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Plate Tectonics Unit Project
You will be answering the question “how is density involved in the creation of
landforms?” Depending on your learning style based on the Sternberg self-assessment,
you will either answer this question in the form of a Venn Diagram, concept map or
personal narrative. All students will be graded using the same rubric. You will have two
days in class to complete this project. If time permits, at the end of the second class,
students will share their pieces of work with one person from each of the other two
*Please use the rubric to guide you in your task!*
Curriculum Standards:
5.4.6.D.1: Lithospheric plates consisting of continents and ocean floors move in response to movements in the mantle. 5.4.8.D.2: Major geological events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building, result from the motion of plates. Sea floor spreading, revealed in mapping of the Mid­Atlantic Ridge, and subduction zones are evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. 5.2.6.C.3: The transfer of thermal energy by conduction, convection, and radiation can produce large­scale events such as those seen in weather. Learning Objectives:
a. Explain and compare the three types of plate boundaries
b. Describe the forces that are thought to move the plates
c. Explain the process of subduction at deep-ocean trenches.
Analytical: Consider the question: How is density involved in the creation of landforms? Given the question, create a Venn Diagram comparing the role that density plays in the creation of three landforms (2 from convergent, 1 from divergent). Upon filling in your Venn Diagram, determine if density plays a more significant role in creating one of these landforms and star it. Each section of the Venn Diagram must include at least 3 differences and at least 1 similarity. Differences and similarities must be written in complete sentences. Make certain to use vocabulary that we have been discussing in the plate tectonics unit. Practical:
Consider the question: How is density involved in the creation of landforms? Given the question, create a concept map that shows the different ways that density is involved in the formation of land features. Concept maps must include evidence supporting how density impacts the creation of three landforms (2 for convergent, 1 for divergent). Each piece of evidence needs to include 3 reasons supporting your placement. Make sure to include vocabulary that we have been discussing in the plate tectonics unit. Creative:
Consider the question: How is density involved in the creation of landforms? Given the question, write a personal narrative from the perspective of one of the landforms. The personal narrative should include evidence supporting how density impacts the creation of this landform. The piece should include 3 reasons why this landform is affected by density. Additionally, compare the role density has in creating this landform to the role it plays in forming two other landforms. Two of the landforms should be created at convergent boundaries and one should be created at a divergent boundary. Make sure to include vocabulary we have been using in this plate tectonics unit.