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Information provided is intended to inform clients of expected procedures and outcomes. However, not all patients or
procedures are the same, and information may not be applicable to all procedures. Dr Thanakom reserves the right to
vary the way that a procedure is performed or which technique is used.
Neck Lift is also known platysmaplasty, cervicoplasty or lower rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure
which removes localized fat deposits under the chin, corrects muscle laxity, or tightens sagging skin
under the chin. This procedure is often performed in conjunction with liposuction, a facelift, or a cheek
lift but may also be done as a stand-alone procedure.
When to Consider a Neck Lift:
Turkey wattle that makes you look much older than your age
Excess fatty deposits under the chin and neck
Muscle banding in the neck, which created abnormal contours
If you have lost the distinct jawline of your youth and want to restore it
Excess skin under the chin and neck area that has lost elasticity
Preparation for your operation
The procedure can be done under general anesthesia. If you will have this surgery under general
anesthesia, you will be instructed to have no food at least 8 hours prior to this any surgery, this
includes any sweet like chewing gum. If there is no fasting instructions given, you must not consume
any food or drink from midnight before your scheduled surgery. Clients who do not comply with this
requirement risk having their surgery delayed or risk being denied surgery.
DO NOT take any Aspirin and NSAIDS drugs for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery. (Aspirin may be re
commenced after 48hrs post op.) If you take Aspirin or any other form of blood thinning medication
for a medical condition, please discuss this with Dr. Thanakom.
Smoking must be stopped at least 3-4 weeks. If you cannot quit, cut back as much as possible. Smoking
constrict the blood vessels, which can delay wound healing. While drinking alcohol must be stopped at
least a day or two prior to surgery.
The procedure usually takes 1-2 hours and you are required to stay in hospital overnight.
Do not wear contact lenses, makeup, nail polish, jewelry, including any body piercings, hair accessories
containing metal (such as barrettes or clips with metal springs, etc.) on the day of your surgery.
[email protected]
Information provided is intended to inform clients of expected procedures and outcomes. However, not all patients or
procedures are the same, and information may not be applicable to all procedures. Dr Thanakom reserves the right to
vary the way that a procedure is performed or which technique is used.
The Procedure
Step 1 – Anesthesia:
Medications are administered. The choices intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.
Step 2 – Incision:
An incision can be made behind the ear or alternatively in front of and behind the ear, similar to a
facelift incision. In this technique, excess neck skin is removed through the incision made behind the
Step 3 – Excess Tissue, Fat and Skin Removal:
The platysma muscle is tightened and sewn together (corset platysmaplasty) similar to the way
shoelaces are cinched. Excess skin and fat are carefully trimmed away. Tissue and skin are
repositioned and secured with sutures.
Step 4 – Closing the incisions:
Incisions are closed and drains may be placed before the wounds are bandaged.
After neck lift surgery you will experience some bruising and swelling, which should usually diminish
within 14 days. You may also experience feelings of burning, tightness, pulling and numbness. This is
normal in the first few weeks and should resolve naturally.
Dr Thanakom may also recommend you to wear a medical compression bandage to help reduce
postoperative swelling. This is usually worn night and day for at least five to seven days and then only
at night for a longer period of time. It’s important to follow instructions to ensure proper recovery.
Recovery from a neck lift takes time, and it’s important that you’re patient with the process. Most
people can return to work in seven to 14 days. If you participate in sports or are physically active, you
will have to wait at least three weeks to resume those activities. The recovery period will be longer for
patients who combine neck lift surgery with other procedures, such as face lift or brow lift.
Oral pain medications and an antibiotic will be administered to reduce pain and fight infection. Severe
pain or abnormal symptoms should be reported to the doctor immediately.
[email protected]
Information provided is intended to inform clients of expected procedures and outcomes. However, not all patients or
procedures are the same, and information may not be applicable to all procedures. Dr Thanakom reserves the right to
vary the way that a procedure is performed or which technique is used.
What results can I expect?
The results of a neck lift procedure are visible almost immediately. Your final results may take several
months for all subtle swelling to subside. Overall results are generally long lasting.
Is a neck lift safe?
All surgical procedures carry some risk. Possible complications from a neck lift include:
Swelling and bruising that can last for several days
Tightness or tingling and different sensations including burning or pulling
Numbness on the skin, which is normal in the first few weeks following surgery
Risk of infection (At the first sign of a fever or unusual discharge from the incision site, contact
your doctor)
Allergic reaction to medications given during or after your surgery (very rare).
Will there be scarring?
Scarring is a downside of neck lift surgery. However, Dr Thanakom will make every attempt to limit the
size of the incision, and placement of the incision will be as discreet as possible, so the resulting scars
won’t be obvious.
What neck lift surgery won't do?
As a restorative surgery, a neck lift does not change your fundamental appearance and cannot stop the
aging process.
When will the stitches be removed?
Your stitches will probably remain in place for seven to 12 days, depending on how you are healing and
Dr Thanakom’s preference.
Can’t liposuction help slim down my neck?
Liposuction can definitely remove excess fat deposits in the neck, but liposuction alone can’t address
loose or excess tissue and skin.
[email protected]