [5,6].
We shall briefly review the auditory encoding of various sound attributes to illustrate
the above ideas. We shall specifically focus on the percept of sound timbre: what acoustic
cues are most intimately correlated with it? How are they represented at various stages of the
auditory pathway? And how the abstracted auditory signal processing algorithms and
representations can be applied to measure speech intelligibility to describe musical timbre and
to analyze complex auditory scenes ?
Indexing terms: xxxxxx
When sound arrives to the ears as pressure waves in air
or water, it causes the eardrum to vibrate. It in turn transmits
the vibrations to the cochlea of the inner ear via an attached
chain of three tiny bones situated in the middle ear. The
cochlea is the key hearing organ [3]. It’s an elongated fluid
filled cavity with elaborate sensory cells that are embedded
into exquisitely sensitive membranes that extend along its
entire length. The cochlea performs two fundamental
functions (Fig1). First, it converts the sound pressure wave
into a spatially ordered pattern of membrane vibrations.
Specifically, the mechanics of the cochlear membranes
Paper No 193-B; Copyright  2003 by the IETE.
gradually change their electro-mechanical properties along
its length in a manner that causes different places to vibrate
best (or be tuned) to different frequencies. Consequently,
sounds with very fast frequencies cause large membrane
vibrations near the entrance of the cochlea, whereas slow
frequencies drive best the end of the cochlea. In this way,
the cochlea effectively separates the different components
of the sound according to their frequency, sending them off
to different places and creating a frequency-organized axis
known as the tonotopic axis of the cochlea.
Each complex sound, therefore, creates a unique spatial
pattern of strong and weak vibrations along the tonotopic
axis that reflects the amplitudes of its different frequency
components – or its frequency spectrum. The second
Fig 1 A schematic model of the early stages in auditory processing. Cochlear Analysis: Sound enters the cochlea via the eardrum and
the middle ear, initiating travelling wave displacement patterns on the basilar membrane. Vibrations due to low frequencies
propagate and achieve their maximum amplitude further down the cochlea (red pattern) compared to high frequencies (green
pattern). This mapping of sound frequency components onto different places along the cochlea creates the tonotopically ordered
(spatial) axis of the auditory system. Basilar membrane vibrations are transduced into spatiotemporal responses on the auditorynerve by an array of hair cells distributed along the length of the cochlea. Auditory-Nerve Responses: The spatiotemporal
response patterns on the auditory nerve due a two-tone stimulus (300 and 600 Hz). The ordinate represents the tonotopic axis
(labeled by the CF at each location). The response at each CF represents the instantaneous probability of firing in the nerve fiber at
that CF. Note that each component in the stimulus initiates a localized travelling wave pattern that abruptly ends creating a
prominent discontinuity near the appropriate CF (marked by the arrow heads to the right of the panel). The stimulus responses
depicted here are at a low sound level such that it does not saturate the nerve responses. The response amplitudes are therefore
strongest near the CFs of the two tones, resulting in clear peaks in the average response curve (red plot to the right).
function of the cochlea is to transform these vibrations into
neural patterns on the auditory nerve to be later interpreted
by the brain. This is accomplished by more than 3000
specialized sensory cells (called the hair cells) distributed
along the cochlea. Hair cells possess channels that open and
close rapidly modulating electric current flow into them.
The currents initiate a cascade of electrochemical events
culminating in neural signals on the auditory nerve that
faithfully encode the phase (or are phase-locked to the
time-course) of the vibrations at each point up to fairly high
frequencies (4000 Hz in some mammals, and 9000 Hz in
some birds). Since stronger vibrations also lead to more
vigorous neural response, the auditory nerve in effect
encodes the spectrum of the sound both by the level and by
the phase-locked structure of the responses along the
tonotopic axis.
