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By ,
Sam Pitts
The universe is so big I bet you
cant even THINK how big it is.
There is billions and billions of
stars and planets and so on…
First we are going to start on
our own little tiny dot in the
universe, our solar system.
The Sun
The sun is what all of the planets orbit
around. The sun is a HUGE ball of fire
and gas. It is what keeps us from
freezing to death. If you didn’t know, the
sun is actually way smaller than other
suns or stars. The sun actually gets
bigger over the millions of years and
when it gets too big it will swallow up the
whole earth!!
Here is a pic of the earth
compared to the sun ->
Mercury is the smallest planet In the
solar system after Pluto was announced
a dwarf planet. Mercury is the closest
planet to the sun. one side on Mercury
is -279 Fahrenheit and the other facing
the sun is 801 Fahrenheit. Mercury has
thousands of craters on it.
Venus is the second planet in the solar
system. It is the hottest planet in the
solar system reaching 864 Fahrenheit!!
Its name comes from the roman god of
love and beauty. Venuses atmosphere is
so strong that when you landed, you
would be standing for at least 3 seconds
and the atmosphere would crush you!
Did you know that Venus has over a
million volcanoes?
Our home, EARTH! Earth is the third
planet from the sun. Earth is the only
planet in the solar system to have…..
OREOS!!! No, we are the only planet to
sustain life. Earths Ocean covers 71
percent of the planet Earths moon has
the biggest satellite in the solar system.
Mars is the 4 th and last of the rocky
planets. It has a nickname called the red
planet because when you look up in the
night sky you can see a little red dot.
There are two rovers on Mars right now.
There names are, opportunity and spirit.
Spirit is has actually been stuck in a pit
for 7 years! Mars has two moons. Nasa
is still trying to land on Mars.
Jupiter is the 5 th and largest planet in
the solar system. Its big red dot on it is
actually a hurricane the size of earth!!
Nobody knows if Jupiter has a hard
rocky core, or if its just made of gas.
Recently, scientist found that Jupiter has
a very small ring around it just like
Saturn is the 6 th planet in the solar
system. It has rings made of ice that
some can be as small as a piece of
dust. Saturn has the most moons with
62!! One of Saturn's moons is called
Titan, witch is the 2 nd largest moon in
the solar system.
Uranus is the 7 th planet from the sun.
did you know that Uranus actually spins
on its side? Uranus also has rings made
of ice. It takes 84 earth years for Uranus
to orbit the sun once!!
Neptune is the 8 th and final planet in the
solar system. It is known to be the
stormiest planet in the solar system
reaching winds at 1,500 MPH!! It takes
Neptune 165 earth yearth years to orbit
the sun.
Pluto is a Dwarf planet. Did you know its
own moon is almost as big as Pluto?
There is not much known about Pluto.
Black Hole!!
A Black Hole is a invisible vacuum in
outer space. A Black Hole is so
powerful, not even light can escape it!!
There is a Black Hole near our solar
Did you know there is billions and
trillions of other stars and galaxies?
There is more stars in the sky than there
are grains of sand on the Earth. The
only way to think about how big this
great Universe, is to use your