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Volume 14
Issue 1
Spring 2016
Hearing Care, Inc.
Audiology & Hearing Aids
Five Things To Know About Your Hearing
Your brain plays a huge role in hearing
Have you ever thought about what happens once sound
enters your ears? Just as the brain interprets the images
your eyes see, the brain is also responsible for
interpreting the sound your ears collect. Very simply,
here’s how it works:
■ Your outer ear (pinna) acts like a satellite dish to
collect sound in our environment and funnel it to the
inner ear.
■ The inner ear translates the sound into electrical
impulses and sends it along the auditory nerve.
■ Once the electrical impulses reach the brain, it
interprets them into recognizable sound.
Hearing is a hairy situation
Stereocilia, the hair cells in the inner ear receive sound
vibrations from the outer ear and change them into
electrical impulses which they send to the brain along
the auditory nerve. These hair cells — approximately
16,000 of them — are rolled up like a carpet inside
your cochlea. The hair cells on one end of the carpet
are responsible for translating vibrations for higherpitched sounds and, much like a piano keyboard, those
on the other end are responsible for sound vibrations in
the lower register. When these hair cells die, you lose
your ability to hear different sounds, depending on
where the damaged stereocilia are located. Unlike the
hair on your head, unfortunately, the hair cells in the
inner ear do not grow back once they are damaged or
Your left ear is
more emotional
than your right
Since birth, your ears
have been partial to
different sounds.
Scientists have
discovered that the
left and right ears
process sound differently. The right ear responds more
to speech and logic while the left ear is more tuned in
to music, emotion and intuition. Scientists believe it’s
because speech is processed primarily in the left
hemisphere of the brain, while music (and other
creative functions) are processed in the right
This may explain why those with greater hearing loss in
the left ear may have trouble understanding friends and
family’s emotional issues while those who have greater
hearing loss in the right ear seem to lose some of their
ability to sort things out.
Both ears act like wingmen for your
Binaural hearing — helps the brain determine where
sound is coming from, increases and provides a more
balanced, natural quality of sound. In fact, you may be
able to hear up to four times better with (cont’d page 2)
Kerri Hudson, Au.D.,
Practice Development Representative
From Lorain, Ohio. Dr. Kerri Hudson earned her undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders from
Bowling Green State University in 1995 and then a Doctor of Audiology Degree from Central Michigan
University. Interestingly, Kerri is married to an Audiologist. Her husband recently retired from the Army as
a Military Audiologist. They have 2 daughters, age 12 and 10. In their free time, they enjoy spending
time with family they missed so much while living in Ohio, Texas, and Georgia during her husband’s
service in the military. Kerri especially loves spoiling her new baby niece Amelia.
Welcome Sunshine and Warm Weather!!
Welcome Blooming Trees and Flowers!!
Michiganders appreciate this time of year
in so many ways.
Need another mood boost? What better
time than to get your hearing checked.
So many recent studies have linked hearing loss with
depression....isn’t it time to do something for yourself?
People with hearing loss who use amplification are less likely
to feel down, depressed or hopeless, (research from the
(cont’d from page 1)
two ears than you can with one. That's the main reason why
hearing healthcare professionals recommend wearing two hearing
aids when you have hearing loss in both ears.
Hearing loss can make you tired
A study by the Better Hearing Institute estimates that untreated
hearing loss costs the United States $56 billion each year in lost
productivity at work, much of which can be blamed on hearing
loss fatigue. A survey by the Danish Institute for Social Research
found that as many as one in five people with hearing loss stop
working altogether. Of those who do work, 15 percent are too
tired at the end of the day to pursue leisure activities.
Fortunately, hearing aids can reduce hearing loss fatigue. When
the sounds in your environment are amplified, it takes less effort
for you to hear speech and other sound. Today’s technology
makes it even easier. Many hearing devices have features which
isolate and amplify the sound you want to hear while significantly
reducing or removing background noise.
Now that you’re more aware of how your hearing works, don’t
forget to schedule a visit to Personalized Hearing Care, Inc.
for a thorough hearing evaluation. Even if you don’t have hearing
loss, establishing a baseline level for your hearing as well as a
relationship with one of our reputable Audiologists is a great first
step toward hearing health awareness.
(Healthy Hearing, Clason, 2015)
Take up a new hobby Summer is the perfect time to take up a new
activity. Gardening is a great way to enjoy the
outdoors and will actually help you burn some
calories! Planting a herb garden is a fantastic
way of getting your hands dirty, having quick
access to some healthy flavors for your summer meals and, if
you have kids, get them involved in playing outside.
• Use a Natural Weed Killer
Mix one gallon of vinegar, two cups of Epsom salt and
one-quarter cup of dish soap. Pour into a sprayer, and
spray on weeds.
Better Hearing Institute (BHI)) and they get more pleasure
from doing things.
We are so fortunate in today’s world of hearing devices that
the majority with hearing loss CAN benefit from hearing aids.
The advances in technology, in only a few years, are
Don’t wait another second to get out and enjoy life....take a
long walk, share a cup of coffee with a friend, and HEAR!
---Dr. Karissa Jagacki
New Technology:
Captioning for Smartphone –
InnoCaption is revolutionizing
how people with hearing loss
communicate by making it
possible to use the smartphone
as it was intended – accessible, convenient and
InnoCaption provides fast, easy and accurate
captioning for those with hearing loss who have
difficulty hearing on their smartphones.
InnoCaption allows subscribers to make and receive
any mobile call the same as a hearing person.