The first neural structure beyond the auditory nerve is
called the cochlear nucleus. It consists of several
anatomically elaborate subdivisions that receive parallel
direct projections from the nerve. Multiple pathways
emerge from the cochlear nucleus up through the midbrain
and thalamus to the auditory cortex, each passing through
different neural structures, repeatedly converging onto and
diverging from other pathways along the way. This
complexity reflects the rich and varied auditory percepts
extracted from the sound, the integration of these percepts
into a whole auditory sensation, and its final fusion with
vision and other sensory modalities and with motor actions.
While there is still much to be learned about exactly how all
these neural pathways and structures process sound, it is
nevertheless clear which signal cues the nervous system
must extract so as to give rise to a few important auditory
percepts that include loudness, pitch, timbre, and sound
The acoustic spectrum extracted early in the auditory
pathway at the cochlear nucleus, the first stage beyond the
auditory nerve. It is then projected to the auditory cortex
via a tonotopically organized pathway through the
midbrain and thalamus. Much is known about the
representation of the spectral profile in the early stages of
cochlear filtering, the auditory nerve, and some
subdivisions of the cochlear nucleus and the binaural
Superior Olivary Complex of nuclei. Beyond that, however,
the response properties and functional organization of the
Inferior Colliculus, Medial Geniculate Body, and the cortex
become more vague. As with other cortical sensory areas,
the auditory cortex is subdivided, with a primary auditory
field (AI) in the center, surrounded by a belt of secondary
areas that are distinguishable both anatomically and
physiologically [7]. The responses in AI have been
recorded and analyzed for a wide range of acoustic stimuli,
both natural and artificial, spectrally narrow and broad,
species specific and otherwise [8-13].
Insights into the temporal and spectral selectivity of AI
cells has been gained using a stimulus called ripples
[14,15], which are broadband sounds with a sinusoidally
modulated spectro-temporal envelope (Fig 2). In their
construction and use, they serve the same function of
regular sinusoids in measuring the transfer function of
linear filter, except that the cortical filters are spectrally and
temporally selective, ie, are two dimensional (and hence are
the test ripple stimuli). AI cells respond well to ripples, and
are usually selective to a narrow range of ripple parameters
that reflect details of their transfer functions. By compiling
a complete description of the responses of a unit to all ripple
densities and velocities it is possible to inverse Fourier
transform the transfer function and compute the SpectroTemporal Response Field (STRF) and hence characterize
both the cells’ spectral, as well as dynamic response
selectivity. Examples of STRFs recorded in AI are shown in
Fig 3. They exhibit a wide range of spectral bandwidths and
temporal dynamics, and hence provide indirect support to
the existence of different response maps mentioned earlier
stimuli [8,10]. It has also been shown that the shape of a
unit’s STRF remains unchanged whether it is measured
with one ripple at a time, or multiple ripples simultaneously,
e.g, using the reverse-correlation method [15]. It remains to
be seen, however, how this extensive variety of STRFs
arises, and the relationship between them and the
morphology and connectivity of different cell types in AI.
The computational auditory model that we have utilized
in our studies is one based on neurophysiological,
biophysical, and psychoacoustical findings at various
stages of the auditory system (see references [16-18] for a
detailed description). It consists of the following basic
stages (see Fig 4):
1. An early auditory stage which models the transformation of the acoustic signal into an internal neural representation referred to as an auditory spectrogram. This
stage provides all the input to the following stages of
cortical spectral analysis, pitch extraction, and binaural
2. A cortical multiscale analysis stage, which analyzes the
spectrogram to estimate the content of its spectro-temporal features, specifically its spectral and temporal
modulations, using a bank of modulation selective filters mimicking those described in the mammalian primary auditory cortex [19,20].
