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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
Институт Государства и Права
Кафедра иностранных языков и МПК ЭПН
Е.Л. Яркова
Издательство Тюменского Государственного Университета
УДК 811.111 (075.8)
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Е.Л. Яркова. Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере
Дидактические материалы для самостоятельной работы студентов
Издательство Тюменского государственного университета, 2013. 40 с.
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расширения словарного запаса в профессиональном общении и
процессе преподавания делового английского языка.
Комплекс включает научно-популярные экономические тексты,
коммуникативной компетенции
Рекомендовано к изданию кафедрой иностранных языков и МПК
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РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ: Т.В.Хвесько, доктор филологических наук, профессор
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© Тюменский государственный университет, 2013.
© Е.Л. Яркова, 2013
Unit 1 Talking about Key Concepts of Microeconomics ......................... 4
Test 1 .............................................................................................................. 7
Unit 2 Basic Terms of Macroeconomics ................................................ 10
Test 2 ............................................................................................................ 15
Unit 3 First Insights into Economic Theories ......................................... 19
Test 3 ............................................................................................................ 23
Unit 4 Talking about Careers in Economics .......................................... 27
Answer Keys………………………………………………………………………37
Literature ...................................................................................................... 40
3 Unit 1.
Talking about Key Concepts of Microeconomics
Before You Read
1. Look at the word: micro + economics, what does it mean, in your opinion?
2. Below there is a list of some of the terms and terminological expressions
you will come across in the following text. See if you understand them.
Consult a dictionary: http// to help you, check with the key.
Key Vocabulary
1. patterns of consumers
11. effect on pricing.
2. spending habits
12. to establish prices
3. production decisions
13. identifying the impact
4. supply and demand
14. inefficiency in the market
5. market indicators
15. the market imbalance
6. households
16. prioritizing resources
7. responding to markets
17. buying decision
8. to offer insight into
18. market competition
9. the value of a particular product determine the demand
10. entity
20. assessment
Reading and Comprehension
Read and translate the following text, remember the bolded words and
expressions, answer the question:
What is the Role of Microeconomics?
Microeconomics has a role in society as well as in the economy of a
region. This field of study allows economists to determine not only the
patterns of consumers, businesses, and other organizations that are
spending money but also the factors that are affecting spending habits and
production decisions. Microeconomics involves studying the concepts and
ideas that establish supply and demand in a particular market and the way
that consumers and businesses like prioritize their spending.
4 Essentially, the role of microeconomics is to determine how, when
combined, small economic components are affecting the broader economy.
Instead of looking at market indicators that represent a wide field of data,
however, this type of study considers how individuals, households, or
specific markets are responding to markets. Although this economic
approach does not necessarily reveal or determine economic conditions,
the process offers insight into the way that consumers and businesses like
decide the value of a particular product or service. This is expressed in the
amount of resources that either the consumer or business dedicates to an
Rather than tallying the way that consumers as a whole are
responding to a particular product, for instance, microeconomics begins
with the study of the extent of demand stemming from one single consumer.
Once this demand has been determined, this study continues and expands
to include a greater number of individuals in the assessment. Economists
also study businesses to learn how these entities respond to different types
of consumer demand and the ultimate effect on pricing.
A major role of microeconomics is to recognize the way that prices for
goods and services are established in a given market. The process involves
identifying the impact that supply and demand have on the way that items
are produced. When there is a disconnect
between the amount of supply
and the interest stemming from buyers, there is an inefficiency in the
market. The application of microeconomics should ultimately reveal where
and how the market imbalance occurred.
Also, the role of microeconomics reveals the way that buyers prioritize
resources. This is because even when consumers possess an interest in
buying particular service or product, these individuals are typically limited in
the amount of resources available to them. Subsequently, the strategies
involved with microeconomics could reveal the way that consumers prioritize
resources and also offer insight on the way that individual buying
decisions affect market competition.
5 Written by Geri Terzo
Vocabulary Expansion
1. Make phrases by matching words from the left-hand column with words
from the right-hand column. For e.g. spending habit
2. Make the following words have a negative meaning by adding a prefix.
Balance, connect, like, efficiency, available, interesting
3. Match the words and expressions on the left with the words of the same
meaning on the right.
To affect
to set up
to have an effect on
To react
To establish
to respond to
Language Focus: Modal Verbs (Should)
Review the grammar rules:
Необходимость в виду какого-то
Kevin should invest his money. Кевину
субъективного мнения, совет
следует инвестировать свои деньги.
Предположение с оттенком
You should be running out of stock. У
Вас, наверное, заканчиваются запас.
Упрек, сожаление
He shouldn’t have exceeded the speed
limit. Не стоило ему превышать
6 Do the following test and check your answers with the key.
Test 1
Choose the correct answer.
1. Which word completes the sentence:
The bill should have … by now
a. Arrive
b. Arrived
c. To arrive
2. Which sentence is correct?
a. I shouldn’t shouted at him.
b. I shouldn’t have shouted at him.
c. I shouldn’t to shouted at him.
3. Which word completes the sentence?
The traffic was really bad. We … left home during rush hour.
a. shouldn’t have
b. should have
c. should
4. Which sentence has a similar meaning?
I went to the supermarket on Saturday morning. It was very busy and I regret
it now.
a. I should go to the supermarket on a Saturday morning.
b. I should have gone to the supermarket on a Saturday morning.
c. I shouldn’t have gone to the supermarket on a Saturday morning.
