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By Christa Way
This term refers to any symptoms relating to
inflammation of the joints that may cause localised
pain, stiffness, swelling and reduced mobility.
Body Balance needs to form the foundation. All
nutrients are needed in balance to aid in repairing
tissues and cartilage. A rich source of minerals is
needed for good skeletal health, and this is the best we
have found. Silica is a mineral that is often deficient in
these conditions, and Body Balance is a good source of
this important mineral. Silica supplies the body with
silicon, which is important for the formation of apatite
crystal, the primary constituent of bone. Boron is a
trace mineral also found to be deficient in people with
arthritic conditions. Boron is a trace mineral required
for healthy bones and uptake of calcium. It also reduces
inflammatory enzymes. Copper strengthens connective
tissue and is used in bone formation. These and dozens
of other essential nutrients are present in Body Balance.
Deficiencies of calcium and magnesium have also
been linked to arthritic conditions. OsteoProCare is a
wonderful product to be taking on a daily basis, as it
contains highly bio-available form of calcium called
calcium orotate. It contains the exact ratio of
magnesium, as well as Vitamin D and a host of other
minerals to assist in the full absorption and utilization
of the calcium. In addition, it contains glucosamine
and chondroitin, which are important nutritional
supports for strengthening joints, ligaments, tendons,
bones and synovial (joint) fluid. All ingredients in
OsteoProCare are needed to prevent bone loss. Other
considerations are EFA’s such as flaxseed oil, olive
oil or fish oil. These essential fatty acids are used by
the body to increase production and activity of antiinflammatory prostaglandins—helps to control
arthritis pain and inflammation. OsteOmegaCare and
TrueGreens both contain EFA’s.
TrueGreens contains a truckload of nutrients that
would be very beneficial. For example, bromelain is
an enzyme that aids in the digestion of fats and is a
wonderful anti-inflammatory that helps to stimulate
the production of prostaglandins that cause inflamemation. Grapeseed extract improves joint flexibility,
repairs connective tissue by reducing prostaglandins,
and inhibits histamine release responsible for tissue
damage. Concentrated greens contain all sorts of vital
nutrients essential for bone formation as well as reducing acidity at the cellular level, hence improving
uptake of important minerals into the cells. The high
concentration of antioxidants promotes cardiovascular
function and circulatory function, and much more.
FlexeoPlus is another great addition. One of the main
ingredients, MSM, is a sulphur compound needed for
reducing inflammation and for joint and tissue repair.
It also contains extra glucosamine, and ipriflavone.
Ipriflavone has been shown in clinical studies to
catalyse the body’s production of osteoblast cells,
which are the cells that build new bone in the body. It
has simultaneously been shown to inhibit the
production of osteoclast cells, which are the cells that
break down bone. Vitamin K helps to deposit minerals
into the bone matrix. FlexeoPlus can also be used
topically for stiffness and pain.
Amino acids also play a vital role. They are needed
for tissue repair and are a major component of bone
tissue. There are specific amino acids that play a
major role in the healing of a disorder such as arthritis.
L-Cysteine is a detoxifier that is essential for immune
function. It is a source of sulphur and a component of
collagenous tissue. L-Histidine aids in building joints
and connective tissue. AminoCharge is a food source
of all the essential bio-available amino acids.
A Colon Cleanse will help the body to get rid of built
up toxic matter that is inhibiting proper immune
Other Recommendations:
Avoid the nightshade vegetables (peppers, eggplant,
tomatoes, and potatoes). These foods contain a
substance called solanine. Solanine interferes with
enzymes in the muscles, and may cause pain and
Reduce the amount of fat in your diet, including red
meat and dairy products. Avoid caffeine, citrus fruits,
sugar and everything containing sugar, paprika,
alcohol and tobacco.
If you have access to fresh ripe pineapple, eat as much
as you can. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple that is excellent for reducing inflammation.
Canning or freezing destroys bromelain—the
pineapple has to be fresh.
Green leafy vegetables contain Vitamin K, so eat as
many FRESH vegetables as possible, as well as fresh
non-acidic fruits. Cherries have been shown to contain
compounds that help relieve pain and inflammation.
These statements have not been evaluated by the
FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.