It provides caller ID, InnoCaption Voicemail, syncs
with the person’s contact lists and supports
interactive voice response systems and 911 calls.
It also has a feature where those with hearing loss
who do not speak, will be able to text what they want
to say. Then InnoCaption gives a voice to their text
that will be heard by the party they wish to call.
InnoCaption is a free mobile caption service for
those with hearing loss. To use this technology you
you must have a voice and data plan with your
mobile network carrier and a phone and mobile
network carrier combination that carries
simultaneous voice and data.
Attention UAW Insurance
We are AudioNet Providers!
Effec%ve March 1, 2016, hearing aid coverage in Tradi%onal Care Network (TCN) and Preferred Provider Organiza%on (PPO) plans through Blue Cross Blue Shield will be administered through an AUDIONET AMERICA provider….that’s us!!! PERSONALIZED HEARING CARE, Inc. You don’t have to change your hearing health care provider. Tell all of your friends and family that they can s%ll come to Personalized Hearing Care, Inc. in Westland or South Lyon for their hearing needs. (Ford Re%rees have had this benefit for quite some %me.)
This new benefit will allow a hearing evalua%on and up to two (2) MID-­‐LEVEL DIGITAL HEARING AIDS covered IN FULL every 36 months (a nearly $4,000.00 benefit to you at NO cost). This coverage is an increase from the current benefit of one (1) standard hearing aid every 36 months. THIS IS GREAT NEWS!! And you can obtain this benefit regardless of when you purchased hearing aids.
Call our office to schedule an appointment today! WESTLAND #734.467.5100 OR SOUTH LYON #248.437.5505. We are happy to be an AudioNet provider and part of this exci%ng news. Experience new technology and beger hearing. This made us smile...
6,000 Steps a Day for
Healthy Knees
A study published in Arthritis Care &
Research looked at nearly 1,800
adults who either had knee
osteoarthritis or were at risk for it.
For every extra 1,000 steps
volunteers took each day, their risk of
serious mobility problems fell by
about 17%. Six thousand steps –
about an hour of walking – was the
minimum number that seemed to
protect against any kind of disability.
• Over 360 million of the world’s population have disabling hearing loss-­‐-­‐
that’s over 5%of the world’s population.
• 18-­‐69 year olds with untreated hearing loss had significantly higher instances of moderate to severe depression.
• There is a significant association between high blood pressure and untreated hearing loss.
• Adults with untreated hearing loss were more likely to report depression.
More comments about hearing & Us...
• Adults with untreated hearing loss are more likely to develop problems thinking and remembering than adults whose hearing is normal. YOUR REFERRALS ARE OUR
Recipe Corner:
Spring Tart
Roll out 1 puff pastry sheet (found in the freezer
section) into a 10-inch square. Score a 1-inch
border around th edge with a knife and brush with
egg wash (one egg with one tablespoon of water).
Pierce the rest all over with a fork. Bake at 400
degrees until golden, about 20 minutes.
Top with herb cheese spread, microgreens, sliced radishes, lemon zest and
olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.
Rewards program: Get a $25 gift card
when your friends or family member
purchases hearing aids through us!!
Also, please consider rating us on the
following Social Media websites-Facebook, Google,
Healthgrades, & Yelp-Your positive comments are highly
valued. Personalized Hearing Care
gets better everyday thanks to our
loyal patients. We appreciate each and
every one of you.
Audiology & Hearing Aids
Two Locations:
35337 Warren
Westland, MI 48185
Ph: 734.467.5100
321 Pettibone, Suite 105
South Lyon, MI 48178
Ph: 248.437.5505
Share Your Newsletter with a Friend!!
Voted BEST AUDIOLOGISTs by the Observer & Eccentric Four Years in a row!
Check out our website at :
Useful Tips for Caring for Hearing Aids
Modern hearing instruments are durable, easy-to-use and reliable. Nevertheless,
a few simple precautions will ensure that your instruments continue to give you
many years of trouble-free service.
1. Avoid getting your hearing instruments dirty.
Always make sure your fingers are dry and clean before
handling your hearing instruments.
2. Avoid sharp knocks and impact.
Insert and remove your hearing instruments over a soft
surface (a bed or sofa).
3. Protect your instruments from dampness (& extreme
Remove instruments from your ears before showering, bathing or swimming.
Do not leave them in the bathroom where they could suffer water damage.
4. Keep your hearing instruments out of the reach of children and pets.
Dogs are irritated by the feedback (whistling) sound and attracted
by the owner’s scent.
5. Avoid contact with make-up or hair spray.
Always remove hearing instruments before using such products.
6. Clean your instruments carefully.
Use a soft, dry cloth. Alcohol, solvents and cleaning fluids can damage
electronic circuitry.
7. Leave repairs to the experts.
Screwdrivers and oil are fatal to hearing instruments. If you have a problem,
call our office.
Office Hours
For your convenience we are
open: Monday thru Thursday
9am to 5pm
Fridays, Saturdays by appointment
We are located in the Westland
Professional Building across from the
Westland Mall (on the corner of Yale &
Warren Roads)
We are located in the Beacon Plaza,
one block northeast of the corner of
Lafayette and Lake at the center of
South Lyon.
Dr. Karissa Jagacki,
Kim Carnicom, M.A., Audiologist
Darlene Ramey, Office Manager
Chelsea Bear, Office Assistant
Deanne Sabin, South Lyon
Kerri Hudson, Au.D.
Audiologist/Practice Development Rep.