5. Which sentence means
I didn’t tell John about the meeting. I regret it now.
a. I shouldn’t have told John about the meeting.
b. I should tell John about the meeting.
c. I should have told John about the meeting.конструкция-ought-to-и-should-have-done-в-английском 7 Supplementary Reading: Case
Study the case, analyze the situation of microeconomic failure and answer
the following questions:
1. What problems did GM have in late 2008?
2. What contributed to the company’s bankruptcy in 2009?
3. What decisions should GM management have taken to avoid its failure?
Microeconomics in Action
In order to best understand how microeconomics applies to the real
world, we'll go over the case of a car maker, General Motors. Once, General
Motors was among America's most profitable companies and a colossus of
the automobile industry.
Microeconomic Failure
By 2008, GM had fallen on hard times, the victim of a slumping U.S.
and global economy and a series of microeconomic decisions that turned out
to be wrong. Trouble at the microeconomic level began for General Motors
several years before its problems worsened in late 2008. As Japanese
automaker Toyota began steadily eating into GM's market share, GM did not
meet its competition head-on.
Toyota made a cheaper car with better gas mileage that was of better
overall quality, and was engineered for greater durability than its chief
competitor, GM. Consumers naturally gravitated away from GM to Toyota and
demand for the once-popular GM automobiles declined slowly and continually
as Toyota and other Japanese cars won an ever-increasing share of the
automobile market.
Bad Decision-Making
Although the general economy may also be responsible to some degree
for GM's fall, which eventually led to its bankruptcy in 2009, several GM
management decisions at the microeconomic level contributed to the
First, prior to its bankruptcy, GM was selling eight different brands of
cars – Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Pontiac, Saab and Saturn.
8 The number of units manufactured for each of these brands represented too
much output, a situation in which the marginal revenue is less than the
marginal costs.
Second, as gasoline prices rose, spurred by rising oil prices, GM
continued to build gas-guzzling SUVs and pick-up trucks, and failed to
produce cars that kept pace with the high mileage-per-gallon vehicles
produced by Toyota and other Japanese manufacturers. Despite the obvious
decline in demand for automobiles that were not fuel-efficient, GM persisted
in marketing them, reflecting a microeconomic decision of management that
seemed to disregard data on consumer preferences.
Finally, in response to high consumer demand for fuel-efficient or
alternative-energy vehicles, GM began developing hybrid vehicles, but only
long after its competitors had brought them to the market.
GM's problems staggering debt and the costs of honoring contracts to
provide pensions to its retirees and handsome health benefits and other
costly benefits to its union-represented employees only contributed to its
Too many microeconomic decisions at GM have apparently proved
unsuccessful. The result was a bankruptcy filing for a firm that once made
huge profits and reigned supreme over its industry.
Vocabulary Notes.
To fall on hard times – выпадать на период экономического кризиса
To compete head – on – вести конкуренцию во всеоружии
Output – общее количество произведенной продукции
Marginal revenue/marginal costs – предельная выручка/предельновысокая себестоимость
To keep pace with the demand – удовлетворять спрос в достаточном
To honor a contract – выполнять контракт
To reign supreme – превалировать, не иметь конкурентов
9 Over to You
1. Read and translate the following article in “The Economist” journal How an
Economist Says "I love you"
2. Analyze all graphs considering economic terminology,comment on them.,, 3. Draw your own graph and describe it using the following expressions:
This graph shows you…
A curve depicts …
If you look at this, you will see…
I'd like you to look at this…
This chart illustrates the figures…
This graph reflects…
For example: figure 2
A curve depicts all maximum output possibilities for two or more goods
given a set of inputs (resources, labor, etc.). The PPF assumes that all inputs
are used efficiently
Related References: graphs;
10 Unit 2.
Basic Terms of Macroeconomics
Before You Read.
Answer the following questions:
1. Do you know what Macroeconomics is?
2. How is it different from Microeconomics?
3. Match the following words and phrases with the definitions and translate
them into Russian, check your answers with the key.
Key Vocabulary
1.Interest rate
a. a stable situation in which forces
cancel one another
2 Equilibrium
b. the total supply of goods and
services that firms in a national
economy plan on selling during a
specific time period.
3. Aggregate supply
c. the rate at which interest is paid
by a borrower for the use of money
that they borrow from a lender.
4. Consumer household
d. a custom to buy, something that a
consumer is used to doing;
habitude; settled practice
5. Consumer spending habit
e. home, domestic establishment of
6. A financial forecaster
f. a person who performs financial
analysis for external or internal
clients as a core part of the job.
7. Consumer buying habit
g. a person, who makes financial
forecasts (future events)
8. A financial analyst
h. a custom to spend, something
that a consumer is used to doing;
habitude; settled practice
11 Reading and Comprehension
Read the text, remember the bolded expressions and answer the questions:
1. What are similarities and differences between Microeconomics and
2. Why do we need to consider Microeconomics and Macroeconomics together?
What is the Difference Between Microeconomics and
There are a number of differences between microeconomics and
macroeconomics, though in general these differences come down to the
scope involved with each aspect of economics. Microeconomics is concerned
with individual businesses and consumers, including considerations for
consumer buying habits with relation to a particular individual or one
business. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, looks at the economy on a
larger scale and considers the financial activities of an entire country, or
microeconomics and macroeconomics often involve understanding concepts
such as supply and demand, these concepts are considered at vastly
different scales.
Both microeconomics and macroeconomics are aspects of economics
in general, and they are typically discussed together by financial analysts
and financial forecasters. While there are differences between each, most
effective managers and business leaders consider both when trying to
understand the economy. The most basic difference between these two
aspects of economics is their scale. Microeconomics deals with individual
consumers or businesses and the supply and demand involved with each
party; macroeconomics involves an understanding of larger economic
systems and how national economies change and develop over time.