Fig 2 The ripple stimulus. (a) The “moving” ripple spectral profile. It consists of 100 tones per octave, equally spaced spanning 5
octaves, with a sinusoidal envelope that parametrized by peak density(Ω) in units of cycles/octave; and the constant velocity of
travel (ω) in Hz. The spectrogram of such a ripple is shown to the bottom emphasizing the dynamic nature of the sinusoidal and
broadband envelope of the spectrum. (b) Auditory Spectrogram of the sentence /come home right away/ spoken by a male. In
principle, it can be decomposed by a Fourier transform into a collection of spectro-temporal sinusoidal functions called ripples.
(c) Spectrograms of ripples with velocities ω = 4 to 12 Hz in two directions and ripple density Ω = 0.2–0.6 cycle/octave. Ripples
over a wider range are typically used to measure the transfer functions of a unit.
Fig 3 Examples of STRFs in AI of the awake ferret. Red (Blue)) color indicates regions of strongly excitatory (suppressed) responses.
The STRFs display a wide range of properties from temporally fast to slow, spectrally sharp to broad, with symmetric or
asymmetric inhibition, and direction-selectivity or not.
The early auditory stages
Computing the auditory spectrogram (such as that
shown in Fig 2b) consists of a sequence of three operations
mimicking the early stages of auditory processing:
A frequency analysis stage that consists of a bank of
bandpass filters equally spaced on a logarithmic frequency axis. The model employs 24 filters/octave over
a 5 octave range. Details of the filter shapes and bandwidth are available in [16,17].
(ii) Filter outputs are half-wave rectified, and then lowpass
filtered mimicking the action of the hair cells [21].
(iii) A first difference operation is applied across the channel array (mimicking the effect of a lateral inhibitory
network [21,22], followed by a half-wave rectifier and
Fig 4 Schematic of cortical multiscale decomposition. (a) Auditory spectrogram of a sound stimulus consisting of two groups of
unresolved harmonics. (b) Schematic of a bank of cortical STRFs as spectrotemporal modulation selective filters. The filters vary
their parameters along the scale and rate axes. The basic outline of one such a cortical filter is shown below. Not shown is the
distribution of the filters along the tonotopic axis. (c) the representation of the output activity from the three dimensional bank of
filters. Each spectrogram would generate a unique distribution pattern of activity along the three axes.
a short-term integrator.
A key component of the early auditory model is the
nonlinear compressive stage in the hair cell model. When
fully compressed, the cochlear filter outputs are turned into
square waves that essentially preserve only the zerocrossings of the response. We have demonstrated in an
earlier study [17,18] that these (1) zero-crossings are
sufficient to preserve all speech information, (2) that we can
reconstruct a very good quality version of the original
signal given these waveforms, and (3) that the resulting
spectrogram (as in Fig 5 ) is more enhanced and it displays
a 6 dB SNR enhancement relative to the input signal. This
significant advantage is added to the fact that the signal
representation becomes completely independent of the
overall level of the input signal, and hence no AGC stages
are needed anymore.
The cortical multiscale analysis stage
The findings of a wide variety of STRFs covering a
range of bandwidths, asymmetry, and CFs (Fig 3) suggests
that they may as a population perform a multiscale analysis
of their input spectral profile, as explained below [20].
Specifically, the cortical stage estimates the spectral and
temporal modulation content of the auditory spectrogram
by a bank of modulation selective filters. Each filter is
broadly tuned over a range of temporal modulation rates
(ω) and spectral resolutions or scales (Ω), and is centered at
a specific CF along the tonotopic axis as illustrated in Fig 4.
