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Cell Division Quiz
1. True or False: The cell cycle describes the lives of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
2. True or False: Mitosis ensures that the two cells resulting from cell
division will be genetically identical.
3. Name two processes dependent on cell division.
4. What is the first cell of a multicellular organism?
5. Define cell division.
6. Which statement is not true concerning cell division?
a) All organisms undergo cell division.
b) Cell division is part of the cell cycle.
c) Mitosis produces cells with half as much DNA as the parent cell.
d) In single-celled organisms, cell division is reproduction.
7. The cell cycle consists of
a) the phases that a cell goes through from one cell division to the next.
b) the process in which a parent cell divides to form daughter cells.
c) the division of the nucleus.
d) the production of reproductive cells.
8. Mitosis followed by division results in
a) two genetically different cells.
b) two genetically identical cells.
c) two cells with half as much DNA as the parent cell.
d) four cells with half as much DNA as the parent cell.
9. Which is the best definition of mitosis?
a) The division of the cell.
b) The division of the chromosomes.
c) The division of the nucleus.
d) The growth of the cell followed by cell division.
10. How does a zygote form?
a) First the nucleus divides, followed by cell division.
b) A sperm and egg unite.
c) A zygote forms after meiosis.
d) none of the above