One of the biggest differences
macroeconomics is how equilibrium is determined and evaluated for the
economy. Equilibrium in microeconomics typically comes about when supply
and demand for one particular company are even. In macroeconomics, on the
12 other hand, this equilibrium can only be achieved if the aggregate supply
and demand among all businesses and consumer households is even.
Microeconomics and macroeconomics are also quite different in how supply
and demand are viewed and considered. The focus in microeconomics is on
supply and demand for a single product or at most the products offered by
one company, while macroeconomics deals with aggregate supply and
demand for an entire country or worldwide economy.
Most economists recognize the importance of analyzing and
understanding both of these aspects of the economy. While they can be
considered as different and separate components of the economy, they are
also interconnected. Changes to the national economy in a country often
impact individual businesses and households, such as increased interest
rates that change consumer spending habits and alter resource costs for
companies. It is often easiest to consider microeconomics and
macroeconomics together as the way in which changes in one system affect
the other: in microeconomics these changes come from the bottom up, while
in macroeconomics the changes occur from the top down.
written by G. Wiesen, edited by Heather Bailey
Vocabulary Expansion
1. Match the following words in column A with their synonyms in column B
1. aggregate
a. prediction
2. affect
b. scope
3. entire
c. influence
4. alter
d. total
5. forecast
e. whole
6. scale
f. divisible by two
7. even
g. change
13 2. Add a word or a collocation to make an expression we use in Economics
For e.g. to determine an equilibrium
a) to determine …
d) to impact …
b) to evaluate …
e) to view …
c) to consider …
f) to analyze …
3. Use the expressions made in the previous exercise to complete the
following sentences:
It is vital ….; it is important …; it is necessary …; it is compulsory …; it
significant …; it is easy
4. Think of an appropriate preposition to be used with the expressions:
a) demand …; b) .… general; c) to be concerned …; d) consideration …;
e) to deal … ; f) differences …
Language Focus: Compare and Contrast Structures
Review the grammar rules:
Both как…так и
Both Abu Dhabi and Ajman are on the coast.
Each каждый
Each emirate has its own healthcare system.
Neither никакой
Neither emirate has a river.
Neither …nor…
Neither Abu Dhabi nor Ajman has high mountains
Ни тот, ни другой
….but…. но
Oranges are sweet but lemons are bitter.
Europeans eat potatoes whereas Asians eat rice.
тогда как
In contrast to
Most Italians are Catholics, in contrast to Thais who are
в отличие от
14 Comparative
Adj + er than
Abu Dhabi is bigger than Ajman.
больше чем
New York is much bigger than Bani
Much adj + er than
намного больше чем
Much more adj than
A Landcruiser is much more
намного более мощный чем
powerful than a Smartcar.
not as …….as не такой … как
Al Ain is not as humid as Abu Dhabi.
Other Words for indicating Contrast:
unlike, different from, yet, however, nevertheless, on the one hand, on the
other hand, although, even though, while
Other Words for indicating Comparison:
like, just like, be similar to, be the same as, and...too, similarly, likewise, in the
same way, just as, have in common, as well as
Do the following test and check your answers with the key.
Test 2
1. Which word completes the sentence?
The car went as fast … a bullet.
a. as
b. than
c. like
2. Which word goes in the space?
You look different … your father.
a. unlike
b. as
c. from
3. What’s the best way to complete the sentence?
I’m not … my brother.
a. more hard-working as
15 b. as hard-working as
c. hard-working as
4. Which word can go in the space?
Our house is … as big as Robert’s house.
a. just
b. exactly
c. slightly
5. Finish the sentence.
He doesn’t cook as well as I ….
a. do cook
b. do
c. –
6. Which sentence has a different meaning?
A. Susan isn’t quite as tall as Karen.
b. Karen is almost as tall as Susan
c. Susan is nearly the same height as Karen.
7. Which word can go in the space?
Our house isn’t … as big as Jason’s.
a. just
b. slightly
c. nearly
8. Which sentence has a different meaning?
a. Tony and I are almost exactly the same weight.
b. Tony isn’t half as overweight as I am.
c. I’m just a bit heavier than Tony.
9. Which word can go in the space?
These two books are … different.
a. nearly
b. slightly
c. almost
16 Supplementary Reading: The Latest Macroeconomic News
Read and translate the following text, consider the vocabulary notes
Russia`s gross domestic product growth has dipped to 1.4 per cent
in the first six months of 2013. This is three times less than the figure for
June-January 2012 which stood at 4.5 per cent. However, GDP rose by 1.8
percent year-on-year in July, Deputy Economy Minister Andrei Klepach said
on Tuesday, up from 1.5 percent in June. The Bank of Russia has published
a report about a week ago saying GDP growth will not exceed 2 per cent this
year. Natalya Volchkova, Policy Director at the Center for Economic and
Financial Research, says the GDP decline is driven by substantial drop in
investments. “On one hand, state sector cannot support the previous volume
of investments because of cuts in budget spending brought by slow down
of oil price increase. On another hand, business climate for private investors
is not getting better and for some segments of business, it is worsening,”
Volchkova told The BRICS Post. The slowing growth rate has raised
concerns about a possible recession in the Russian economy, but officials in
Moscow assert the economy is "stagnant", but not in a recession. “There is
no recession. And will not be. Stagnation is probably an appropriate term.