Consequently, a filter has a spectro-temporal impulse
response (STRF) similar to that shown in the enlarged panel
in Fig 4b. The filter output is computed by a convolution of
its STRF with the input auditory spectrogram, i.e, it
produces a modified spectrogram. Note that the spectral
and temporal cross-sections of an STRF are typical of a
Fig 5 The representation and extraction of stimulus periodicity of a harmonic complex. (a) The auditory spectra of two harmonic series
of a 125 Hz fundamental. The low order harmonics are well resolved along the tonotopic axis. These harmonics evoke a pitch
sensation at the fundamental frequency of the series (i.e, at 125 Hz). The high order harmonics (>8th harmonic or 1 kHz) are
unresolved and they instead evoke a pattern that “beats” at the difference frequency of 125 Hz. These harmonics evoke a weaker
pitch (called the “residue pitch”) at the beating frequency (i.e, 125 Hz in this case). (Left) The harmonic complex here contains all
40 harmonics and evokes a strong pitch at 125 Hz. (Right) The harmonic complex here lacks the lowest three harmonics (125,
250, 375 Hz); Nevertheless, it still evokes a strong pitch at the “missing fundamental” frequency of 125 Hz. (b) Two algorithms
for extracting periodicity pitch. (Left) Schematic illustrates an auto-correlogram implementation. It presumes the existence of
organized delay lines to compute the auto-correlation of the responses from each auditory nerve channel (or fiber) prior to
computing the pitch. (Right) Schematic illustrates a template matching algorithm. It is spatial (spectral) in character, and
presumes the existence of harmonic templates in the brain that are matched to incoming spectra so as to measure the pitch.
bandpass impulse response in having alternating excitatory
(positive) and inhibitory (negative) fields. Consequently,
the output is large only if the spectrogram modulations are
commensurate with the rate, scale, and direction of the
STRF, i.e, each filter will respond best to a narrow range of
spectro-temporal modulations. A map of the responses
across the filterbank, therefore, provides a unique
characterization of the spectrogram, one that is sensitive to
the spectral shape and dynamics over the entire stimulus.
The operations used to compute the overall model
outputs are as follows. For the early auditory stages
(Figs 1, 3b), the auditory spectrogram is computed through
a sequence of five stages representing the cochlear filter
(y1), hair cell (y2), lateral inhibition (y3 , y4), and final
spectrogram output (y5) :
y3 (t,x) = ∂x y2 (t, x) *x ν(x)
y1(t, x) =
s(t) *t h(t; x)
y4(t, x) = max (y3 (t, x), 0)
y2(t, x) = g(∂t y1) (t,x)) *t ω(t)
y5(t, x) = y4(t, x) *t µ(t; τ)
where, s(t) is the sound, h(t) is the cochlear filter impulse
response, and w(t), µ(t), υ(t) are various integration
windows. For the cortical output (Fig 6), the STRF is
denoted by:
!"# = g!"# (t; Rc , θc) . h!"# (x; Ωc , φc)
where g(.) and h(.) represent the temporal and spectral
impulse response dimensions of the STRF, each
parameterized by a center scale and rate, and their
respective phases:
h!"# (x; Ωc ,φc) = h(x; Ωc) cos φc + h (x; Ωc) sin φc
g!"# (t; Rc , θc) = g(t; Rc) cos θc + g(t; Rc ) sin θc
The final output r(.) is then computed from a
convolution of the STRF and the auditory spectrogram y(.),
r(t,x;Rc,θc,Ωc,θc = y(t,x) *xt [g!"# (t;Rc ,θc) . h!"# (x;Ωc ,φc)]
= y(t,x) *xt [g.h cos φc cos φc + g.Àh cos φc
sin φc+ g.h sin φc cos φc + g.Àh sin φc
sin φc]
which has a magnitude and phase. To display this output,
we usually collapse one axis resulting in a threedimensional output as illustrated in Fig 4c.
Finally the range of parameter values used in the model
is based on data from cortical physiology and human
psychoacoustics employing spectrally and temporally
modulated stimuli [20]. Specifically, we assume that
human subjects are primarily listening to scales of 0.25-8
cyc/oct, rates of 2-512 Hz, and frequencies up to 8 kHz. We
have already computed the overall sensitivity of the total
auditory model to spectral and temporal modulations and
compared them favorably to psychoacoustical data from
human subjects [20,23-24].
