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Chemistry 1
Review Chapter 1
Name: _______________________
Express an answer for each of the following to the correct number of significant figures:
1. 9.57 / 5.183 =
2. 6.35 * 1.05 * 2.168 =
3. 2.504 =
4. .00875 / .00135 =
5. 25.37 + 5.198 + 147.2 =
Express the following as scientific notation to three significant figures:
6. 5946
7. 870400
8. .00971
9. 59200000000
10. 0.00000732
11. 0.0000005172
Perform the following mathematical operations:
12. 4 x 103 * 2 x 105
13. 6.2 x 10-4 / 3 x 105
14. (3.0 x 102)3
15. 9 x 10-5 – 2 x 10-5
Determine the following conversions:
16. 136.2 m = ___________ Km
17. 86.5 mg = __________ g = ___________Kg
18. 6.5 x 103 mm = __________ m = __________Km
Use the Factor Cancellation method (Dimensional Analysis) to solve the following:
19. Two people are 130 Km apart. How many miles are between them?
20. If a person weighs 165.0 pounds, how many grams do they weigh?
21. A baby weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces at birth. How many grams did it weigh?
22. How many Kilometers per hour is a car traveling when the speedometer reads 55 mph?
Solve the following. Use dimensional analysis where possible and observe significant figures.
23. 25ºC = ________ ºF
24. What is the density of a block of wood which weighs 200 grams and has a volume of 400 mL.
25. What is the volume of liquid bromine (density = 3.10 g/mL) will weigh 2.00 Kg.
26. The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3. What will 200 cm3 weigh?
27. A solution contains 100 grams of NaOH per liter. Express this as grams per mL.
28. The density of water in the English system is 62.4 Lbs / ft3. What is this in g/cm3.
29. What is the volume of 150 grams of Nitric acid (density 1.35 g/cm3)?
30. 210 K = ______ ºC