There are low growth rates, and these are institutional, structural and
macroeconomic factors. This is what we will be tackling for a long time,”
Alexei Ulyukayev, Russia’s Minister of Economic Development said in an
interview with Kommersant daily earlier this month. The minister claims that
the state is burdened by massive social spending that is much higher in
Russia compared to other middle income countries. “On one hand, we have
huge pension system burden. On the other – expenses on tariff policy have
significantly increased – gas supply expenses, goods transportation
expenses, railroad expenses, network expenses, energy supply expenses.
Finally, we have a very bad income to GDP growth ratio,” Ulyukaev said.
Despite the dip in the recent figures, many see this indicator as healthy. “But
at the same time, this year`s growth, which we expect to hit only 1.7%, can be
easily called healthy: it is not supported either by fiscal expansion (growth in
17 federal government spending will likely decline from 18% in 2012 to just 3%
this year), nor by monetary easing (money market rates are at the highest
level since crisis times while lending growth has peaked in mid of 2012 and
since then decelerating),” writes Maxim Oreshkin, Chief Economist for Russia
at VTB Capital, adding that when Russia`s Central Bank starts loosening
monetary policy, analysts expect a “powerful recovery, as there is clearly a
cyclical factor in the recent slowdown.”
Vocabulary Notes
1. gross domestic product growth – рост ВВП
2. cuts in budget spending – сокращение бюджетных расходов
3. a recession/ stagnation – спад, кризис/ застой
4. expenses on tariff policy – расходы на тарифную политику
5. monetary easing – монетарное стимулирование
Over to You
1.Examine the main macroeconomic indicators of Russia and the UK, make a
presentation comparing their present day economic situation. 2. Play a role of the University professor, prepare for the lecture on
Macroeconomics, try to explain the differences between Microeconomics
Macroeconomics in the most comprehensive interesting way. Use
additional resources and make a power point presentation.
Related References:
18 Unit 3.
First Insights into Economic Theories
Before You Read
Answer the questions:
1. What is an economic theory? What’s their value?
2. What economic theories do you know?
3. Below there is a list of some of the terms and terminological expressions
you will come across in
the following text. See if you understand them.
Consult a dictionary: http// to help you, check with the key.
Key Vocabulary
1. economic concept
9. government intervention
2. scientific backing
10. personal property
3. a stated hypothesis
11. command economies
4. government spending
12. redistribution of wealth
5. to make laws
13. targeted government spending
6. tax collections
14. job creation
7. to set a policy
15. to guide a monetary policy
8. to favor a free market system
16. to ensure an equal status
Reading and Comprehension
Read the text, remember the bolded expressions and answer the following
1. What is economic theory?
2. Why do national governments have an interest in economic theory?
3. What are the key points of a classical economic theory?
4. What are the main ideas behind socialism and communism theories?
5. What does Keynesian economic theory dictate?
6. Why is economic methodology important?
7. What does “homo economicus” theory imply?
8. What theory do market economies most often ascribe to?
19 What is economic theory?
Economic theory is a broad concept for the explanation and
understanding of the movement of goods in a market. Theoretical economic
concepts typically have scientific backing or studies to prove or disprove a
stated hypothesis. National governments also have an interest in economic
theory. Politicians rely on studies of government spending, tax collections,
money supply, and consumer spending data to make laws or set policy.
Different economic theories exist that focus on different aspects of
government policy regarding economics.
Classical economic theory tends to favor a free market system. Under
this theory, little government intervention is necessary to help support a
society. Classical economists believe that individuals allowed to act in their
own self-interests will present a strong group of consumers. Terms like
capitalism and supply side economics also describe this theory. The
protection of personal property through courts of law is often a major
component of free market economic theory.
Another classic economic theory is command economies driven by
national governments. Terms associated with these economies include
socialism and communism. The main ideas behind these theories are that
governments control the majority of economic resources. Governments
allocate resources, give jobs to certain classes or people, and regulate the
economy through heavy taxation. The redistribution of wealth attempts to
ensure an equal status for all individuals living under the government’s
A more modern economic theory is Keynesian economics. This theory
is a slight combination between the two previous theories. Keynesian theory
dictates that targeted government spending and intervention into a national
economy helps keep goods moving when free markets become inefficient.
Government spending controls do not often exist under Keynesian economics
as governments may not have spending limits. Another inherent issue is the
20 inability to control employment, as government spending does not always
result in job creation.
While other economic theories exist, these are often the main ones a
government uses to guide its fiscal and monetary policy. Economists often
spend copious time collecting data and reviewing financial information to help
provide information for making decisions. These studies and informationgathering sessions represent the science that backs up economic theory.
Economic methodology is also important; methodology dictates the best way
to collect data and make it useful for economic decision making.
Typically, economic theory uses a model individual to describe actions taken
by people in economic environments. The theory — known as homo
economicus — describes humans as rational and self-interested people who
make judgments about their lives. Through this theory, economists attempt
to determine how individuals will react to certain economic situations. Free
market economies most often ascribe to this theory.
Written by Osmand Vitez, edited by PJP Schroeder,,
Vocabulary Expansion
1. Complete the chart
Noun 1
Noun 2
2. Add suffixes to make the following words have a negative meaning
Efficient, ability, prove, employment, economical, interesting
21 3. Complete the following collocations with an appropriate preposition
according to the text.
a) movement … goods
f) … this theory
b) to have an interest … economic g) associated … these economies
c) to rely … studies
h) the main idea … the theory
d) to regulate … taxation
i) to make judgments … lives
e) react … situations
j) to ascribe … theory
Language focus: Infinitive/ Infinitive Constructions
Review the grammar rules:
Сложное дополнение (Complex object)
Это сочетание местоимения в объективном падеже или
существительного в общем падеже с инфинитивом.