All stages of this model have been implemented in a
MATLAB environment, with a wide variety of
computational and graphical modules to allow the user the
flexibility of constructing any appropriate sequence of
operations. The package also contains demos and help files
for users, together with default parameter settings making it
easy learn for the new user. We have been making this
software available for download to many of our colleagues
in the auditory and speech processing community through
our website at / under
There are at least four basic attributes of sound: its
loudness, pitch, location and timbre. We summarize here
the first three percepts and their neural bases. Timbre is
addressed in more detail in the following sections.
Loudness is perhaps the most intuitive of the above
percepts. It is normally associated with increasing the
volume (amplitude or intensity) of the sound. But there is
another physical dimension that correlates strongly with
loudness and that is the range of frequencies that make up
the sound, or its bandwidth [2]. Loudness, therefore, can be
approximately viewed as mediated by the total volume of
neural activity on the auditory nerve, and hence increasing
the activity either by raising sound intensity or bandwidth
leads to a louder sound.
The sensation of pitch is also a readily understood
attribute of sound that is normally associated with musical
scales and melodies, or with the low and high voices of
males and females. Pitch strongly correlates with the
repetition rates or frequencies in a sound. However, unlike
loudness, the neural basis of pitch is a much more
contentious topic, largely because “pitch” is an imprecise
term that is ascribed to multiple sensations having distinct
origins, and most likely different neural mechanisms. For
example, the pitch of a pure tone is directly related to its
frequency, and is felt over a very broad range of
approximately 50 Hz to 20,000 Hz; from a neural
perspective, this percept is readily encoded by the location
of best tone-evoked response along the tonotopic axis. A
second example is so-called rattle-pitch, a relatively weak
sensation that is correlated with the modulation rate of the
amplitude of a noise or a tone. This pitch is typically heard
only up to a few hundred hertz (<400 Hz), and is likely
mediated by neural responses (on the auditory nerve and
beyond) that are explicitly phase-locked to the modulation
rate. The final and most salient sensation of pitch is that of
musical instruments and voices. This percept exists over a
Fig 6 Schematic of the STMIT computation. (a) The clean and noisy speech signals are given as inputs to the auditory model. Their
outputs are normalized by the base signals as explained in [50]. The right panel shows the cortical output of both clean and noisy
inputs. These cortical patterns are then used to compute the MTF and STMI. (b) Effect of White Noise and Reverberation on the
Global MTF. (TOP) The global (clean) MTF of the auditory model computed from all ripples, summarized by the rate-scale plot
(i.e, collapsing the frequency axis x). The bottom three rows of figures illustrate the progressive distortion of the global MTF
(rate-scale plot) with increasing levels of white noise, reverberation, and combined additive white noise and reverberation [50].
moderate range of frequencies (<4000 Hz), and is
exclusively associated with harmonic sounds composed of
frequencies that are integer multiples of a common
fundamental frequency (Fig 5). An interesting fact about
this pitch is that its value remains that of the fundamental
frequency even if the fundamental component in the sound
is missing (and hence the common description of this
percept as the “pitch of the missing fundamental”). That is,
the pitch value is derived from the harmonic relationship
between the components, and not simply from the
fundamental frequency per se. The neural basis of this
percept remains uncertain. One plausible theory proposes
that the brain stores (or learns) harmonic templates of all
pitch values, and the percept is derived according to which
templates match best the spectrum of the incoming sound
[25-28]. Another theory holds that the pitch is computed
directly from the incoming sound without resort to any
templates, and as such it does not explicitly distinguish
between this percept and the “rattle” pitch described earlier
[29-30]. Both these theories (and many other variations)
can account for most relevant psychoacoustical findings;
the major missing piece in the pitch puzzle remains the lack
of firm biological understanding of the mechanisms
underlying pitch processing in general.
