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Information Sheet
7 ways Oral Health
affects Overall Health
1. Oral health and cardiovascular health
Gum inflammation has been shown in several studies to raise your risk of heart disease and
stroke. This is thought to be because gum disease increases the inflammation throughout your
body, which is known to lead to cardiovascular disease.
Studies link oral inflammatory disease and elevated heart disease risk. According to the Canadian
Academy of Periodontology, people with periodontal disease are at greater risk of heart disease
and have twice the risk of having a fatal heart attack than people without periodontal disease.
Gum disease from extended bacterial exposure can lead to cardiovascular disease as it may
increase the inflammation level throughout the body. Inflammation is a major risk factor for heart
disease. Your dentist or hygienist should
ask you about your heart health and
family history of heart disease and
conversely, cardiologists should
examine your oral health. A problem in
one area may signal trouble in the
2. Oral health and diabetes
While it’s known that people with
diabetes are more prone to gum
disease, surprising new studies suggest
that serious gum disease may actually
contribute to diabetes as it affects
blood glucose control. The Canadian
Diabetes Association says, “Because periodontal disease is an infection, bacteria produce toxins
that affect the carbohydrate metabolism in individual cells. It is also thought that the host
response to periodontal bacteria can increase insulin resistance and, therefore, blood glucose
levels.” This two-way link is a wake-up call to take care of your teeth, especially since the incidence
of diabetes is rising.
Information Sheet
7 ways Oral Health
affects Overall Health
3. Oral health and lung infections
Because people with periodontal disease have more bacteria breeding in their mouths, they’re
more likely to inhale germs that can lead to lung infections like pneumonia. For those who have
pre-existing lung problems like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), gum disease may
make it worse.
4. Oral health, pregnancy and your baby
Studies show that pregnant women with progressive gum disease are more likely to develop
gestational diabetes, deliver pre-term or have a low-birth-weight baby.
Regular check-ups with a dentist and hygienist become even more important during pregnancy.
Health Canada reports there are ongoing
studies examining whether pregnant women
with poor oral health may be at higher risk of
delivering pre-term, low birth weight babies
than pregnant women with good oral health.
Babies born pre-term or with a low birth weight
have a higher risk of complications including
developmental problems, asthma, ear
infections, birth abnormalities, behavioural
difficulties and may have a higher risk of infant
death. Women who are pregnant should take
extra care to keep their teeth at their best, not
just for themselves, but for their babies too.
5. Teeth grinding and joint health
In most cases bruxism is mild. But, when it’s
frequent and severe, grinding your teeth can
aggravate the joints in your lower jaw, also known as the temporomandibular joints, or TMJs. This
can lead to pain or tightness in the joint area, and even earaches and headaches.
Of course, bruxism is bad news for your teeth, too. The habit can wear down your enamel, cause
increased tooth sensitivity, and result in chipped or broken teeth. “Some people are putting
incredible forces on their teeth,” says Dr. Ron Smith, a dentist in Duncan, B.C., and president of
the Canadian Dental Association.
Information Sheet
7 ways Oral Health
affects Overall Health
6. Smoking and cancer
This hard-to-quit habit can increase your chances of developing a life-threatening illness, but the
good news is that whether you’ve been a smoker for one year or for ten, quitting smoking can
quickly lower your risk of developing oral cancer, lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and
painful lesions in the mouth that do not heal.
If you’re looking for another reason to quit, the threat of a missing tooth might persuade you to
pass on purchasing your next pack. In addition to a long list of negative cosmetic effects, including
a reduced sense of smell and taste, bad breath, a receding gum line and yellow-tinted teeth,
tobacco use is a major cause of tooth loss in adults.
7. Tongue health and germs
Far from smooth, your tongue is covered in tiny bumps, called papillae. “The surface of the tongue
can harbour a lot of bacteria,” says Dr. Euan Swan, dental programs manager at the Canadian
Dental Association in Ottawa. In fact, a
study at the University of Michigan’s School
of Medicine discovered that about a third
of the bacteria species found on people’s
tongues weren’t growing on any other
surfaces in their mouths.
Trapped germs on the tongue can lead to
bad breath and affect your sense of taste,
and the bacteria can travel to other parts of
your mouth. Overgrowth of bacteria can
turn your tongue yellow, white or even
black and hairy-looking.
Make it a habit to thoroughly clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth. You can use a
tongue cleaner, a small tool designed to scrape the tongue; it comes in various shapes and sizes.
Your regular toothbrush will also do the job. Try to reach right to the back. If this triggers your gag
reflex, keep trying. Eventually, your reflex will ease up. You might also find that a tongue cleaner
doesn’t trigger the reflex as easily as a toothbrush does.
Source: Readers Digest – Best Health Mag