Местоимение в
падеже или
в общем падеже
to be wrong
знали, что
был не прав
Сложное подлежащее (Complex subject)
Включает в себя сочетание подлежащего и инфинитива в сложной
глагольной форме.
Существительное или
Глагол, обычно в
пассивном залоге
were thought
to be dishonest
22 Инфинитив
1 После модальных глаголов You must do it at once. Вы должны это
must, can (could), may (might) сделать немедленно.
и need
2 После глаголов to make
заставлять, to let
заставил меня прочитать эту книгу.
разрешать, а иногда также
I let him go there. Я разрешил ему
после to help помогать
пойти туда.
(особенно часто в США)
Help me (to) do it. Помогите мне
сделать это.
Когда глаголы,
Не was made to do it. Его заставили
перечисленные в п. 2 и 3,
это сделать.
употреблены в
Не was seen to leave the house. Видели,
страдательном залоге,
как он вышел из дома.
следующий за ним
инфинитив употребляется с
частицей to
4 После выражений had better You had better got here at once. Вам бы
лучше бы, would rather, would лучше пойти туда немедленно.
sooner предпочел бы
I would rather not tell them about it. Я
предпочел бы не говорить им об
Do the following test and check your answers with the key
Test 3
Choose the correct answer.
1.Teddy’s words made me … uncomfortable.
a. to feel
b. feeling
23 c. feel
2. Mrs. Pottson allowed her guests … in the living room.
a. to smoke
b. smoking
c. smoke
3. Has the secretary come yet? I want to have my papers …
a. to type
b. type
c. typed
4. Our English teacher told us … shy and speak English as much as possible.
a. not to feel
b. not feel
c. felt
5. Mary would like her brother … Tom’s company.
a. to avoid
b. avoid
c. avoided
6. We expected the Harrisons … later than usual.
a. to arrive
b. arrive
c. arrived
7. What makes you … such rash actions?
a. do
b. to do
c. doing
8. He is likely … on Sunday.
a. came
b. coming
c. to come
9. He is thought … now.
a. to study
24 b. to be studying
c. to have been studied
10. He is sure … a liar. Everybody heard him … that in so many words.
a. to be/to say
b. be /say
c. to be/say
d. be/to say
Language Practice
1. Translate the 4th paragraph of the text from English into Russian
2. Choose the most appropriate form of the word in brackets and complete
the following sentences:
1. Economists should (develop/developing/to develop) economic theories to
2. Economic theories make us (to understand/ understand/understanding) …
3. Keynesian economics helps us (to get/ getting/ get) an insight into … .
4. We don’t want him (to make/ making, make) judgments about… .
5. You’d better (learning/ to learn/ learn) more about … .
6. He’d rather (study/ to study/ studying) how to … .
Over to You
Read more about economic theories and watch related video on, focus on one to get a deeper insight into, prepare to make a
presentation about it.
Related References:
25 Supplementary Reading: Game Theory
What It Is:
Game theory is a tool used to analyze strategic behavior by taking into
account how participants expect others to behave. Game theory is used to
find the optimal outcome from a set of choices by analyzing the costs and
benefits to each independent party as they compete with each other.
How It Works/Example:
Game theory explores the possible outcomes of a situation in which two
or more competing parties look for the course of action that best benefits
them. No variables are left to chance, so each possible outcome is derived
Game theory is best exemplified by a classic hypothetical situation called the
Prisoners' Dilemma. In this scenario, two people are arrested for stealing a
The case is air-tight, but the police have reason to suspect that the two
prisoners are also responsible for a recent string of high-profile bank
robberies. Each prisoner is placed in a separate cell. Each is told he is
suspected of being a bank robber and questioned separately regarding the
The prisoners are told that a) if they both confess to the robberies, they'll
each serve 3 years for the robberies and the car theft, and b) if only one
confesses to the robbery and the other does not, the one who confesses will
be rewarded with a 1 year sentence while the other will be punished with a 10
year sentence.
In the game, the prisoners have only two possible actions: confess to
the bank robbery, or deny having participated in the bank robbery.
Since there are two players, each with two different strategies, there are four
outcomes that are possible (follow the reference, study the scheme)
The best option for both prisoners is to deny committing the
robberies and face 2 years in prison for the car theft. But because neither
can be guaranteed that the other won't confess, the most likely outcome is
26 that both prisoners will hedge their bets and confess to the robberies -effectively taking the 10 year sentence off the table and replacing it with the 3
year sentence.
Why It Matters:
Economists use game theory to understand the behavior of firms in an
oligopoly (think OPEC and other cartels) -- specifically in regards to price
fixing, price wars, collusion, etc. Game theory gives economists a way to
predict outcomes when firms engage in these kinds of behavior
Vocabulary Notes
1. optimal outcome – наилучший результат
2. the costs and benefits – издержки и экономический эффект
3. competing parties – конкурирующие стороны
4. high-profile bank – солидный, крупный банк
5. to deny committing the robberies – отрицать совершение грабежей
6. to hedge one’s bets – подстраховать себя
Text Assignments
1. Read and translate the passage of the text, printed in italics.
2. Divide the text into the parts according to the ideas given in it.
3. Choose the suitable headline for each part.
4. Write out key words and word combinations and give their Russian
5. Render the text in Russian / English using the following expressions:
1) The text is headlined … - текст озаглавлен …
2) The aim of the text is to give the readers some information on …- целью
текста является информировать читателей о …
3) The text describes … - в тексте описывается…
4) The author points out/ stresses… - тор подчеркивает, акцентирует…
5) The author comes to the conclusion that … - автор приходит к выводу…
27 Unit 4.
Talking about Careers in Economics
Before You Read
Answer the questions:
1. Where would you like to work after graduating from the University?
2. What career are you planning to make in future?
3. Below there is a list of some of the terms and terminological expressions
you will come across in the following text. See if you understand them.