Finally we consider the perception of sound location in
space, an auditory function that is critical for survival, as in
escaping predators, following prey, and finding mating
partners. Despite enormous variability in the nature of cues
and mechanisms involved in this task, there are some
principles common to most species. First is the use of
differences between the sound impinging on the two ears,
especially the differences in the time-of-arrival and in the
sound intensity [31-32]. Specifically, when a sound source
is centered in front of the head, it arrives to the two ears
simultaneously. If it moves to the right, the path to the right
(relative to the left) ear shortens, and hence the sound
arrives sooner to the right ear by a fraction of a thousandth
of a second, a detectable difference for many animals
(especially those with larger heads). An analogous disparity
in sound level occurs when a source is closer to one ear,
especially for high frequency sounds where the head
shadow is more effective. Most animals have evolved
neural mechanisms to detect, extract, and utilize these interaural differences to locate the sound source. For example,
there are specialized coincidence cells in all mammals and
birds that receive phase-locked inputs from the two ears,
and are tuned to detect a particular time-delay between
them. In barn owls, such cells are highly organized
topographically so as to create a best time-delay axis.
Another commonly found kind of cell is one tuned to detect
specific level differences between the two ears. The second
important localization principle concerns the use of special
spectral cues (from one or two ears) to locate the elevation
of a sound source or to characterize the acoustic
environment [33]. These spectral cues are usually
introduced by auxiliary structures such as the pinnea (the
external ear), shoulders, and nearby walls and floors. In the
case of the pinnea, its highly convoluted cavities function as
mini-resonators that absorb or amplify certain sound
frequencies depending on the direction of sound arrival.
This is highly useful because when a source is located on
the midline, the two paths to the ears are equal regardless of
source elevation, and hence the only way to localize it is
based on pinnea-originated spectral cues. In mammals,
there is some evidence that specialized neural pathways
have evolved as early as the cochlear nucleus to detect these
unique cues and process them in conjunction with the
binaural cues. Another useful function of certain spectral
cues is the information they convey about the reverberant
qualities of a room, and hence indirectly its size and
material structure. This issue is extremely important in the
architectural design of music halls and auditoriums, and in
the assessment of the quality of communication channels
and equipment.
Timbre is the most difficult of all sound attributes to
characterize uniquely and systematically the way we can do
that for pitch, loudness, and location [2]. The difficulty
stems from the broad nature of cues that affect this percept,
ranging from the spectral shape, its temporal modulations,
and onset dynamics. Therefore, the availability of a
quantitative descriptor of the auditory spectrum and its
dynamics as in multiscale cortical model outlined above
allows us to utilize timbre in a wide range of applications.
They include speech recognition (where timbre is the key
attribute of a speech token to be recognized), and musical
synthesize and analysis where the accurate characterization
of timbre is crucial for rendering the sound of a specific
The cortical multiscale decomposition along the
spectral dimension is in fact analogous to the well-known
cepstral representation [34] with two fundamental
distinctions: the cortical representation is local (rather than
global) and is complex (i.e, it includes the phase
information). Details of this and other connections between
the cortical representation and other commonly used ASR
features can be found in [19]. Along the temporal
dimension, the cortical analysis generates an analogous
decomposition into “rate” coefficients that are also local
and complex. In fact, the two dimensions are decomposed
simultaneously by the STRF described earlier reproducing
a complex output function with a magnitude and phase.
This representation can then be used as are the cepstral
coefficients in ASR systems, in voice recognition, or in the
assessment of speech intelligibility as we discuss next.
Quantitative assessment of speech intelligibility
The perception of speech is critically dependent on the
faithful representation of spectral and temporal
modulations in the auditory spectrogram [35-42].
Therefore, an intelligibility index which reflects the
integrity of these modulations can be effective regardless of
the source of the degradation.
Currently, The Articulation Index (AI) and Speech
Transmission Index (STI) are the most widely used
predictors of speech intelligibility [43-49], and have proven
to be extremely valuable in a wide range of applications
ranging from architectural designs to vocoder characterization [47-48]. However, both indices are based on specific
assumptions of the noise conditions underlying the loss of
intelligibility, and hence do not yield accurate results in
noisy conditions that involve nonlinear and spectrotemporally inseparable distortions such as phase-jitter [50].
