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Supplementary Information 1. Search strings used to collect data of new antimalarial drug targets (Data collected from Derwent
Innovation Index)
Drug Targets
DNA Replication
Fatty Acid Synthesis
Search String
Topic=(“cdk inhibitor”) Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR protoz*)
Topic=(“ Cyclin dependent kinase’’) Refined by: Topic=(malaria or protoz*)
Topic=(“Pfmrk”) or (“PK5) or (“PK6)
Topic= (“DNA Replication”) Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR protoz*)
Topic=(ciprofloxacin) AND Topic=(malaria or protoz*)
Topic=("RNA polymerase") AND Topic=(malaria OR protoz*)
Topic=("RNA polymerase inAhibi*") AND Topic=(malaria OR protoz*)
Topic=(rifampin) OR Topic=(rifampicin) Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR protoz*)
Topic=(streptolydigin OR microcin OR myxopyronin) AND Topic=(malaria OR
Topic=(Fatty acid synthesis) AND Topic=(malaria)
Topic=(FabI OR enoyl-ACP reductase) AND Topic=(malaria)
Topic=(FabI OR enoyl-ACP reductase) AND Topic=(plasmodium OR malaria OR
Isoprenoid biosynthesis
Folate pathway
Salvage pathway
Shikimate pathway
Mitochondrial targets
Food Vacuoles
Topic=(FabI OR enoyl-ACP reductase) AND Title=(plasmodium OR malaria OR
Topic=(DOXP) AND Topic=(malaria)
Topic=(dihydrofolate reductase)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(dihydropteroate synthase)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Refined by: Topic=(dihydrofolate reductase) AND Topic=(malaria OR
Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Refined by: Topic=(dihydrofolate reductase) AND Topic=(malaria OR
Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=('lactate dehydrogenase inhibitor)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=('Purine nucleoside phosphorylase') OR Topic=(pnp)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(Hypoxanthine guanine) OR Topic=(HGXPT)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(Shikimate pathway)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(ubiquinol cytochrome oxidoreductase)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=('plasmepsin protease')
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
2. Search strings used to collect data of existing anti malaria drugs (Data collected from Derwent
Innovation Index)
Search Strings
Topic=(Artemisinins) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=(Artemisinins) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=(New AND Artemisinins) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Lumefantrine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Lumefantrine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Amodiaquine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Amodiaquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Piperaquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Piperaquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Pyronaridine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Pyronaridine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Mefloquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Mefloquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Quinine OR Quinidine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Quinine OR Quinidine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Atovaquone) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Atovaquone) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Chloroquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Chloroquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Pyrimethamine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Pyrimethamine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=( Primaquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Title=( Primaquine) Refined by: Topic=(malaria
OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
3. Search strings used to collect data of antimalarial vaccines (Data collected from Derwent
Innovation Index)
Search Strings
Pre-erythrocytic vaccines
Topic=(‘pre-erthrocytic vaccines’) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(‘pre-erthrocytic’ AND vaccines) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(Sporozoite AND Liver Stage) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa) Refined
by: Topic=( pre-erthrocytic AND vaccine)
Anti cytoadhesion and Placental malaria vaccine
Blood stage vaccine
Sexual stage vaccine
Topic=(EMP AND vaccine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(VAR2CSA AND vaccine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(PAM AND vaccine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(Pregnancy associated malaria AND vaccine)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR
Topic=(merozoite surface protein AND vaccine)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR
Topic=( apical membrane protein AND vaccine)
Refined by: Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR
Topic=(‘Blood stage’ AND vaccine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
Topic=(‘Sexual stage’ AND vaccine) Refined by:
Topic=(malaria OR Plasmodium OR protozoa)
4. Search string used to collect data for quantitative analysis (Data collected from Derwent Innovation
Title=( malaria* OR plasmod* OR anopheles) Title/Abstract/Claims=( treat* OR drug* OR vaccin* OR adjuvant*
OR excipient OR diagnos* OR antimalarial* OR chemotherapeutic*)
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