Consult a dictionary: http// to help you, check with the key.
Key Vocabulary
1. to monitor trends
11. to distribute resources
2. to develop forecasts
12. to conduct research
3. to obtain data
13. to collect data
4. to present concepts
14. to perform economic analysis
5. to specialize in a particular area
15. to examine the market
6. to handle the competition
16. to investigate the area
7. to forecast trends
17. to apply techniques
8. to explain reasons
18. to formulate models
9. to assess conditions
19. to provide the risk assessment
10. to administer surveys
20. to work under pressure of
Read the text, remember the bolded expressions, answer the questions:
1. What do economists study?
2. What are the main responsibilities of economists?
3. What do monetary economists deal with?
4. What are international economists involved in?
5. What are demographic economists concerned with?
6. What do Econometricians investigate?
7. Whom do Government economists consult?
8. Is it easy to work as an economist?
28 Economist: Career Overview
Economists study how society distributes resources, such as land,
labor, raw materials, and machinery, to produce goods and services. They
conduct research, collect and analyze data, monitor economic trends,
and develop forecasts on a wide variety of issues, including energy costs,
inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, business cycles, taxes, and
employment levels, among others.
Economists develop methods for obtaining the data they need. For
example, sampling techniques may be used to conduct a survey, and various
mathematical modeling techniques may be used to develop forecasts.
Preparing reports, including tables and charts, on research results also is an
important part of an economist's job, as is presenting economic and
statistical concepts in a clear and meaningful way for those who do not have
a background in economics. Some economists also perform economic
analysis for the media.
Many economists specialize in a particular area of economics,
although general knowledge of basic economic principles is essential.
Microeconomists study the supply and demand decisions of individuals and
firms, such as how profits can be maximized and the quantity of a good or
service that consumers will demand at a certain price. Industrial economists
and organizational economists study the market structure of particular
industries in terms of the number of competitors within those industries and
examine the market decisions of competitive firms and monopolies. These
economists also may be concerned with antitrust policy and its impact on
market structure. Macroeconomists study historical trends in the whole
economy and forecast future trends in areas such as unemployment, inflation,
economic growth, productivity, and investment. Monetary economists and
macroeconomists. These workers study the money and banking system and
the effects of changing interest rates. International economists study global
29 financial markets, currencies and exchange rates, and the effects of various
trade policies such as tariffs. Labor economists and demographic
economists study the supply and demand for labor and the determination of
wages. These economists also try to explain the reasons for unemployment
and the effects of changing demographic trends, such as an aging population
and increasing immigration, on labor markets. Public finance economists
are involved primarily in studying the role of the government in the economy
and the effects of tax cuts, budget deficits, and welfare policies.
mathematical techniques such as calculus, game theory, and regression
analysis to their research. With these techniques, they formulate economic
models that help explain economic relationships that can be used to develop
forecasts about business cycles, the effects of a specific rate of inflation on
the economy, the effects of tax legislation on unemployment levels, and other
economic phenomena.
Many economists apply these areas of economics to health, education,
agriculture, urban and regional economics, law, history, energy, the
environment, and other issues. Economists working for corporations are
involved primarily in microeconomic issues, such as forecasting consumer
demand and sales of the firm's products. Some analyze their competitors'
market share and advise their company on how to handle the competition.
Others monitor legislation passed by Congress, such as environmental and
worker safety regulations, and assess how new laws will affect the
corporation. Corporations with many international branches or subsidiaries
might employ economists to monitor the economic situations in countries
where they do business or to provide a risk assessment of a country into
which the company is considering expanding.
Economists working in economic consulting or research firms
sometimes perform the same tasks as economists working for corporations.
However, economists in consulting firms also perform much of the
macroeconomic analysis and forecasting conducted in the United States.
30 Their analyses and forecasts are frequently published in newspapers and
journal articles.
Another large employer of economists is government. Economists in the
Federal Government administer most of the surveys and collect the majority
of the economic data about the United States. For example, economists in
the U.S. Department of Commerce collect and analyze data on the
production, distribution, and consumption of commodities produced in the
United States, and economists employed by the U.S. Department of Labor
collect and analyze data on the domestic economy, including data on prices,
wages, employment, productivity, and safety and health.
Economists who work for government agencies also assess economic
conditions in the United States and abroad to estimate the effects of specific
changes in legislation and public policy. Government economists advise
policy makers in areas such as the deregulation of industries, the effects of
changes to Social Security, the effects of tax cuts on the budget deficit, and
the effectiveness of imposing tariffs on imported goods. An economist
working in State or local government might analyze data on the growth of
school-age or prison populations and on employment and unemployment
rates to project future spending needs.
Work environment. Economists have structured work schedules. They
often work alone, writing reports, preparing statistical charts, and using
computers, but they also may be an integral part of a research team. Many
work under pressure of deadlines and tight schedules, which may require
overtime. Their routine may be interrupted by special requests for data and by
the need to attend meetings or conferences. Some travel may be necessary.