In contrast, a Spectro-Temporal Modulation Index (STMI)
can be derived based on the cortical model that takes into
account both the spectral and temporal dimensions of the
speech signal explicitly. Unlike the AI and STI, it requires
no assumptions to be made about the speech signal or the
disruptive noise, and hence can in principle be applied in
any detrimental circumstance.
Psychoacoustic tests have been carried out to confirm
the correspondence between the STMI values and actual
intelligibility results from human subjects [50]. The STMI
is defined as the amount of changes in the multiscale
cortical output as distortions are applied to the sound
signal. Implied in such a definition is the existence of a
clean reference output that is relevant to the task (Fig 6a).
For instance, if the task is to characterize a channel (e.g, a
recording or transmission medium, a room, or a vocoder),
then one can measure how modulations of different spectral
scale and temporal rates are affected by noise,
reverberation, or other forms of interference during
transmission through the channel (Fig 6b). This is
equivalent to characterizing the channel by its
spectrotemporal modulation transfer function (MTF) under
the specific noise conditions, and noting how it differs from
the clean MTF of the model. Alternatively, the task may be
to measure the intelligibility of a noisy token of speech or
other complex sounds without reference to the specific
clean version of the token. In this case, one can still
compare the deterioration in the modulations of the test
signal to those expected from a similar (not identical) clean
sample (or template). Details of the mathematical
derivation of the STMI, and results of intelligibility tests
with a wide variety of distortions are available in [50].
Multiscale clustering of musical timbres
An example of the utility of the cortical representations
is in the non-supervised hierarchical clustering of musical
timbres according to their spectral similarities at each scale.
Such an algorithm is described in detail [51] and is depicted
schematically in Fig 7a. Two types of insights are gained
from this kind of analysis: (1) The clustering of the spectral
profiles at the same resolution is based on features that
“belong together”. This, together with the hierarchical
organization between features at different resolutions, is
potentially very useful in isolating new shape features that
may not be directly related to the source (e.g, the vocal tract
shape for speech). (2) It is also likely that applying the
clustering algorithm on spectral profiles from different
databases (e.g, speech, music, animal vocalizations, and
natural environmental sounds) will yield general principles
or types of features that underlie these classifications
regardless of the exact nature of the database.
To illustrate the nature of the results from such an
approach, we computed the multiscale representation of a
large number of spectral profiles of musical sounds from
Fig 7 Clustering of Musical instruments based on their multiscale spectral representation. (s) Schematic of the multiresolution TSVQ
algorithm by splitting cells based on different resolution data. (b) Example of results of TSVQ with sounds generated by a
variety of musical instruments.
several instruments playing arbitrary notes. Then, at each
resolution, this signal space is partitioned into different
clusters or cells (or collection of data vectors) which are
determined by repeated application of the Linde-BuzoGray (LBG) algorithm [51]. The algorithm is first applied
to the coarsest resolution of the data vectors, which results
in relatively few clusters or classes which correspond to
types of instruments or modes of resonance (Fig 7b).
However, it is the clustering performed next at the finer
resolution which yields the newest insights. Specifically,
each cluster (or equivalence class of coarse representations)
is split next with another round of repeated applications of
the LBG algorithm, as illustrated in Fig 7a. Thus, a treestructure emerges at which each new layer corresponds
exactly to partitions based on the next finer resolution data.
Rules and criteria for performing this partitioning have
already been developed in detail, and have been applied in a
variety of engineering tasks such as the analysis of ship
radar-returns [51].
