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(I cleaned up this list a bit, and deleted similar questions.)
Open ended questions
Why are the arrows pointing out of the diagram?
What does the chloroplast have to do with the plant cell?
What does solar energy do?
How does the chloroplast turn solar energy into high chemical energy?
What does the diagram mean?
Why is the mitochondria related to photosynthesis?
Why is there water?
Why is C6H12O6 needed?
Why is there squiggly stuff in the mitochondria?
What is the great circle of life?
Why does the chloroplast look like it does?
How does H2O go into all of these?
Why do plants go through photosynthesis and not animals?
Why did they use a rabbit on the paper?
Why is there water?
What does water and carbon dioxide have to do with the process?
What is this showing us?
What is usable energy for cells?
Why is there high chemical energy and low chemical energy?
Why does the sun help with photosynthesis?
How do molecules go through photosynthesis?
What is cellular respiration?
What other materials are needed?
What are the numbers in C6H12O6, O2, CO2, H2O?
What does the cycle mean?
Why are there two different cells?
Close ended questions
Do plants need photosynthesis?
Is ATP used in cellular respiration?
Does solar energy come from the sun?
What is C6H12O6?
Is light energy used in cellular respiration?
What does CO2 + H2O equal?
What process happens after cellular respiration?
What does the arrow point to?
What process is this?
What is ATP stand for?
Do rabbits have animal cells?
What is O2?
What type of plant is shown?
What is C6H12O6 ?
What color are mitochondria?
What is CO2?
Does cellular respiration have anything to do with plants?
Is this the process of photosynthesis?
How do you spell fotosynfesis?
Do you need chloroplasts and mitochondria to go through photosynthesis?
Is this a cycle?
Do the arrows represent anything?