Text Assignments
1. Divide the text into the parts according to the ideas given in it.
2. Choose the suitable headline for each part.
3. Write out key words and word combinations and give their Russian
4. Render the text in Russian/ English
31 Vocabulary Expansion
1. Match these words to make word partnerships from the article
1. to monitor
a. meetings
2. to develop
b. reasons
3. to present
c. forecasts
4. to perform
d. concepts
5. to explain
e. trends
6. to administer
f. economic condition
7. to assess
g. economic analysis
8. to attend
h. surveys
2. Use an appropriate preposition to make a collocation according to the text.
Translate the expressions from English into Russian
1. to develop a forecast … a variety of issues
2. to develop methods … obtaining data
3. to present a statistical concept …a clear way
4. a background … economics
5. to apply mathematical techniques … the research
6. the effect of tax legislation … unemployment levels
7. to impose tariffs … imported goods
8. legislation passed … congress
3. Match the following words in column A with their synonyms in column B
1. to assess
a. to look into
2. to examine
b. to estimate
3. to forecast
c. to interpret
4. to analyze
d. to foresee
5. to study manage
6. to administer
f. to research
7. to advise participate
8. to attend
h. to consult
32 4. Complete the chart
Noun 1
Noun 2
Over to You
1. Do some research concerning your career opportunities in the field of
Economics, think about your future place of work, collect useful data.
2. Share the results of the survey with your group-mates, expand the list of
your future career opportunities
3. Study the following career profile and answer the questions:
1. Why did Sarah Voon decide to major in Economics?
2. Why did she choose to take further studies?
3. What courses did Sarah particularly enjoy?
4. Where did she use to work after graduating from the University?
5. Where does she work now?
6. What job-related skills has she developed working in different spheres of
7. What did she appreciate while studying at the University?
8. What did she take advantage of at the University?
9. What experience was invaluable for Sarah?
10. What is the importance of post graduate study?
33 Supplementary Reading: Career Profile - Sarah Voon, Statistical Analyst
I enjoyed economics at high school and for this reason I decided to
in it at Victoria University, beginning my studies in 2002. I took a
range of papers as I went through the process of working out what I really
wanted to do, and I found economics to be a strong complementary subject.
Studying economics gave me an insight into one way of understanding
human behaviour, solving problems, and making decisions. I liked the
analytical nature of the discipline and the emphasis on problem solving. I
especially enjoyed the courses in public economics, which combined the
theory of economics with public sector decision-making in a real-world way.
Because of this I chose to take my study further, and completed my Honours
in Public Policy. My economics background gave me a good foundation to
work from, and I valued being able to combine this with papers from other
disciplines too.
At the end of my Honours’ year I joined Statistics New Zealand on the
Graduate Leadership Development Programme. During my time here so far I
have been able to apply my economics background to all my job rotations.
Working in National Accounts gave me an insight into the compilation and
analysis of GDP and provided me with an opportunity to see economic theory
directly in action. My rotation in Environment Statistics was a great way to see
how economic and accounting frameworks have been applied in an
increasingly important context. I currently work in Population Statistics and
although it might seem a far cry from economics, I have used the skills I
learnt in economics and other disciplines, to analyze numerical information,
solve problems and present results in a meaningful way.
While at university I appreciated the flexibility of being able to change
majors easily. This allowed me to try out different subjects and provided
balance. I also took advantage of the numerous career-related services
available at university, including employer seminars, Victoria Career Hub, and
the annual careers fair. Postgraduate study was invaluable, not only for the
focused, in-depth nature of the courses but for employment prospects too. In
34 an increasingly competitive job market, postgraduate study could be what
sets you apart.
Analyze career paths of Sarah Voon ,think of your professional career and
draw up an imaginary profile of your future professional development
Language Focus: Future Tenses, Expressing Probability
Review the grammar rules:
Способы выражения действий в будущем
Future Simple
1. обещание, предложение
I’ll give you a lift to work
I think it will rain tomorrow
I’ll call him right now.
2. предсказание
3. мгновенное решение
Future Continuous
1. процесс в будущем
2. запланированное
Future Perfect
Future Perfect
Present Simple
завершенное действие в
продолженное действие,
завершится к какому-то
моменту в
1. действие согласно
2. в придаточных условия
и времени
We’ll be having dinner from
5 to 7.
I’ll be going to the football
match tomorrow.
We’ll have done it by 6.
I will have been studying
English for 2 years by
this time next year.
The train arrives at 7.
If it rains we’ll stay home.
When he comes I’ll tell him
We are leaving for Moscow
to be going to
1. намерения
I am going to become an
He is very weak, he isn’t
going to win
He is to marry her.
2. предсказания
to be to
нечто неизбежное
35 Expressing Possibility and Probability
to be likely to
to be about to
скорее всего
He is likely to pass his exam
The film is about to begin.
is possible
sure to
bound to
We may be able to help you
“Do you think he will
resign?" "Yes, that's
He is sure to win the
They are bound to succeed
Language Practice
1. Do the following tests on-line:,,,
2. Use expressions from the supplementary reading text and your ideas to
complete the following sentences. Show the degree of probability for your
future professional developments: I have many dreams concerning …. When
I graduate from the University, I will …;I am planning to …; it is highly unlikely,
that I will …; I will possibly …; I am willing to …;I definitely won’t …; I will
probably …; perhaps I will …; I am sure, I will …;I am likely to be involved into
…; I hope, I will get …;I want to improve …;I am going to continue …; I
expect, I …;I might …;if I get a MBA degree, I will …; I am likely to … ;I am
unlikely to ….