Auditory Scene Analysis
The grouping and segregation of different sound
streams are key ingredients in our ability to detect and
follow one speaker in the presence of numerous interfering
voices, or in the organization of a complex auditory scene
containing many competing sound sources. It is known that
several cues play a critical role in this process [1]. For
instance, we tend to group together all harmonics of a
common fundamental on the correct assumption that
natural sounds tend to be harmonic [52-53]. Another
important cue is the synchronicity of the onsets of all
components belonging to one voice, and to a lesser extent
their common offsets [1]. Another set of well known
grouping principles concerns the tendency of human
listeners to stream together a sequence of tones as they
become temporally and spectrally closer to each other [1].
A final useful perceptual ability of the auditory system is
the so-called “Continuity Illusion” in which a temporally
briefly interrupted speech signal is perceived as continuous
if the gap is filled with relatively loud white noise [54].
Can we explain (and hence exploit) these auditory
abilities using the multiscale cortical model, or are these
heuristic rules due to more complex cognitive phenomena.
The multiscale cortical model might potentially yield its
biggest reward in providing a deeper understanding of
streaming phenomena of sound sequences into different
rhythms and tracks. There is now accumulating evidence
that spectral proximity and overlap among the sound
elements is only one among many factors that govern this
perceptual process. Others include the dynamics, the speed
of the sequence, and the pitch of its elements. Perhaps the
most efficient way to characterize all these factors is to
view them as influencing the “perceptual distance”
between the sequence notes. To the extent that the cortical
model takes into account all spectral and temporal cues in
its representation of sound timbre, it can be used to predict
the relevant perceptual distances and hence whether
streaming is likely to occur, and under what conditions it
can be manipulated.
Specifically, we predict that the degree to which two
sounds stream into different tracks is directly proportional
to the distance between their cortical representation – or
more loosely speaking, their timbre differences, and that
pitch differences per se may only play an indirect role
through the inevitable spectral differences they cause. That
is why it is readily possible to stream two different
complexes at the same pitch. Finally, extending this
approach to speech signals, it is possible to have these
streaming rules and cues integrated into algorithms that can
“stream” multi-talker speech into separate streams based on
voice timbres, pitch, and de-synchronized onsets and
offsets. Besides their obvious applications in the design of
robust speech recognition systems, these algorithms may
shed light on closely related questions such as: Why does
speech comprehension suffer much more from competing
speech than from white noise? And why does it
dramatically recover when the competing speech is
separated from the target speech along different perceptual
dimensions such as pitch and spatial location? [55].
Apart from the four basic percepts discussed here, there
are other auditory attributes and tasks in the animal world
that we have not touched upon, and that are as important to
these animals as the perception of sound timbre, pitch, and
location to us. These include the ultrasonic echolocation in
bats and dolphins that enable them to locate prey and avoid
obstacles in cluttered environments, the infrasonic (very
low frequency) communication signals among many
terrestrial animals such as elephants, and the unique
auditory adaptations of many animals that help them deal
with the limitations of their small size (insects) or their
aquatic environments (fish). Finally, we have not
considered the key questions of how the auditory system
assembles all these disparate percepts into an integrated
whole that identifies the sound source as an entity amidst
the clutter of other simultaneous sound sources in the
environment. And, how do auditory percepts become
integrated with visual, motor, and other neural processes of
attention and memory so as to give rise to the typical active
auditory behaviors that we normally associate with this
amazing modality. Answers to these and countless other
auditory mysteries are the promise of future exciting
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Shihab Shamma received his BS
degree in 1976 from Imperial
College, in London, UK He received
his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical
Engineering from Stanford University
in 1977 and 1980, respectively. Prof
Shamma received his MA in Slavic
Languages and Literature in 1980
from the same institution. Dr
Shamma has been a member of the University of Maryland
faculty since 1984. He has been associated with the
Systems Research Center since its inception in 1985, and
received a joint appointment in 1990. Prof Shamma also
holds a joint appointment with the University of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. Prof Shamma has
also worked at the National Institutes of Health and Stanford
University. Prof. Shamma’s research interests include
biological aspects of speech analysis and neural signal
processing and has a number of publications to his credit.