3. Watch related video
4. Read additional articles:
5. Make a presentation about your future professional career.
36 Answer Keys
Unit 1. Talking about Key Concepts of Microeconomics
Key Vocabulary
1.структуры потребителей
11.влияние на ценообразование
2. покупательские привычки
12. установить цены
3. производственные решения
13. определить воздействие
4. спрос и предложение
14. неэффективность рынка
5. показатели рынка
15. дисбаланс рынка
6. домашние хозяйства
16. приоритетное использование
7. реагировать на рынок
17. решение о покупке
8. разобраться
18.конкуренция на рынке
9. значение конкретного продукта
19.определить спрос
10. юридическое лицо, организация,
20. оценка
Vocabulary Expansion
1. spending habit, ultimate effect, single consumer, particular product, economic approach,
consumer demand
2. imbalance, disconnect, dislike, inefficiency, unavailable, uninteresting
3. to affect – to have an effect on; conditions – terms; consumer – customer;
evaluation –assessment, to react – to respond to; to establish – to set up
Language Focus Test 1:
1. b, 2. B, 3. A, 4.c, 5. C,
Unit 2.
Basic Terms of Macroeconomics
Key Vocabulary
1-c,процентная ставка; 2–a,равновесие платежного баланса, 3-b, совокупное
предложение товаров и услуг; 4-e, домашнее хозяйство потребителя; 5-h, характер
потребительских расходов; 6–g, эксперт, осуществляющий финансовый прогноз; 7-d,
покупательская привычка потребителя;8–f, финансовый аналитик
Vocabulary Expansion
1.1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – e, 4 – g, 5 – a, 6 – b,7 – f
2.a) to determine an equilibrium, b) to evaluate an aggregate supply, c) to consider
consumer buying habits, d) to impact supply and demand, e) to view interest rates
f) to analyze trends
37 3. It is vital to analyze how equilibrium is determined for the economy to understand the
difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics
It is important to evaluate an aggregate supply.
It is necessary to consider consumer buying habits.
It is compulsory to analyze trends.
It is significant to view interest rates.
It is easy to impact supply and demand.
4. a) for, b) in, c) with, d) for, e) with, f) between
Language Focus Test 2: 1. a, 2.c, 3.b, 4.a, 5.b, 6.b, 7.c, 8.b, 9. B
Unit 3.
First Insights into Economic Theories
Key Vocabulary
1.экономическое понятие
9.вмешательство правительства
2. научная поддержка
10.личная собственность
3.утвержденная гипотеза
11.командная экономика
4.расходы правительства
12.перераспределение богатства
5.издавать законы
13.целевые государственные расходы
6.налоговые сборы
14..создание рабочих мест
7.устанавливать политику
15.вести денежную политику
свободно- 16.обеспечить равный статус
рыночной системы
Vocabulary Expansion 1.
Noun 1
Noun 2
2. efficient, inability, disprove, unemployment, uneconomical, uninteresting
3. a) of, b) in, c) on, d) through, e) to, f) under, g)with, h)behind, i) about, j) to
Language Focus Test 3: 1- c, 2- a, 3-c, 4- a, 5-a,6- a,7- a, 8- c, 9-b, 10- c
Language Practice: 1.develop, 2.understand, 3. get, 4. make, 5. learn,
38 Unit 4.
Talking about Careers in Economics
Key Vocabulary
1.отслеживать тенденции
11. распределять ресурсы
2. разрабатывать прогнозы
12. проводить исследование
3. получать данные
13. собирать данные
4. представлять концепции
14. выполнять экономический анализ
5. специализироваться в опред. области 15. изучать рынок
6. справляться с конкуренцией
16. исследовать область
7. прогнозировать тенденции
17. применять методы
8. объяснять причины
18. формулировать модели
9. оценивать условия
19. проводить оценку риска
10. проводить опрос
20. работать под давлением сроков
Vocabulary Expansion
1.1- e, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – g, 5 – b, 6- h, 7 – f, 8 – a
2. 1 – on, 2 – for, 3 – in, 4 – in, 5 – to, 6 – on, 7 – on, 8 – by
3. 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – c, 5 – f, 6 – e, 7 – h, 8 – g
Noun 1
Noun 2
Language Practice:
I have many dreams concerning my future professional career. I am planning to take a
range of economics, business, accountancy and political science courses. I expect, I will
get much knowledge in Economics. When I graduate from the University, I will take a
postgraduate course abroad. I hope, I will complete my PhD. If I get an MBA degree, I will
manage to get a promotion at work. I am likely to get a competitive job. I am unlikely to
leave Russia. I am willing to open a book shop. I am sure, I will apply my economics
background to all my job rotations. I am likely to be involved into solving problems, and
making decisions. I want to improve analytical and quantitative skills. I might work as a
tutor and lecturer at Tyumen State University. I definitely won’t miss my opportunities.
39 Literature
1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И Английский язык для экономистов: – Изд. 10-е, доп.
и перераб. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008. – 413 с
2. Дюканова Н. М. Английский язык для экономистов: Учеб. пособие. М.: ИНФРА – М,
2009. – 320 с.
3. Раицкая Л., Кокрейн С. Guide to Economics: Учеб. пособие. MacMillan Publishers,
2007 - 134 с.
Халилова Л.А. English for Students of Economics / Английский для студентов-
экономистов: Учеб. пособие. – М.: Форум, 2012. – 382 с.
Useful Resources
Economic Terminology
Well-known Economists
2. Reading Materials
1. Unit 1
English for Special Purposes
3. test
Russian Economy
The UK Economy
40 Елена Леонидовна Яркова
Учебно–методический комплекс:
Дидактические материалы для самостоятельной работы
студентов экономических специальностей и направлений ФЭИ
Подписано в печать __________ Тираж _______ экз.
Объем __________ п.л. Формат 60х84/16. Заказ № _______
Издательство Тюменского государственного университета
625003, г. Тюмень, ул. Семакова, 10